Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Miranda couldn’t believe the heat rushing through her veins. She felt like her body was on fire, and she was desperate to feel Mitch’s hard body pressed even tighter against her own. She could not get him close enough, not even if she unzipped his skin and crawled in. She allowed her hands to roam his chiseled chest and shoulders, lightly caressing each ridge and bulge of muscle and sinew. The man’s body was sinful, and Miranda couldn’t wait to explore it further. She pushed against Mitch’s shoulder gently, meaning for him to turn them over, but instead he froze before beginning to carefully pull away. Miranda clutched at his shoulders, not allowing him to move further away.

“No, baby, it’s okay. I just wanted us to roll over so I could be on top. I didn’t mean for you to stop.” Mitch hesitated a moment longer, looking into her eyes to assure himself she really was okay. He also took a moment to revel in her use of a loving pet name. No one had ever called him that except during the throes of passion, and even then, he’d always wondered if it was because they’d forgotten his name. Mitch smiled at Miranda before rolling them over so he was now on his back and she was sprawled on top of him. It felt really good to have her slight weight resting on him, like he’d been crafted to hold her. Unsure of where to allow his hands to settle, he finally placed them on the bed beside them. Miranda was apparently not content with that, however, as she pulled both hands up to clasp her hips as she moved to straddle his. They both moaned loudly at the feel of their groins pressed against each other.

Miranda enjoyed the feeling of control being on top gave her, and she fully intended to take advantage of it. She leaned back down to continue their kisses, her hardened nipples brushing across the sparse hair on his chest, before she began trailing her lips across his chiseled jaw to the delicate flesh below his ear. She licked the spot, causing Mitch to moan and shift under her. She continued her explorations, licking her way down his neck, stopping periodically to nip and suck at a particularly sensitive area, often causing him to gasp or twitch. She could feel Mitch’s breathing become heavy and fast and his body grow even harder beneath her. She pressed her dripping pussy down along his length, shuddering at the feel of having him pressed so intimately against her.

She continued her kisses down his chest, stopping to lick and nibble at his flat nipple, teasing it to a hard little point. Mitch shuddered beneath her when she gently bit down on it, before blowing cool across the wetness left behind. His moans were nearly continuous now, coming with each exhale. His hands on her hips, despite his efforts at keeping them gentle, held tightly to her, helping her grind her wet heat down onto his hard cock. She could feel him as she ground her throbbing pussy against him rhythmically, the length and breadth of his still-covered member making her body beg for more. Her own body was trembling, the tension within her coiling.

“Mitch,” Miranda gasped out between kisses. “Is it possible to have an orgasm with what we’re doing?”

Mitch groaned loudly as his hands tightened convulsively on her hips. “Yes, baby, it certainly is, though I didn’t know that until just now. You’re going to make me explode in my pants if we keep doing this. Oh, God, Miranda, please don’t stop,” Mitch finally ground out. His voice was low and gravelly when he answered her, making her shiver as goose bumps spread up her back from where his hands held her. She could feel her body tighten even more with his words. Instinctively, she lifted from her almost horizontal position above his chest until she was sitting upright on him, her weeping cunt perfectly positioned over his rock-hard cock.

“Aargh! Never going to stop.” She loudly groaned, the sound echoed by Mitch a beat later. The change in position pushed them both a step closer to the edge they sought. Miranda wrapped her hands tightly around Mitch’s wrists, holding tightly as he continued to help her grind her body down onto him. She opened her eyes and looked at the man shuddering beneath her. His entire body was tensed, his lips pulled back almost into a snarl, his blue eyes glowing in their intensity. He was almost feral in his need, and rather than scaring Miranda, it only made her revel in her ability to do that to this man.

Mitch couldn’t believe what they were doing. He hadn’t been this close to the edge so soon since he was a teenager. They’d barely kissed, and he hadn’t even touched her beyond the outsides of her hips, and yet her lithe body worked above his, grinding down as he thrust upward, their rhythm perfect together. She was exquisite, with her hair tumbling around her shoulders, her eyes glowing a bright green, a flush working its way across her breasts that threatened to spill out of her bikini top, and her stomach clenching with each stroke. He could see her bikini bottoms were drenched with her desire, and he longed to taste her.

“Are you close, baby? Are you going to come for me up there? God, Miranda, please let me touch you, I can see how wet you are through your bottoms. You have to come first, baby, and I can’t last much longer.” Desperation colored Mitch’s growl.

“Unngh, yes, Mitch, please touch me! Please make me explode, baby, I feel like I’m so close!” She groaned back at him. Just the thought of him climaxing beneath her nearly pushed her over the edge. She felt one hand leave her hips, so she released that wrist before leaning back a bit, bracing her loose hand on his thigh behind her. Mitch wasted no time moving his hand to her center, gently brushing over her mound before finding her clit behind the material. He wanted to just yank the material aside and begin exploring her soft folds, but felt that she might not be ready for that yet, despite what they were currently doing. They had already gone much further than what he had expected they might, and he didn’t want to push her, especially not when she was so close to her first orgasm. Using his thumb, he gently but firmly began working her bundle of nerves while keeping up the thrusting rhythm they’d both so enjoyed. With the loss of the help of his other hand, she wasn’t able to grind down on him quite as hard, allowing him to back down from his precipice some so he could concentrate on helping her find hers.

Almost as soon as Mitch began stroking her flesh, Miranda’s body began shaking violently, and a long, loud moan echoed through the room. She was so close she was nearly insensate with pleasure. “Mitch! Please!” Miranda begged him, though she couldn’t say what she was begging him for, beyond release.

“Are you ready, Miranda? Are you ready to come all over my hard cock?” His rough talk only made her tremble that much more. She was ready.

“Yes, Mitch!” Miranda nearly sobbed, desperate to attain the release just out of her reach. “Please make me come!”

Mitch moved his fingers so that his thumb and forefinger flanked her distended clit, before glancing up at her once more, making sure she was ready for what was coming. Her body was nearly vibrating she was so tightly wound. At the bottom of her next down stroke, he pinched the flesh between his fingers gently but firmly, and she shattered above him.

Miranda’s mind fractured as the tension that had been coiled at her center suddenly exploded within her, flooding every molecule in her body with pleasure. Her cries of his name filled the air as her body clenched down tightly. Her pussy spasmed frantically, quivering in the waves of pleasure as she pressed downward with every ounce of strength she had.

As soon as Mitch saw Miranda explode above him, throwing back her head and her body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure pounded into her, Mitch was desperate to join her in release. He continued to watch her as her orgasm flowed through her. He moved his hand back to her hip and continued his upward thrusts. She was locked into place above him, pressing down onto his hard cock, and it took only three more thrusts before he toppled over the edge after her. Mitch’s mind disintegrated into a million pieces, each one painted with the sight of Miranda in ecstasy above him. A primal yell issued from his chest as his back arched sharply, thrusting his hardness up against her harshly as his cock spasmed with each pulse of liquid shooting out of him and soaking his pants and abdomen with wetness.

Miranda felt his last thrust blast into her as she continued to tremble above him. Dimly, she was aware of him yelling her name as harsh shudders shook his large frame. Miranda’s body began to release its clenched state, and she found she no longer had the strength to hold herself up. She slumped forward just as Mitch’s body relaxed from its arched position, though his arms rose to wrap themselves around her. Her trembling melded with his until they both fully relaxed. It was several more moments before they could catch their breaths as they lay basking in the glow of the love they’d made.

When Mitch could gather the energy, he raised his head enough to press a kiss to the top of her head. “I need to clean us up,” he rasped, almost too tired to talk, much less get up and walk to the bathroom. He startled a bit as he felt his pants shift around him before he realized that Miranda had just wished them clean and in fresh clothes. Mitch was wearing another pair of comfortable cotton sleep pants while Miranda was clothed in a soft-looking shift nightgown. He pulled her to him in a brief hug before snuggling his face into her hair and allowed himself to fall asleep, content with her in his arms.

Miranda could only melt into Mitch’s chest where she’d landed. It felt so good to be lying with him, completely relaxed and sated, all of her body’s needs met for once. She felt him lean up to place a soft kiss to the side of her head, the only place he could reach, before settling back into the bed. When he mentioned needing to get cleaned up, she decided she really didn’t want to move, and so she used her long-practiced control of her environment and cleaned and changed them in an instant. She could feel when Mitch jumped in response to the switch then bounced on his chest gently with his resulting chuckles. When he’d finished, he pulled her in for a quick hug before relaxing completely into sleep, though his arms never unwrapped from around her. She knew she would soon be following him into sleep, sprawled atop him as she was. She was utterly content and relaxed. Gathering the last bit of her energy, she tilted her head over enough to press a kiss to his chest before whispering, “I love you, Mitch.” Miranda lay her head back down on Mitch’s chest, closing her eyes and allowing herself to succumb to sleep.

As the two lovers fell into a deep sleep in their dream world and slid deeper into sleep in the tangible one, a soft wind began to sweep through the room in which they lay, though no fan was on, and no window was open. As the wind continued to swirl above them, the crystals Mitch had placed about the room with the bed as their center point began to glow. Brightly colored sparks of energy and power began to burst, the resulting sparkles falling upon their skin before sinking into their sleeping bodies.

Chapter 3

Mitch awoke a few minutes before his alarm clock, which was set for six o’clock. He reached over Miranda’s sleeping form to turn it off before it could disturb her. He was one of those lucky people who were clearheaded first thing in the morning, so he had no problem recalling the prior day’s events and the vivid dream from the night before. He allowed himself several moments to savor the feel of her relaxed and snuggled against him. He wondered how she would react to him when she awoke. The dream had been so real he couldn’t help but feel like the progress made in their relationship was real. His own emotions certainly seemed to have progressed accordingly.

Cognizant of the fleeting time, Mitch knew he would have to wake her. He gently brushed the hair away from her face with his free hand, his other arm still wrapped around her. “Miranda? Baby? It’s time to wake up.”

Miranda stirred briefly, tightening her arm that was draped across his chest. “Mitch?” she mumbled.

“Yes, baby, it’s me. We need to get up soon to get to the airport in time.” Mitch couldn’t stop himself from continuing his caressing of her face. Miranda’s eyes fluttered open, immediately focusing on his eyes. They continued to stare into each other’s eyes for several moments, with Mitch still stroking her face, eventually moving down to brush her lips with his fingertips. The awareness between them thickened and deepened. “Miranda,” Mitch murmured as he gently pulled her toward him. Their lips softly touched, brushing against each other before settling firmly against each other. Mitch, using the arm still wrapped around her, pulled her up onto his chest more fully. He gently thrust his hands into her hair, angling their heads so he could deepen the kiss, which she responded to immediately. Their breathing began to deepen as their bodies responded to the rise in excitement.

Suddenly, Miranda stiffened against him, pulling away. Mitch immediately let her go, wondering what had triggered her sudden unease. Her eyes were wide as she took in his face, searching for something, though Mitch had no idea what it was. “Baby, what’s wrong? Talk to me, Miranda.”

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