What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There

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What Happens In Vegas:

Doesn’t Always Stay There


Terry Towers

What Happens In Vegas... Doesn’t Always Stay There

Copyright 2014 by Terry Towers

All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at www.elixaeverett.com Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the authors permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

(http://www.fbi.gov.ipr/). Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously
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Chapter 1

The Present – Genevieve

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Genevieve’s emerald green eyes flashed with anger

before narrowing as she watched the sexy as sin NYPD officer Dane Porter stroll into her

boutique. “What are you doing here?”

A smirk spread across Dane’s lips at her question. “You called to report a break-in. I was the

lucky one to be assigned to answer the call and take your information.”

Genevieve didn’t return his smile.

“Maybe I changed my mind.” Flashes of her brief tryst with Dane in Las Vegas a couple of

weeks prior sprang into her mind. He was a gorgeous man, she’d give him that, with blonde hair

that was just a smidge too long to be considered short and rich blue eyes. It upset her that just seeing him standing before her, dressed in his officer’s uniform made her remember – and long

for – his touch.

Crossing his arms over his thick, muscular chest, he cocked a brow up at her, still amused.

“You changed your mind? So, there wasn’t a break-in and you’re wasting taxpayers’ money by

making false calls to 911? That’s an offense, you realize; I could cuff you and take you in right now.”

“Oh, I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

I hate that you’ve seen me naked! And that I wanted you touching me then… Touching me

She growled at herself and once again attempted to free herself of her unwelcomed


Ignoring her, he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, produced a pen and pad of paper,

then stepped further into the boutique until he was standing before her and began looking around.

“What did they take?”

“Fine!” She gave him a little shove as she rushed past him and motioned for him to follow

her to the broken glass cases which, up until that morning, held dozens of pre-loved authentic

designer handbags. “This way.”

She knew she shouldn’t act like such a child with him. She was a twenty-five-year-old

business owner. She should be acting mature, not behaving like a teenager with a broken heart.

But, dammit, she was upset with him and even more upset with herself. She wanted to just


Oh please, he didn’t force you into anything. You enjoyed every second of it
, a voice at the back of her mind chimed in. Instead of making her see reason, the voice only infuriated her

further – because it was right.

“Striking an officer in addition to false 911 calls. You could be in big trouble, Ginny.”

“My name’s Genevieve.”

“You didn’t mind me calling you Ginny in Vegas.”

She spun around and shot another glare at him. “Very funny. There
a break-in.” She

motioned to the shattered glass of the empty cases. “They took all the handbags. The Birkins,

Gucci, Louis Vuitton… They took it all. And they broke the glass of the counter and took all the

jewelry and small leather goods. I bet they took well over two hundred thousand in goods.”

She felt hot tears threatening to emerge and forced them back. She started with nothing and

now much of her most expensive merchandise – three years of gathering and dealing – gone.

Sure she was insured, she could rebuild, even if all of her bestselling merchandise was gone, but it would take time. People looking to sell Birkin bags for below their value for resale didn’t come along every day, even in New York.

The amusement faded from his expression as he began to write. “Do you have a list of what

was stolen?”

“Yeah, let me check the computer.” She made her way into the back office, assuming he’d

follow her and not wanting to look him in the eye. If she looked him in the eye she might break

down and then look to him for support. She might fall into his arms and the anger she was

feeling would dissolve. If the anger was gone then she’d have to admit what they did was what

she wanted, regardless of whether she’d admit it to herself or not.

As she sat down at her desk she booted up the computer. She heard his footsteps entering the

small office, but didn’t bother to look up.

“So they took stuff in the store, but not the computer?”

“My office was locked. They probably had enough without bothering to break down the

office door.”

“I see. That’s possible. You don’t have an alarm?”

“Of course I do.” Her tone was sharper than intended, but she didn’t care. Shrugging, she

refused to look up at him. “Guess it didn’t work.”


She lifted her gaze to lock with his, angered at his dismissive tone. “What? You think I’d just

fake a break-in?”

Dane’s jaw clenched as he thrust a hand through his hair, all humour lost from his eyes.

“Look Ginn- Genevieve, I understand we left things on a very bad note in Vegas, but I’m a cop

and I have a job to do. I’m sorry if you were upset with what happened, but I’m trying to be

friendly and help you here. Can you please work with me on this?”

Closing her eyes, Genevieve took a moment to steady her nerves, feeling slightly guilty at

her reaction upon seeing him again. “I’m sorry. I’m frazzled and seeing you right now, just…”

The tension drained from him. “It’s fine. I’ll go check out the security system and see if I can

figure out why the break-in didn’t set it off, while you make me a list of stolen items.”

She couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders and back as he turned and exited her office.

A mix of emotions raced through her seeing him again. Of the millions of people living in New

York and the hundreds of cops what were the chances of her ever seeing Dane Porter again?

The remainder of the afternoon went by quickly. After Dane left she spent the afternoon and

into the early evening cleaning up, dealing with the insurance company and calling all of her

clients, hoping that they would have items they were willing to sell. She still had a store full of gowns and clothing from all the top designers, but the bestselling items were handbags, wallets

and smaller items; the items that were stolen. Apparently, the thieves knew what was easiest to

peddle as well. It sickened her that her precious Birkin bags might be sold on a street corner

alongside dozens of cheap knockoffs.

Exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally she closed and locked her office door and

made her way toward the front of the store. Halfway to the store entrance she heard the bell ring, signalling a customer. Apparently they hadn’t seen the closed sign and she’d forgotten to lock

the door.


“I’m sorry we’re –” Her eyes focused on the person entering the shop and she could have

sworn her heart stopped for a fraction of a second.

You have got to be shitting me, as if this day couldn’t have gotten any worse!

Squaring her shoulders she glared at the person whose body was framed in the store entrance.

“What are you doing here?”

Three Weeks Ago – Genevieve

“I’m sorry Genevieve, but I just can’t go through with it,” Alex Cane stated,

looking more uncomfortable than Genevieve had ever seen him – though she

supposed breaking up with her on their wedding day, while she stood before him in

her wedding dress would make anyone uncomfortable. Even her slick, rising-star

defense attorney fiancé wasn’t immune to the shame of the heinous way he was

breaking up with her.

“Is there someone else?”

He shook his head, but she saw it in his eyes. There was.

“We’ve been together since high school, Ginny. Since we were seventeen.”

“Exactly, eight years, Alex!” She wasn’t sure what she felt more upset by,

humiliation or anger. The emotions switched up every few seconds, but currently,

it was anger winning out, causing her body to vibrate with the emotions.

He stepped forward and grasped her upper arms in his hands, but she stepped

away from him, batting his hands away. She didn’t want him near her, or touching

her. Never again.

“It’s better this happen now than getting a divorce in a year’s time.”

“So you chose our wedding day to decide this!”

“I wanted to make sure.”

She shook her head. “You selfish asshole. How dare you!”

He sighed, taking a step back from her. “I’m sorry. I can… I’ll go down and tell

the guests the wedding is off.”

Genevieve’s emerald green eyes widened in alarm.
Oh my God, the guests!

Everyone is downstairs. Waiting.

“Don’t do me any favours!” she spat, venom in her tone. “Allow me.” The

anger within her increased as she pushed past him with so much force he stumbled

backward a step, and out the door. She raced down the hallway and down the stairs

heading toward the chapel, Alex in hot pursuit.

“Ginny, hold on. Wait!”

At the bottom of the staircase he caught up with her, grasping her arm and

stopping her from proceeding into the chapel. “Let go of me Alex, or I swear to

God!” Her hands fisted at her sides. She wanted to hit something… she wanted to

hit him! But she didn’t. She didn’t want this day turning into more of a fiasco than

it already was.

Seeing the rage in her eyes, Alex released her, allowing her to continue to the

chapel. “I can do this,” he protested from behind her. He was following, but at a

safe distance.

She ignored him. She’d tell everyone herself. Knowing Alex, the weasel that he

was, he’d somehow make it sound like breaking off the wedding was her idea. She

refused to take any blame for this.

“Everybody,” she called out to the half-full church. Not everyone had arrived

yet, but there were close to two hundred of the three hundred guests invited already

seated and mingling.

Every head turned toward her, their eyes questioning.

“Everyone. I have an announcement to make.” She made her way to the altar

and turned to face the crowd. The priest for the ceremony looked up from his

notes, his brow furrowed, but said nothing. Their friends and family, all waiting,

all shocked to see her in her wedding dress standing in front of them before the


Alex lingered at the back, keeping his eyes averted. Coward.

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