What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There (6 page)

BOOK: What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There
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kissed her back, the hesitation in his kiss gone as their tongues dueled.

“Don’t talk. It’s my turn to make you feel good.” She kept her eyes locked to his blue depths

as she slid to her knees before him.

“But –”

She took his erection in her hand and he groaned his pleasure at her touch as she began to

stroke him.

“Listen. I just –”

Ignoring him, she lowered her lips to the tip of his shaft and circled around the

circumference. He gripped the edge of the countertop, hissing the word “fuck” through gritted

teeth. Smiling, she cupped his balls in her hand and ran the tip of her tongue along the left side of him and then back up the right. By the time she reached the tip again, a small pebble of pre-cum

had formed there. Her tongue lashed at the pre-cum before she took the head into her mouth.

Gently massaging his balls, she began to moving up and down on him, her tongue swirling

around him as she moved. He was a little too large to be able to take into her mouth fully so she used her free hand to move in union with her mouth, covering him completely.

He began to lightly buck against her mouth, as he groaned again. “But… ah shit, that feels


She smiled and moaned softly, sending vibrations through him as she doubled her efforts on

him – increasing her speed and firming her grip on the base of his shaft. He in turn began

bucking against her mouth hard – faster, keeping tempo with her, until they were working in

harmony, bringing him rapidly to his point of no return.

“Oh fuck. I’m going –” he couldn’t get the words out. His cock thickened to its fullest

potential as his balls tightened in her hand. She moaned again, eager to taste him fully.

Her wait wasn’t long. He groaned loudly as his cock throbbed and he shot a stream of his

seed into her awaiting lips. She eagerly lapped up his salty cum, licking the tip and ensuring she didn’t miss a single drop of him.

His body slumped against the counter as she released him from her lips and slowly stood,

wiping her lips with her thumb and licking the drop off.

He opened his eyes and their gazes locked, but something didn’t seem right.

“Dane –” her brow furrowed when her eyes took notice of a two-inch scar along the left side

of his jaw. “My God!” she fingered the scar, tracing the length of it. “I never noticed that last night.”

“That’s because I don’t have a scar,” an all-too-familiar voice stated from behind her.


~ Dane ~

Dane wasn’t sure what to think or feel when he walked into the kitchen to see Genevieve on

her knees sucking off his twin brother. He could have stopped it, but he found himself frozen in

his tracks as he watched, his dick getting hard at the vision. She looked so damned beautiful

knelt before Graham, worshiping his cock, and he had to admit the sight was fucking hot. It was

like watching a porno replay of the previous evening.

He and his brother had never shared a woman before, and had a strict rule about never dating

exes of each other, but in this situation here in Las Vegas, those rules and lines seemed blurred.

They’d only ever dated the same girl once and it turned out bad for all involved, driving a wedge between the brothers that had taken some time to close. He continued to watch, aching to reach

his hand into his pants and begin jacking off, but he refrained.

Graham groaned loudly as he shot his load into Genevieve’s awaiting lips. Again, Dane was

surprised he didn’t feel jealousy. Again, the only feeling was arousal.

She licked him clean and then stood. “Dane – ” Her fingers lined his scar, one of the only

visible differences between the twins. Graham had been at the wrong place at the wrong time and

gotten scarred for life for his misfortune.

“My God! I never noticed that last night.”

“That’s because I don’t have a scar,” Dane stated, entering the room to stand directly behind


Genevieve spun around, her dark hair whipping around and covering her face until she raked

her fingers through it, brushing it out of her eyes. Her green eyes went wide as they locked with his.

“Holy shit! Dane?” She looked back over her shoulder at Graham then back at him,

confusion so intense on her face that he had to bite back the laugh that was threatening to escape.

He raised his eyebrows at her and nodded.

“Oh my God!” Her face turned redder than he’d ever seen it with a mixture of anger and

embarrassment. She spun back around to face his brother. “Who the
are you?”

Graham cringed. “Graham. His brother. Well, twin brother to be exact.”

A tense silence overtook the room for the span of several beats.

“You asshole!” Her hand reached out and with a loud smacking sound made contact with the

side of his face. “How could you not tell me! How dare you!”

The look of stunned surprise on his brother’s face was too much. Laughter escaped Dane,

rocking his body.

“And you!” She spun around to face him, her eyes flaming with the fury within her. “Were

you just standing there watching? Is this some type of game you two play to get your rocks off?”

The anger began to fade as tears began to rim her eyes.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
The sight of potential tears quickly sobered his mood. “Baby no.

That’s not it at all. I had no idea. I just went downstairs to get us some tickets for a show tonight, I had no idea you’d wake up while I was gone and out of the room and –” he motioned toward


She went to brush past him and escape the room, but he grabbed her around the waist and

pulled her into him. She was resistant at first, but quickly gave in to him, wrapped her arms

around his waist and buried her face against his shoulder.

“I’m so embarrassed,” she murmured against his chest.

“I’m sorry. This is a big misunderstanding. I should have told you my brother was staying in

the room. I didn’t think.” As he said the words he couldn’t help but keep playing the scene of her with his brother. A part of him wanted to see more, perhaps break through the boundaries he and

his brother set regarding women – just once.

Graham pulled up his bottoms and stepped up behind Genevieve. “I’m sorry too. I really am.

I tried to stop you…”

Dane looked up from Genevieve to capture his brother’s eyes. Would Graham be into sharing

her? A one-time thing, just for the night. He looked down at Genevieve and an even bigger

question came to mind. Would she be interested? He’d never had a threesome before, but it was

on his bucket list. Maybe this was the opportunity. Mind you, his intention was him with two

chicks, but this could work too. She’d been so wild and responsive with him last night, hell she’d pretty much worn him out and that was a task for any woman; he was aching to see how she’d

respond when she had two men devouring her.

~ Graham ~

He felt like royal shit for what he’d done. She had a right to hate him, he could have stopped

her, he could have pushed her away and explained he wasn’t who she thought he was well before

her lips wrapped around him.

He’d been weak.

The stunning dark-haired woman had taken him by surprise. She was easily one of the most

striking women he’d ever set eyes on. Her breasts were perfectly round globes, just large enough

to fill his hands, with large, dark nipples. Her curves were beautiful; she wasn’t pencil thin and he loved that about her. And oh my God, her mound was impeccably shaven. She was sheer


And then she’d been on her knees, telling him to shut up and let her make him feel good.

What man in his right man would force her to stop after that? And once her hands and lips were

on him, all restraint was gone. He’d lost all desire to do anything but indulge in the sensations she was invoking within him.

I’m such a fucking shit.

He watched as she embraced his brother and he had no words to describe how sorry he was

so he said nothing more. He looked up at met his brother’s gaze and there was a look in Dane’s

eyes, one that said he had something in mind.

Graham’s eyes went back to the woman and then up to Dane’s. Dane’s eyes dropped and he

began to whisper something in the woman’s ear. Graham couldn’t hear what was being said; she

attempted to pull away from him, but then settled in his arms and her body relaxed. After a

moment, she took a hesitant look over her shoulder at him.

“This is Genevieve.”

A forced smile touched her lips and she nodded toward him. “Hi.” Her voice was shaky; it

was painfully apparent she was a nervous wreck. His heart went out to her.

What in the hell is Dane up to?

“I’m so sorry, Genevieve. I’m an ass, you just took me by surprise. But that doesn’t excuse

what I did. Errr. Well, didn’t do. I’m sorry.” He stepped toward her and was about to touch her

shoulder, thought twice and lowered his hand. Her green eyes took every inch of his body in.

It was his turn to feel nervous and he could feel the heat creeping up his neck and to his face.

He looked up questioningly at his brother, who grinned and shrugged. That didn’t help him.

At his brother’s urging, Genevieve turned in his arms so she was facing him full on, allowing

his eyes to feast on every inch of her body. His brother wrapped his arms around her waist and

nuzzled the side of her neck. She closed her eyes and sighed softly.

“It’ll be okay. Only what you want to do,” Dane whispered to her just loud enough for

Graham to hear.

If things were awkward before, they were twice as awkward now. Graham cleared his throat

and made an attempt to brush past them, to escape to his room, but a dainty hand shot out,

grasping his forearm, keeping him from leaving.

He looked down at her hand, his eyes beginning at her perfectly manicured fingernails and

travelling up until his eyes met hers. She chewed at her lower lip, forcing his eyes to look

longingly at her lush lips.

“You d-don’t have to g-go, Graham.” Despite her stumbling over her words, when he looked

up to meet her stare her eyes were filled with desire. It suddenly became clear what the odd look in his brother’s eyes meant and it left him floored.

He eyed Genevieve once more. By the way her body trembled ever so slightly he could tell

this was a completely foreign thing for her, so she wasn’t a “working girl,” or experienced in

what was being suggested – although he wouldn’t put it past Dane. There’d been a few women

over the years that Graham had serious concerns about, Dane denied it, but even now Graham

wasn’t 100% convinced.

Chapter 6

~ Genevieve ~

Genevieve’s hand trembled as she reached out for Graham. What Dane had suggested to her

was insane, it wasn’t what “good girls” did, but on the other hand, look what being a good girl

got her. She’d wasted eight years on a man. She hadn’t even realized until the previous night that the sex had been bad.

So what had being a good girl gotten her? Sweet shit all aside from humiliation and

heartbreak – that’s what.

A part of her screamed that what he’d suggested was so wrong on so many levels and she

was still angry and embarrassed about what she’d done with his brother. But on the other hand,

being near two powerful, gorgeous men was intoxicating. Both were looking at her as if they

were hunters and she was the prey they planned on consuming. And God help her, she wanted to

be devoured, she wanted to be thrown into a state of pleasure so intense that she forgot

everything except how incredible her body felt.

Was that so wrong? She was in Vegas. No one would know and once it was over she’d go on

her way. No regrets. No looking back. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. If there was any

time in her life to be wild and give in to her primal urges, this was that moment.

“Mistakes happen.” She left the comfort and security of Dane’s arms to close the distance

between her and Graham. She reached up and traced his scar with her index finger, wondering

how he came about getting it. His body, which had been as stiff as a board, began to slowly

relax. His arms slipped around her waist, resting on her lower back, but he didn’t take the liberty of pulling her tight.

“It’s okay. I want this.” She pressed herself tight against him and ghosted her lips across his.

He groaned low and deep in the back of his throat as he let go of his restraint and pulled tight, until his growing erection was jabbing into her naked stomach, through the flannel of his


As his tongue slipped past her lips, his mouth tasting fresh like spearmint, she felt another

spike of hesitancy. How would this work? How could she satisfy both men? Would she be able


Fuck it!
Grabbing the waistband she tugged down his pants for the second time. His cock

sprang free and teased her as it pressed against her, thick and ready for action. She was about to pull away from Graham, to lead him into the bedroom when she heard the sound of clothing and

a zipper being undone. Moments later, the erection of the other brother who stepped up behind

her pressed against her bottom.

Dane brushed her dark locks to the side and brushed his lips along the side of her neck, as his

hard erection pressed tighter to her bottom. She gasped, pulling her lips from Graham’s, closing

her eyes and letting her head fall back against Dane’s shoulder.

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