Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Miranda smiled against his neck, planting a quick kiss there before purring, “I thoroughly enjoyed that. I can’t wait until I can touch your magnificent body without restrictions.”

Mitch moaned at her words, a shudder working through his body. He was shocked his body could respond with need again so soon after his release. “Naughty thing. You love seeing what you do to me, don’t you?”

“Oh, yeah. I love feeling how badly you want me,” Miranda responded, brushing her hand across his re-hardening cock.

“Cut that out, Miranda. I can’t concentrate when your hands are on me, and it’s my turn to touch you. Do you want me to touch you?” Mitch asked, giving her the option. He would always give her the option.

Miranda didn’t hesitate with her answer. “Yes, Mitch, please touch me. My pussy is on fire and dripping for you. I need your hands on me,” she whispered fervently to him.

At her response, Mitch adjusted her to lay flat on her back against his chest, giving him access to her lower body with both hands. He could feel every motion of her body like this and would be able to tell immediately if something made her tense or uncomfortable. He was grateful she’d worn another sundress. A skirt made this much easier.

Very aware of her history, he kept his movements slow and gentle. He began by stroking her shoulders and arms, relaxing her further against him, though her hips and legs began to shift in her need for release. Finally, he delved under the blanket, skimming his hands down her torso and over her hips until he reached the hem of her dress, which rested at mid-thigh. He continued to caress her bare legs, eliciting a low moan from her as he felt her breathing quicken. When she seemed ready, he moved up her thighs, pulling the hem along with him. He allowed his fingertips to brush the sides of her hips, testing to see how comfortable she was with what he was doing. He was gratified to feel her open her legs, giving him room to do as he liked.

“Are you ready for me to touch you, Miranda? Are you sure?” he breathed into her ear. He had to be sure and needed to hear it, not just from reading her body.

“God, yes, Mitch. Touch me already. You’re driving me crazy,” Miranda murmured back to him.

Satisfied with her reassurance, Mitch continued caressing her soft skin, moving toward her pussy and pushing her lace panties to the side. They both quietly moaned when he brushed against her soft curls the first time. He ran his fingers through the fine strands, noting their sparseness and the moisture clinging to the tuft. She shifted against him again, pushing her hips toward his hand, clearly communicating her need to have him touch her there. Acquiescing to her urging, he ran the tips of his fingers over her damp folds, learning how she was built. Miranda’s breathing continued to deepen, and Mitch could feel her excitement tightening her back muscles.

Mitch continued to lazily stroke her folds, stopping to circle her bundle of nerves several times before delving downward again. Miranda brought one of her arms up to grasp Mitch’s neck, pulling him down so she could hiss into his ear, “Damn it, Mitch, quit fucking around with me, and make me come!”

A lightning strike of excitement blew through him at her words, and he was unable to react for a moment. When he was, he whispered, “You better hold on, sweet girl. I’m going to make you explode around my fingers in a minute.” Still being gentle but not moving as slowly as he had been, he circled her entrance with his left hand. She pushed down toward it again, so he slowly entered her with a single finger. When he was as deep as he could go, she moaned deep in her throat again before gasping, “More.”

He thrust his finger within her several times before adding another digit, stretching her a bit. With his right hand, he returned to stroking her clit, testing several different moves before finding what she responded to the most. Her entire body had tensed, and gentle tremors were rolling through her. Knowing that all she was experiencing was pleasure, Mitch allowed himself to quit holding back and gave her what she was begging for. His fingers began plunging deeply into her, curling up at the end of his stroke as quickly as he could move without making the blanket move noticeably. He continued caressing her nub quickly, adding pressure as she got closer. With both hands busy, he could only use his mouth for further stimulation, so he began to pepper her neck with kisses, interspersed with nips from his teeth. Her trembling became more pronounced, and he could feel her back trying to arch. Mitch used his forearms to keep her torso still before shifting her slightly to the side so that he could reach her lips with his own. Before moving his lips to hers, he breathed into her ear, “I can’t wait until I can taste your sweet pussy and then plunge my hard cock so deep you’ll swear you can feel me in your throat.”

He quickly took her mouth in a deep kiss, swallowing her cries of ecstasy as she had for him. Beneath his hands, he felt her body clench down as a gush of fluid bathed his hands. Several hard spasms wracked her body as wave after wave of pleasure broke over her. When she had stopped voicing her pleasure, he released her mouth so she could gasp for the air she desperately needed. Mitch gentled his movements on her sex, allowing her to come down from the apex of her orgasm slowly. The tremors flowing through her body slowed as he removed his hands from her, carefully moving her panties back into place. Mitch could feel the languidness seep into her muscles as she became completely limp against him. He couldn’t help his smile of satisfaction as he opened a couple of packets of wet wipes from where she’d tucked them under his thigh and cleaned his hands and her groin as best he could. He wished he could suck the juices from her off his fingers but felt that was probably not advisable, considering they had caught the attention of a couple more people.

Hoping to divert the attention being paid to them, he began shushing her rather loudly. “Sssshhhh, baby, it’s okay. You’re having a nightmare. You’re okay. I’m here.” He brought his arms up to wrap around her upper body and began rocking her, as if giving her comfort.

Miranda was stiff for a moment, confused by what Mitch was doing until comprehension hit, along with embarrassment and amusement. She turned her body to bury her face into his chest, giggling hard but silently, making it seem she was crying due to her nightmare. Mitch continued to rock her, holding her tightly and stroking her hair lovingly. He had to bury his face into the side of her neck so her hair hid his face as he too was overcome with amusement at the situation. Finally, when they had both calmed, he glanced around to find no one was paying attention to them anymore.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Better than okay, though I never would have dreamed of doing this in an airplane full of people,” she answered, amusement still dancing in her eyes.

“Me, too. I can’t believe we did that, but you’re just too much for me. I hunger for you.” He leaned in for a slow, deep kiss.

Miranda sighed before pulling away. “I want you, too, Mitch. Very much. But don’t go getting started again. We’ll never talk about all the stuff we’re supposed to.”

Mitch grimaced and then nodded his agreement. They had maybe two hours left before they landed, and he wanted to make sure she was prepared. They adjusted in their seats again, getting comfortable for a long, very quiet talk. Considering the subject matter, they placed their cheeks together, so they could speak directly into the other’s ear, ensuring a low enough volume others in the cabin could not hear.

“Okay, I guess I should start off explaining what I think you’ll be doing and then describe each part as best I can. Just remember I haven’t seen an allegiance ceremony in close to thirty years and have never been present for any of the women’s only ceremonies.”

“I’ll need to do both?”

“Yes, though for different reasons. The women’s only ceremony is strictly for you as a cleansing and healing rite and focuses on your sexuality. Nina has called upon all the female healers in our coven and possibly a few from other covens we know well. Their focus is going to be on cleansing the damage from you, including your aura, your mind, and your body. They will also work on healing those areas as well. The hope is that, while we can’t completely eradicate the damage done to you, we can heal the effects. You’ll still remember everything, but hopefully you will no longer suffer from it. I think you’ve made incredible strides on your own with wanting me to touch you and being so open with yourself physically, but there are always things that are hidden deeply that can affect you later. Additionally, Nina shared with me that you were deeply scarred physically, and they will attempt to lessen, if not eradicate, that. If the scarring is as bad as she suspects, you may have trouble bearing children later. They may need to actually insert healing objects into your vagina to aid in the healing. If that is needed, they will discuss it with you prior to continuing the session. But that ceremony is the third in line.”

Miranda nodded her understanding, so Mitch continued. “The first ceremony is the allegiance ceremony, which Nina has already cautioned me might be more difficult than usual. The entire coven will bear witness. I will be right there beside you as your sponsor. The ceremony will take place at the altar in the middle of the room. My father and mother will stand in front of the altar. You and I will approach them. I will introduce you formally and explain why I wish you to join the coven. I will also explain the injunction Cabela has on you. My father, Malcolm, will ask you a few questions regarding why you wish to join and how you feel about changing your allegiance.

“In all the ceremonies, honesty is essential. Any type of prevarication or omission can negatively affect the rite, making completing the ceremony more difficult, if not impossible. If he asks something that the injunction forbids, just respond you cannot answer due to the injunction, but that you will explain it all as soon as the allegiance ceremony has released you from it. That will probably be very uncomfortable for you, especially with all of us there. I really wish you could share it with just me in private, but I can’t do anything to change that. You don’t have to go into great detail or anything, which we can talk about later if you want, but you do have to relate what all happened there.

“Going back to the ceremony, once you have answered all his questions, he will ask for a sign that you are willing to subject yourself to his rule and that you renounce your former coven. Again, this is going to be hard for you. You will need to remove all of your clothes and kneel before him. You do not need to go all the way to the floor, just to your knees. The removal of the clothes is symbolic of the removal of Cabela’s rule over you, and going to your knees is your submission to your new Master. When you have been released from Cabela’s rule, the stones bordering the dais will begin to glow. Dad will touch your shoulder, indicating that you may rise, and I will give you my cloak to wear. At that point, he will hand you the ceremonial knife, which you will use to make a small cut in your skin, just enough to bring blood. You will return the knife to him, at which time he will do the same. You will then press your wound against his, mixing your blood. That is the conclusion of the ceremony. At that point, the injunction will be gone, and you will tell us about your time with them.”

“Your mother said the ceremony wouldn’t go as easily as planned. Does she know why?”

“If she does, she cannot say. I suspect it will be from parting yourself from Cabela’s rule, considering how ingrained your obedience to him is. There is no time limit involved, so take your time if you need it. You’ll need to go within yourself to eradicate all ties to him. I know it sounds easy, but sometimes it can be scary. You have to be absolutely sure this is what you want. It also doesn’t help you haven’t met the man you’re pledging your allegiance to. Most of the time, people who wish to join our coven know Malcolm well in advance.”

“This is what I want, I am absolutely sure of that. If this doesn’t happen, I won’t survive the week.” Miranda looked away for a moment, thinking about what would be expected of her. Having to disrobe made her uncomfortable, though she understood its need as part of the ritual. Mitch had not yet seen her without a shirt on, other than in her transcendent plane where she bore no scars, and she feared his reaction when he saw what lay underneath. Cabela and the rest of the coven had been careful to not leave scars where someone would be likely to see them, but her lower chest, breasts, stomach, hips, and her entire back had been fair game. She wished she could see what his reaction to her would be. Would he not want her anymore? As much as she knew that the odds of them being mated were against them, she couldn’t change the fact she’d fallen desperately in love with him and would give anything to be with him. When she’d gathered herself, she turned back to him. “Tell me more.”

Mitch allowed her a moment of introspection, wondering if there was something in her former life she was going to miss. He could tell she felt insecure, but he couldn’t tell what was causing the emotion, and if she didn’t tell him, there was nothing he could do to help alleviate it. His arms tightened around her, giving her the only reassurance he could.

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