Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Hill, Meagan - Master Me [Masterson] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Miranda blinked at him a moment before answering. “You called me Miranda. Why?”

Uh-oh, Mitch thought to himself. How was he going to explain this? “Sorry. I had a very vivid dream last night about you. You asked me to call you Miranda because your grandfather used to call you that. We were at a beautiful beach you called your happy place and…”

“I know. I was there. I just wasn’t expecting you to continue the closeness we’d gained while there…”

“Wait a minute. What do you mean, ‘I was there’?”

“I was there. It was my dream. You showed up out of nowhere while I was reading a smutty book. We talked about some stuff and then went to the house and…” Miranda trailed off and blushed, looking down at her hands, which happened to still be resting on Mitch’s naked chest.

“Miranda, I don’t think that was a dream. I think maybe we were on a transcendent plane, one which you created and control. It’s the only thing I can think of that would explain why we both experienced it and remember what happened there.”

“So what does that mean?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t ever encountered that type of power before. Maybe my parents can tell us more. Which reminds me, we need to get going. We need to throw anyone tracking you off our trail before we go to the airport. Are you supposed to call in and report anytime soon?”

“Yeah, in fact, I was supposed to call in last night, but I got distracted.”

“Good, you can throw them off our trail more and give us a little more time.”

“I can’t lie to them, Mitch. They’ll know immediately.”

“Well, let’s see if we can come up with something truthful that would work. What would you normally tell them if we hadn’t met?”

“That I found the camp but there was a Boy Scout troop there this week. I would then be on my way to the next target.”

“Just tell them that, then. It’s more or less accurate. You’re not on your way to their next target but ours. Would that work?”

Miranda thought it over briefly before nodding in agreement. She got up to dig around in her purse. Finally finding her cellphone, she sat back down on the bed near Mitch so he could listen in. She dialed the number, and released a deep breath when the voice mail picked up, clearly relieved she wouldn’t have to talk to anyone directly. Miranda left the message and hung up quickly.

She and Mitch quickly dressed, working around each other as if they’d been married for years. The only moment of awkwardness came when Mitch was exiting the shower and Miranda walked in to work on her makeup. They both froze for a moment, staring at each other, before Miranda pivoted on her heel and quickly left the room, leaving Mitch chuckling behind her.

They took Miranda’s car to the Dallas airport where they parked it in long-term parking. That, and the earlier message, would hopefully keep Cabela off their trail for the remainder of the week. After a rather large breakfast, they boarded the plane for Charleston and settled in for the four-hour flight. Mitch knew this was the best time to talk about what Miranda would be experiencing when they landed.

“Miranda, we need to talk about the different ceremonies we can expect, but we have to be very quiet about it.”

“Okay, I know I’m pretty ignorant of what’s coming.”

“It’s not just that you’re unaware of what is involved, it’s that the ceremonies have parts that are rather intrusive. Especially for someone who has been through what you have.”

“Are you trying to tell me I have to have sex with your father?” Miranda gasped.

“No! No! Not at all. Ick. And keep your voice down!”

Miranda was immediately submissive, lowering her eyes to her hands. “I’m sorry, Mitch.”

Mitch felt like a heel. He hadn’t meant to snap at her like that. “No, Miranda, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Please don’t back away from me now.” Mitch lifted Miranda’s chin with a finger, bringing her eyes up to gaze into his. “Baby, please don’t go back to that. You’re doing so well. I’m sorry I snapped at you. You didn’t deserve it.”

“It’s okay, Mitch. I understand. Are you sure you want me to not be submissive?”

“Heavens, no. I love your attitude and sass. It rips my heart out when you revert to acting like that. Miranda, I love how you are for real, not how they trained you to be.” Miranda took a moment to search Mitch’s eyes. She found only truth. He did want her to be herself. She smiled at him gently, warmed with the knowledge he cared for her as she was.

Upon hearing the ding signaling that the passengers could unbuckle their seat belts, Mitch raised the armrest from between their seats and pulled Miranda into his arms, arranging a blanket around them both. They sat that way for several minutes, letting the peace that was always generated when they were touching move through them. Mitch adjusted them in their seats so that Miranda was reclining along his torso and their heads were right next to each other. They could speak freely to each other without fear of others overhearing and without straining their necks uncomfortably.

Miranda allowed him to adjust her body how he wanted it. When he’d stopped moving, she adjusted slightly to a more comfortable angle that allowed her to rest her head with her lips nearly touching his ear. “Tell me what I need to know,” she whispered, her breath brushing across his ear, causing him to shudder beneath her..

“Behave, Miranda. I might be a Master, but I am still just a man. You’re going to kill me if you keep that up.” Mitch realized the moment the words left his lips that she might react negatively to him, so he was extremely relieved when she just chuckled huskily in his ear.

“I think I like being the real me, Mitch. I feel mischievous, like I want to play with you,” she murmured in his ear while dragging her fingernails down his abdomen.

Mitch groaned deep in his throat as erotic images of her “playing” with him blasted through his mind. His body completely ignored his pleas as it stirred strongly beneath her. There could be no doubt he wanted her, badly.

“Mmmm, you are so hard beneath me, Mitch. I never thought I’d feel this for anyone, but I want to touch you, to feel your cock in my hands. Can I do that, Mitch?”

“God, Miranda, you set me on fire! My body is yours. Do what you want, so long as we don’t get caught. And keep talking. I love how you talk dirty to me.”

“I’ll try. That’s new, too, though I love how you react to it. Just lean your head back like you’re sleeping, and let me do the rest.”

Mitch pulled back to look Miranda in the face, searching for any hesitation or fear, but found nothing but passion and need. He kissed her deeply, reveling in her taste, before leaning back to appear to be asleep. Miranda adjusted how she was seated atop him to give her access to his already straining cock. Before she released him from his confines, she pulled some wet wipes from her purse in preparation for the mess she knew she was about to cause.

Finally prepared, she carefully unbuttoned and unzipped Mitch’s shorts, before pulling the shorts and his boxer briefs down enough to allow her free access. Mitch, of course, had to help her by lifting his ass, but they managed to do it with very little visible movement. Mitch couldn’t help the sigh of relief he released when his hardened dick was freed from the painful constrictions of his clothes.

Miranda paused a moment, trying to picture what was below the blanket. She wouldn’t be able to see what she was doing, so she would have to rely solely on feel and the responses Mitch gave her. Gathering her courage, she gingerly touched the base of his cock, eliciting a jerk and a soft grunt.

At her gasp of surprise, Miranda looked up to find Mitch’s eyes boring into hers. “Miranda, you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” Mitch ground out “I’ll live.”

“No, it’s not that. I just didn’t expect you to react so strongly. Mitch, I told you. You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted to touch. I love how I affect you. It just makes me want to touch you more. Please, let me bring you pleasure while we still have time to ourselves.”

“Are you sure?” Mitch asked. Miranda nodded her head, her eyes steadily gazing into his. He kissed her his agreement before leaning back again.

Miranda returned her hand to the base of his cock, expecting its twitch under her hands this time. Mitch groaned silently, so that only Miranda could hear. His reaction emboldened her, and she began stroking along the shaft, moving gently at first before wrapping her hand around him fully and continuing the rhythm she’d set. He was so thick she couldn’t close her fingers all the way around him, so she added her other hand. She continued the stroking for a few moments. She could feel Mitch’s breathing become deeper and faster, evidence of his further excitement.

After briefly glancing around the cabin to ensure no one was paying attention to them, she refocused her gaze upon his face. His eyes were closed, and to anyone else, he would have looked relaxed. She, however, could see the tension in his eyes and in how his mouth was set. She watched carefully as she ran a finger over his head, finding a bead of wetness already there. His body tensed under her again, and he moaned low in his throat, though he kept it quiet enough. Miranda couldn’t help the satisfied smile that played across her lips as she leaned close to his ear. She continued stroking him with increasing speed, running a finger over the top of his head to gather the moisture that continued to spill from his slit.

“I wish we were alone so I could take your hard cock in my mouth and taste that sweet wetness you’re giving me. I want to taste every square inch of your body and feel you hit the back of my throat as I try to swallow every inch of you.”

Mitch grunted, and his body spasmed, trying desperately to stay quiet and still so as not to raise suspicion about what Miranda was doing to him beneath the blanket. Mitch opened his eyes, looking deeply into Miranda’s, trying to communicate what he was feeling. He jumped again when he felt Miranda wrap something moist and slightly cold around the top of his dick, though it did nothing to lessen his need to come.

“It’s okay, Mitch. It’s just a wet wipe to contain what you’re about to spew for me. Relax and come for me, Mitch. I want to feel you erupt for me.”

Mitch had relaxed slightly at Miranda’s reassurance concerning what he was feeling, but the reduction in tension didn’t last for long. Her hands continued moving over him, quickly now, as she squeezed him with everything she had. He was right on the edge, and Miranda knew it. “I can’t wait to feel your hard cock plunge into my hot, wet pussy.”

Her words, coupled with the image of him burying himself into her beautiful body, pushed him right over the edge. Pulling his hands from under the blanket and sinking them into Miranda’s hair, Mitch pulled her to him for a deep kiss, allowing his shout of completion to be muffled by her mouth. His body spasmed hard several times, while his cock jumped and spurted his release as his world exploded around him. He continued to gasp for breath as he reveled in the pleasure she’d brought him.

Miranda gentled her movements when she sensed he had begun to come back down from his peak. She stopped altogether when his body fully relaxed beneath her, his hands falling from where they’d been buried in her hair to fall limply at his sides. She gently cleaned up the mess, discarding the used wipes in the seat pocket in front of her. They would have to remember to put them in the trash later. She pulled his underwear and shorts back up his body after spending several minutes trying to raise him from his stupor. Finally comprehending what she wanted, he lifted his rump just long enough for her to arrange and refasten his clothes before collapsing back downward. Miranda was proud she was able to bring him that much pleasure, and she’d enjoyed doing so. Seeing that he probably wouldn’t be moving anytime soon, she snuggled back down onto his chest.

Several minutes later, Mitch opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. They seemed to have only caught the eye of a woman one row forward and sitting sideways in her empty row with a blanket covering her lower half. When his eyes met hers, she merely raised an eyebrow and mouthed, “Yummy,” to him. He felt himself blush a bit but couldn’t help the arrogant smile that played across his lips. She settled back into her seat and closed her eyes, though he thought he saw movement coming from beneath her blanket. Apparently they had inspired her.

Brushing the woman from his mind, he placed a sweet kiss on Miranda’s jaw before murmuring, “Thank you, sweetheart. You never cease to amaze me.”

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