Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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James reached out and touched the child’s downy head with one finger. Courage lifted her big brown eyes to his and smiled a wet smile.

James then met Liam’s eyes. “I believe she is to be my mate.”
Amusement filled Cara and she laughed. “Oh James! This is wonderful!”
“Aye James. This will surly bind us as family and end any resistance to our alliance. I am glad for ye James.”

James only nodded and stared at the beautiful creature in Cara’s arms. Cara gently place Courage in James’ arms and kissed his cheek.

“I think we have found her place Liam.” She smiled a tearful smile and looked to Liam. He smiled down at her and she saw that his eyes were unusually bright. She buried her face in his wide chest and allowed him to hold her. Then she let him lead her away.


James stared at the child, Courage, that had filled him with such joy. Ramsey had searched fro her to render him heirless, but she’d been saved. Darren had found her for him. Could he ever repay that debt even with the information that he had? He decided then and there to do all he could. He wouldn’t sit by and watch Darren struggle to free his mate, no he would help him personally. He sat and thought for a while until Courage fell asleep. Then a plan began to form in his mind. He smiled to himself. He would see to it that Darren gained entrance into Newberry’s keep, but it would be up to Darren to get himself and his mate out. James chuckled softly thinking of the feisty Lady Newberry and the thoughtful Darren. How could suck opposites make a good match? He looked up as Liam lead Cara into the Hall. He smiled again. Opposites again. Delicate Cara couldn’t be more different than burley Liam, but they were perfect for one another. He then returned his gaze to the bairn sleeping peacefully in his arms. He wondered what she would become and how she would look. He wondered if she would accept him easily as her mate or deny him for a time. Wolf mates were much the same as tiger mates. They craved one another. He had been restless lately and now he knew it was because his mate had been in danger. How quickly life had changed for him. In the blink of an eye his entire world changed direction. Now he would not only focus on rebuilding his clan, but now he would focus on nurturing and loving his mate. Life had a way of turning out for the good if a man tried hard enough. Now he had to assist Darren in finding his joy, because if any man needed joy in his life it was Darren.





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