Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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Cara was saved when the wall in Liam’s room swung open. Liam flung her to the floor and drew his claymore.

“Settle yerself Lad,” old Sara said. Cara pulled herself to her feet and glared at Liam.

“Thank you Sara.” She took the bundle from the older woman. “Be careful, Sara. I fear things will get bad here very soon.” Sara squeezed Cara and kissed her smooth cheek.

“You have been my joy, Lady Cara. Stay safe and love him if you can.” She then slipped something into the pocket of Cara’s skirt and winked. She then turned to Liam. “You take care of her now Lad. She is verra precious.”

“As I have discovered.” Liam looked at the older woman with concern in his amber eyes. “We will take you with us, Sara, if you wish to go.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Nay, nay. I will stay and face my fate, what ever it may be. Come now, we must be gone from this place.”

As they spoke Deaglan entered the room and nodded to Liam. Liam sighed, it was done then.

“Hurry up before we run out of time,” Sara insisted. The three of them fell into line behind her as she led them through the passage. They soon met up with Darren. They traveled silently for what seemed like hours in the dark and dank passages. None had need of a torch. They all could use their animal’s eyes, even if some did not know it. Liam wondered if any in the keep suspected that old Sara was different. He also wondered if Lauchlan had kept her near Cara for her safety and kinship.

They soon saw the watery light of the moon ahead of them. They came into the night near the loch. They would need to travel quietly around the loch to reach the forest where they would meet the others.

Cara felt icy fingers caressing her spine and turned to find Deaglan watching her. She reached for Liam and felt her hand enveloped in his much bigger one. She instantly felt safe. She then heard a low chuckle and suspected Deaglan had manipulated her, but why would he?

Liam interrupted her thoughts by pulling her along slightly, and when she looked back, both Darren and Deaglan were gone.


Liam smiled at her obvious confusion. “They are near. Do not fear. Those two will not fail you Cara, it is not in their nature. I will share a secret with you. They are brothers, although few know it. They have only recently discovered their kinship. You will notice their relationship is different than the ones they share with the others, but we all share the same trust. It is an unbreakable trust Cara.”

She only nodded. They reached the trees and there they found the others along with the horses. They had even brought her own gray, Sky. Cara’s gratitude was more than was appropriate, but she was elated to know she would ride her own mount. She looked to the men around her.

“Thank you for bringing her. It is a comfort to have my own mount, and she is fast too.”
“’Twas yer father’s request, Lady Cara,” Balor explained. “He wants to know ye’re safe on the journey.”
Cara impulsively hugged him and was rewarded with a low menacing growl from Liam.
She frowned furiously, but he ignored it to speak with his men. “Was there any trouble Lads?”
Euan and Evan giggled and pointed at a nasty gash on Balor’s arm as Balor scowled.
“Nay Liam. There was no trouble.” Balor insisted as Evan and Euan laughed again.
Liam would question it later when they were all safe. Now, he climbed on his big Black, Stone, and they rode toward home.
They rode in silence for hours, until the sun began to rise and turned the misty morning into a gray day.


Their presence was missed by morning.

“Where is she?” Ramsey screamed as he stood waiting in the kirk. He hadn’t allowed his men to take Cara last eve. He wanted the keep to know what was happening to her when it happened. He wanted them to hear her screams, but now she was gone. The McNeal was gone as well. The growl that passed through his lips was evil and those who were near him felt the dark evil fill the room.

“FIND HER!” he screamed at his men and they all scrambled to do his will as he went in search of Lauchlan Kingston.


Lauchlan sat at the table breaking his fast when Ramsey stormed in.
“Where is she?” Ramsey demanded.
“I wouldn’t know. Cara has always been a free spirit. I’m sure she will be back soon.”

“LIES!” Ramsey screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. “I hope your people are prepared for their grave, for they will be in them before the sun sets.” Ramsey promised as he stalked Lauchlan.

Lauchlan saw his death approaching and he prayed that Cara would be safe as he felt Ramsey’s hand wrap around his throat and squeeze. He did not fight it he simply closed his eyes and embraced his death and hoped it would quench Ramsey’s lust for vengeance.

Ramsey threw Lauchlan’s body to the floor and proceeded to tear the Hall to shreds. He was interrupted when James, a young scout entered the Hall.

“Laird McKenzie, I have found their tracks. Four came from the loch, three from the gates. Their trail is growing old. We should be on our way if we are to catch them.”

Ramsey sneered at this young pup who thought he could dictate to him. Ramsey knew what was said about this lad. It had been whispered that James was the true Laird and brother to Ramsey, but he would not believe such a weak lad could share his blood.

“We will leave when I say, and not before!”

James nodded and hid the smile he wore. He had bought the Lady a while longer; he only hoped it would be enough. He nodded and backed away from Ramsey and out of the keep.



Cara was finding it hard to stay on her mount long before they stopped on the third day, and in desperate need of a few moments alone. Liam looked back at her and called for a halt. As soon as Sky stopped Cara leapt from her back and rushed for the bushes. She was followed by a round of masculine laughter, but she was beyond caring. When she’d finished her business and ventured back to the men she heard them engaged in what sounded like a vicious argument.

“Nay!” She heard Liam insist.
Then Deaglan insisted, “Then you sentence her to death!”
Were they arguing about her? She stepped from the bushes and all eyes turned to her. “What is this about?”
“You,” Deaglan said matter-of-factly.
“Watch yerself lad.” Liam growled.

“She must be told! You need to take her and explain it all, and then change her. We will have a chance to escape then. As it is they will catch us. They will take her and they will kill all of us. Six of us cannot fight twenty!” Again it was Deaglan who spoke.

Cara clenched her fists. Enough was enough. “What is it? If Liam will not tell me then someone else should. I will not be kept ignorant of the facts that could save us all. Now who is man enough to tell me?”

Liam stared at Cara with a bewildered look on his face. “Yer not ready to hear it, Lass.”
“Ready or not, it seems the time has come.”
“Nay, not out here like this. Besides, you must be starved. We must feed you first.”

Evan snorted at that. “How do you plan to do it then? Our previsions ran out yesterday. We must hunt, Liam, and we cannot risk a fire to cook. She must be changed in order to eat.”

“Damn and blast!” Liam ground out in frustration. “Are ye sure we’ll not make it home?”

“Nay, we’ll not. They will be on us within two days if we continue on, and we have no food.” Darren said solemnly. He’d been back and watched the wolves. They were coming, but luckily they were not traveling too fast. They were being cautious and taking time to scout and track. They were still too close though. Darren’s spy friend had delayed them as long as he could, but it was becoming dangerous for him to interfere. “I know of a place not far from here. It is secluded and easily guarded. It would be a good spot.”

Liam only nodded.
“We must eat Liam. We must keep up our strength. Would you like me to bring some back for you?” Euan asked.
Again Liam only nodded and then looked to Cara. “Cara, are ye hungry lass?”

“Nay, Liam. I have a little bread left. I will be alright for a while.” He nodded and laid a blanket on the ground for her to rest on.

“Come, lass, you should rest while ye can. There is a trying day before ye and rest will be little until we reach the safety of McNeal Castle.”

Cara nodded, but she didn’t move. She looked into the handsome face of her keeper. “Liam? Will we be very happy do you think?”
“Aye, Cara, I believe we will be verra happy together. Do you not?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never been around many married people. I’m afraid I’ll not know how to do many things you’ll expect of me.”

He smiled understanding her worries. He took her by the chin and softly placed his lips on hers. “What do ye want to learn Cara?”

Her breath caught in her throat. I want you to teach me how to…Oh, I don’t know what, but I feel like I need something so desperately that if I do not soon get it I will die. Can you not help me Liam?”

Liam closed his eyes as his body began to scream for relief. “Aye, lass, that I will do and soon, but not now.” She looked utterly dejected.

“I understand.”
“Nay, ye don’t. You are already giving off a scent that is driving all of us mad.”
“What?! Are you saying I smell?”

He chuckled at her outrage. “Aye, Cara, ye smell. It is not a distasteful odor though, but the aroma of a woman who is ready to be mated. It began the other night at dinner and it is growing stronger. If I take away yer ache it will be worse for all of us, but it will also drive the others to seek you with more determination. It isn’t safe.”

She was breathing hard and he felt the heat of her anger, so her next actions stunned him so much that he didn’t react as he should have.

Cara was furious! Liam had caused this misery she was suffering through and by heaven he would fix it. She stood and then turned and plopped herself into his lap and took his face in both her hands and pulled it down for a kiss. Liam reacted instantly. She quickly found herself lying on the blanket with Liam half on top of her.

Liam ate at Cara’s mouth as if he would starve without her. He was as gentle as he could be, but he knew he was still too rough on her. Without his permission his hands began to wonder over her soft body. Her hands clutched at his broad shoulders and encouraged him to go on. His lips found the upper curve of her creamy white breasts and he groaned in sheer joy. Cara pulled at his shirt until her hands caressed his warm flesh and again he groaned. Before he knew what he was doing he had lifted the hem of Cara’s skirts and was touching the forbidden flesh of her inner thigh. She gasped and Liam met her eyes. They were swirling with desire and she was almost sobbing, begging him to go on. He knew he shouldn’t continue, but he lacked the strength to stop. .He soon found the fiery nest of curls that protected her woman’s treasure and he found her wet and welcoming. He ran one wide finger along her opening and she moaned loudly.


Deaglan caught a new scent on the wind. Cara. What in heaven’s name was Liam thinking? He would get them all killed! Deaglan dropped the rabbit he’d been eating and ran as fast as he could to where they had left Liam and Cara. As he neared he heard the heavy breathing and stopped. Maybe Liam would complete her change now. He inhaled deeply and shook his head. No he did not smell a mutual loving; only her own needs were being met. Deaglan inhaled again and barely held himself back from rushing to take her himself. The others would soon be along drooling after her too. This was hard enough on them. Now it would be unbearable. How could Liam be so foolish?

Cara was floating on wave after wave of unimaginable pleasure. With every stroke of Liam’s fingers she felt herself soaring higher to an unknown destination. She thought for a moment to be afraid and then all thought fled her mind when she finally reached that almost unattainable height. She screamed Liam’s name when she finally reached her completion.

Liam gathered a sleepy Cara in his arms and kissed her head. He knew he had been foolish to touch her. Her scent hung in the air heavy and sweet. He knew it would lure any male to her, but he had been unable to resist the plea in her eyes. Had he put them in more danger? Would they even be able to reach the secluded place Darren had spoke of? They would have to. There was no other way.


Liam heard the low growl before he saw the tiger leap from the bushes. He knew the beast to be Balor, but he did not remember ever seeing Balor act in this way. Liam spoke in a low tone to try to soothe him, but Balor continued to stalk him. Liam was confused and bewildered by Balor’s sudden hostility until he realized what was causing it. The scent of Cara’s release had called to Balor and he hadn’t been able to resist it.

“Balor. Back off. She is my mate, not yours. You can nay have her lad. I do not wish to fight ye, but I will. Back off.” As he said it he dropped his plaid and changed. He roared his dominance and saw Balor start to back down. Then there was the scream.

Cara awoke from her delicious slumber to find herself surrounded by ferocious tigers. Before she could stop herself she screamed. After that the clearing erupted in violence. The smaller tiger leapt on the larger one and then two more jumped through the bushes and attacked the smaller one. Then two dark tigers came from behind her. Cara was petrified. She sat shaking, unable to stand. She felt a calm rush over her mind and knew that it was somehow Darren trying to comfort her.

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