Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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“Did you see any of the McKenzie clansmen? They were to protect me as well.”
“Nay, I did not. It is strange.”

He then felt the stirring in his mind. “Hurry, I have bought you but a few hours with out a guard. You will not have this chance again.”

Darren sent the message on to Liam.


Liam sat in Lachlan’s study. He had listened to the man give his reasons for keeping Cara from him. He felt his fury rise with each excuse. Liam knew that Lauchlan was only human and did not understand the ways of his people, but this man had nearly ruined Liam’s very existence. How could the man have been so daft?

“Liam, I loved Gwyneth. I only wanted to hold and protect what was left of her. I never sought to hurt ye. Cara has been my joy for her entire life. I did not realize her importance. I know yer different and I believe she is as well.”

“Aye. She is my very heart and soul, Lauchlan, and ye have kept her from me for all these years. If it were not for the love she has for ye I would kill ye for it.”

Lauchlan paled slightly. “Aye, I ken it well. I would not be blamin’ ye either. I do thank ye for sparin’ me now though I feel the McKenzie will not be so inclined. Take her lad. The lad in the stables kens well what is to happen tonight. Her horse has been stabled along side yer own. Provisions are in the saddle bags for the lot of ye. They will be ready in one hour. I beg ye, Liam, do not linger here and ride hard to safety. Protect her as I could not.”

Liam nodded and stood. “That I will do, Lauchlan. I thank ye for yer help.” Liam felt Darren stir in his mind and felt unsure of the information. Then Darren moved again and Liam felt his reassurance.

“Something is amiss with the McKenzies. Have a care Lauchlan.”

Liam then turned and made his way to his chamber where the others were gathered, save Darren and Cara.


“Lads make ready,” he said as he entered his chamber. He found Euan and Evan asleep as was their habit. Balor was enjoying a bit more wine while Deaglan rubbed a soft cloth over the blade of his claymore. They all looked to him when he entered.

“What is to be done then?” Euan stretched and asked.
“We will leave as soon as we can gather our gear.”
“What? Now? We only just arrived.” Balor was enjoying his cup.

“Would you rather have your wine, Balor, or the mate of our Laird?” Deaglan stood to say hotly. “Get up and make haste. If Liam says we are to be gone then we should make ready.”

Liam looked to Deaglan who rarely showed his emotions.

Deaglan lowered his eyes and shook his head. He couldn’t explain why Cara’s safety had become so paramount in his mind. He felt as if he would simply disappear if anything happened to her. He knew she was not
mate and he felt little lust for her, no more than the rest of them. He was confused and he knew it was making him irritable.

Deaglan then met Liam’s piercing gaze and found understanding there. Somehow Liam knew how he felt and he understood. Deaglan nodded and turned to prepare for their journey home.


There was then a knock at the door and Liam swung it open only to find a lovely winch standing in the corridor.
“Good Eve Laird McNeal. I thought I could make your night more comfortable, if you are agreeable.”
“Nay Lass, I have all the comforts I require.”
Evan and Euan chuckled and drew the wench’s eye. “Ah then perhaps one of yer men be needin’ something I can offer?”

“Nay lass, go about your business now and leave us be.” Liam started to close the door when the brazen lass reached for him. What she found caused her to frown furiously. She hadn’t effected his manhood in the least with her advances.

He grinned and closed the door in her face.
His chamber erupted in a gale of laughter. “Liam, I believe you’ve insulted the wench!” Evan panted between laughs.
It was well known that once a man of their kind found his mate that no other would ever stir him again.

“Aye, Evan, I fear if she’d felt of ye then she’d have been very happy with the compliment you’d have offered,” Liam teased eying Evans obvious interest.

Laughter erupted again and this time it was focused on Evan and Euan and their obvious aroused state.

When a knock again sounded Liam rolled his eyes and opened the door ready to blast the persistent wench for disturbing him again, but it was not she who stood fearful before him, but Cara. His manhood twitched and he jumped as if he’d been stung. He looked down in wonder at the traitorous member and again the room erupted.

Cara could not decide whether the men teased her or if they were all drunkards. They were laughing like bairns and for what? She had no idea, but Liam looked stunned and pleased at the same time. He suddenly reached for her and pulled her into his heavily muscled arms. His lips found hers before she could speak and then she didn’t remember what had been so important. She felt his tongue glide over her lips and she opened for him. His warm tongue entered her mouth. He tasted only slightly of sweet wine and she found it decadent. When loud throat clearing began around the room she pulled herself together and forced herself to stop kissing Liam. She stepped away and walked to his window to compose herself.

Liam felt the warmth of Cara’s body pressed against his and he almost forgot everything else. His body was alive for the first time since he’d lost her. His desire to take her was almost more than he could deny and when she pulled free of his arms he wanted to hold her and claim her, but he felt Darren in his mind soothing him and he was able to regain his control. He could not take his eyes from the wee creature who had so utterly destroyed his control.

Cara turned and looked past him. It was only then that he noticed young Alice had entered the room too.
“Tell them what you have heard, Alice,” Cara spoke quietly but firmly.
Alice quaked but refused to speak.
“Tell them, Alice. Tell them now!”
Alice began to speak. “They, the McKenzies, intend to take Lady Cara tonight.”
“And,” Cara encouraged.

“And they will test her to see if she will satisfy the Laird’s lusts for he believes she will cure him of some mysterious ailment.”

“’Tis not a mystery.” Deaglan said solemnly. “His mother made a deal with a dark wizard. She was able to convince his father to marry her because he believed her to be his mate. The wizard then gave the woman an elixir that made it possible for her to become pregnant. That child was cursed though. He will never quench his lust and any who are touched by his desires will perish from exposure to him. He seeks a cure, but I do not believe there is one. The only cure for him is death.” Deaglan spoke slowly as if he were retelling a story. He continued to run the cloth over his sword as if the words he spoke didn’t mean anything at all.

Alice choked on a sob. “You mean you all knew this and you didn’t stop him from taking me?”

“You were contaminated before we arrived,” Deaglan looked up at her. “If you wish it I will end your life before I leave. It would be best for you.”

Cara was stunned. “You would kill her because she is ill?”

“Nay Lass, I would end her life mercifully instead of allowing her body to rot and die painfully.”

Cara was mortified by his simple uncaring attitude. “How can you be so cold and unfeeling? She is a person. She deserves your sympathy, not your contempt.”

Deaglan stood and walked slowly to Cara, ignoring Liam’s warning rumble. “It is not contempt, but indifference. I seek to give her a merciful death because if I do not her suffering will be more than any person should bare. Why is it that you take my mercy for cruelty? You do not know me and yet you seek to judge me? I do not understand you at all. I feel this overwhelming need to see to your safety and happiness and you hold only cruel judgment for me. How can this be?” Deaglan was perplexed and hurt. His emotions were in a jumble and all because of this woman.

Cara felt his hurt as if it was her own. She peered into his swirling golden eyes and found trust. She felt her heart drift toward him, although in a different way than it did with Liam. She felt almost motherly toward him and the thought made her frown.

Liam laughed and watched them closely. He knew what was happening here and he rejoiced in it. He had felt the same way about Gwyneth all those years ago. Deaglan would be of great importance to his family and Liam was pleased.

Deaglan looked to Liam for an explanation, but none was forthcoming.

Again Alice sobbed and almost fell, but no one dared touch her. She was dying before their eyes and she would not accept help from them or comfort. She spoke again. “They said that if she was not what the Laird sought then they would drag her to the Hall and they would all share her in front of her father before they killed her and burned the keep. They mean to kill us all if she is not able to cure the Laird.”

Euan spoke up then, “Lass, how is it that the McKenzie men spoke so plainly in your presence?”

Alice shivered and when she spoke her voice was barely a whisper. “I was being used else where. They didn’t believe I could listen to them with what was being done to me. I heard them though.”

“You did well, Young Alice,” Liam said in a soothing tone. “Would you like to rest here for a while? You look too tired to stay on your feet.”

A look of terror crossed her face and she stumble toward the door. “No, please. I just want to go to my own cot now. I’m not fit for anything else.”

Balor then spoke for the first time. “Lass he only meant to rest. We do not seek to lie with ye. Ye’d be safe her with us.” His usual jolly face was filled with rage for this girl.

“Nay! Please, let me go to my own cot?”
“Aye Lass, you can go.” Liam restrained Balor with a hand to his shoulder. “Let her go find what little peace she can.”
Balor nodded and went about gathering his things for the journey.

“Well, Lads it is time then. Cara, can ye get us safely out of the keep?” At her nod he went on. “Balor, take this news to Lauchlan and inform him that it is time then meet the others in the stables. Evan, Euan, make yer way to the stables and fetch our mounts. There should be a lad there to help ye. Deaglan,” Liam looked him in the eye. “You know what needs to be done. Do it quickly and come back to us here. You and Darren will come with me and Cara.”

The men all nodded and quickly departed.

“Did you send Deaglan to kill Alice?” Cara asked quietly.

Liam looked up surprised. “Aye, lass, I did. We cannay leave her here to the anguish that she will face. It would haunt us all. She will be at peace this way. He will be quiet and quick. She will not know it is to happen until it is done. Are you angry with me, Cara?”

“Nay, I know you would not do this if it were not necessary. I thank you for taking the time. I understand that the need for haste is dire. I understand the risk you take to be merciful.”

“Thank ye Cara, yer faith in me is heartening. Did you bring yer bundle?”
She shook her head, “Nay. I rushed to come to you.”
“Is there another wench that ye trust to get it for ye then?”
“Aye. Old Sara can be trusted to get it.”
“Darren, find this old Sara and bring her here.”
“Darren, tell her to come the way no one else would know.”
Darren nodded and was gone.


Cara felt odd standing in Liam’s chamber alone with him. She felt her body warm and her heart quickened. Again the moisture pooled in her loins and she began breathing hard. Liam took her in his arms as soon as the door closed and again pressed his lips to hers.

“Cara, I am dying for ye lass.”

“Liam,” his name was a breathy moan on her lips.

Liam’s hand wrapped her braid around his hand and held her head firm. He ate from her mouth until he thought he would lose his mind. His other hand found the soft weight of her breast and he kneaded it gently.

Cara gasped and arched her back for more contact. She needed something she could not explain. Liam was the only water that could quench for her desires and he was only building her fires higher.

“Liam, I need…”

He cut her off with his mouth. “I know what ye need, my bonnie lass, but it cannot be done now. Soon, verra soon I will claim ye as my own and I will fill yer needs with my own. I will cherish you Cara.”

His word broke through the fog that surrounded Cara. She remembered the word Alice had said. A man of Liam’s size could rip her to shreds. His appetites would be great and she feared that her pain would be unbearable. She pulled from his arms and shook her head. “Liam, you’ll not bed me until we are wed. I admit that I know little about the whole matter, but I do fear it. It will take me a while to resign myself to your invasion. I ask that ye give me this time, Liam.”

Liam frowned at her choice of words. “’Twill not be an invasion and ye’ll not come to my bed reluctantly. Ye’ll come to it eagerly as I or not at all. I’ll be gentle with ye Cara. There is naught to fear in our coupling.”

“As you say.”
“Gods bones, woman do ye think I’d lie about it?”
“Aye, I do if it served yer purpose.”

Liam was dumbfounded by her words and wanted to explode, but he did not want to fight with the lass, so he simply walked away to prepare to leave.

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