Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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Cara was puzzled. “He only found me a few days ago.”
“Nay Cara,” this from Darren. “He knew you were his mate before your birth.”
Cara turned wide eyes upon Liam. He’d hung his head and refused to look at her.
“So he hasn’t…”
Balor spoke then. “Nay. He hasn’t had the will to try.”
“Or the ability!” Evan put in.

Cara understood then. Liam had suffered without her. he’d been unable to function as a man. Oh how he must have been ashamed not to be able to have fun with the lasses as the others did. Then she wondered…

“Is he alone in this affliction then?” She asked brazenly.
The men were all quiet. None wanted to admit that it was a common enough affliction.
“Well?” She demanded.

It was Darren’s calm voice that filled her mind. “It happens to us all upon finding a mate. We are unable to take another, even if that mate is taken from us. There is no desire to be with another.”

The sadness in his voice told her that he too suffered from this loneliness.


“But what about before Liam claimed me? You said that you were all suffering.”

“Aye Cara, we were. For some of us it was harder to resist because we have been so long with out the feeling of desire your scent provoked in us. Now we have felt it and it was again taken from us. It is a cruel way to live. There are times that is seems it is too harsh to endure.”

Cara was at a loss for words so she simply began to walk to the gates. The men followed her. Liam caught up to her and walked beside her through the gates of their new home.


A great cheer erupted from the crowd as they entered. The men changed and began exchanging greetings with those who stood inside the walls. Cara froze.

“I would like for you all to meet Cara McIntosh, soon to be Cara McNeal! She is my mate and I have brought her home!” Liam exclaimed for all to hear. The crowd again erupted in joyous cheers.

Liam looked to Cara. “Change so the good people can have a look at ye.”

Cara backed up and shook her head.

Liam frowned and strode to her. “Cara these are to be yer people now. Yer own clan. They would like to know ye as ye truly are as well as the tigress.”

Again Cara shook her head.
Liam blew out an aggravated breath. “Why not?”
She spoke to his mind. “I would like to meet them in more than my skin if you don’t mind.”

Liam’s laughter echoed off the high walls of the Castle and filled the yard will mirth. “Cara, my lass, I understand and I’m sorry for not realizin’ it sooner.” Then he spoke to the crowd. “Cara would like to freshen up a wee bit before she is introduced. She is unaccustomed to our lack of modesty.”

A round of chuckles followed Cara into the Castle, but she didn’t care. She was led to a massive room dominated by a large bed with deep green curtains. She would have known the room belonged to Liam even if she hadn’t been told. Everything was oversized.

He raised his brows at her.”
“Is this to be my room as well?”

“Aye Lass, it is.” Then he frowned. “Do ye wish to have a room of yer own? I will admit that I would prefer ye stay with me, but if it is yer wish you can have another.”

Cara smiled and laid her cool hand against the warmth of his chest. “Nay Liam. I do not wish to be parted from ye.” She paused not knowing how to continue.

Liam lifted her chin and forced her to look at him. The uncertainty he found scared him. “Cara love, what is it?”

“I won’t be able to get into that bed without help.”

Liam frowned down at her and then he looked around his chamber. The bed was huge and very tall. The chairs that sat before the hearth were made for a mad of great size. He doubted her feet would even touch the ground when seated in one. He understood her discomfort and smiled down at her angelic face.

“We will have steps made for ye lass, and a chair to fit yer wee self. You have only to ask Cara and I will give you anything. I want only your happiness and the happiness of our daughter.” He smiled as he said the last part because it drew a pretty frown from her perfect mouth.

“Daughter? I thought you’d be wantin’ a son first.”

Liam shrugged. “It matters not what I wanted first. A daughter is what we’ve been given and I am happy with that.”

Cara stood puzzled for a moment before understanding dawned on her. Her hand flew to her still flat belly and she smiled up at him with tears shimmering in her green eyes. “Oh Liam.” She whispered and allowed him to pull her into his embrace.

“Are ye happy then Cara my love?”
She only nodded against his chest.
“Are ye tired Cara? Do ye want me to order you a bath and something to eat?”

Cara shook her head fiercely and met his eyes. The desire he saw swirling in the depths of her eyes made him catch his breath. “I want you to love me in that big bed Liam.”

He scooped her up and tossed her in the middle of the bed. She squealed and laughed as he pounced on her and began kissing her wherever he could reach. Her giggles turned to moans quickly as he began removing her clothes.


Several hours later Cara and Liam entered the great hall. They were greeted by a chorus of cheers, congratulations, and good wishes. Cara felt welcome and happy. Food was spread out upon the long tables and, to her great embarrassment, Cara’s stomach rumbled loudly. Her cheeks burned when Liam leaned down and whispered in her ear.

“Ah, Lass I am glad to know you worked up a hearty appetite. I am starving as well.” He winked and chuckled at her pink cheeks before he led her to her seat beside him.

“When will ye marry me Cara? I admit we have been a bit hasty in our endeavors, but now we should be married.”
Cara beamed. “As soon as possible.”
“Aye. A week then? Will that be enough time?”
Cara looked wide eyed. “I don’t know. I need a gown and, well, I don’t know?’

Liam motioned for a wench and sent for Mili. “Mili knows everything about what goes on here. She’ll help ye and I suspect she’ll be glad to hand over the household duties to ye. She’s been after me for year to find a wife so she could take it a bit more easy.”

Mili arrived and approached them. “Ye sent for me Laird?”
“Aye, that I did Mili. This is Cara. She’s to be Lady here and is in need of yer assistance.”
The old woman eyed Cara for a moment and then nodded.
“Good. Now we need a wedding gown made and preparations for a wedding. How long will it all take?”
“Well,” Mili rubbed her jaw, “I’d say two months.”
Liam groaned and shook his head>
Mili laughed loudly. “I thought as much. Well how about one month then?”
Liam smiled. “That’s more like it! I confess that I had hoped for sooner though.”
“Why the rush? Yer already enjoying married life are ye not?”
Cara’s cheeks burned so she changed the topic. “Do we have a gown?” Cara enquired.

“Aye. If ye don’t mind wearin’ Liam’s mama’s gown. We’ll need to shorten it a bit and take it in a few places, but I think it will be lovely on ye. We’ll have a look at it after yer finished here.”

Cara beamed and looked to Liam. “Is it alright if I wear it Liam?”

Liam swallowed hard. His mother had shown him that dress once. She’d told him how pretty she’d felt in it and how she hoped to see his mate wear it some day. Liam felt a lump in his throat and tried to swallow it. His eyes burned so he closed them.

Cara thought he was rejecting the idea until he nodded and met her eyes again.
“Cara that would be a beautiful thing. My mother wanted that. I wish she could be here to help you with it.”
Cara nodded. “I wish that too. I wish my own were here too.”

Liam gently wiped a tear from her cheek. We will have to make a life they would be proud of. I know we will be happy because I love you too much to allow it any other way.”

She smiled through her tears. “Bossy man.”

He tweaked her pert little nose and then kissed it.



Cara spent the next month in a daze. She learned how to run the castle and learned who did what. She also had to prepare for her wedding. The dress had to be taken apart and practically remade to fit her. It was beautiful.

All the while she was plagued with morning sickness. At first she was embarrassed to run to the pot and lose the contents of her stomach in front of Liam, but by the end of the first week she no longer cared. She was becoming weak and unable to keep up with the chores of the household. Mili continued to help her, but Car felt that she was letting everyone down. She continued to push herself until she was all but exhausted. The wedding came though and there was no time to rest.


They were married one month after her arrival. The wedding was a simple affair even though many had traveled to celebrate with them. Cara was beautiful in her satin gown with a lace overskirt. Her veil was of the same lace and flowed down her back and covered her long red hair. Liam stood stoically in full Scottish regalia. He looked imposing and important in his formal garb and Cara paused for a moment just to look at him. He caught her eye and the twinkle showed his mischievous nature. She smiled and moved to him.

When the ceremony was over they made their way to the great hall and the banquet that had been laid out for the celebration.

Her eyes wondered over the room seeking familiar faces. Evan and Euan were surrounded by young ladies and they were having a wonderful time. Balor sat with several other men and laughed merrily as usual. Deaglan sat to her left and scowled darkly. Darren was nowhere in sight.

“Where is Darren?” She asked Liam, disappointed that he would miss this time of joy.

“He has gone in search of his mate, my sister Eva. James McKenzie provided information that we hope will lead us to her recovery.”

Cara’s eyes widened. Would this somehow be the choice Darren would make? Would he have to choose between her and his own mate? She closed her eyes praying that it would not be. Then she looked to Deaglan.

“Why are you not with the others making merry?”

He turned tortured eyes to her. “I cannot,” was all he said before he turned from her. Cara looked to Liam, but he shook his head so she didn’t question him. Later she thought. Later she would get to the bottom of this.


Deaglan sat beside Cara and cursed his temper. He hadn’t meant to be short with her, but he couldn’t understand what was happening to him. He would normally enjoy the comforts of a woman, there were a few human women who worked in the castle and didn’t mind sharing their favors with the men. He’d tried. A lass that had stirred his blood on many other evenings had offered him her company, but when his lips met hers his stomach had rolled and threatened to give up its contents. She’d then decided to get to the root of the issue, so to speak, but when her hands had found him, no amount of effort could bring him to life. He’s stood and stared at the limp member and finally sent the wench on her way. How could he be reacting this way? He’d found no mate. He must be ill, but he felt fine. The overwhelming desire to remain close to Cara was odd too though. He watched her from the corner of his eye. What was happening to him? He found Liam looking at him and he met his eyes. He saw understanding there and frowned. How could Liam possibly understand? Unless…He breathed deep. Once, twice, three times and then he smelled it. It was Cara, but slightly different. She was with child, and he feared she carried his mate.

Deaglan’s eyes widened as he realized what that meant to him. He quickly looked to Liam again and he nodded. Liam knew.

Deaglan sighed. A mate. He wouldn’t spend his life alone. He could watch her grow and he could love and care for her all of her life. He felt the warmth of joy flow in his veins for the first time in years and then he blanched. What would have happened if Ramsey had taken her? Would they ever be able to protect her from a monster like Ramsey. They had used her as bait knowing she carried a child, his mate. Fury boiled inside him until he felt Liam’s calming voice in his mind. “She was protected. I would never risk them. They were safe.”

Deaglan scowled and looked at Liam again. “Never again. They will never again be put at risk. Do you hear me?”
“Calm yerself Deaglan. They will be kept safe.”
Cara looked from one man to the other. “Who?”
“You and the bairn.”
“My mate.” Deaglan pointed out pleased.
“WHAT?! She is barely alive and you have claimed her?”
“Nay, Cara…”but Cara broke in.
“I won’t have her taken from me before she is even born. She is my child and you can’t have her yet!”
“This is a blessing Cara,” Liam spoke quietly.
“Why can’t she be free to make her own choice?”

“I think she has. This was not something Deaglan chose, but something that chose him. He has been bewildered not knowing why his feelings are so conflicted. He only just figured it out. It is a blessing to have our daughter mated with a friend who is honorable and well loved and trusted by us both. He will not take her from us, but aid us in her upbringing and her protection.”

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