Heroin Love (12 page)

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Authors: I.M. Hunter

BOOK: Heroin Love
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“Bullshit Kevin. Stop lying, lie after lie. Tell me what the fuck your up to!”

“Baby, I swear. I don’t know what this is about. I don’t know why it came to our house. I am going to find out I promise,” wiping the tears away from her face.

“You don’t think I will find out? Whatever your doing, I will find out eventually. I hope you have an extra suit in your closet, don’t bother coming home tonight.” Megan stormed out of the office still furious with me.

Rushing over to my computer, I quickly pull up my email to get to the bottom of this.


From: Kevin Barrick

Subject: Buena Vista Development 

Date: December 20 2015

To: Mr. Carlson

Mr. Carlson,

Just received ‘Notice of Contract Termination’ for the Buena Vista Development. It must have been a mistake, we have addressed every issue one hundred percent to your detailed specifications. Please elaborate the decision to terminate the contract.

Kevin Barrick

CEO, Onyx Environmental

Not expecting an email at this time of night, I called Ann back into my office over the speaker. She darted into my office still grasping the manilla folder in her hands.

“Give me that. Did you look inside?”

“No sir.”

“Who put this under the tree? You were in charge of the gifts.” I interrogated her assuming she would see who put it there, or gave it to her.

“I don’t know sir. It was on my desk this morning, I just put it there. I assumed someone bought you something. Why what is it?” Appearing to be scared for her life, genuinely curious as to what it was.

“I really don’t want to say. It’s personal. Do me a favor check the security tapes and find out who put it there.”

Still being noticeably nervous Ann nodded her head vigorously, rushing back out of the office. A swooping tone emitted out of the computer notified me of a new email.


From: Mr. Carlson

Subject: Re: Buena Vista Development 

Date: December 20 2015

To: Kevin Barrick

Mr. Barrick,

I thought that would get your attention. You are correct, everything was done to my specifications. I am glad we could resolve those matters quickly. Consider the package a formal warning. As it stands we are continuing our agreement on a month to month basis, you are hanging on by a shoestring.

As a friend Kevin, get your shit together. Just go home, run home and apologize, be the dog with his tail tucked between his legs. Have a good Christmas my friend.


Mr. Carlson

CEO, Buena Vista Development

Slouching down in my chair with a sigh of partial relief. One problem resolved, one more to go. Opening the manilla envelope,  pulling everything out.  A sticky note contained a simple letter ‘Leave $500,000 at Toni’s tomorrow, or Megan gets them.’ I couldn’t believe this was happening to me, who would even do this? How could they have these? I sat bewildered at my desk chair with pictures of Rachael and I having sex in our house.






Chapter Twenty-One


Running into a house darkness, the pictures firmly clenched in my fist. I was determined to get to the bottom of this. I immediately knew something was wrong, hearing the ocean waves cracking on the shore inside my house. My mood drastically shifting from anger to concern as I went further into the house. Rushing towards the bedroom, passing by the sliding glass door that was shattered into a million pieces across the living room floor. I heard Rachael balling in the bedroom, laying on the bed in the fetal position, I quickly comfort her from behind.

“Rachael, what happened? What’s wrong?”

Sniffling, her body shaking in fear, she didn’t respond. Rolling her over to look her, blood dripping down her face from her nose, her lip split, and her left eye practically closed from the swelling. Pulling her closely to me, rubbing her back trying to comfort her. The warmth of her tears running on to my face killed me, causing my eyes to water.

“Baby, what happen? Who did this to you?”

“David,” she whispered at an almost inaudible tone.

“What? He’s in jail, how could he?”

“Kevin he was here,” her voice soft and scratchy, filled with fear, “he said ‘make sure your boy toy pays up.’” Slightly backing away from to look in my eyes. Her eyes bloodshot red, consumed by terror, “‘If he doesn’t, I will be back, and you won’t like what happens.’”

“It will all be okay. I promise,” holding her tightly, loving her. 

Forcing her to lay down on the bed, we spent the next few hours spooning. Rachael continued crying, until she finally fell asleep in a pool of tears. I was contemplating my next move.

Should I pay him? Should I ignore him? But what happens if he does come back to hurt Rachael, even worse this time? He might kill her, is that a bad thing? A good thing? It would simplify my life immensely, or would it? Megan finding out would be a bad thing, I think. I mean everyone always says ‘cheaper to keep her.’ She is the love of my life, or at least she use to be. I could just take a couple of steps backward to gain a more fulfilling life. Maybe subconsciously I didn’t want to pay him. My secret would finally be out and I wouldn’t have to live this double life anymore, forcing my hand to what I feel I truly want. I couldn’t let Megan find out like that though, pictures on her door step, that would break her fragile little heart. Why can’t someone just make the decision for me. Where is the big sign that says ‘do this, not that,’ if Jesus was going to show me a sign, now would be a great time.

Thoughts continuing to rattle my brain as I drift away into a disturbed slumber.

Placing my hands on her lower back, pulling her into me, I begin to nibble on her neck. Mixing in light sensual kissing and licking, she begins to passionately moan into my ear. I feel her grinding her pussy onto my thighs enjoying every moment. Slowly lifting her shirt over her head, trying not to break the continuous stimulation, I continued to kiss her. Dragging my tongue from her delicious lips, down her neck, across her chest, landing on her stimulated nipple. Biting with my honed canine teeth, as if I was going to pierce her.

The abrupt sounds of glass shattering in the other room ceased all activity. Instructing Rachael to stay put, I went to go investigate the darkness filled abode. As I walked through the living room, barely being able to see five feet in front of me, I felt a sharp pain run through my foot. The shattered glass of our door was scattered throughout the room. Feeling the warm, sticky sensation of blood on the bottom of my foot. I continued to slowly investigate the house leaving behind a trail of blood footprints.

“Kevin!” Rachael screamed out from the bedroom.

Rushing back to her while limping, trying to keep my balance. I turned the lights on, Rachael standing in the middle of the room, still half dressed, with her hands up. The familiar look of terror was in her eyes, while her body trembled. Behind her was David, pointing a gun directly at Rachael’s head. His eyes glassy, hands shaking, clothes dirty and torn.

“I told you to pay up,” he fights back the tears, “ I didn’t want to do this. You made me do this.”

“David,” trying to calm him down, “you don’t have to do this.”

“It’s already done.”

A loud echoing gunshot filled the room, Rachael’s blood flying through the air splattering across my face.

My heart racing, sweating profusely, I frantically look around for Rachael making sure she okay after being startled out of my vivid nightmare. Letting out a big sigh of relief seeing her sound asleep next to me. Still dark outside, I see the rays of the sun starting to crack the horizon. Perfect timing, I needed to go get ready.

Not fully committed to any decision, I wanted to prepare myself for anything. Driving over to my other home, I needed to wait for Megan and everyone else to leave so I could sneak in and get the cash I needed for David. Staking out the driveway from a nearby alley between two houses across the street.

Seeing Megan emerge from the house was a disheartening sight. Sluggishly walking towards her car still in her pajamas, hair frazzled, not wearing a drop of make-up, her face was worn as if she hadn’t slept. The kids following in the same gloomy manner, except Amber. Dancing, smiling, and swinging her lunch box around excited for the day ahead of her, always so cute. Ben’s new Porsche still sitting in the driveway, but he quickly emerged from the house. Running to his car, probably running late like always. You could hear the engine echo throughout the neighborhood as he drove away.

The coast was clear, leaving my car in the alley, I quickly jogged over to the house. Rushing up to my office, tearing the carpet off of the hidden safe in the floor. Removing the metal cover that made the safe flush with the floor, I started rotating the dial ’06 left, 10 right, 66 left.’ Hearing the assuring click of a successful entry, I turn the handle, the bolts smacking down unlocking the door. Counting out fifty rolls, while tossing them into a black cotton duffel bag, the reserve of money has dwindled, only three rolls remained in the floor safe. What the hell, I will grab the rest. Slamming door to the now empty safe, repositioning everything as if I was never there. Reaching behind the air handler in the hallway, only one roll there, the air vent in the kitchen, empty. Contemplating for a few moments, AHA! Running across the house to look behind the ‘Starry Night’ painting. Wow, only two more here. I only had an extra $60,000 dollars, I needed to figure out a way to get more cash before Rachael and I were broke.

Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I did a quick google search ‘Gun Stores near me.’ The results were plentiful, so many to choose from, I didn’t know anything about guns. Picked the closest one to me ‘Double Tap Guns & Ammo--2.5 miles away’, sounds as good as any. Grabbing my duffel bag, I peered through the front window to make sure no one was around. Once I felt it was cleared I darted towards the alley. Rushing over, I get caught dead in my tracks.

“Kevin, what are you doing?”

In the corner of my eye, I see that nosy bitch Vicky.

“What do you got in your hand there?” Vicky continued to prod.

“Vicky, just leave me alone please. Don’t you have something better to do?”

“I just find it odd, a man sneaking into his own house. Then he sneaks out, holding a black bag. Kind of suspicious to me.”

“I find it odd how nosy a neighbor can be. Stop being in everyone’s fucking business,” storming into my truck.

Peeling out of the alley, I almost hit Vicky, wishing I kind of had. I hope Megan doesn’t talk to her, then she will really hate me.

Sitting in the parking lot of Double Tap, the building was run down. The columns in front of the building were cracked in half, the yellow dingy paint was peeling off the surface. Half of the sign on the top of the building was missing, windows duct tapped together.

What was I doing? I didn’t know how to use a gun, I don’t even think I could pull the trigger if I had to.

Gaining the courage to walk across the cracked asphalt of the parking lot took a little bit of self encouragement.

Pushing the front door open, a bell ringing above me to notify someone the door opened. A grizzly long bearded man appeared out of no where, staring at me. Making my way towards him in the back of the store, I couldn’t help but notice their ridiculous presentation. The stained carpet pulling off the floor emitting a pungent odor of mold. Display cabinets scratched furiously, not being able to see inside. The assortment of guns on the wall was overwhelming, rifles, machine guns, hand guns, even bullet proof vests.

“What do ya need?”  The associates breathe reeked of alcohol, his beard stained yellow from cigarettes.

“I’m not really sure....What do you have?”

“Are ya trying to take down a bear or scare people?”

“A bear I guess,” cautiously not wanting to allude to what I needed it for.

Reaching into the cabinet in front of us, he pulls out a matte stainless steel handgun, the size of a cannon. “This is a Raging Bull 454, blow the fuck out of anything in front of you.”

Grasping it in my hand, the weight was noticeable, a few pounds at least. The cushioned grip felt just right in my hand, the barrel was excessive extending several inches.

“It’s a little much don’t you think?” Staring at it in disbelief, rotating it in my hands, inspecting it.

“Whelp, if you want to stop anything this is for you. I understand, it’s not for the little bitches. Let me show you our ‘Date Night Special,’” mocking me.

“No, I will take this one. Give me some bullets.”

“Here fill this out,” pulling a form out of the desk behind him, “and in three days you can come back and get it.”

“Uhh, what? I need this now.”

“State law sir. Nothing I can do about it.”

“Okay, well I need this now. How much for it to disappear?” Trying to pay my way for what I wanted like always.

“Well, I could say it was stolen,” rubbing his beard contemplating a number, “how is twenty grand?”

“For a two thousand dollar gun? I’m not paying that, fucking outrageous.”

“Well that’s the price of admission. Pay for it and wait or make it disappear,” he reiterated in a in charge tone.

“Fucking criminal, give me the bullets. Load it for me too,” I pulled a couple rolls out of my pocket, throwing them on the floor as I grabbed my gun and left.

“Have a good day sir,” chuckling under his breathe.

Staking out Toni’s from the Sushi-Gon parking lot trying to formulate a plan. Studying the cannon I bought, checking the loaded chamber, clicking through the safety switch, shoving a few extra bullets into my pocket -- just in case. There wasn’t anything going on outside of Toni’s, no one was entering and no one was leaving.

What am I doing? I’m not a killer, why am I doing all of this for Rachael? She is a great girl and all but she is destroying my life. My wife hates me, but she is still trying to work through my problems. Benjamin thinks I am an asshole. My business is starting to suffer due to my distant involvement. Wasting an inordinate amount of money on drugs, property, and miscellaneous bullshit. My like is spiraling out of control and I can’t seem to stop, I can’t get away. I don’t know what it is about her, the eyes, the body, Rachael needing me, appreciating me, making me feel young again it was a perfect storm.

A beat down, rugged grey Jeep Grand Cherokee pulls into the front of Toni’s, and what do you know, David hops out of the car. Standing behind his driver door I see him stuff something into the back of his jeans and cover it with his shirt. Grabbing a bag off his front seat he slams the door shut and trots into Toni’s with a smile on his face.

Waiting a couple more minutes, I got out of my truck with caution, not taking my eyes off the front door. Placing the gun behind my back in my pants, the wait was noticeable causing my pants to sag. Repositioning my pants and tightening my belt, untucking my shirt to cover the handle of the gun that was still visible. Grabbing my duffel bag off the passenger seat, I recounted the money quickly, removing any extra rolls. Walking casually and slowly across the parking lot to the front door of Toni’s. An ominous aura surrounded the building, the sun suddenly hidden by black rolling clouds. The rumbling of thunder filled the air as I entered the building.

Swinging the door open with authority, I see Jess and David laughing and joking until they noticed it was me. Their faces completely dropped from happy and joyous to stern and serious. 

“Your in on this too Jess?” I asked in disbelief.

“Well you took my best girl. Somebody has to pay for all the money I lost.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? You know she is a person, not a piece of property,” trying to protect her.

David cuts in abruptly, “You got the money? No one gives a shit how you feel, business is business.”

Throwing the bag of money across the room at David. Catching it, slamming it on the table he opens the bag quickly and started to count through the money.

“It’s all there, now just leave us alone. I don’t want to see or hear from you again,” demanding with authority.

“You think this is everything? Your costing me a lot of money. This will give you a couple of months. We will be in touch when your rent runs short,” Jess explained.

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