Heroin Love (16 page)

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Authors: I.M. Hunter

BOOK: Heroin Love
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Chapter Twenty-Five


Pulling into Sand Dollar Shores, I feel a rage of anger coming over me.

Why would Rachael do that me?

If she really loved me she would let me work through my issues, not force herself into my families life. Her obsessive tendencies really came through just now, I didn’t need another nagging woman in my life, I already have one. A familiar looking Jeep Grand Cherokee sped by me.

David, what the hell was he doing he?

Pressing down firmly on the accelerator, racing down to my house. Walking briskly into the house in anger, slamming the door shut, shaking the pictures on the wall.

“Rachael!” Screaming out to her.

Coming around the corner of the kitchen, “What?”

“Why did I just see that little weasel leaving our neighborhood?”

“What are you talking about?” Her eyebrows squished putting on a confused face.

“Don’t act like I’m stupid. What was he doing here?” Looking through the house noticing an empty spot in the living room, the television was removed off the wall, missing. “And where is the T.V.?”

Her posture changing, looking up at me with doleful eyes, “He needed to get a few on his things,” looking away from me, “and he needed some money, I don’t have any so I said he could have the T.V.”

“Really? I just gave him five hundred grand,” changing my tone sternly, “ that doesn’t matter. Why would you still be talking to him?”

Throwing her hands up in to the air in aggravation, “Y'know, just because you swept me off my feet and took me away from everything doesn’t mean I can’t have friends.”

As she was waving her arms about, I noticed a fresh wound on the crease of her arm. My heart sank, “Rachael,” I started softly, “what is that on your arm?”

Quickly covering her arm with her hands, “It’s nothing.”

“Come here, let me see.”

Walking slowly closer to me she extends her arm out. I see her eyes tearing up, and before I could even say anything, “I’m sorry, he came over and just wanted to shoot up. I said no but he insisted. I’m so sorry, I will be better I promise.”

“Come here,” pulling her into me, hugging her passionately, “shh, it will be okay. You have been doing good. We will get through it.”

She started to calm down slightly, pulling away from me, going back towards the kitchen. Following her, watching her ass bounce as she walked away from me. Still upset about her showing up at my family’s house.

“What was that about? You can’t just come to my house while my family is there. What is wrong with you?”

“I’m sorry babe,” coming up to me, giving me a passionate apologetic hug.

“That’s fucked up Rachael. Don’t do that shit again.”

“I really just wanted to meet everyone, I want them to like me.”

Staring at her in disbelief, “Do you honestly think they would welcome you with open arms? That is not likely to happen.”

“Hey, you never know right? I mean Megan was hot, you think she’d do a threesome?” A menacing smile crept across he face.

“Stop, just stop,” laughing it off.

“Here, David wanted me to give this to you. I didn’t open it, I promise.”

“Your just full of surprises today, aren’t you?”

Opening the oddly appropriate themed Christmas envelope, with a golden ‘Merry Christmas’ inlay across the front of it, revealing a simple letter. ‘Be at Toni’s 9 p.m.’ scribbled in pen across a ripped piece of paper. Looking at Rachael who was watching me with an intrigued manner.

“So what is it?”

“David wants to meet me at Toni’s tonight. Do you know what he wants?”

Hesitating for a second, “I would have no idea babe. He didn’t say anything to me.”

“Whatever, what are we going to do today? You got any ideas?”

“I’ve always wanted to go to Frosty’s Enchanted Palace on Christmas.”

“How old are you?” tittering at her.

“Oh come on! I always wanted to go since I was a kid. Can we go? Please please please,” begging me.

“Alright fine, lets go. Go grab us some jackets.”

Rachael’s eyes lit up in joy, running to the bedroom to retrieve the jackets.

Making our way down the backroad that led to the isolated wonderland, signs of Santa and Frosty lined the sides of the road letting you know how many more miles until you arrived. Through the cracks of the pine trees you could see the fake ice veneer that lined the building in the distance.

Pulling into the packed parking lot, not a single spot available. Rachael kept turning her head staring at the building in awe as we circled the parking lot. The white building was encased in faux ice, sculpted to resemble a palace. Four spires stretching high into the sky sat on the four corner towers of the palace. A large sculpture of Frosty sat above the entrance greeting everyone as they walked through the door. After several minutes of circling the parking lot, a spot finally freed up.

Making our way across the ‘ice’ drawbridge with golden golden cables, the drawbridge giving you easy access over the ‘frozen’ creek that you could see underneath your feet through the drawbridge. Rachael couldn’t stop smiling, her cheeks must of been sore by this point. I opened the door ahead of Rachael, a blast of ice cold air hitting me in the face, a refreshing feeling from our warm Florida winters.

“After you, Mrs. Clause.”

“Your such a dork,” making fun of me. 

Entering this ice palace, your feet shuffling through white damp powdery material that was suppose to resemble snow, the snow was also falling from the ceiling covering you. Candy cane arches wrapped in christmas lights followed you down the entrance path. Going into the main area of the indoor attraction, a circular ice rink filled the middle of the room with a replica ice sculpture of Santa in the middle of the rink. Christmas songs setting the joyous ambiance. The food vendors designed as oversized gingerbread houses with gum drops, peppermints, chocolate candies decorated the sides of them. The smell of hot chocolate and peppermint filled the air, such a pleasing aroma.

Children running around, smiling, laughing, and tripping as they tried to navigate through the imitation snow. A line of children wrapping around an ice mountain towards the back of the room that led to Santa. He was perched at the top of the mountain sitting in his gold and red velvet throne, talking to the children, giving them a cookie, sending them down the ice slide when they finished. A big plume of snow would emerge as each kid hit the pile at the bottom of the slide.

You had a few choice of attractions to chose from, a miniature ferris wheel decorated with imitation candies and sparkling lights. An electric train designed to resemble ‘The Polar Express,’ that circles you around the whole park. And finally a snow ball arena, mounds of snows creating a battlefield for war.

“So what do you want to do?,” asking Rachael.

“I’m a little hungry, want to grab a snack?”

“Yeah, sure.”

We went to the first gingerbread house we came across. The employees behind the counter were dressed in elf costumes, green long sleeve vests with white fur lining, matching green pants, the pointy green hats had a bell at the end of it. Even the nice touch of pointed ears attached to them.

“I want a candy apple, with a Coke,” Rachael proclaimed.

“You got it,” turning towards the attendant,”We will have a candy apple and two Cokes, please.”

The chopped candy apple laid in a bowl filled with a red gooey sauce, Rachael dripping the sauce on her chest, sticking to her lips as she placed a piece into her mouth.

“I need a napkin, Kev.”

Giving her a promiscuous smile, I leaned in and sucked the sauce off her chest, following it up to her lips. giving her a sensual kiss, licking her lips clean.

“We should bring so of this home,” I jested. “So what’s next?”

“The ferris wheel, duh!”

Rachael ran over towards the ferris wheel pulling me along like she was a toddler. The line seemed to be non-existent at that moment, being next in line to get on the ride. Being helped onto the basket by a happy elf tending to the ride. Feeling a slight vibration in the basket as the ride turned on kicking us forward in our circular journey. Rachael placed her hand on my knee, staring at me in admiration, she gives me a quick peck on the lips. Approaching the top of the ferris wheel, the view was rather remarkable for such a small ride. The entire room looking like a winter wonderland, not a sad kid in sight, snow falling throughout the place.

“Hey, I got you something,” Rachael said grabbing my attention.

“Oh really? What is that?”

Arching out of her seat, digging in her pocket she pulled out something very small, and unwrapped. Holding it in a fist, she holds it over my lap waiting for me to extend my hand out.

“I know it’s not much but I really wanted to do this for you.”

I put my hand out, feeling a near weightless item hit my hand. A small white rectangular object laid there, inspecting it further I realize it’s a sim card.

“I don’t understand, what is this for?” I asked confused.

“It’s the sim card for my phone, I want you to be the only one in my life,” a smile gleaming off her face, “I want us to have a happy, healthy family together without any distractions. I am giving that to you to show you I don’t want anything to do with David, Toni’s or anyone else from my old life, just you.”

Giving her a hug, whispering in her ear, “That is very sweet of you.”

“So have you talked to Megan yet? Did you tell her you wanted a divorce, that she didn’t appreciate you the way I do.”

Keeping my head on her shoulder, not wanting to look at her while I lied, “Yeah, I’m working on it.”

Rachael let out a high pitched scream of excitement, “That is awesome! I love you!” Giving me a kiss.

Our basket almost to the bottom, the ride attendant goes to open the door, “We would like to go again.”

Rachael and I got comfortable, shifting closer together I placed my arm around her, Rachael laying her head on my chest. The slow rotation of the ferris wheel was quite relaxing, we didn’t say anything to each other, the christmas music in the background filled the silence. Nothing seemed to matter in the world, just sitting on the ferris wheel together was enough. The hours feeling like minutes.

Looking at my watch to check the time, “Come on we have to go,” shocked by how long we rode the ferris wheel, time just drifted away.

“What, why?”

“I have to go to Toni’s to talk to David, see what he wants now.”

“Fine,” rolling her eyes as we got off the ferris wheel.

Driving back down the backroads leading back to civilization, happy characters on the billboards lining the road wishing you a safe trip, wanting you to return soon. I needed to drop Rachael off before I went to meet David, I didn’t need any added drama to the whole situation.

“Where are we going?” Rachael noticing Toni’s was in the other direction.

“I’m going to drop you off before I go. You don’t need to be there.”

“I’m going. Don’t piss me off Kevin,” she stated in a stern voice.

“Fine, but your staying in the car. Don’t even bother arguing.”

Slouching down into her chair, she agrees. Making a quick U-turn at the next intersection, I sped towards Toni’s. In my rearview mirror I see flashing red and blue lights in the far distance, getting closer and closer by the second. Riding right up to my bumper, I pull over to the side of the road.

Great just what I needed.

Before the cop got out of his car, I leaned over to grab my license and registration out of the glove box, forgetting I stashed my gun there.

“What the fuck is that for?” Rachael asked in surprise.

“Nothing, just keep quiet,” pressing a button to lower the touch screen on the dashboard. There was just enough room to stash the gun.

A tap on my window from a nightstick grabbed my attention, rolling down my window, “Good evening officer, what’s the problem?”

“You were doing eighty-seven in a fifty-five. I need to see your license and registration please.”

Handing it over to him, I notice another officer watching from behind.

“I am going to need her license as well.”

“For what, she didn’t do anything?” Asking sharply.

“Sir, you can either be cooperative or we can make this a lot more difficult than it has to be.”

I looked towards Rachael and motion to her to give the officer her license. As the officer walks away, the other one still watching us, Rachael whispers to me, “What about the gun?”

“Rachael just be quiet.”

The officer quickly returning to my window, “I am going to ask you step out of the car sir.”

“For what?”

“Your friend over there has quite the record, now you either can get out so we can search the car or we can get a K-9 unit over here. I am sure he will find something, just waste more of everyones time.”

“Whatever,” getting out of the car aggravated, “What are they giving out free donuts to the biggest dick of the month?”

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