Heroin Love (17 page)

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Authors: I.M. Hunter

BOOK: Heroin Love
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He pushed me against the side of the car, hitting my arms up signaling for me to hold them out straight. Giving me a pat down, starting with my neck moving his slimy sweaty hands all over me checking for any contraband. I see the other officer getting Rachael out of the car giving her a pat down as well. Sitting us down on the curb, one officer watching us, while the other one does a search.

Taking everything out, piece by piece, searching through every page of the manual, every crevice of her purse, under the seats, even removing the carpets on the floor. Tossing everything on to the sidewalk behind us, once he was satisfied with his search he got out of the car to stand in front of us.

“Please sign here. It’s not an admission of guilt, your just acknowledging you received the ticket.”

“Your going to put that all back right?” I asked while signing my name.

“Not my job,” he said in a cocky attitude, handing me the ticket. Doing an about-face he and his partner walked back to their patrol car.

‘What a dick,” I said to Rachael. “Help me get this shit back in the car.”

Putting everything neatly back into it’s place, I waited for the patrol car to leave from behind us. Continuing our journey to Toni’s, I looked over to Rachael, a look of relief was on her face.

“What, were you scared?”

“Well yeah, you did have a gun in the car..”

Chuckling at her, we pulled into Toni’s parking lot, pulling right up to the front door.

“Okay, now stay here,” staring at her cold in her eyes, “I’m serious, don’t move.”

Grabbing the gun out of the hidden compartment, stuffing it in the back of my pants, I hop out of the car, locking the doors behind me, walking into Toni’s with authority. The scenery didn’t change much, Jessica still sitting at her desk doing whatever on her computer, David sitting on the edge, holding a gun on his lap, wearing your typical ‘gangster’ attire, a white wife-beater with baggy jeans.

“What could you possibly need now?” I asked sarcastically.

“It’s so nice to see you again Kevin. Do you need something, a water, club soda, perhaps something a little stronger?” Jess mocked.

“Stop wasting my time, why did I need to come here?”

“We are a little short on our take this month and the boss isn’t happy. We need you to cover the slack,” David jumps into the conversation.

“Fuck that, I just gave you guys five hundred grand, your not getting another cent out of me.” Feeling my heart starting to pulsate rapidly, the vein in my neck jumping out of my skin, I wanted to throw that little weasel right through the wall.

“That was personal, this is business. We need another hundred grand within the next two days.”

“Tell ‘your boss’ I don’t give a shit what he needs. Matter of fact call him up I will tell him myself,” I demanded.

“I don’t think you want to do that,” Jess stated steely.

“And why would that be Jess?”

“Because I already told you to go home Kevin,” a voice echoed from down the hallway, the footsteps getting closer and closer. “I warned you and warned you.”

Mr. Carlson appeared from the hallway, smoking a cigar.

“What the hell? What are you doing here?” Puzzled at the whole situation.

“This is my joint, everyone needs a hobby. When I found out someone stole one of my girls, I was aggravated. Then I find out it was you of all people, I couldn’t believe it. What would a successful man such as yourself want with a heroin addict whore? I just couldn’t place my finger on it. I guess Megan just doesn’t put out like I thought she would.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” I still couldn’t make sense of the whole situation.

“I’m not Kevin, I told you to go home, you wouldn’t listen. I honestly couldn’t care less about the contract you have with us, matter of fact it will do me more good. I can keep siphoning money from you without a trail, it works out well for me.”

“Your not getting anything else out of me,” looking fiercely into his eyes.

Mr. Carlson taking a big puff from his cigar, smoke obscuring his face, “But because I like you I am going two options. I want you to think very carefully about your next move. Option one is to just leave, abandon,” he pauses for a second, “what’s her name again?”

“Rachael,” Jess perked up.

Snapping his fingers, “Right, Rachael. Abandon Rachael, forget she even exists and she will just come crawling back to us. Or you can choose option two, stay with her and incur the steep fines of owning one of my whores, and we will just make your life a living hell. We will send the pictures to Megan, we even have a nice HD video we can send her too.”

“Megan already knows, and in case you didn’t know already my life is already a living hell,” thinking I one upped him on the conversation.

“Kevin, Kevin,” placing his hand on my shoulder, his cigar smoke going right up my nose, “Just imagine your life like this. Megan disappears, your kids hate you..”

Laughing at him, “Your pretty damn close to reality already.”

“Hold on I am not finished. Your business fails, and now your broke, have no family left, and you and your whore are scratching around for twenty dollars for the next hit. How does that sound?”

He turns his back to me, pulling the gun out from my pants, pointing it directly at his head, “Or I can just blow your head off right here. Problem solved,” I stated sternly.

David jumping off the desk pointing his gun at me.

He started laughing out loud, “Kevin, how long have we known each other? Quite a long time, I know you can’t shoot me. You couldn’t shoot anyone, no matter how much you hated them,” Mr. Carlson stated confidently.

“Why? Why would a guy like you be in this kind of business?”

“This makes way more money than any job you could ever possibly imagine, but I need something to do to convince people I work for a living,” walking back towards the hallway, taking in another puff of his cigar, “You have two days to decide Kevin. Don’t make me the bad guy, I am trying to help you. Go home,” he disappears down the hallway.

“Now isn’t that a twist of fate?” Jess joked to herself.

“Shut up cunt.”

Rachael came running in the door, “What is taking so long?”

“Rachael, I told you to wait outside,” staring at her firmly.

“Look what we have here,” Jess getting up from her desk, “I thought we would never see you again. Why don’t we go in the back and get a little more comfortable.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I won’t ever be back here again,” Rachael stated while grasping onto my arm.

David was just staring at her, couldn’t really read a response on him, “You have two days Kevin, two days,” calmly telling me once more.

Grabbing Rachael by the arm, “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Pulling her back to the car, opening the door for her and shoving her in the car. Pulling out of the parking lot in great haste.

“I told you to wait in the car, why can’t you listen?”

“You were in there for a while, and what do you need to do in two days?”

“Don’t worry about it, the important thing is that your safe, we are safe,” placing my hand on her semi-revealed thigh. “Now let’s go home and enjoy the rest of our Christmas.”

“Want me to dress up like Mrs. Clause,” she asked smiling joyfully.

“Yeah, that may be fun.”

I couldn’t get home fast enough, rushing right through the front door, I pinned Rachael right up against the wall in the foyer area. Making out intensely, her lips never tasted so good. Biting down on my lower lip, pulling it to break the momentum of me attacking her.

“Easy tiger. I will be right back.”

Just staring lovingly into her eyes as I continued to hold her in place.

“Your going to have to let me go though,” she said giggling.

Slowly letting go of her, not really wanting to. I wanted to fuck her right then and there. She walks away from me, slowly stripping her clothes off as she walks towards the bedroom. Waiting a couple of minutes, I begin creeping towards the bedroom. Rachael was nowhere to be found, looking in the bathroom--she wasn’t there either. Noticing a slight crack in the sliding glass door in our bedroom, I open the door slowly. There she was sitting on the railing of the patio wearing a red velvet top that looked like a bikini, her tits practically falling out of them. Her firm oiled stomach glistening in the moonlight, a skin tight matching mini skirt with a white fur outline. Those toned legs covered with striped white and red stockings, wearing black stilettos. Holding an oversized plastic candy cane, not sure what she wanted to do with that.

“I heard there was a naughty boy living here.”

“Oh did you now?” Playing along as I approached her.

“Mr. Clause wanted me to teach him a real hard lesson,” her hands fully grabbing my package firmly. “And by the feeling of it, it’s going to be really hard.”

Pulling myself as close as I can, her breasts pushing into my chest, giving her a dominating look, “I think Mrs. Clause needs to be taught the lesson, sneaking into my house.”

Firmly twisting her around, pushing her shoulder’s down, her hands catching her as they grasped the railing beneath them. I pulled her dress up revealing her nude ass. Grabbing the candy cane off of the floor, I swung it into her ass with all my impetus, Rachael leaping forward with enjoyment. The candy cane bent in half, making it useless.

“Tsk, Tsk, you broke my candy cane. Now your going to have to pay,” She pushes me down onto one of the wooden patio chairs.Placing the heel of her stiletto into my groin, pressing with force, she leaned in to caress my face. “I guess now I am going to have to play with your candy cane,” digging her nails into my hair as she pulled my head back.

Kissing my neck softly, catching a hint of a peppermint scent that lingered on her. Unbuttoning my shirt unhurried, still holding my head back, I feel the warmth of her tongue flicking my stiff nipples, the sharp edges of her teeth digging into my pectoral muscle. Constantly kissing me, from my chest all the way down to my lower abs, feeling the satisfaction of her removing my pants. The wind hitting the tip of my erect penis as it poked out of the hole in my briefs. She wrapped her tepid moist lips around the head of my dick, abruptly jumping to her feet, such a tease.

Taking a few steps back, she looks provocatively into my eyes, standing sideways. Lifting her hands above her head, moving her exposed ass in a circular motion slowly, dancing to no music. Slowly lowering her hands, rubbing over her breasts, floating down to her abs, and gracefully caressing all the way down her legs to her toes, her ass perking up. Flinging her hair behind her head as she stands back up straight, now she was facing me. Moving her hips in a circular motion, slightly bending her knees, constantly caressing her body. Steadily going down to the squatting position, kicking her knees out sharply to show me her pussy.

Walking towards me seductively, one foot in front of the other while rocking her shoulders softly, leaning over, her breasts were now eye level. Rachael pushed them into my face forcing them closer together with her hands, rubbing them all over me. Sticking my tongue out getting the sweet taste of her salty sweat off her tits.

She planted one leg right in-between my legs, throwing the other one over my shoulder, showing her flexibility. Her freshly shaven vagina was inches from my face, the scent coming off of it was intoxicating. Sticking my tongue out trying to get a taste, she delivers a quick noticeable smack to the side of my head, waving her fingering in the no no motion. Beginning to oscillate her hips once more, her pussy getting closer and closer with every rotation. She leaned down into my ear to let out a soft moan.

“You like that pussy in your face?”

“You know I do.”

“And what do you want to do to it?” She asked in a scratchy sexy voice.

“First I’d eat you out, tasting all of you.”

Letting out another soft moan into my ear, “And then what?”

“Then I’d take my thick dick and shove it deep inside of you.”

“Mmmm, would you fuck my senseless?”

“I’d ram you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for days.”

One final moan into my ear, “I can’t wait,” getting off of me, backing up a couple of steps.

Reaching behind her back unbuckling her top, rubbing her top around on her breasts revealing bits and pieces of it. Quickly flashing one of her nipples before covering it back up, letting out a schoolgirl giggle. Finally dropping her top to the floor, I could finally admire the full beauty of her hypnotic breasts. Lastly teasing me with her mini skirt, rotating her hips as she pulled it down revealing some of her before quickly covering it back up again. Smiling at me, her eyes sparkling in the stars as she continued to tease me. Dropping the skirt to the floor, closing her legs tightly together. I shot her a disappointed look, suddenly she turned around bent over to touch her toes then ran off to the beach.

“Where are you going?”

“Bet you can’t catch me,” she shouted as she got further and further away.

Hoping out of the chair to chase her down the easement that lead to the beach. Stopping several feet back from the water, watching her. Rachael kicking off her stilettos, slowly removing her stockings as she bent over in my direction looking over her shoulder at me, barely being able to see the smile on her face in the blanket of darkness. She jumped right into the water like a mermaid, quickly popping back up, flinging her golden hair behind her head. She started to walk back out of the water unhurriedly towards me, her breasts emerging first, followed by her perfect torso, then her long lean legs, her entire body coruscating in the moonlight. Her hair in thick strands, hanging down the sides of her face, what a sexy look.

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