Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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If she had her laptop she could go on the message boards and get some direction, but she’d left it home on purpose because she’d assumed if she had it along on vacation, the temptation to work would be too great.

“Right. Like I’d get any work done now.” She hadn’t counted on Demetrius and Gregory keeping her almost constantly occupied. She could use the computers here at the resort, but then someone might find out what she was doing. No. This had to be kept from them.

A sudden wave of guilt washed over her. Would they be upset if they found out? It wasn’t her fight, after all. She was only a guest here. And surely if they’d wanted to summon Lilith they could do so, at any time. If they’d wanted to ask her to reverse the curse, wouldn’t they have done so by now?

Paige put her chin in her hands, debating. Maybe she could ask them why they’d never done so? Perhaps there was a very good reason? They’d told her so much already that it seemed reasonable to assume they’d answer that question as well. But in the meantime, there was no harm in researching spells, was there? It’s not like she had to use them. But just in case she wanted to one day, she’d at least have them. No harm in that.


* * * *


When Demetrius and Gregory returned that afternoon, Paige was sitting on the balcony reading a novel. She’d copied down three spells and hidden the sheets of paper under the mattress in the second bedroom where Gregory had placed some of her things so she had a space of her own if she needed it. Well, she needed it now.

She’d made the decision to ask them today if they’d ever considered summoning Lilith to ask her to reverse the curse. Now that the time had come, her palms began to sweat again and she wondered if this had been the craziest idea she’d ever come up with.

Gregory took her hands and pulled her to her feet. “And what did you do with yourself all day?” His smile was bright.

“Oh, I’ve been reading.”

He picked up the book she’d placed on the table next to her then shrugged. “Read it. More than once.”

“Well, I haven’t.”

“Ready for dinner?”

“Sure am. What are we having tonight?”

She took his hand and walked back into the sitting room. “Demetrius was in the mood for Italian, and Uncle Jack has prepared us a feast.”

Paige laughed. “Uncle Jack? So now he’s your uncle as well?”

Demetrius rolled his eyes. “He insists we call him that. He’s driving everyone nuts. The man is a genius, but he’s also loud and he sings opera all day long.”

“Can he carry a tune?”

“Unfortunately, no, but try telling him that. Thinks he’s Pavarotti.”

“I do believe Mr. Pavarotti is dead, Demetrius.”

“Well then, he thinks he’s Pavarotti reincarnated or something.”

The food was incredible. She noticed that Demetrius and Gregory ate more of it this evening than usual. She waited until they were well into their meal before she spoke. “I came across more pictures today of when the resort was first opened.”

Gregory raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Anything you have questions about?”

She reached over with her napkin and wiped a large smear of sauce from his chin. “You eat like a slob.”

“I know.”

Paige giggled as he shoved an entire meatball into his mouth.

“Just keep your fingers out of his way,” said Demetrius. “Otherwise he might accidentally eat them.”

Gregory gave him a droll look and shook his head while he chewed.

“I do have one question, actually.”

“Shoot,” said Gregory, his mouth full of food.

“Well, I was wondering if any of you had ever considered asking Lilith to reverse the curse she placed on you.”

Gregory stopped chewing and gave her a look that suggested she’d just asked them to jump off the ends of the earth. His gaze cut sharply to the corner where she’d found the grimoire, but it was so quick Paige wondered if she’d only imagined it.

Demetrius leaned back in his chair and sighed, his brow creased in worry. “Can’t say that we have, Paige. Why do you ask?”

Why the hell had she said anything at all? What had she been thinking? “Well, I mean, four of you are dead, and two more are close from what you’ve said. What more does she want?”

Gregory visibly swallowed his food. He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “She wants us all dead, Paige. She hates us. Trust me on this one. She would no sooner reverse the curse than she would rain down sunshine and rainbows upon us.”

“How do you know?”

Gregory threw up his hands in a gesture of frustration. He shot a helpless look at Demetrius. “I don’t even know how to answer that.”

“Paige, why the sudden interest in Lilith and the curse placed on us?” asked Demetrius.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just that you both are so worried about what will happen to this place, and it just seems to me that she’s made her point, you know? Why not let Zach, Emmett, Reeve, and Niko father children if they want to so you don’t have to leave this resort to strangers one day?”

A shadow of tenderness passed through his eyes. “That’s sweet. Really. But we’re dealing with a demon here, not a human being who’s simply pissed off. I wish you’d leave this alone. You’re messing with things you shouldn’t be dabbling in. It’s dangerous.”

She narrowed her eyes. “But you told me I had nothing to fear from her.”

“You don’t. Not yet, at least. Look, I know you’ve been involved with the occult, but how much do you really know about demonology? I’m only asking to ascertain your knowledge base, not to judge you.”

Paige felt the heat rise up her neck and face. “Not much.”

“They’re nothing to mess with. Like we said before, Lilith has been known to prank the guests and staff, but for the most part she leaves us alone. We’d like to keep it that way. None of us is sure what she’d actually do if provoked.”

“She wasn’t summoned by any of us originally,” said Gregory. “She just showed up one day, dressed pretty much as you see her in that photo in the lobby, at a club we frequented. We didn’t recognize her true form. We were too mesmerized by her many charms.” To say Gregory’s voice was sarcastic was an understatement.

“Did you ever try to reason with her?”

“You don’t reason with a demon,” said Demetrius. “You banish them, if you can.”

“You’ve never tried to?”

He and Gregory exchanged a glance. “We did try. It didn’t work. That’s when she threatened to burn the place down.”


Gregory gave her hand a squeeze. “Paige, we’re not upset with you. I know you’re only trying to help. But really, Demetrius is right. Leave this alone. We don’t want anything happening to you.”

Chapter Twelve


As soon as the words left Gregory’s mouth, Demetrius wished he hadn’t said them. Not that they both didn’t mean it—they did. Lilith had never gone beyond silly pranks with a guest and they certainly didn’t want to test her on that point with Paige.

Demetrius didn’t miss the way her eyes went soft for a few seconds, and he didn’t like the way his heart gave a strange lurch as he watched that emotion come and go. Didn’t like it one little bit.

When she’d first asked the question his protective instincts had kicked in. He wanted to shelter her from Lilith and anything else that could potentially harm her. The urge to take her back to his suite and keep her there the rest of her stay had been strong. Anything to keep her from snooping in the old books and papers Gregory had lying around this place. Demetrius had a sneaking suspicion Paige had found something in this room. What else would have sparked such an insane idea?

His gaze roamed around the room. She had too much time on her hands every morning. They were supposed to be keeping her occupied, not giving her license to read something that might land her in deep shit with a vindictive demon.

“So which is it?” she asked. “Should I be afraid of her or not?”

Demetrius gave her his best seduction look. “You should forget about her and finish your dinner. Gregory and I have special plans for you tonight.”

Her grin was instantaneous, and Demetrius had to fight the urge to pick her up in his arms and kiss her until neither of them could breathe. “Oh, is that so? I’d love to hear about those plans.”

“I’m sure you would, but I’m not going to tell you. You’ll have to wait and find out.”

She squirmed in her seat as she ate the rest of her meal, glancing sideways at him and Gregory in turn. Her appetite for them had only increased during the past week. The others guests might as well not even exist as far as they both were concerned. Zach had said something to him a few days ago. Apparently there were complaints. Demetrius had merely shrugged and said he had no desire for any other woman right now than Paige.

When Zach had asked if Gregory felt the same way, Demetrius said he’d have to ask him. They hadn’t discussed it. That much, at least, was true. Then again, there was no need to discuss it. Every day when they knocked off work after lunch, they returned to the suite where they’d left her that morning and spent the rest of the day with her. They’d fallen into that routine as easily as any other they had, only this was different, and Demetrius was sure Gregory must have also realized that.

Neither man had ever given a guest this much exclusive attention. Not together or separately. Demetrius had no doubts there were complaints. Most of their guests came here for the very reason they’d started this place. They wanted one or two weeks of no-strings-attached sex with one or more of the owners. And for the past ninety-one years, there had always been owners to accommodate them.

This was the first time in their history the guests’ sexual needs were being ignored. Paige had been right about one thing. Either they needed to start advertising all the other activities the resort offered, or they wouldn’t have to worry about whom to leave the resort to one day. They’d be out of business long before Zach, Emmett, Reeve, and Niko died of old age.


* * * *


Paige waved a hand in front of Demetrius’s face. “You still with us?”

Gregory chuckled as he pushed away his plate. “What’s that expression? Earth to Demetrius?”

“That’s the one,” said Paige.

“Sorry,” he said, rising. “Just thinking about how hard I’m going to paddle your pretty ass tonight for talking about Lilith.”

“Oh, is that so?” Paige’s panties were so wet at his words she didn’t know how she was going to wait for whatever they had in mind for her. She wanted to push the plates onto the floor and just climb onto the table.

“Yes, that’s so. Right, Gregory?”

“Yeah, absolutely.” He glanced toward the corner where she’d found the grimoire again, and this time Paige knew she hadn’t imagined it. Her heart began to race. Did he know? But how? “I think we’ll continue this evening in Demetrius’s suite. You two go ahead. I’ll be along in a moment.”

Demetrius gave him a curious look but Gregory merely rose and walked toward the hallway that led to his bedroom. As Paige and Demetrius walked to his suite, she almost told him what she’d found earlier. They were going to find out anyway. All Gregory had to do was look in the other bedroom. What the hell had she been thinking, looking up those spells and actually writing them down? How had she expected to keep that from them?

It didn’t take long to reach Demetrius’s suite, as it was only two doors down. Demetrius pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her. She forgot all about grimoires and demons, and instead parted her lips to let his tongue inside. At least she could enjoy them until the shit hit the fan.

Demetrius released her mouth and planted soft kisses along her jaw line. “I never grow tired of your mouth.”

She made a purring noise in the back of her throat and tugged at his shirt, freeing it from his jeans. After she pulled it over his head, she tossed it onto a nearby chair, and then proceeded to tease his nipples with her teeth and tongue. Speculation about whether Gregory was looking under the mattress right now in the spare bedroom kept trying to invade her consciousness, but she pushed it away. Tasting Demetrius’s gorgeous body was more fun than thinking about those damn spells. Tomorrow she’d burn the damn paper and forget all about this crazy idea.

She had Demetrius’s jeans and boxers off and was on her knees in front of him with his dick in her mouth when Gregory walked in. Paige heard a zipper and clothing rusting, and then she felt his hands on her head as he turned her face toward his swollen cock.

She didn’t hesitate to take him inside. Demetrius teased her hair and left cheek with the head of his dick, already wet with pre-cum. Paige took turns with them, giving each man a few moments of attention with her lips and tongue.

Demetrius left the room for a moment, and when he returned he took her arms and put them behind her back. She’d been in the act of sucking Gregory and pulled away, but Demetrius told her to keep his dick inside her mouth.

Paige shivered as he bound her arms with bondage tape, from her elbows to her wrists. Gregory’s thrusting inside her mouth grew more forceful, but she knew by now that he wouldn’t hurt her, so she welcomed the intensity.

When he finally pulled out, Demetrius lifted her up and placed her in a straight-backed chair. He spread her legs and fastened them to the chair legs with more tape. Then he stepped back to admire his handiwork. “You look beautiful like that, Paige.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Should have taken her clothes off first,” said Gregory, gently stroking his cock.

Demetrius’s grin sent a fresh wave of wetness to her pussy. “Paige, how attached are you to that sweater?”

“Not terribly.”

“And those jeans?”

“They’re not my favorite pair.”

The men exchanged a grin. Demetrius walked over to a desk and rummaged through a drawer. When he pulled out a large pair of scissors, Paige closed her eyes for a few seconds. She’d never had a man cut off her clothes. Under any other circumstances it would be creepy and frightening, but with these two it was erotic. Everything they did to her was erotic.

Demetrius knelt in front of her. “Are you sure this is okay? I can take the tape off instead, although I still need the scissors to do that.”

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