Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Paige sat up and glanced around at the trees ringing the lake. “But that means she could be out here.”

Demetrius stopped rowing and sat beside her, drawing her into his arms. It was all he could do not to push her against the floor and kiss her into oblivion. “We are not going to let anything happen to you, okay?”

“Okay.” She looked at him with so much trust he nearly blurted it out. He wanted so badly to tell her how much he loved her and needed her.

They gazed into each other’s eyes until Gregory cleared his throat. “Want me to row for a while?”

“Be my guest,” said Demetrius.

Gregory gave him the finger, and Demetrius laughed. As Gregory picked up the oars and continued to row out to the middle of the lake, Demetrius felt Paige relax in his arms. She leaned against his shoulder and sighed. How was he going to watch her drive away at the end of the week? How the hell could he do it? Why did everything have to be so fucking complicated? If Lilith hadn’t decided to bother Paige, things might have been different.

Demetrius hadn’t missed the lack of reaction during the meeting when he’d told the others that Paige knew their secret. That same piece of news coming from Zach and Emmett a few short months ago after they’d told Abigail had evoked an entirely different response from the others. But what did that say about them? Had they all become apathetic, or was it merely that they’d collectively decided it was time to move on?

“The boathouse still has the crime scene tape around it.”

Demetrius followed Gregory’s gaze toward the shore, where a boathouse they’d never completed stood barricaded by yellow tape. Sofia’s ex-husband had been living there for two weeks and none of them had known it. It’s also where he’d taken Sofia the night of the forties party and where he’d drawn a gun on the FBI agents who found him.

“I wonder if Rake’s blood is still on the floor?” asked Gregory. “Guess I’d better check with Jordan and see if we can burn the damn thing down now.”

Paige lifted her head and stared at the boathouse as they rowed past. “Why do you want to burn it down?”

“Bad aura. And I’m betting Sofia never wants to see the inside of it again, even if we could get it completely clean.”


* * * *


Paige smiled inwardly at his words. They cared that much about the woman Reeve and Niko had chosen that they were willing to burn down a building to avoid making her feel afraid or uncomfortable. She thought about everything she’d heard at the meeting earlier. Both Abigail and Sofia had been included in the decisions the remaining owners had made, further affirming the fact that they were considered part of the resort now and weren’t just window dressing.

Gregory and Demetrius had extended her the same courtesy, and she was still only a guest here—at least until the end of the week. She only had two clear choices. Tell them how she felt and let the chips fall where they may, or keep her emotions in check and leave this place on Friday, never to see them again.

Paige cuddled closer to Demetrius’s warm body while she watched Gregory’s muscled forearms flex with each stroke of the oars. His hair lifted slightly in the breeze, and his eyes turned turquoise against the sparkling blue water of Pine Lake.

She tried to picture herself in the parking lot, putting her bags in her car. Then she imagined driving away from Lilith’s Playground. Would Demetrius and Gregory stand there and watch her, or would they say their good-byes privately, leaving her to glance in the rearview mirror and see only pavement and trees? Either scenario sucked.

They reached the opposite shore and sat on a tiny patch of sand to eat lunch. Uncle Jack had outdone himself. There was cold chicken and pasta salad, fresh fruit and yogurt, and a bottle of Pinot Grigio. He’d even included an assortment of nuts and dates.

Demetrius and Gregory made small talk about the weather and current events as they ate. Paige didn’t contribute much. She was content to simply listen to their voices. They put the containers back in the picnic basket when they finished eating, and decided to take a walk. The day had grown warm but not enough to make it uncomfortable to be outdoors. Paige breathed in the clean scent of pines and listened to the birdsong and wind in the trees. She could get used to this.

What would it be like to live here, surrounded by such natural beauty 24/7? The view from her apartment afforded her a lovely vista of the back of the strip mall on the corner, complete with commercial trash containers that were usually emptied at three in the morning by large trucks with loud motors. She couldn’t imagine having acres of woods and lakes to explore or a view from her windows like the ones Gregory and Demetrius had.

She mentally shook away the musings. It was ridiculous to continue down this line of thought. She wasn’t staying here. She couldn’t. She had a job to return to, and Gregory and Demetrius had a business to try and keep afloat. The best thing she could do for her sanity was to enjoy what little time she had left with them.

“Did you two know I’ve never had sex outside before I met you?”

They stopped walking and regarded her with twin lustful grins. “Is that so?” asked Gregory. “I find that hard to believe.”


“Well, I don’t know. I just do.”

Paige laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist, pushing close to grind against his bulge. Both men were always rock hard. Did they stay that way once they turned mortal? She giggled as she imagined asking Abigail or Sofia that question.

“What’s so funny?” asked Gregory, giving her a fake pout.


“Then why did you laugh?”

“Gregory, shut up and kiss me.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Paige opened her mouth to let his tongue inside, clinging to his body as if to a life raft. She wanted to devour them both. As Gregory assaulted her mouth, Demetrius removed her sweater and bra and tossed them onto the forest floor. Paige tingled with excitement at the realization they were about to be naked in the woods, totally isolated and alone. It was so decadent and raw.

Gregory released her mouth, and Demetrius turned her toward him. His kiss was rough and deep, and Paige moaned at the dominance of it. Gregory pulled down her jeans and panties then removed her socks and shoes. She clung to Demetrius as Gregory lifted one foot then the other, until Paige stood naked before them.

“Wish we had some rope or something.” Gregory glanced around. “I want to tie her to a tree.”

Paige shivered at his words. What a deliciously wicked thought.

Demetrius stopped kissing her and glanced toward the rowboat. “What about the dock line?”

Gregory frowned. “How will we anchor the boat?”

Demetrius grinned. “I guess we’ll have to push it further ashore so it doesn’t float away, or else we’ll have a long walk back around the lake.”

Paige laughed. “You two are nuts. If that boat floats away I’m not walking back to the resort. Can’t you just sprout wings and fly or something?”

It was Demetrius’s turn to laugh. “Can you imagine the looks on our guests’ faces if they looked out the window and saw us skimming across the water, wings out, carrying you?”

“Especially if she was still naked,” said Gregory as he untied the boat. Demetrius joined him and together they pushed it up onto the sand until they were satisfied it wouldn’t float away.

Paige crossed her arms as a fresh breeze stirred the trees. “Can’t you fly?”

“What?” Demetrius raised his eyebrows. “No, we can’t. Not anymore, at least.”

“Why not?”

He shrugged. “Remember we told you that we can’t make our wings appear anymore? That’s why.”

She let her gaze roam over their bodies, beautiful even when clothed, wondering how it would feel to them to wake up one day and realize they were human. Would they miss the powers they now had, or would they be so happy for their chance at redemption that it wouldn’t matter to them?

“You look like something’s on your mind.” Demetrius took a step closer to her, and his scent filled her head. She was surprised to find she could distinguish it from among the smells around her.

“I was just admiring the view.” She gave him her sexiest smile, and hoped he wouldn’t pry further. She didn’t want to say anything right now that would ruin this perfect afternoon.

He pulled the rope taut between his hands, keeping his gaze on her face. “Pick a tree, Paige. Oh, and if you have to pee, you’d best do it now.”

She giggled and glanced around, looking for one with smooth bark, but the best she could do was to choose a maple tree over the many pines. “How about this one?”

“It’ll do.” Demetrius advanced toward her and pushed her against the tree. He tied one end of the rope around her left wrist then slipped a finger underneath the knot. “If this is too tight let us know.”

“Okay.” Paige was so aroused she could barely breathe.

Gregory told her to put her arms over her head, and then he took the other end of the rope and wrapped it around the trunk above her, then once again across her hipbones. He then asked her to spread her feet apart, and slipped the rope around first her left ankle then her right. He looped it across her hipbones again, and finally tied the end around her right wrist.

Both men stepped back to admire their handiwork. “Not bad,” said Demetrius. “She can’t move, and we can get between her legs.”

Paige giggled as the men high-fived each other. Each one took a nipple into his mouth and Paige moaned and whimpered as she closed her eyes and enjoyed their teeth and tongues on her. The bark was rough against her back and ass cheeks, but that only added to her arousal. It was animalistic and raw to be tied to a tree and forced to submit to two sexy men who knew how to use their mouths.

They moved up to her neck, nuzzling it, then back down to her breasts, which they licked for what felt like hours. Her pussy was so wet she was sure her juices would soon be dripping onto the loam at the base of the tree.

Gregory slipped a finger into her wetness, and Paige cried out. She was so close to an orgasm it was insane. He flicked her clit until she thought she’d go out of her mind with need. She couldn't even move her hips toward his finger. When she tried to, the movement made the knots tighter, so she stopped trying.

When he knelt in front of her and began to lick her clit, Paige exploded in a blinding orgasm. She screamed, and the sound echoed off the opposite shore of Pine Lake.

Chapter Seventeen


Demetrius took his place, using his fingers and tongue to tease her toward another climax. Paige heard Gregory moving near her, but she wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing until he stood in front of her, holding a small, bare tree limb.

“Oh no…”

“Oh yes.” His grin nearly sent her over the edge.

“Great idea, Gregory.” Demetrius stood up and moved aside as Gregory tapped Paige’s nipples with the switch. It didn’t hurt, but rather sent a pleasant jolt across them, like a leather paddle might. He alternated between spanking her breasts and striking her pussy, not enough to cause pain, but enough to make her moan and beg them to let her come again.

“I think not,” said Gregory. “At least, not until we’ve tested this out on her ass. Demetrius, do you agree?”

“Oh yes. Definitely.” His voice was raspy and deep. Paige shivered at the raw lust in his eyes. She would do anything for him—for both of them.

He and Gregory undid the ropes, checked her wrists and ankles to make sure there were no abrasions, then turned her around and tied her to the tree again. The bark rubbed against her breasts now instead of her ass, but she liked it.

One of them reached around and played with her breasts, while the other teased her wet slit. She closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her. Someone licked her ass cheeks, then spread them and rimmed her. She groaned and tried to push her hips backward against his mouth, but they had her tied too tightly. That realization sent her arousal to crazy heights.

When the first strike landed on her ass cheeks, she yelped. She wasn’t sure which man was hitting her, but he wasn’t holding back. Paige loved it. She moaned and whimpered as her ass cheeks began to burn.

Demetrius turned her head toward him and kissed her. His mouth was rough and demanding, and Paige responded by assaulting him with her teeth and tongue. The more Gregory spanked her with the switch, the more she and Demetrius devoured each other’s mouths.

When the men changed places, Paige’s ass was so sore she wasn’t sure she could take a second spanking, but she let Demetrius do it anyway. Tears coursed down her cheeks as the kiss she shared with Gregory deepened. What was she going to do? She couldn’t leave these two.

When Demetrius finally stopped, they untied her. She dropped to the ground, and Gregory gathered her in his arms, stroking her hair and back, while Demetrius undressed. Once he was naked, she and Gregory stood, and Demetrius held her in his strong arms and stroked her hair and back while Gregory took off his clothes.

The men cleared a small space, sweeping away rocks and twigs with the switch. Then they gathered dead leaves and made a carpet of them on the space they’d just cleared. They asked Paige to get on her knees, and then they tied her wrists behind her back. They spread her legs apart and tied the ends of the rope to her ankles, pulling the excess rope taut.

“If this gets too uncomfortable, let us know,” said Demetrius. He knelt behind her and caressed her pussy, making sure to graze her clit with his thumb. When he plunged his dick into her pussy, the climax that had been building let go, and Paige closed her eyes as waves of passion crashed over her.

Demetrius fucked her hard and deep, and she welcomed it. Gregory rubbed the head of his wet cock against her ass cheeks, over her back, and across the side of her face. “Do you like this, Paige?” His voice was breathy and low. “We’re going to fuck you like we captured you in the woods. Like you’re our prey and the prize is your hot, wet pussy.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I love it. Fuck me hard.”

“Oh, we will,” said Demetrius. “It’s not like you can get away from us.”

Paige moaned at his words. She loved being tied up and forced to submit to them. She was completely under their control and at their mercy, and that realization only further enhanced her arousal.

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