Heart on Fire (7 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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“I don’t,” she protested, but one dark brow rose. “Much?”

“A lot,” Kyle replied.

“Fine.” She sighed. “Look, I’m not interested in attention. I don’t need it, so I don’t put effort into drawing it.”

He shook his head slowly. “Where the hell are you from? Because honestly, Mila, you’re stunning without the effort. Maybe more because you don’t seem to see yourself the way everyone else does.”

“Some place where they put more value on appearance than they should.” She took the last bite of her cone.

“I’m glad you’re here now.”

The desire in his eyes made her nervous. She steered the conversation to safer territory even though she knew the answer. “What time is the barbeque?”

His head tipped to the side. “Five.”

“And should I bring more than dessert?”

“Dessert is plenty. You don’t even have to do that.” He gave her an inviting smile. Then his tongue expertly licked a drop of ice cream from the cone before putting the last bite in his mouth. Seeing the pink tip flooded her body with need.

“Right,” she squeaked, “I should go, still have work to do. Thank you again.”

“Want me to walk you home?” He moved closer, crowding her. The way his eyes devoured her drove her crazy. She wanted to touch him, to kiss him, and she needed to do none of those things.

“No, thank you. I’m right next door.” She forced herself to walk away at a normal pace. “Goodnight, Kyle.”

“Goodnight, Mila.”

She felt his eyes on her, and could hardly stand the note of sadness in his voice. Before she opened his door she turned back to find him inches away.

The look in his eyes was tender. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. Again.”

Even as the panic flared, it settled. Equal parts sincerity and desire lay in his eyes.

Something her father always said came back to her.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Would it hurt to give this a chance, when he seemed to be everything she could hope for?

She swallowed back her fear and offered a smile. “If it’s any consolation, I’m nervous around men in general. But, Kyle, I do enjoy your company, probably better than I should.” She took a quick breath and added, “If I didn’t still have work to do, I might consider staying longer.”

His eyes sparkled. “Soon then, because I can’t get enough of your company.” He reached around her to open the door, and his scent enveloped her. Clean, strong, and very male. The rich chocolate ice cream had satisfied her sweet tooth, but there was one craving she was afraid to indulge.

Nodding, she answered, “Tomorrow.”

“Mmhmm.” The sound danced along her nerves, enticing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mila.”

“Tomorrow.” She scooted out the door and hurried home before he could touch her. If she let him, she wouldn’t want to stop. Her self-control was unraveling.

Attraction was generally easy to overcome. Men learned about Cherish and ran the other way. Kyle, on the other hand, was undeterred. He
to understand they were a package deal, and she wasn’t used to that response. Her carefully built walls were starting to crumble.

Except for that one night, almost six years ago, she didn’t lose control. She didn’t do reckless. Only the once, and never again. Yet, with Kyle, she wanted to. She trusted him, the same way she had trusted her phantom that Halloween night.

Dangerous indeed. What if she was wrong about the fireman next door?

She slipped inside and locked the door, resolved to finish grading those papers.


* * * *


Kyle flopped down on the couch and scrubbed his hand over his short hair. One question was on his mind.
What is it about Mila Day that has me so enthralled?

There was a daring woman lurking under the buttoned-down teacher. Passion’s fire burned in her eyes whenever she started to open up, but then she pulled it back in, hiding. He wanted to know who trampled her self-esteem so he could set them straight, preferably with his fists.

His phone rang, and he dug it out of his pocket. “What’s up?”

“Hey, so I hear Rene tried to get you to go to some big smarmy business party.” Gavin chuckled. “She called me to get the scoop on that teacher you’re so fond of.”

Kyle grinned, recalling the way Mila lit up anytime she was talking about Cherish or teaching. How could anyone not like the way her lips curved into a smile, or the way her eyes filled with light?

Gavin chuckled. “You with me, man?”

What was the question? Oh yeah.

Kyle groaned. “Yeah, Rene was being her usual self. She tried to bait Mila, who didn’t let it bother her. That seemed to get a rise out of Rene. I’m sure it won’t be the last I hear of it.”

“My sister is a spoiled bitch. I swear I don’t know why you ever put up with her in the first place,” Gavin quipped.

“Fuck if I know.” Sitting up, Kyle scrubbed a hand over his face, but a smile spread. “Mila gracefully let Rene’s shitty attitude roll off.”

“So why did your pretty little teacher friend go home? When I drove by five minutes ago, she was headed up to her door. Alone.”

“She has papers to grade, and I make her nervous.” He took a long breath and let it out. “Besides, she was working when I went over there earlier. She’s super organized and efficient, had her laptop set up, plugging in scores, filing the papers in a box of folders. Funny thing, she was listening to ‘Porn Star Dancing.’ It was real low, so until I got close I didn’t recognize the song, but she was tapping her foot, and mouthing the words while she worked.”

Gavin laughed out loud. “You know, it’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. They’re wild in the sack. Always. You know how quiet Cadence seems when you first meet her.”

“Yeah, let’s not go there. Cadence is like my sister.”

“Let’s keep it that way,” he joked.

Kyle dropped his head into his hand. “I don’t get it though. You’ve seen Mila. She’s a knock out, but she gets so nervous whenever I mention anything to do with her appearance.”

“She’s a mom. Her first thought is of her kid. I have a feeling she’s very protective, which means she stopped thinking of herself as an attractive woman.”

“She has to own a mirror. How can she not at least realize it’s the truth?”

“Probably some asshole in her past. You’ll have to show her what you feel, what you think, what you want. Don’t leave out her little girl, because I have a feeling Cherish is the way to Mila’s heart.”

He grinned. Gavin knew him so well. His oldest friend didn’t beat around the bush, and always told him the truth. “I’ve never been so drawn to a woman. Damn, it’s frustrating when she tries to push me away.”

Gavin laughed out loud. “No shit. But you got to admit you show up
she is. I know your intentions are good, but it’s starting to look like you’re stalking her, in the least creepy way possible.”

“I can’t help it. The need to be near her is like an addiction I can’t shake—I’m drawn like a bee to pollen. I want to thread my fingers through those dark chocolate curls and taste her rose petal lips.”

“Holy hell, you’ve got it bad. Since when are you Shakespeare and shit?” Gavin laughed.

In the background, he heard, “Who does Kyle have it bad for?”

“His neighbor. Jenny’s new best friend’s mother. Wait until you meet her.”

“Hey, if you two are going to carry on a conversation, I’m going to get off the phone,” Kyle warned.

“Fine.” Gavin chuckled.

“Hi, Kyle.” Cadence must have swiped the phone. “Rumor is she’s great with the kids, really pretty, and super smart. That true?”

“Yes, all of it, at least from what I’ve seen. I’m hoping you two hit it off tomorrow. And yes, I may have a thing for her, but she’s not ready, yet.”

“I suggest you get to know her, and if you want her, woo her, but remember that little girl. You break the mom’s heart, you’ll end up breaking the daughter’s heart too.”

“Cherish is adorable, and I’m almost as drawn to her as I am Mila. I don’t know what it is about her.”

“Which one?” Cadence giggled.

He smiled, and answered honestly. “Both. Mila is interesting, easy to talk to, and beautiful. Cherish is a darling mini-Mila decked out in pink.”

Gavin chimed in, “And adores Kyle for some strange reason. I’m definitely the more kid-friendly one.” Gavin was a few inches shorter, and not as bulky. Cadence was always calling him her teddy bear, and he did kind of look like one, especially when he stopped shaving for any length of time.

Cadence giggled. “Sounds like you’re being pulled together. She might be hesitant, but you’re a wonderful guy. A woman would be lucky to catch you.”

“Hey,” Gavin balked. “I’m
guy. No jumping ship.”

There was a playful swat. “I’m not jumping ship, love-bear, I’m encouraging our friend to get himself a woman worthy of his attention.”

“Oh fine,” he grumbled.

Kyle laughed at their banter. “Don’t worry, Cadence. I plan to woo Mila. Once I figure out how to stop making her nervous.”

“Probably not for the reasons you think,” Cadence offered.

Gavin came on. “Cadence was complaining we couldn’t bring dessert.” He laughed. “She reluctantly agreed to making some sides.”

“Sorry, when Mila suggested it, Cherish begged for her cherry pie. What was I supposed to do? Say no?” He laughed. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to resist that little girl any more than her mother could.

“My lovely wife will get over it. See you then.” The call ended and Kyle stared at the ceiling, thinking about Mila.


Chapter 6



The bathroom sink came apart. Completely freaking fell apart. Mila was a mess, soaking wet, trying to get the darned thing fixed. She had the water underneath shut-off, but was having a pain of a time trying to clean up the huge puddle that had seeped everywhere so she could assess the damage.

And then her phone rang. Probably Deanna, calling to bring back Cherish. She managed to run to the bedroom and swipe her phone off the dresser.

She was out of breath. “Hi, sorry I didn’t answer faster.”

“No worries. Why do you sound so frazzled?” Aunt Dee asked.

“Bathroom sink is busted, and I only halfway know what I’m doing. After I clean up the mess, I’ll look up how to fix it.”

“Right, well Cherish wanted to bring you donuts and chai, so hurry and clean up the mess.”

“Thanks, I could use some sugar.” She hung up and went back to work, soaking up all the water. Thankfully, it was mostly on her sweats and white tank. She had managed to dry the floor in time for the doorbell to ring.

Were they already on the way? What the hell?

She hurried downstairs, and threw the door open to find Kyle wearing a smile. A blush crept up his face when his eyes landed on her chest.

She glanced down and covered herself in mortification.

His deep velvety voice was even lower, huskier. “I hear you could use a hand with your sink. Your aunt called.”

“Shit… uh, sorry. I didn’t expect you. Come on,” she muttered and led him upstairs with her arms wrapped around her chest, hiding the wet t-shirt look. “I’m so embarrassed, I should have looked, or changed, or something. I thought you were Dee and Cherish. God, if it had been Tommy…” she shook her head, feeling like the biggest idiot.

Kyle chuckled. “If it had been your neighbor’s son, you’d fuel many a wet dream.”

have better fodder for that,” she mumbled.

His hand gently landed on her shoulder, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “Oh, you star in all my dreams lately, but I didn’t want to embarrass you further.”

“I uh…um…” she stammered. Her brain refused to respond, and she was at a total loss for words.

“Sorry, I have the habit of making you uncomfortable.” He squeezed her shoulder and stepped back. “Show me where, and while you go change, I’ll see what we need to do. All right?”

“Yeah, and thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” he murmured.

So stupid, so flipping stupid, but too damned late to zip my mouth

“In here. I managed to shut-off the water, and clean up most of the mess. But I can’t figure out how the hell it came apart in the first place. I’ll probably have to call a plumber. You didn’t have to come over.”

Kyle made eye contact and smiled. “Actually, my uncle is a plumber, and he taught me quite a bit. I should be able to fix it. Even show you how, if you’d like.”


* * * *


Mila was blushing as she turned to him in the bathroom, and apparently forgot about that wet white tank because she combed both hands through her hair. He tried not to look, really, he did. Tried to avoid staring at her perky breasts, but she was cold, and her nipples pearled, waiting for his mouth.

Kyle closed his eyes. “Go change, Mila, before I open my mouth again, and shove both feet in.”

“Oh, god, sorry.” She ran out of the bathroom, and he heard the door slam shut.

Her breasts were perfect. They looked like they were made for his hands. He wanted to pluck her rosy nipples until she squirmed, lick the sensitive peaks until she moaned, and then suck them into his mouth until she writhed beneath him.

Shit, now he needed to shut down the images scrolling through his head, and get rid of the boner.

Ten minutes before, his phone rang. He picked it up with a glance at the clock. “Good morning.”

Deanna started talking a million miles an hour. “Mila could use your help. She’s attempting plumbing, and she may be smart as a whip, but I can guarantee she’s going to make a bigger mess if you don’t go over there and fix whatever happened.”

Jumping at the opportunity to offer a hand, he pulled his shoes on, and asked, “She tell you what the problem was?”

“No, but she’s frazzled. If you go help her, I’ll bring you coffee and donuts. I know what you like.”

He chuckled. “You do realize I’ll help Mila without being bribed.”

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