Heart on Fire

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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Heart on Fire




Brandy L Rivers


Copyright 2014 Brandy L Rivers


Cover Design by Brandy L Rivers

Edited by Shaner Media Creations



All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Also by Brandy L Rivers


Others of Edenton


New Beginnings

In Too Deep

Shadows Fall

Shadows of the Past

Falling Into Place

Fated Love

Breaking Free


Others of Seattle


Nights Embrace

Storm Mistress


Coming Soon


Others of Edenton

Mending Scars

Winter 2014


Others of Seattle

Accepting Fate
Spring 2015


To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at





Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28


About Brandy L Rivers






To the Dauntless Indies:

You ladies are amazing, it’s a pleasure to work with you all.

To many great successes for all of you.





Six years ago, Halloween night


Excitement danced through her veins as Mila attempted to tie the glittery scarlet mask’s ribbons under her hair.

Barb tapped her foot, taunting, “Come on, Mila. You don’t want to be late.” Mila’s best friend was ready for her boyfriend’s frat party across the street. They were in the apartment Anthony shared with a friend, but the guys were setting up, leaving them alone to costume themselves.

“Help me, please. I don’t want anyone to recognize me,” she pleaded. “I plan on getting drunk, really drunk, and going home with some hot superhero, or maybe another demon.” And she was, but she was also nervous as hell.

Barb shook her head as she turned toward her. “You’ll have your choice of men.”

“Whatever you do, don’t tell anyone. I’ll deny it until my dying day.”

For one night, and only one, she needed to be someone else. Five weeks since she had walked out on Paul, and Mila wanted to forget.

She’d thought she loved him, until he
her what she was going to do with her life. Mila refused to fall in line with his agenda. Paul laughed, and told her she would never amount to anything. She walked away.

Only took the prick a week to replace her with a woman she thought was her friend. If Leslie had been, that ended when she showed off her sparkly engagement ring, and proceeded to ask Mila to be her maid of honor. That was a big fat no.

Good riddance. Jerk could take his bimbo to New York, and start his life as a scum-sucking lawyer. Leslie was clearly thrilled to become his trophy wife.

Tonight, Mila wasn’t going to play sweet and innocent. With her inhibitions left at home, she was going to be bold and daring. She was going to have a great time with every intention of fucking that asshole, and his back-stabbing tramp, right out of her mind.

“Honey, we’re in another state.” Barb nudged her chin up until they made eye contact. “You only know one of Anthony’s friends.
No one
is going to recognize you. Not unless you count Anthony, and he won’t come on to you,” she wiggled her fingers, “unless he wants a castration via acrylics.”

Mila laughed. “Anthony loves you. I honestly doubt he has it in him to look at another woman.”

“I don’t know. Do you see yourself?” Barb fanned her face dramatically. “You are so damned hot, you have flames springing up with every step you take. I’d be surprised if you don’t land a man in under two seconds.”

“I hope so.”

“Don’t forget the condoms!”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, mom.”

Smirking, Barb twirled her finger. “Turn around.”

Mila did and Barb worked her magic, hiding the ties in the fall of big dark chocolate curls that tumbled down Mila’s back. The jeweled mask was custom fitted to her face and covered from below her nose up to her hair. Projecting from the top edge of the mask, and encircled with curls, the horns appeared to spring from her head. She even wore a matching tail.

Mila walked to the bathroom with the full-length mirror and stared at herself. Her breasts nearly spilled out of the scarlet satin corset. Matching hot pants showed off her long, toned legs. Black knee high boots, and gloves topped off the ensemble.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for her makeup bag, and painted on shiny scarlet lipstick.

She hardly recognized herself. She generally chose clothes for comfort. Cute, not sexy.

I can do this. I want to do this,
she reminded herself.

Mila turned to Barb. “I’ll meet you back here late tonight, or early tomorrow.”

Smiling, she pulled Mila into a hug.

There was a tremble to her voice. “This is a one-time thing. I need to do something crazy once in my life.”

“Doesn’t have to be one time. You need this. So let’s go have some fun.” Barb took her hand and pulled her out of the apartment, down to the frat house across the way. “Our first mission is to get some alcohol.”

“Yeah, I’ll find our drinks.” Mila flipped her hair over her shoulder. Every pair of eyes landed on her as she sashayed her way through the crowd. Her new-found seductive power was something she could get used to,
she wasn’t planning to be a high school teacher.

“Hello, devil,” a deep, velvety purr caught her attention as the owner stepped close enough to feel the heat of his skin.

She turned to fall deep into smoldering blue-grey eyes. Most of his face was hidden behind a
Phantom of the Opera
mask. His dark hair brushed the collar of a poet’s blouse tucked into tight black pants over incredibly powerful legs. A cape completed the costume, draped carelessly over impressive shoulders. Below the mask, his full, tempting smile, and accompanying dimple, drew her attention. Mila wanted a taste.

“Why hello, Phantom.” Her lips turned up in a coy smile as desire rushed through her.
The Phantom of the Opera
was her favorite musical. She could listen to it non-stop for days. “Can I tempt you with a drink?”

“You’re tempting me for something more than a drink.” He stepped into her body as his hands wrapped around her waist. “Want to dance?”

“Yes, I do,” she answered immediately.

He led her to the dance floor and encircled her in his arms. So warm, so strong, and it felt right.

His breath danced over her ear. “This too fast?”

“Not at all.” A combination of confidence and desire left her feeling frisky. She nipped his ear, and was rewarded with a deep moan. The music started and his body moved to the beat. His lips grazed her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

Barb cleared her throat. Even in her tiny, sexy fairy princess dress, she had a maternal quality. The pointed look brought Mila back to reality.

Then a single brow arched in amusement. “Forget something?”

Mila giggled impishly. “I was distracted.”

Barb took an appreciative look at Phantom and one corner of her mouth lifted. “I can see that.”

Phantom grinned. “I couldn’t resist temptation, but will gladly burn in hell to steal another dance.”

“Who’s your friend?” Barb’s eyes sparkled.

“The Phantom of the Opera.” Mila quickly answered, not wanting his name. She didn’t need it. One hot night, that was all she could afford.

“Gonna play it that way?” Barb narrowed her eyes, but smiled back at the man. “Very well, Phantom, I’m Barb.”

“Good evening. I hope you don’t mind if I keep Devil to myself for as long as she’ll let me. I promise to treat her well.”

Mila had no doubt he would. Even if he only talked the whole night, she could listen to the seductive rumble without complaint.

Anthony joined them with a round of drinks. He wore his football uniform, minus the pads. Maybe it hadn’t occurred to him to shop for a real costume? In any case, it worked for him.

Once everyone had a cup, Mila chugged her beer.

Phantom licked his lips as he watched her like a predator.

That shouldn’t turn me on

In three years, Paul never once looked at her like she was edible and he was starving.

He took a few long swallows from his cup, and offered the remainder. “More?”

“Mmm.” She nodded and took his to guzzle it down.

Anthony’s eyes widened as he shook his head. Barb grabbed the cups and dragged her man away, giving Mila a thumbs-up behind her boyfriend’s back.

Mila turned back to Phantom, and drowned in his smoldering eyes. Not allowing herself to think, she fisted his hair and dragged him down for a kiss. There was no hesitation as his mouth closed over hers. He took control immediately, his tongue sliding against hers. His taste was rich, heady, and she wanted more.

One hand squeezed her ass, pulling her tight against his straining length, his other turned her head enough for him to whisper in her ear, “Careful now, Devil. I’m trying to behave until I can get you alone, but you really,” he nipped the lobe of her ear, “truly, need to slow down, before I find a corner, and have you against the wall.”

Her mouth popped open to argue, but she couldn’t think of a single thing wrong with that plan. In fact, she no longer wanted to be drunk. She wanted to remember every last detail. Her voice was husky when she finally responded. “Then dance, before I go back to tempting you.”

He made the sexiest growling sound she’d ever heard. Her heart raced and her blood boiled. She knew slowing down was wise, but her body wanted everything he had to offer.

A sensual, slow song came on, and his arms wound around her, pulling her closer. His lips trailed up the column of her throat, leaving her breathless as their bodies moved together. One hand caressed up her side, grazing over the curve of her breast.

“Oh, Phantom. Now, you’re the one tempting me,” she moaned, urgently pressing her hips against him, feeling the evidence of his arousal trapped between their bodies.

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