Heart on Fire (8 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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“Would you turn down Caramel Mocha donuts?” she taunted.

Shaking his head, he started for the door. “No, but I’m pointing out I’m already walking over there. You only needed to ask.”

“See you in a bit.” She hung up before he could respond.

Now, Mila was flustered. With a sigh, he shifted the bulge in his pants, crouched down by the sink, and opened the cabinet.

Sure enough, the pipes came apart. Luckily, a quick trip to the hardware store and he would have the supplies he needed to fix the sink. She had shut the water off and cleaned up the mess.

Her voice washed over him. “The hot water nozzle is stripped. I turned the faucet on, and a couple minutes later my socks were soaked because it was leaking underneath. I tried to turn it off, but the knob only spun.” She blushed again, and rambled on as she shoved her hands in her pockets. “I got soaked when I turned it off underneath, since it was spraying right at my chest. Sorry for the show, I’m so embarrassed.”

He smiled up at her. She was in jeans and another t-shirt, her hair tied up in a messy knot. “Mila, please don’t apologize. Truth is, I liked what I saw. Slap me if it will make you feel better, I won’t hold it against you.”

She blinked rapidly and shook her head. “I don’t want to slap you, and thank you,” she squeaked, looking away as cheeks filled with color. “I don’t know why you fluster me so bad, but… uh… thanks.”

“Is it possibly because you’re attracted to me?” he asked honestly, not wanting to embarrass her, but needing confirmation, because maybe he was a selfish bastard.

She nodded. “Yeah, but I’ve tried the whole relationship thing since Cherish, and it never works. Men think I should give them more attention than my daughter, and that’s not happening.”

He stood up and leaned back against the sink. “And what if I told you that if we tried this, we would go slow? That I will never expect you to put me first. You hardly know me, and your little girl only has you. I would never put you in a position to neglect her.”

Mila searched his eyes. When she finally answered, she sounded torn. “I don’t know, Kyle. I’ve heard that line before, but it didn’t work out that way.”

He looked down, then up through his lashes at her. “I’m only asking for a chance. You’ll never find out if I’m different if you don’t at least let me try.”

Fear and something softer passed over her face before she wet her lips. “I want to trust you, Kyle, and that scares me. It’s been Cherish and me for years now. I’m not even sure how to do the relationship thing anymore.”

Hope flooded his system, and he knew there was a shot. He laid his cards out. “I’ll be honest, if you don’t think you’re ready to try, I won’t push. Though once you are open to the idea, I
pursue you. There’s something between us. Mila, I’m not an asshole and I think you’ll agree once you get to know me.”

“Mommy, Mommy, we have coffee, and donuts!” Cherish clambered up the stairs, shouting at the top of her lungs.

Mila’s whole face lit up as she darted out the door, to the top of the stairs. Seeing the way she was with her daughter emphasized the fact he needed to take things at Mila’s pace.

Kyle followed in time to watch Mila sweep Cherish up into a big hug and swing her around in a circle. He could only grin at the display.

“Hey, munchkin. I missed you. Were you good for Aunt Dee?”

Cherish giggled. “Of course, I’m always good.”

“Yes, you are. Kyle’s already here, shall we go eat?” She set her daughter down.

“Hi, Kyle.” Cherish grinned up at him, and wrapped her arms around his legs. “I can’t wait to see Jenny today. We’re going to have so much fun!”

He ruffled her hair. “Sure will. Now, let’s go eat some of those donuts. That is, if you brought me one?” His dimple deepened as he gave Mila a knowing smile.

“Aunt Dee brought you three. She says she knows what you like. And she got you coffee.”

He chuckled, and nodded toward the stairs. “Sweet, let’s get down there.”

Cherish ran down the steps.

Mila turned to him, grabbing his wrist. Her whisper was urgent, “If we try this, we can’t do it in front of her. Not until I’m sure. Okay? I don’t want to hurt her. She likes you, and if it doesn’t work, I don’t want her to hate you.
don’t want to hate you.”

Kyle could only imagine what was going through her head, and none of it was where he wanted her thoughts. He caressed her cheek. “Mila, I won’t push you. If you aren’t sure, I’ll simply wait until you trust me.” Yes, he wanted her, but he needed more than a few nights. He wanted it to last, to at least explore what they shared.

Her expression softened. “I want to trust you, Kyle, but I have to think about Cherish. She’ll always come first.”

“I’ll never argue with you on that point.”

She chewed her lip, staring into his eyes.

He opened his mouth to tell her he’d wait.

She blurted out, “Are you okay with keeping it quiet? At least until we know if we work?”

“On one condition.” He hoped she wouldn’t take his request the wrong way but he needed to be sure they were on the same page.

“What’s that?”

“We’re exclusive.”

She winced as she took a step back, her arms wrapped around herself. “I wouldn’t even be discussing this with you if I were considering dating someone else.”

Kyle moved closer but she moved back. He sighed. “Hey, I didn’t want you to think
was interested in looking elsewhere. I want to know we have the same expectations. It was not my intention to insult you.”

Her brow wrinkled, her lips turning down in a frown that tugged at his heart. “I’m sorry.”

He caught her hand as she let her arms drop, and gave her a squeeze. “Don’t worry, I get it. Simple misunderstanding. Now, let’s hurry up and join Cherish and Dee before they eat all the donuts.”

She nodded, but didn’t pull her eyes away until Cherish called, “Are you coming, Mommy? I saved your favorite.”

He pulled her toward the stairs with a smile.

Deanna laughed as they entered the kitchen. “I told you, kiddo, they were discussing the sink. Remember, I sent him over to help your mommy with it. God knows she’s stubborn enough to do it herself, even if she doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

“Hey, I would have Googled it and followed directions,” Mila fired back, full of sass.

Kyle had no doubt she would have managed.

“Yes, but now you have someone, right next door, who knows how to fix the problem. And he works cheap.” She winked, handing a caramel-drizzled chocolate donut to Kyle.

Mila’s eyes narrowed at her aunt.

He grinned. “I already told you I would teach you how to fix it. Though I won’t mind helping next time, either.”

A crooked smile lifted a single corner of her mouth.


* * * *


Kyle had a way of easing her fears and Mila wasn’t sure she liked it. Trust hadn’t come easy since Paul, and her last real attempt at a relationship obliterated the remaining threads. But Kyle managed to revive her hope, drawing her into his web. She was terrified he would turn out the same as the others once she was wound too tight to escape with her heart intact.

She dropped her gaze and sipped her tea.
What if he is different? If I keep my walls up, I can keep him out until I know. Can’t I?

Deanna rubbed Mila’s shoulder and innocently asked, “Should I have waited until the sink was fixed to bring Cherish home? I can always take her with me.”

Snapping out of her thoughts, Mila smiled. “Oh no, I missed my little monkey.” She leaned over and laid her head on Cherish’s shoulder. “Besides, she can come to the hardware store with us. That is if Kyle wants to come. While we’re there, I’ll let her pick out the paint for her room. I know, I know, something
pink.” She shuddered dramatically.

Cherish giggled. “But I love pink!”

Grinning, she sat up and nodded. “I know, and I love you, so you can have a pink room.”

“I can’t wait!” she squealed.

Kyle cleared his throat, drawing her attention. “I was going to suggest coming with you. Plumbing stuff can be a pain. All those little parts in bins, and they get mixed up.”

“Right, I hadn’t considered that, but thank you.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Cherish passed a second donut to everyone.

Mila turned to her aunt. “Thanks Dee, for bringing my baby back, and sending Kyle to the rescue. At least I had the water off the floor before he got here.” Her gaze skated to Kyle.

A smile curled his lips as his eyes locked on hers. Her heart started pounding.

Deanna helpfully offered, “I could keep Cherish another night, if you want.”

And the panic was back. Mila prayed she wasn’t going to try to shove Kyle and her together. She was already nervous about their arrangement.

The way he worded the possibility of her seeing someone else stung. She got it. His point was valid and logical. But she was avoiding everyone. So she wanted to crawl in a hole at the suggestion she might be looking elsewhere.

Her heart had been trampled long ago. It was what led her to a one-night stand in the first place. No strings—but that didn’t work out the way she’d planned. Not that she would ever give Cherish up for anything.

No sense in dwelling on the past. She learned her lesson.

Can I even do sex right anymore? What if he’s not impressed? What if I suck, and not his cock.

Cherish’s giggle broke into her thoughts. “Oh no, Auntie. Jenny is going to Kyle’s party too. She wants me to spend the night. She’s asking her mommy.” She turned to Mila with big blue eyes blinking, wearing the cheesiest grin. “Can I go, pretty please?” Cherish dragged out the last words.

“I don’t know, honey. I haven’t met them yet, and they might not want you over. Let’s play it by ear, okay?”

Kyle reached over to squeeze her shoulder. “I’ll vouch for Gavin and Cadence. I have a feeling you and Cadence will get along quite well. Gavin is a joker, but he’s sweet. They only live three houses down from me, four from you. In fact, I’m kind of surprised the girls haven’t figured that out yet.”

“Jenny has swimming and soccer. She comes home late,” Cherish explained with a pout.

Mila nudged Cherish. “We’ll see. I won’t rule it out, but I want to get to know them first. Okay?”

“Okay, Mom,” Cherish sighed, “but Cadence helps in our class, and she’s really nice.”

Deanna sat down next to Cherish who swung her legs on the stool. “Here’s the thing, princess, mommies like to know where their kids are at all times, and they like to know who they’re with, just in case. Your mommy is a wonderful judge of character, so don’t worry.”

“All right,” Cherish agreed. Mila was tempted to beg her daughter to stay home, so she wouldn’t have a reason to think about their favorite fireman.


Chapter 7



Gavin and Cadence showed up early, with Jenny in tow. As usual, they let themselves into Kyle’s house, and found him chopping bananas for the fruit salad.

“Hey guys.” He quickly washed his hands and knelt down to get a hug from Jenny.

She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed tight. “I missed you, Uncle Kyle. I just found out Cherish lives next door to you. Why didn’t I know?” She put her little fists on her hips and tapped her foot.

He let out a laugh. “Well, darling, I haven’t seen you in a week, and I didn’t know you were all buddy-buddy.”

“Oh, fine.” She pouted half-a-second before bouncing up and down, pulling on Cadence’s hand. “Can we go over and get Cherish? I thought she would be here.”

Kyle stood up with a laugh. “Anxious, are we?”

Her head bobbed enthusiastically. “Can we? Please?”

Cadence smiled. “I suppose we could see if they’re ready. Looks like Kyle is busy anyway. And if Mila isn’t ready, maybe you can play with Cherish while I get to know her mom.”

“Yay!” Jenny squealed, dragging her mom to the door.

Kyle spoke up, “Do me a huge favor, and don’t ask her about me. I make her nervous, and I think she’s only coming over to let the girls play, since Cherish practically begged.” It was a tiny white lie, but he told Mila they would keep things secret and he planned to honor his word.

“Don’t worry. I won’t pressure her for details. I’ll play by the rules.” Cadence placed her hand over her heart, as if swearing, before stepping outside.

Two seconds after the door closed, Gavin asked, “So why do you make her nervous?”

Kyle went back to cutting fruit and offered a shrug.

“I’m guessing it’s because she wants you, but doesn’t want to tarnish her reputation.” Gavin raised a single challenging brow in Kyle’s direction.

“It’s more complicated than that. Something happened to destroy her trust. I haven’t figured out what, but she holds me at arm’s length.”

“Well, what’s up? You obviously want her. I’ve never known you to walk away when you want something, and you seem to be set on Mila. So what’s the plan?”

“This doesn’t leave this kitchen. Got it?”

Gavin’s eyes widened. “Okay?”

“I mean it, if I tell you, you don’t even tell Cadence.”

“I can’t swear to that, man.”

“Forget it then. Not worth it.”

“Jeez, what the hell is going on? Is she in some kind of trouble?” Gavin demanded.

“No, but forget it,” he insisted.

“Okay, okay, I won’t tell Cadence. I’ll act as if I know nothing,” Gavin vowed with his hand over his heart.

“She’s agreed to getting better acquainted, but doesn’t want the town to know about us. Doesn’t want rumors flying, and she’s worried I’m not sincere. Worried I’ll expect her to put me before Cherish, which is fucking stupid. What asshole would do that?” He couldn’t suppress the sneer at the end.

“Plenty of them, and she’s obviously met one or two.” Gavin snorted. “She doesn’t strike me as another Rene. Mila seems to avoid attention, though I don’t think she realizes the schoolmarm image only draws more. By the way, I watched her turn Brad down flat the other day. She didn’t even bat an eye at his pickup lines.”

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