Heart of Ice (23 page)

Read Heart of Ice Online

Authors: Jalissa Pastorius

Tags: #romance, #love, #action, #mercenaries, #kill, #smut, #contemopary

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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“You promise!” she screamed crying.

“You little bitch!” he roared.

“No, no, no,” Christina sobbed. It was
already too late she felt the blood running down her side. He held
onto her tightly. Dragging her out of the building. The media was
outside. There were cameras and microphones shoved into her face as
she made her way out the building. Her steps were becoming sluggish
and there was now a pain in her lower back that brought her to her
knees. She gripped her side where he stabbed her. There were so
many hands grabbing at her. The assailant still never lost his hold
on her. He shoved her into the car. Christina took a moment to look
back before her fate was sealed. All she saw was the look of terror
on Matt’s face as she was shoved into the vehicle.




Once they were in the vehicle he gave the
order for the driver to move. The car began to move, she could no
longer see Matt. In fact with a startling realization she noticed
the spots that danced in front of her eyes. Was she dying?

“Hey, I know you hear me talking to you!”
her assailant shouted at her. Christina didn’t understand. Hadn’t
he realize he was the one that stabbed her?

“You stupid woman!” he roared. He leant over
to shake her. It was then he noticed how limp her body was.

“Fuck, the stupid woman is going to die on
us. Maybe we should just cut the babies out and make a run for

“Dude, do you even realize how messy that
shit is. You need to think through your plans,” Javier their driver

“I’m the King here,” Lexington said angrily.
Javier looked at the man through the rearview mirror. He knew this
was a terrible plan, but Richard insisted on sending him on this
baby sitting mission. Javier honestly didn’t give a fuck about Mr.
Lexington. His olive skin, sin black hair and black eyes glared at
the man in the back seat. Javier didn’t know all the details, but
he suspected this mission was somewhat of a test. He didn’t know
who was being tested here. He thought it was Mr. Lexington.




Javier noticed that they’d been driving for
a while and there were no vehicles tailing them. It made him
nervous. They were in a very suburbia part of New York almost to
the country.


“What’s the problem?”

“We’re in trouble,” Javier could only keep
his eyes off the road for so long. He pulled out his phone and sent
a quick message to Richard.

Abort mission.

Breaking the cellphone in half he threw it
out the window.

“Well, Mr. Lexington, it was nice working
with you.” He said before he leaped from the car. Christina’s
assailant watched as his so called crony jumped from the car. At
least they were on road. Once the car came to a complete stop he
got out. Looking at the girl, he knew it was a lost cause. If she
died the babies were probably dead too. He still needed to get rid
of the body. He opened the door and dragged her out. It was too
bad. She was such a pretty girl. He told them he wasn’t good with
pets. They somehow always ended up dead. He leaped into the vehicle
and took off.






Christina couldn’t believe it actually
worked. She had been fading in and out of the consciousness. It was
strange, she thought it would be the pain from the stabbing causing
her excruciating pain; however it was another in her lower back
that forced her to cry out. Luckily the men were arguing back and
forth when she did cry out otherwise she probably wouldn’t have
made it out the car. She never been so happy to be discarded like
trash. She wondered how much she blood she had lost. The pain was
back and sharper than before; it was then that Christina noticed
that her dress was completely soaked. Her water had already
broken—that meant the babies were coming. Christina wanted to break
down and cry. Her hands shook there wasn’t much time; she didn’t
have anything other than the dress she was wearing. Christina never
imagine that she would be birthing her twins in the middle of
nowhere on a country road. She debated about whether or not she
should move away from the road. Her body was bruised on its side.
It was a large black patch covering her skin with the wound at his
center. The pain shot through her again, she screamed. Christina
began to move further away from the road. Matt couldn’t lose them
all in one day. He wouldn’t survive it.




Taking off her dress spread it on the grassy
area. She then removed her drawers and laid down. She never felt so
vulnerable in her life. The only piece of clothing she had on was
her bra. Christina couldn’t help the hot tears that spilled down
her face. She felt another contraction. She no longer had any
choice. She must push.


Chapter 29



They were wasting time. They needed to get
to Christina. Matt heart raced in his chest as he tried to remain
cold with a blank stare. He could hear his blood roaring in his
ears, the fear eating at his stomach as he thought about Christina.
He couldn’t lose her if he…he wouldn’t go there. He heard her cry




Their little grouped moved. He couldn’t
fathom the scene in front of him. He finally got a chance to see
the face of the man he was going to kill. He felt Charlie freeze
beside him. It was then that Matt set his sights on Christina, she
held her side.

“She’s hurt,” he muttered. His body began to
tremble; it was the repressed rage building. He snapped.

“Grab him!” Charles yelled.

“He’s going to expose us all. Then we’ll all
be nuked. Collum you handle this,” Charles said never taking his
eyes off the man. He realized that the man was no ordinary thug
even if he was a kingpin. Most people would never walk out into a
crowd full of people with a hostage, but he was smart enough to use
the guise of a security guard to hide his true intentions. Charlie
quickly hurried after the people.

“Matt? Matt?” Collum called his name, but
there was no recognition in his eyes. Collum sighed, this just got

“Follow me. We’ll get her back.” They met
Charles in the back of the building in an unmark vehicle. Climbing
into the vehicle Matt moved with robotic movements. Both Charles
and Collum exchanged worried looks before giving the signal to
leave to Raven. Everyone was anxious as they raced to catch up with
the kidnappers. Charles couldn’t help but think that this was a
much more elaborate plan. He wanted to know how a person of
Lexington’s caliber could hide under their noses this entire time.
Collum was the head of security and good at his job. There was
someone with more influence working behind the scenes. Charles
didn’t know who they were, but he was going to find them and
eliminate them. Charles rolled the back windows down and had Collum
pass him a pair of binoculars. He leaned out of the window. They
were on a country road. Charles watched as Christina was dumped out
of the vehicle. He wanted to rush to her, but he needed to get a
hold of the person behind the wheel.

“Matt out. Christina needs you. Go!” he
said, once the vehicle stopped. Matt looked at Charles. Some sanity
started to leak back into his eyes.

“Christina?” he said in a monotone voice.
Charles nodded slowly at him. This was why he decided to cut their
losses. Matt was becoming a monster. He was able to flick a switch
and kill. Charles still remembered catching the young boy torturing
a man to death. He fought the bile that rose in his throat.




They watched Matt climb out of the vehicle,
and they pursued the assailant. Matt followed the blood trail. He
spotted a broken cellphone along the path and pocketed it. When he
heard the scream he ran towards her. She was in labor.




He looked down into her pain filled

“Baby it’s going to be okay. I’m here

“Matt, I’m wounded. He stabbed me. The
babies they’re coming. I don’t know how long I can hold on.” She
said in short breaths.

“You’re going to be fine. You are not
allowed to leave me Christina Moore. I will punish you.” He said
with tears in his eyes. He kissed her lips. Taking off his jacket
he covered her with it. The panic was settling in. What the fuck
was he supposed to do. He wasn’t a doctor.

“Love, I don’t know what to do?” he

“Just catch. Don’t let them fall.” She said
screaming. Matt eyes were wide as he saw the head coming. It was
covered in hair.

“Okay baby, you’re doing well.” He said as
she gave another push and the baby shoulders and the rest of the
body came out of the canal. Matt grabbed the baby. It screamed and
cried. He cried along with the baby. His son came first.
Unbuttoning his shirt he wrapped the baby up in the shirt. It was
still attached to the umbilical cord. He unlaced his shoes,
wrapping the shoe string around the cord he pulled until he served
the baby from the umbilical cord. His hands were bloody but he
didn’t care. Matt stripped his pants off next. He was desperate. He
needed something else to wrap the second baby in and to clean them
with. The blood was already drying up on their skin. They needed an
ambulance. Christina cried out again and Matt realized the second
baby was coming. He got on his knees and waited with his hands






“Do you think they’ll be okay?” Collum asked

“Yea, EMT should be arriving shortly.
Christina was stabbed and she’s going to need emergency medical
attention as soon as possible.”

“What about the man that kidnap her?
Shouldn’t we detain him, and let Matt handled it?”

“I don’t know son. Matt is a monster.”
Charlie said. He recalled the dark look in Matt’s eyes when the boy
told him he would kill him. Charlie didn’t have a doubt. Charlie
believed in taking lives when necessary, but he knew Matt relished
in his enemy’s pain. It was unnatural. He was glad the man met
Christina when he did or he would probably had to put the boy

“Got him!” Raven shouted from the front.
Charles pulled out the semi-automatic rifle and shot the tires out.
All three men surround the man.

“Do you know who I am?” Lexington shouted on
his knees trying to crawl away.

“We do. But guess what? We don’t give a
fuck.” Collum said hitting the man with the semi-automatic

“I’ll take him into custody. I’m quite sure
the feds have been looking for this guy for quite a while.”

“Good, let’s hope that Christina makes it
through this,” he said.






Matt stood only in his boxers with the twins
wrapped up in his clothing. He planted a kiss on Christina’s head
and told her to hold on. He tried his best using socks to clean the
babies off but they needed medical attention. He could hear the
sirens in the distance. Running back up to the road, he jumped, and
screamed. When the medical personnel pulled over the curb he
directed them to where Christina was located.




They shouted questions at him and he
answered to the best of his ability. The EMTS were shocked to see
Billionaire Matt Dallas clad in nothing but his briefs. When they
found the reason why, they gasped. They needed to know how long the
babies had been exposed to the elements and they checked the
severity of the mother’s wound. They checked her vitals, before
rushing her into the vehicle. It was when the FBI and Interpol came
swarming around them that they faltered in their steps. They
wondered what the hell was going.




“We have a medical facility a couple of
miles up the road that you will treat this family at. I’m sure you
understand the use of discretion in this case.”

“Of course.” They medical personnel said in
unison. They weren’t stupid by a long shot. Matt rushed passed the
director towards the ambulance.



“If you ever need me give me a call,” the
FBI director said giving Matt his card. Matt looked at the man with
dead eyes as he smiled at him.

“I like you Dallas.” He said before
whistling and walking away from him.






Eight hours later, Matt was at his wits end.
He been kept out in a waiting room. He bullied the hospital staff
and threw his power and wealth around. He didn’t care, he needed
information. He wanted to know how Christina and the children were




Charles and Collum walked in on a scene of
Matt man handling the staff. Charles wacked him over the head and
told him to sit down.

“I apologize for his behavior. He’s had a
tough day,” he told the grumbling male nurse as he walked away.

“Control yourself boy,” Charles thundered at
him. Matt slumped in his seat like a two year old. They all stood
as doctor came out of the operating room.

“Which one of you have been bullying my
staff?” he asked with irritation in his voice. Matt drew himself to
his full height of six feet and five inches and stared down at the
man. He wanted to pummel the man but the fear kept him still and it
reflected in his eyes.

“She going to be fine. The blood transfusion
went well. I have checked with the neonatal unit and the babies are
doing well. In fact you’ll be able to take them home in a week.
Without realizing it, Matt enveloped the man in a hug and cried on
his shoulder. They were going to be fine. His family was going to
be okay.




Christina’s eyes shone with pride as Matt
handled both babies like a pro. She was excited to finally be going
home. She wanted to put the whole terrible ordeal behind her.
Charlie and Martha were there and she was ecstatic to introduce
them to Elizabeth and Tom—Matt’s parents as her very own. Martha
rushed toward her and cried. Charles and Martha moved into the
guess house in the new home they purchased so that they could be
closer to her. Sarah was there cooing over the babies and gloating
telling everyone that she was the best aunt—although she was the
only one. Tom and Matt talked laughing together. She finally had a
family and she couldn’t be any happier.

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