Heart of Ice (21 page)

Read Heart of Ice Online

Authors: Jalissa Pastorius

Tags: #romance, #love, #action, #mercenaries, #kill, #smut, #contemopary

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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“How would you feel about a new home?”

Christina looked at him. Was he serious? She
felt a huge smile stretch across her face.

“I would love one! I always wanted a nice
family home, with a back yard. The penthouse is great in the city,
but I dream of a back yard where the children could run around and
play.” She couldn’t wait. Moving as fast as her pregnant belly
would allow she planted a kiss on his lips, then on his

“I love you Matt Dallas.”

“I love you too, Christina Moore soon to be
Mrs. Dallas.” He smiled.

“I’m going to go to the office for a while.
Are you going to be okay?”

“Yes, Sarah is stopping by later today.
We’ll probably look at some houses, that’s if Sarah doesn’t bombard
me with anymore baby stuff.”

“You girls have fun, don’t forget about the
names. I have a few in mind. I want to know what you thought of
also. We can talk about it over dinner tonight.”

“Okay. Have a good day.”






Charles had been busy lately. He’d been
trying to locate Mr. Lexington for some time now. His blood ran
cold at the thought of this criminal getting his hands on
Christina. He went into work earlier and had gotten and update from
Matt on how Christina was doing. She was getting bigger each day.
He steeled himself for what he was about to do.

“Kevin! Hey, how’s it going?” he said
entering the warehouse.

“Mr. X, what are you doing here? The streets
said you retired. They say you were out the game. Turned over a new
leaf,” he said. Charles stopped himself from grimacing at the
filthy man in front of him. He was balding on top, a few of his
teeth were missing thanks to Charles and dirt was caked underneath
his fingernails. All these years later and he still was scum of the

“Missing my old life. What’s going on Kevin?
I know you are in on a job.” Kevin looked at the man through shrewd
eyes. He knew when someone was out for blood and Mr. X was angry,
very angry. Luckily, Kevin was no fool; he had some friends to help
him out tonight.

“I’m sorry Mr. X; I don’t know what you’re
talking about. Maybe my friends can assist you!” he cackled.
Charles looked at around and realized he’d been surrounded.

“You little rat!” Moving fast as lightening,
he whipped out his hunting knife and stabbed it through Kevin’s
hand and into the desk. He screams filled the air.

“I’ll deal with you later,” he said as he
turned to face his assailants. A Cheshire grin stretched across
Charles face.

“Why can’t we all just get along?” Leaning
forward he threw throwing knives instantly taking the two down. He
laughed as they fell to the floor clutching the areas were the
throwing knives hit them. Charles was really too old to be doing
this kind of thing. He reached behind him and pulled out his

“Wow! Wait a minute man! Kevin didn’t say
anything about this shit.”

“Kevin didn’t tell you. I’m Shadow,” he said
coldly. Charles watched as the man went ghostly pale. He pistol
whipped him before turning his sights onto Kevin.

“Now Kevin, where were we?” he asked
approaching the man.

“I didn’t know. I was just supposed to teach
you a lesson!” he squealed.

“I want to know about a Mr. Lexington.”

“I don’t know anything,” Kevin said crying
pitifully. Charles looked at the man and reached down and twisted
the knife in hand. Screams tore from his throat.

“Okay, okay, okay, he’s been in the United
States for a couple months. Maybe four or five months. I swear I
don’t know anything else.”

“Good boy.” Charles said kissing the man’s
sweaty head. Charles turned his back on the people and left the
warehouse. He pulled out a phone.

“I need a cleanup.” He rattled of a code
over the phone that only he and a few other people knew before
hanging up. He knew by the end of the day, the men would be


Chapter 26



Two weeks had past and Christina had been
feeling irritable lately. Matt had been busy lately and Sarah kept
falling off the face of the planet something was going on with the
girl. Not to mention the little minions in her stomach were dancing
around keeping her up through the night. Bleh. She would look
forward to today. Matt told her that they had some houses lined up
and she was excited to see them.




Christina was exhausted. They’d been looking
at houses all day today. She shook her head. Would the places she
been looking at even qualify as houses? They looked more like
castles. Christina was interested in living outside the city. Matt
held her hand as the driver drove them to their next location. She
caught him staring at her plenty of times. She tugged on her hair.
Her black roots were finally starting to show. He leant forward
kissing her head and soon her lips. Christina shook as she saw the
desire in her husband to be eyes.




“Nope. I’m thirty weeks now. The doctor said
no sex,” she giggled. Her breathing hitched as he dragged his nose
along her neck across her collarbone before biting into her bottom

“Your mouth still works,” he uttered huskily
into her ear. Christina’s face inflamed.

“You dirty bastard!” she screeched trying to
avoid him. She watched as he roared with laughter. Matt loved the
fact that he could still illicit such a reaction from his little

“It’s not funny,” she pouted resting her
hands on her swollen belly.

“Nonetheless, you love it.” Matt looked at
the woman who was going to be the mother of his children. His heart
thumped in his chest. She was the most beautiful creature in all of
creation. Her grey eyes glowed and sparkled. Her thick hair hanged
in luscious waves around her.

“I truly adore you,” he said taking her
hands into his own and smiling at her. He released her when the car
door stopped. Matt got out of the car. He turned around to help
Christina out of the vehicle.

“How long did it take us to get here?” she

“Forty-five minutes. Good, that’s not too
bad of a commute.”




Christina walked hand in hand with Matt. She
would have to admit that the home was gorgeous, even though she
hated the realtor. Who would walk around with six inch heels while
showing a house? Perky bitch. Christina hoped she fell. It wasn’t
very nice of her, but she didn’t care. She saw the looks that the
woman shot Matt. She knew she didn’t have to worry about Matt;
after all he was a beggar. It was the wolves also known as scants
that she had to worry about. She saw the slight frown that marred
the woman’s face when she spotted the impressive engagement ring on
Christina’s hand. Take that heifer! He was hers. The blonde was in
a pencil light grey skirt with a white casual blouse that had a
long neckline. Christina didn’t know if it was the blonde’s attempt
to lighten up those dull brown eyes that she had.




Matt watched as Christina grumbled and
muttered under her breath. Uh oh, this didn’t bode well for him. He
wondered if the twins were giving her a hard time. They were moving
rather quickly toward the house. It was stunning from the outside.
He hoped Christina would like it. It was up to her to pick out the
house. He wanted to make sure that she was happy. He paused,
turning he grabbed Christina’s hand and entwined it with his.




“I love you,” he said before planting a
chaste but passionate kiss on her lips. He smiled as the blood
rushed to the surface of her skin before a bright smile stretched
across her face. Whatever was bothering her, he was glad that he
was able to make her smile. It was all that mattered to him.

“I know,” Christina said smiling at Matt. He
didn’t realize how much he reassured her. He held her hand tightly
in his. It was then that she was able to focus on the stunning
house in front of her. It was gorgeous. It was a modernist home
that sat on a beautiful landscape that featured orchids, a private
koi pond, and more. She love the sleek lines of the home. The
realtor said it was Bedford Hill. Christina smiled at least the
woman was doing her job now. This place was massive. She hoped she
didn’t get lost. What would she do with six bedrooms and nine
bathrooms? It even include the pool house and a cottage house.

“It’s gorgeous,” Christina gasped. It was
like living in a garden. There was greenery everywhere. It was
soothing and very relaxing. The house was done in smooth and
neutral tones. It had a white kitchen, the hardware was stainless
steel it; granite countertops, high ceilings. It was luxury to the
fullest. Christina knew Matt was a billionaire, but she was
experiencing it firsthand. The pool area was wonderful. She was
starting to think that someone must had kidnap a part of Japan and
placed it in the backyard.




“What do you think?” the realtor asked
ignoring her and turning to Matt.

“I think you should direct that question to
my fiancée,” he said turning those cold eyes onto the woman. The
woman blanched. This man was different from other men. He made her
nervous. She still couldn’t believe that she was showing a house to
Matt Dallas the billionaire. She would love to get a hold of his
secrets. Cleary this woman was the center; she couldn’t wait to
call some friends.

“I love it!” Christina said gasping as she
turned around.

“We’ll take it I want to close immediately.
My fiancée needs to be as comfortable as possible. I want to
purchase furniture and have it moved in immediately.”

“Yes, Mr. Dallas, I’m quite sure we could
work something out.”

“Very good.” He said wrapping an arm around
Christina and exiting the house.






Matt chuckled and had a scotch on the rocks
as his driver drove them back to his penthouse. Christina was
talking about decorating and having the nursery set up for the
twins. He smiled as she talked about keeping the twins together.
Everything was finally going right. He was getting out of the
vehicle when he spotted a familiar vehicle. His blood went cold.
Why would she be here in a place like this?




“Stay in the car!” he shouted.

“Listen here Dallas, I told you before you
will not take that tone with me,” she roared trying to maneuver her
way out of the car. Matt muttered to himself as he turned to help
her out of the vehicle.

“Matthew, dear is that any way to treat your
mother?” the woman said approaching them. Christina stared at the
woman feeling a rage that she hadn’t felt since she and Matt got
into an altercation. She immediately went into protection mode. She
could see Matt shriveling up inside of himself.

“My god, Matt. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Mother,” he said looking down at the
ground. Christina watched as he looked so defeated. She saw him
become the lonely little boy seeking for mother’s approval right in
front of her eyes. Matt held her hand in a death grip. Christina
knew she would have to be the one to fight this battle. She did it
the only way she knew how—with her intellect. She gave the woman a
look of superiority. This time it was she who reached up and looked
him in the eye.

“It’s okay. I’ll protect you,” she whispered
placing a tender kiss on his forehead.

“Mrs. Dallas, it seems you took Matt and me
by surprise. Not very tactful. Love, why don’t you go on up. I’ll
be fine,” she said smiling at him with reassurance.



“Fine, I’m going.” He said mumbling.




Once he was gone, Christina moved in on the
woman. She reeked of money. She had on a cream tailor suit that
complimented her skin tone well and she had the palest shade of
light blue eyes she ever seen. The woman’s hair was pulled back in
a sophisticated bun. There wasn’t a piece of hair out of place.

“Let’s converse like adults. I’m sure you
can keep up. Right Mrs. Dallas?” she sneered at the woman. Mrs.
Dallas looked at the woman in front of her. She actually made the
older woman nervous. Elizabeth never been talked down to before.
She was used to doing it to other people, somehow this woman
managed to make her feel two inches tall.


“Perhaps I was wrong, in my assumption. Let
me be frank with you. If you harm him, look at him with ill intent,
you will never see these your grandchildren. That’s right twins,”
Christina said as she watched the woman’s eyebrows rise.

“This is your chance to start over, to
repair your relationship with your son. He’s proven himself to you.
He’s expanded the company which is something you could have never
done. I understand that cold exterior of yours. In fact, you’re too
much like your son. Swallow your pride and apologize. The babies
will be here soon, and it would be nice to have their grandmother
around. Give me a call, when you’re ready.” Christina said leaving
the stunned woman behind and returning to her home.




She couldn’t see the hot tears that spilled
from the woman’s eyes as she got into the car. Some people couldn’t
handle the truth.






Matt paced back and forth relentlessly. He
was worried. His mother was crazy he shouldn’t have left Christina
out there to deal with her alone. He wanted to know what was going
on. He opened the door to rush out only to find Christina there. He
took her into his arms.




“Are you alright?”

“Yes, calm down.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing, but I think I made her cry. I feel
bad.” Christina mumbled into his chest. Did he hear her right? No
way. He started to laugh.

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