Heart of Ice (19 page)

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Authors: Jalissa Pastorius

Tags: #romance, #love, #action, #mercenaries, #kill, #smut, #contemopary

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Christina paused in her steps. Damn. He had
her and he knew it. Her heart still ached for Matt, but the fear
for her babies kept her away. She never seen him lose control like
that before. It was completely different from the way he was when
they were intimate.






Matt finally gave up. He worked up the nerve
to enter his own bedroom. Christina’s imprint was everywhere. He
had refused to enter the bedroom. Christina grey eyes were still
painted on the ceiling. He wanted her back. God, they could have
talked it out. If he thought about it, he would have realized that
there had to be a story or a reason why she did it. She wasn’t in
jail. He was so afraid of her using him and leaving that he held
onto any excuse to push her away. He made the bed. He hung her silk
robe up in the closet. It was then that he saw the purse on the
floor. He cried picking it up. She really was gone. He opened it up
hoping to find a memento of some sort. His hand ran into a box. He
pulled it out.




His hand began to shake. Why would this be
in her purse? He pulled the test out and looked at it. A positive
result. She was pregnant. She was pregnant the whole time. A scream
tore from Matt’s throat. Sobs wreaked his body. That’s why she was
holding her stomach. She probably thought he kicked her out because
of the pregnancy test. Her past was probably the last thing from
her mind. He had to find her. She was having his baby. He was going
to be a father. Matt stood staring at the pregnancy test not really
seeing it at all. He remembered putting her out in the rain.




It was in that same spot that Charles found

“What did you do?!” he roared at Matt.

“I didn’t know!” Matt cried. Charles moved
swiftly grabbing Matt by the throat and shoving him against the

“I should kill you! You hurt her! I thought
I taught you better than that.” He roared. Charles was hurt. Matt
and Collum were nothing but young teen boys. He was the leader of
their little group. Seeing adult eyes on children so young, he took
them under his wing. Taught them everything he knew. They were like
his sons. He was hurt when they returned to their families. They
had families, where he did not. They were his first dream at having
children. Martha was going through a tough time, and the boys
although killers made her feel better. It was uncommon what he did,
especially among mercenaries. But he saw loneliness in their eyes
that matched his own. He felt his hand tighten around Matt’s
throat, he could easily crush it. The sounds of his last breaths
leaving his body would satisfy the rage roaring through his

“Then kill me,” Matt cried out. He heart
bled so much. He bled for her. Charles relaxed his grip. Tears were
in his own eyes. Matt was like a son to him. It hurt him to cause
him pain, but he remembered Christina pregnant alone and in the

“Damn brat! I can’t! You stupid child!” He
roared. Matt coughed as he sank to the ground. It seemed Charles
was still as strong as he was years ago. Rubbing his throat, he
tried to talk.

“Explain yourself. You’re lucky I didn’t
crush your larynx.”

“Collum dung up some files. Christina was
involved in a double homicide regarding her father. I thought,”

“You didn’t think!”

“I didn’t know she was pregnant. I just
found out. I found the pregnancy test in her purse. Old man, even
if she was a murder I wouldn’t care. I thought she was planning to
make me fall in love with her and then kill me. I thought she was
going to use me.”

“Son, don’t say anymore.” Charles said
putting his hand on Matt’s shoulders. The boy never known love
until he showed up and became a part of his little group, even
then. It wasn’t the type of love he could give him.

“It was too good to be true. Mother,
Natalia, someone like Christina didn’t exist. Then I became so
desperate. After she left, I figured I didn’t care anymore. Any
kind of love was better than none. I would give her my money, as
long as she stayed. I was going to go to her, but Collum talked me
out of it. I told him what I planned to do. We got into a

“I bet that was a sight to see. Who

“It was a tie. I haven’t seen him since.”
Matt threw his head up and looked at the ceiling. Christina’s face
looked back at him. He hadn’t realized the tears were running down
his face again.

“Old man, I messed up big time.”

Charles looked up at the ceiling and smiled
when he saw little Christina’s face staring down at him.

“Do you love her?”

“With everything I am.”

“Then I’ll do you this last favor. Hurt her
again, and I wouldn’t hesitate.” Charles said getting up and
slipping Matt a piece of paper.

“One more thing boy, how did you find out
about Christina past?”

“Collum went digging around. He couldn’t get
clearance. He wanted to bring you in on it, but I told him no. I
didn’t want to resort to that sort of thing. I don’t know any more
than what I told you.”

“Very well.”




He turned on his heel and exited the
penthouse. It was time he did some digging himself. Charles knew
she would be upset, but in the long run she would be happy. Matt
reminded him of himself. He desperately craved a family of his own.
Christina was going to be able to give him one. She really didn’t
have any idea, how much of a blessing she was to them. What he had
to do was get a hold of meddling Collum, and scold him. Matt needed
to make his own decisions.


Chapter 24



Sarah returned to the table with their
order, only to see Collum in her spot.

“What are you doing here?” she asked

Collum looked up at the gorgeous blonde and
stood up. He returned her seat.

“I came here to convince Christina to go

“Already been there and done that,” Sarah
said smugly.

“What? And here I was getting ready to spill
Matt’s secrets.”

“She hasn’t committed fully,” Sarah said
with wide eyes. Collum groaned. He could get used to looking in
those eyes.

“As I was saying,” he said pulling up a

“Natalia was the woman he was previously
engaged to. I never liked the wench. She was always trying to
pressure Matt into marriage.”

“Looks like she succeeded,” Christina said
with jealousy racing through her veins.

“Not really, I had been doing some digging.
It’s a bad habit I know I needed to get out of.” He said after the
women shot evil glares his way.

“His whole life, Matt’s been rejected. He
sought love and support. I’m sure you understand Christina.” Collum
said looking at her. Christina nodded. She remember the horrible
childhood Matt had.

“Natalia was a means to an ended. He had
just turned his family’s company into a billion dollar industry.
Matt still doesn’t realize it; that he’s still seeking approval
from his mother. She’s a cold horrible bitch. The night he went
home to propose he found her screwing another man. It was the first
time I seen him cry.” Collum said shaking his head.

“That’s horrible!” Christina yelled. But it
made sense. Why he insisted that she belonged to him. Why he
behaved the way he did. It didn’t excuse his actions but she could
better understand him. It was women who’d essentially broken

“Christina partially is my fault. When Matt
told me he would sign away all his billions as long as you remained
at his side, it made me realize how desperately he loved you. He
tried to go to you, but I stopped him.” Christina watched as Collum
put his head in his hands.

“All I ever wanted to do was protect him. He
was so mad at me we got into a physical fist fight.” I’ve never
seen him so angry before. Looking at Collum’s pathetic form,
Christina gave Sarah a knowing look. It was time to go back.






Matt was so angry. Where the hell did Collum
disappeared to? He needed someone he could trust to keep an eye out
on the company. He tapped his pen impatiently as he tried to devise
a plan of action. He looked up as Charles entered his office.




“Go boy, I’m capable of running this place
why your gone. You don’t have a second to lose.” Charles said
looking at Matt. If he was right, he bet Collum had already found
the girl. He was their little group best tracker.

“Thanks old man!”

“Don’t disappoint me son.” Charles watched
as Matt hurried away from the office. They both deserved a happy
ending. He sat at his desk and pulled out his phone.

“I needed you to pull some files for


“Christina Moore.”

“I wonder what is up with this chick. You’re
not the first person to request information about her.”

“You are aware of who I am?”

“Yes, Shadow. No one can forget a voice like
yours. I am aware that two men had already made inquiries.”

“They couldn’t get past the red tape is that

“Yes…sir.” The voice stuttered into the

“Surely, you won’t deny me?” he asked in a
voice hard as steel.

“No sir, it’s just there was one other. A

“Hmm, what do you know about him?”

“I was surprised he provided his last name.
He’s a kingpin, and one of his men were involved in the case years

“Is that so, send me both files,” Charles
said as a frown marred his features, that meant Christina was no
longer safe. It was time to assemble the team again.

“Yes sir!”






“Okay, this is where I leave you.” Collum
said stretching after having brunch at the sea side cottage that
Christina had been staying. Sarah had been taking excellent care of
her. He was surprised when the leggy blonde words mirrored his

“Where are you going Sarah?” Christina

“Umm, how about to my own bed. This couch
has been killing me.”

“I told you we could share the bed.”

“Not happening, there isn’t enough room for
twins and me.” She said. Collum laughed at the women. He’d would be
very intrigued if this conversation was taking place under
different circumstances. God he needed to get his mind out of the




Christina watched the two of them leave. She
immediately felt abandon. It wasn’t fun anymore. She was exhausted.
Climbing into bed, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.






Matt landed in Cornwall, England. He wore
large shades to cover his face and a baseball cap. He was pretty
popular in England and he didn’t want any of the press discovering
that he was in here. The property was gorgeous. It was the perfect
getaway nestled on the sea side cliff. He hadn’t had a vacation
since Aspen. It was early morning and the air was crisp. He was
here to put his heart on the table, to beg for total forgiveness
and to come clean about everything. He was no longer interested in
her past. He just wanted her back. He couldn’t stand being by
himself anymore. He knocked on the door. His heart pounded in his
chest while he waited for her to answer.




He looked up as he heard the door opened.
His eyes widen at her swollen belly. She was still rubbing sleep
out of her eyes. Matt fell to his knees and hugged her. He kissed
her belly as tears spilled from his eyes. He seemed to be doing a
lot of crying lately. Christina was bewildered. She looked down
while Matt Dallas, the billionaire cried on his knees with his arms
around her. She had this moment planned out. She was going yell at
him, threaten to leave him, better yet castrate him, but seeing him
so vulnerable, it scared her. She petted him on the head told him
it was okay. She waddled back into the house, with him following
behind her.




“Are you okay? Do you needed anything? Do
your feet hurt?” he asked her. Christina took one look at his
concerned tear-stricken face and laughed. Soon tears followed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” she

“I thought you didn’t want me or the babies.
We’re having twins, a boy and girl,” she said crying harder. Matt
took her into his arms.

“Dammit! I should hate you! What you did to
my babies! You fucking bastard!” she screamed shoving him away from
her. This is your fault. Digging into things that don’t pertain to
you. I will not allow you to ever subject me to that type behavior
ever again!” she screamed, her voice hurting.

“I’m sorry!”

“You should be! Did you think you were going
to mumble a few sweet words and everything was going to go back to
normal?” she said patronizing him.

“I…I,” he started.

“Did I say you can fucking speak?” she
roared at him. Matt was terrified. He never seen such rage

“Christina, please.”

“Get out.”

“But baby please,”

“I said get the fuck out!” she raged at him,
until he left the cottage and then she slammed the door behind him.
Fucking bastard. She started to feel guilty, but then she
remembered the terror she felt for herself and for her children
before coming here. Serves him right.




Matt knew she was angry but she was crazy if
she thought he came all the way out here to let her go again. He
refused to let her out of his sight. Looks like he would be camping
out on the seaside cliffs tonight. He’d slept in worse conditions.
He took off his jacket bundling it up into a makeshift pillow
before falling asleep. All that flying had him tired anyway.

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