Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2)
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Then she stood, squatted low to the ground while holding on to the waist of the jeans and bent forward, before she gathered a deep breath, sucked in, and then buttoned the jeans.

“That thing’s not going to pop off and nail someone in the eye, is it?” I asked dryly.

Adeline collapsed backward on the bed, panting slightly before answering. “It would serve that bitch right. I can’t believe she gave me these jeans. I haven’t fit into these since I graduated from college. We used to fight over them constantly.”

She stood and walked carefully towards me before collapsing into my arms.

I caught her easily enough, supporting her weight with my arms as I walked her backward to the bed and let us both fall.

She bounced with me, landing in a heap with the corner of the comforter covering her face.

She didn’t remove it, and I waited for a good ten seconds as I ground my hips into hers before realizing that she didn’t plan on moving it.

Sighing, I reached up and flipped the blanket off her face to find a smile on her lips with her eyes closed.

“I’m not into paper-bagging my women.” I quipped.

“Paper bagging?” She asked, looping her arms around my neck.

“Yeah, covering their faces as I fuck them.” I teased.

She scowled, leaned forward, and bit me on the neck.

Her pointy little teeth sank slightly in without breaking the skin, causing me to jerk in reaction.

“Hey,” I said, tickling her.

She started laughing. “Uncle! Uncle! Stop!” She squealed.

I stopped reluctantly and started to move off her when she wrapped her legs around my hips, causing me to still. “Yes?”

“I need to make a stop somewhere before you take me to school.” She said, running her fingers along my bearded jaw.

I raised my arm and glanced at the watch on my wrist before looking back at her. “You don’t have time to stop anywhere and get there before eight.”

She shrugged. “I’m always late. They wouldn’t know what to do with me if I wasn’t late.”

I laughed and stood up, taking her with me.

“Get your shoes on,” I said, enforcing the demand with a quick slap to her ass.

She dropped her legs from around my waist and laughed before turning and heading to the bathroom.

Her ass looked great in the jeans, which was no surprise since they were so tight she had to wiggle and squirm to get into them. I just hoped she didn’t rip them in the middle of class or something. I couldn’t even make out a panty line.

“Keep your pants on.”

“If you’re lucky!” I yelled as I made my way out to my living room.

I would be taking Adeline to school today, due to her rental car being damaged in the fire. Or, at least, that was what she thought. In reality, I wanted to keep an eye on her, otherwise I’d have let her use my truck.

Sure, the rental had seen a bit of damage, but not enough to make it unusable. She didn’t need to know that, however. I’d had it towed by Dixie last night, so she wouldn’t even see it to know that I’d lied.

Although ‘lied’ was such a harsh word. I liked ‘omitting the truth’ better.

Once I dropped her off, I’d be stopping by her mechanic and having a word, because two months was just an insane amount of time to have someone’s car, warranty job or not.

It was also something I’d been meaning to do for going on two weeks, but hadn’t found the time to accomplish it yet.

“You’re going to need a coat today! It’s colder than hell!” I yelled to her.

“Do you have a sweatshirt I can borrow?” Adeline yelled back from my bedroom.

I laughed as I flicked on the coffee pot and started it before going back into the bedroom.

“Why is it I always find you on your knees?” I asked when I found her down on her knees looking under the bed. She wiggled her ass, taunting me. “How hard do you think it would be to get those pants back on?”

“Too long. I’d be really late for work. Ewwww!” She yelled as she backed out from under the bed, flicking a pair of black lace panties at me.

“All I wanted was my socks!” She yelled shrilly giving me a nasty glare.

I shrugged. “I never promised to be a princess when you met me. But I also haven’t slept with another person in well over two months now. Although, I haven’t cleaned out from under my bed since I moved in.”

Her face lost a little bit of its disdain, and then it soon filled again with horror. “Please tell me you’ve at least washed the sheets since then.” She pleaded.

I thought back to the last time the sheets had been washed, taking a few moments too long in coming up with the answer. Which led to Adeline fake gagging, dropping down on the floor to her knees, and then further to her back where she proceeded to pretend to convulse.

I watched her antics with a smile on my face, and let it go on for a good three minutes before she finally tired herself out.

Panting, she said, “I’m gonna need another shower.”

I eyed her. “Yeah, you probably will. There’s sweat on your forehead. You probably worked up a good sweat everywhere else, too.”

“That’s okay, I used your deodorant. I probably smell all sexy like you always do. I’m more talking about the sex cooties I caught from your sheets.”

I rolled my eyes, leaned down, captured her waist, and hoisted her onto my shoulder.

Then I leaned down, grasped her shoes, stopped by my own dresser for a pair of socks, walked into the living room, and then tossed her down on the couch where I proceeded to pull my socks up past her knees, where I started putting her tennis shoes on.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever had this happen to me before.” Adeline giggled.

“I can see how you’re late every morning with the way you jack around. We’d have been there by now two times over if you hadn’t seized.” I quipped.

The un-socked foot slithered up my leg, and came to a rest between the juncture of my thighs.

The toes of her foot scrunched and released, massaging my balls, and making me really contemplate the daily activities I had planned.

“I can’t be too late. I have a teacher conference with the kid who hit me, and his parents.” She said, moving her foot up and down my growing shaft.

My eyes went from her shoes to her face and tilted to the side in question.

She shrugged. “Apparently, they didn’t like the fact that he was suspended for two weeks. Personally, I think that was pretty fair on my part since I was the one who got punched, but who am I to say anything?” She asked as she dropped her foot and shoved it into the shoe without even untying the strings.

He glared at her. “If you could’ve done that, why’d you let me tie the first one?”

She smiled and stood, which put her crotch perilously close to my face.

My hands went from my knees to her knees, and then traveled up her legs to come to a stop where her ass met her thighs, and I squeezed.

Then I stood, sliding up until our bodies were touching from chest to thigh.

She looked up at me, smiled, and then patted my chest before she went to the kitchen and drank my cup of coffee.

“Hey!” I said indignantly.

She shrugged. “You snooze you lose.”

Thirty minutes later, I pulled up to the front of the school, and dropped my feet to the ground as I waited for Adeline to dismount from behind me.

“Thanks for the ride!” She yelled over the sound of the engine.

Before she could get too far, I yanked her hand and pulled her down low so I could plant a long, wet kiss on her mouth, delving my tongue only slightly in before I let her go and rumbled out of the parking lot.

Then I set out to Reed’s Auto Body to ask about a car.


“What’s this I hear about you knocking Reed’s head against the glass window of his shop?” Silas asked.

I ground my teeth, annoyed that I’d let that little fucker get to me.

I’d never intended to do anything but inquire about Adeline’s car, but when I’d walked in and found her car in the very corner of the shop covered in dust and in pristine condition, I’d gotten a little pissed.

“Reed had Adeline’s car fixed for nearly a month now and hadn’t given it back to her because of some miscommunication between Reed, Adeline and Adeline’s insurance agency. He’d gotten a mechanic’s lien on the fucking car because the insurance was refusing to pay any added cost. Instead of taking it up with Adeline, he waited the required thirty days it took for him to get the mechanic’s lien, and now he owns her car. I was able to get the title back... with a little persuasion.”

I was still pissed about it. Reed was a little weasel dick of epic proportions, and today I’d gotten very close to beating the shit out of a man nearly half my size in front of, at least, four other people.

Luckily, Trance was the one to show up since he was closest to the call, and refused to take Reed’s statement.

“What?” Silas barked in astonishment. “You’ve got to be shitting me!”

I shook my head, pelting back the last swig of my beer before I slammed it down on the counter.

“You’re only staying for one beer?” Loki questioned, as I made my way to the door.

I nodded. “Yeah, I just had to come in here and drop some paperwork off in the safe. Adeline gets off in,” I said glancing at my watch. “Fifteen minutes, and I have to take her by her sister’s house to help move a couch and some chairs. Trance is meeting me there.”

Loki nodded, taking a sip of his own beer before tossing the empty in the metal barrel at the end of the bar, and asked, “Need any help?”

I looked at Loki and saw that he wasn’t looking so good. “Absolutely. We’re going to go out to dinner later. Want to come to that, too?”

Loki only nodded. “Yeah, that would be good. Thanks.”

Loki was an undercover cop for the Benton Police Department.

Right now, he was in the middle of an undercover operation that made him grow his hair out, as well as look and act like an addict. He even used sterilized needles to break his skin at certain popular body parts that most junkies used to shoot up for authenticity.

He also looked shittier than I’d ever seen him look in my ten years of knowing the man.

Silas only waved as he went about working on his laptop, which he’d been doing for the entire time I’d been there, and would probably continue to do for the rest of the night.

I never asked what he did for a living, but I assumed it had something to do with the US Government. Maybe one of the ABC agencies.

Not that it mattered what he did.

Silas was a good man, and I’d follow him into the pits of hell.

“Where’s she live?” Loki asked as he mounted his bike.

I noticed that he no longer wore a helmet like he’d done before this job, and had to wonder why he’d made such a drastic change in something that was so ingrained that it became second nature; but I wasn’t sure I wanted to pry right now.

“The Eastland’s. She has a town house in the first complex.” I explained as I moved to my own bike.

The helmet that I normally wore slid on my head, and I got a faint whiff of Adeline, making me sad that I wouldn’t be smelling that anymore. I’d purchased Adeline her own helmet that morning.

Loki followed me to Adeline’s school where we both pulled up to the red fire lane before turning our bikes off.

School had let out over an hour ago, so we were alone in the parking lot, which was why Loki said what he said next.

“After this next assignment, I’m thinking about going nomad for a while. I can’t breathe here.” Loki said, surprising the shit out of me.

I looked over at him sharply, taking in his appearance, the bruises on his arms, scrapes on his fists, and finally, the way his clothes were starting to get loose. They weren’t fitting anywhere near how they used to.

Therefore, I said the only thing I could, knowing Loki was going to do what he wanted to do, no matter the consequences. “Do it.”

His head hung, as if having the support of another brother took some hidden weight off his shoulders and made him limp with relief.

“I met someone. She hates cops.” Loki admitted a few silent minutes later.

I leaned forward, resting on the gas tank and asked, “Why?”

Loki studied the brick facing on the schools outer walls and shrugged. “I should’ve never taken this job. I knew going into it that it’d be my last. I was tired of playing somebody else. The girl, Channing, lives next to my ‘house’ and looks at me as if I’m the scum of the earth. Scared shitless of me. Anyway, I have all the evidence on Varian Strong that I’m going to need and this case will be wrapped up by the weekend. I’m going to talk to Silas once it’s all done and probably take off after the run this weekend; they’re going to need me to stay gone until the trial. Might go visit my momma in Florida for a while.”

“You love her, don’t you?” Adeline’s sweet voice said from in front of us.

My eyes snapped forward, surprised to see Adeline standing in front of us. She had a bag over her shoulder, and the sweatshirt I’d let her borrow was tied around her waist, allowing the tattoos on her arms to be seen clearly.

And her face looked stricken.

For my brother.

Something about her being concerned for one of my brothers, my family, made a piece of my jaded heart start to burn. I didn’t know with what, yet, but I knew it was something important.

My brothers meant the world to me.

When my father kicked me out of the house, I’d joined the Army since I had no other options. I didn’t have anybody I could turn to; no close friends or family that might be able to help me. Over time, though, I’d made good friends and gained a family. Consequently, it was important to me that Adeline liked my family and that my family liked Adeline.

Loki shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not pursuing anything with her. She’s already made up her mind about me, and I have a feeling that finding out I’m a cop might make it even worse.”

“I think you’d do better giving her the benefit of the doubt. You don’t know what she’d do until you ask her.” Adeline said softly before handing her bag to me.

I stowed her bag and smiled when I saw her place a soothing hand on Loki’s shoulder before she came to me, gave me a soft kiss on the lips, and mounted the bike behind me.

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