Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2)
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The icing on the cake was that Baylee had gone to the table and started retelling what had happened, and I had one pissed off Kettle on my hands.

In an effort to stop conversation I knew he wanted to have, I rushed forward and blocked him in with my body, plopping down so he couldn’t go past me unless he crawled over me, which he wouldn’t do with Blaise securely in my arms.

He narrowed his eyes at me, but sat reluctantly.

I knew what I saw in his eyes, though.

I may have won the round, but at some point in the near future, he’d be having a conversation with Detective Hernandez, and it wouldn’t be ending well for her.



Chapter 9

Like I need a Christian Grey. I have a biker that wears bunker gear.

-Adeline’s text to Baylee


“Oh, my God. I can’t feel my legs.” Adeline groaned as she fell back onto the bed.

I laughed at her and started stripping out of my dirty clothes.

No matter how long you rode, you always had to deal with the fallout of not having a windshield, and that was bugs. I hated bugs. They covered my riding clothes.

Giggling from the bed had me look over towards Adeline. “What?” I asked.

“Did you see Sebastian’s face when Baylee brought out his new helmet? I thought he was going to die of disgust.” She snickered.

Louisiana law requires motorcyclists to wear helmets; yet, in the years that I’d known Sebastian, not once had I ever seen him with a helmet, until today.

He’d begrudgingly put it on, and Baylee had smiled widely at her husband before putting on her own matching helmet.

“Did he just not like the helmet? I thought it was awesome!” Adeline crowed.

The helmet she was talking about was one that had Batman ears on top.

In truth, the helmet was an ingenious invention that allowed you to see your rearview without turning completely around to look. I’d have to look into getting one in the near future. Sans Batman ears, that is.

When I had about half a grand to drop on a helmet at least.

“It was pretty awesome. It’d have to be, and Baylee knew that; otherwise he wouldn’t have worn it. I’m sure it didn’t hurt that he could hear Baylee’s voice in his ear the whole way, either.” I noted.

“He doesn’t normally wear one?” Adeline asked in alarm.

That was about the same reaction all the women had when it came to a man not wearing a helmet. For some reason, when they saw us without it, every single horrible thing that could go
wrong started playing through their subconscious like a movie, enlightening them on what could happen.

I’d always worn one. I’d grown up on dirt bikes, and it was second nature to put on a helmet. Just like it was second nature to snap on my seatbelt after I got into a car.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “He’s never worn one before. Doesn’t like them, but Baylee’s been on him for a long time about wearing one. He said she wouldn’t ever get him in one. So you saw a miracle today when he put it on without hesitating.”

“Well that makes me happy. Dad’s best friend died in a motorcycle crash. I don’t know if he would’ve survived if he’d been wearing a helmet, but he might have had a fighting chance. He was just driving to the store that was just a street down from his place. He left behind a wife and three kids who were devastated.”

I had my fair share of motorcycle horror stories, too.

Ones I hated thinking about, so I changed the subject.

“What did you think of your first run?” I asked, dropping down beside her on the bed to take off my boots, and then tossing them to the corner of the room.

“I think I want to just sit right here and let the feeling come back into my lower half.” She sighed, closing her eyes.

Once my socks were off, I stood and started working on my clothes.

First the belt, followed shortly by my cut, which I set nicely on the table in the corner of the room.

Then I took hold of the collar at the back of my neck and hunched my shoulders as I pulled the long sleeved t-shirt over my head.

“The feelings are definitely starting to come back into my lower half again.” Adeline rasped in a husky voice.

I turned to find Adeline’s eyes on me, dissecting my every move.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, stalking to the bed.

She nodded her head, and then moved her legs, pressing them together for relief.

Reaching my hand down, I grabbed her by the ankle and yanked her down to the end of the bed, causing her to squeal in surprised excitement.

“Kettle,” she gasped.

“Tiago. Call me Tiago.” I demanded, as I practically shredded her pants in the process of trying to free the button, and ripped them, panties and all, down her legs, leaving her bare to my hungry gaze.

“Do you know what it does to me to have your pretty little tits and your hot little pussy smashed up against me and not able to touch you? To smell your scent for five straight hours? To have you run your tiny hand up and down my stomach and thighs? I’ll tell you what. It makes me so horny for you I can’t even see straight.” I growled.

My voice sounded like it’d battled with gravel and lost with its abrasiveness.

I let my fingers explore Adeline’s inner thigh, teasing the sensitive skin with the very tips of my fingers.

“Touch me,” she pleaded.

I grinned at her, leaning down into the bed with one clenched fist and used the other to run the length of my palm up the smooth expanse of skin that lined her stomach.

“So soft,” I said, leaning down and kissing her skin from the top of her pubic bone until it met the barrier of her t-shirt that was bunched up underneath her breasts.

“Off,” I demanded, nudging the shirt with my nose.

She lifted up and ripped the shirt over her head, tossing it in the vicinity of the floor, leaving her in a black lace bra that cupped the perfect swells of her breasts to perfection, and left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

I could see the dark circles of the areolas, and make out the perfect nipples that were hardened to tight peaks.

When her dainty fingers went to the clasp of her bra, I stayed her hands.

“Let me play, first.” I instructed her.

Then I showed her.

Using only my mouth, I trailed my lips from one creamy swell to the other. Then I repeated the process with my tongue.

Her hands went to my head, trying to show me the direction that she wanted me to go; I took her cues and allowed her to push my face until it was centered over one pebbled tip of her nipple.

“What?” I rasped. “Do you want me to lick it through the fabric?”

I didn’t wait for her to answer though.

Circling one turgid tip with the tip of my tongue, I blew on her chest to make them harden even more, before leaning down and sucking hard.

Her body, which had been laying quivering on the bed in anticipation, bowed, following my mouth as I pulled, drawing exuberantly on the tiny tip.

When she became impatient with the attention on the one nipple, she hooked her finger on the cup of her bra and pulled it away, exposing the dusty brown nipple on the other side, just waiting for the attention of my mouth.

I obliged, switching breasts as I sucked the other wanting tip into my mouth and drawing roughly on it, eliciting an excited response from Adeline.

When I felt her body urging my own insistently, I let the turgid nipple slip from my mouth and looked at her face.

She didn’t wait to explain to me what she wanted though; she scampered out from underneath my large body. She slowly pushed me until I fell on my back.

I went willingly, allowing her to maneuver my pants and underwear off my legs.

My erection sprung free from the confines of my pants in a lunge and bobbed for a few seconds before settling to point at my chin.

“Jesus, I can’t believe that thing fits inside me.” She observed before leaning down and letting her tongue slip from her mouth to flick the tip of my nipple.

“Don’t touch,” she warned, as she felt the hand I’d lifted start to run along the inside of her thigh.

I ignored her warning and let my callused hand skim the inside of her thigh, stopping at the brink of touching her outer lips with the outside of my finger.

When she moved forward to run her tongue down my stomach, she’d inadvertently allowed my knuckles to brush against her smooth, wet skin, provoking a groan of torture from her.

That luscious mouth of hers found my jutting erection in the next moment, and I barely bit back a groan of torture myself, when the thigh I was resting my hand on moved as she straddled my chest.

I discovered that there was finally a draw back for me on being so tall and dating a woman that was nearly a foot shorter than I was.

I couldn’t reach Adeline’s beautiful pussy while she was working my dick with her mouth.

That wasn’t to say I couldn’t touch with my fingers though, but I found that I could torture us both if I just stilled my hands and waited for her.

My hands went up the back of her legs and came to a stop at the swell of her ass.

Both thumbs dipped inside, and parted her slippery folds, but I didn’t do anything more, only watched her pussy in anticipation of things to come as she worked my dick with her mouth.

I could tell it was getting to her though, because only after a few long, tortuous minutes of her trying to swallow my dick as far as she could, she let it go abruptly, turned on my lap, and sat herself on my dick before I could get another word in edgewise.

“Oh, yes.” She groaned as my length slipped inside of her, slowly but surely. “Jesus, you’ve got me filled.”

At the husky sound of her naughty voice, my dick twitched inside of her, eliciting a small smile from her face as she started to ride me slowly.

She looked fucking beautiful.

The hair that had been in a low ponytail when we’d started the day, was even lower and large pieces of her hair had slipped free to decorate her chest and shoulders.

The bra she was wearing was still pushed down underneath one nipple to reveal one hard peak fully. However, the one still covered was not to be outdone, and was trying its hardest to slip out between the break in the lace to no avail.

With each bounce of her ass, it would cause the one tit to bounce up and down with the momentum.

My large hands spanned each hip, and the dance of her hips was erotic as hell as I urged her faster and faster.

We were both barreling towards one hell of an orgasm when there was a hard pounding on the door. Whoever it was, was insistent. And going to get their asses kicked.

Especially when Adeline’s pace stuttered. Mine didn’t. I started fucking up with my hips, as well as pulling down with my hands.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Adeline chanted with each thrust of my hips.

Then, her head flew backwards until I could no longer see her face.

Her hair tickled my thighs, and her hot pussy started to convulse around me in waves.

It was then that I realized I was inside her bare, for the first time ever, and I was helpless to stop what happened next.

With a roar, I ripped myself free of her tight clasping heat, and came hard.

Semen spurted from the tip of my dick, splashing onto Adeline’s chest, and then her lower belly as I came and came.

When the pounding in my ears finally became manageable, I let the grip on her hips go as I collapsed onto the bed.

Adeline collapsed as well, but on me instead of the bed.

They were both panting hard when she said, “I can’t feel my legs.”

I chuckled and was just about to reply when the pounding, which I’d somehow forgotten during my orgasm, started up again.

Groaning, I rolled to the side, moving a limp Adeline onto the bed before rolling off the other side, making my way to the bathroom for a pair of sweat pants and a towel.

Wiping off my release from my chest, I tossed the towel in the hamper, shoved my legs into a pair of sweatpants, very aware of the fact that my dick was still just as hard now as it was five minutes ago, and made my way out to my apartment door.

With one look into the peephole, my good mood vanished when I saw who was behind the door.

Wrenching it open, I glared at the disturbance and crossed my arms over my chest, not caring in the least that I was sweaty, and still sporting an erection.

“Can I help you?” I barely contained the urge to snarl. It more came out sounding like a pained hiss.

Annalise stared at me with contempt. “I need to ask you some questions about the fire.”

The balls of my fists became tighter, making the knuckles on my hands crack with the effort.

“We both came in and gave statements the day of the fire. You could’ve called and I would’ve answered any additional questions you had.” I said reluctantly.

Annalise tensed. “What do you mean ‘

“He means,” Adeline said as she wrapped one arm around my bare back. “That we already gave the nice officers and detective in charge our statements. Why isn’t he here?”

I looked down to see the woman that should still be laying with me, sated and warm in my bed, standing beside me. She was wearing a gray cotton shirt over her braless breasts.

Something inside of me, a green headed monster for sure, reared its head at the idea of anybody, even my ex, seeing the state of her chest.

I was saved by Annalise’s snarl of, “I can see you’re busy, I’ll come back later.”

It was only when I shut the door and turned to Adeline that I realized the gray shirt of mine she’d been wearing clearly showed the wet spots of my come on her belly from our earlier lovemaking.

Which made my anger evaporate just as fast as it had come.

“She’s gonna be trouble,” Adeline observed as I stalked towards her.

She didn’t even realize she was in danger of what was to come until I was right on top of her. “You wanna know what’s trouble? What’s trouble is seeing you with my come on your chest, and you expecting me to have a coherent conversation.” I said, right before tossing her over my shoulder and heading right back to the bedroom.


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