Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2)
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“Ready to go to your sister’s?” I asked as she wrapped herself around me.

At her nod, I handed over the helmet that was resting on my lap, causing her to squeal in excitement. “Woo hoo! It even has my initials on it!”

I rolled my eyes, winked at Loki’s amused expression, and started my bike.

The road to Adeline’s sister’s place was one of the less traveled ones, and when I got onto the grounds that the complex was located on, I was surprised.

The complex was one of the newer ones in between Benton and Shreveport, and I’d only seen it from afar.

It was new, and had live in staff to help those that needed it, but allowed the residents to have some sense of self-reliance.

Adeline had told me that this complex was booked full for nearly a year in advance by those that were blind, deaf or both. There were a few people here that would’ve never been able to make it on their own otherwise.

I didn’t need directions to which house was Viddy’s, because I could see her lying on her couch. The couch that was outside the apartment building sitting on the front lawn of the closest condo.

I could see Adeline out of the corner of my eye shaking her head, and had to suppress the thought that I knew Adeline wouldn’t appreciate.

But the facts were glaringly obvious; they were exactly alike. I could see Adeline doing the very same thing at her own place when she moved in.

We pulled up to the parking spot that was directly in front of Viddy’s couch and shut the bikes off.

Viddy didn’t even stir.

If I didn’t know better, I would’ve assumed she was deaf because she never even flinched when two huge Harleys came within three feet of her face.

Adeline jumped off the bike as soon as I set the kickstand down, going from one fantasy to another in a split second.

“Oh, my God.” Loki said. “I’ve never had twins before.”

I punched Loki in the shoulder hard enough to make him fall back a few steps. Hell, the same thoughts had flashed through my own head the first time, too.

Loki laughed at my reaction, taking a step backward so he was out of punching range, just in case.

Adeline had flipped over the back of the couch to where she was smashed up between the back of the couch and Viddy. Their bodies were plastered together and, for some odd reason, my
dick thought that it was just the best idea in the world to have two hot sisters on the same couch together, entwined around each other.

Three hours later, we’d moved in Viddy’s couch, bookshelf, dresser, and wrought iron bed that weighed nine hundred pounds.

Trance had shown up just in time to help move the bed from hell, thankfully, or we might not have been able to do it.

The good thing was that Viddy was on the first floor, and we didn’t have to maneuver the beast up the steps. That would’ve been something to watch.

“Viddy, I’m going to go find some clothes. Do you still have some of my spares in your closet?” Adeline asked Viddy.

She nodded, too absorbed in her conversation with Trance to notice her all that much, and I was working with Loki to get a bookshelf anchored to the wall to notice Adeline stop by Viddy’s purse and put something in there.


Twenty minutes later, I found myself eyeing the lipstick Viddy was using with surprise.

Was that shaped like a dick?

Upon closer examination I found that it was, indeed, a dick.

Viddy was rubbing a clear sheen of lipstick over her mouth with a dick shaped stick.

Trance, who’d been talking to me, looked over to see what had caught my attention and growled low in his throat when he saw what she was using.

Stomping over, he ripped the offending object out of her hand.

“Hey!” She yelled. “Give that back, Trance.”

I wondered how she knew it was Trance, but that paled in comparison when Viddy raised her arm and punched Trance in the shoulder before calling him a ‘bully.’

“You have a dick shaped lipstick tube and you’re rubbing it all over your lips in front of us. What’d you want me to do? Let you use that in public?” Trance growled.

“A dick?” Viddy asked in surprise. Then her face changed; even behind the glasses she always wore, I could tell she was pissed. “Adeline, you bitch!”

Adeline, who’d been standing in the doorway watching the whole scene in a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, started to laugh hysterically.

“That was for sending me your fat jeans.” Adeline glared at her sister.

Viddy started laughing then, too, and the tension between the two was broken before it even got started. Which surprised me, because my sister was a vindictive little shit, and could hold a grudge for months.

She also fought dirty, and these two did not. It was all in good fun, and they knew how to laugh it off.

“My sister would’ve castrated me if I’d done that.” Loki observed from his end of the bookshelf.

I looked over at the man and saw him smiling for the first time in weeks. “Yeah, mine would’ve, too.”

“One of my brothers would’ve held me down while the other beat the shit out of me. Then they would’ve salted my wounds. Maybe even drowned me afterwards.” Trance smiled wistfully.

We all turned and looked at him, even Viddy.

“Okay then,” Adeline said, eyes wide. “Is there anything else you need out today, Viddy, or do you want me to get the rest of it tomorrow?”

Viddy stood there thinking for a few more moments before she snapped her fingers together. “I need Hemi’s tennis balls. I go play with him in the morning, and if I don’t have those, he’ll get mad at me.”

I glanced down at the dog in question, saw him lying in the middle of the floor like a bump on a log, and had to laugh. “This dog will get mad at you?” I asked in surprise.

Hemi was the sweetest dog I’d ever met. He was snowy white with splotches of muddy brown interspersed throughout his coat. His eyes were the warm color of honey, and he was the softest thing I’d ever felt.

He’d worn himself out playing with Radar for the last few hours, and now both dogs were laying in a ray of sunshine that was beaming down through the window curtains.

“Well which box is it in?” Adeline asked her sister.

“A smaller box.” She answered as she walked slowly to the couch and sat down carefully.

My eyes flicked to the pile of boxes lining the living room wall with trepidation. They were all the same size boxes.

“Viddy, all the goddamn boxes are the same size and you know it.” Adeline growled at her sister.

Viddy smiled widely. “You’re the one who packed them, Twinkie, not me. How about you tell me where they are?” She replied sarcastically.

“Motherfucker,” Trance sighed. “Do y’all always fight like this?”

Adeline and Viddy both shrugged.

At their non-answer, he threw his hands in the air, and then called Radar’s name.

Radar, who’d been sleeping peacefully in the sun, sprung to his feet, quivering in anticipation.

“You got anything that smells like the balls?” He asked hopefully.

Viddy thought about it for a few seconds before she stood and walked to her room.

I shook my head as we all watched her maneuver boxes, furniture, and packing supplies as if she could see the entire room.

“How does she do that?” Loki finally asked.

I turned to Adeline who shrugged. “She counts her steps. Maybe we’re just lucky that she didn’t have anything in her path, cause if there was, she would’ve tripped over it. She does that a lot, so try to keep your shit clear of her walking paths.”

Viddy returned on the tail end of our conversation with an old pair of pants in her hands. “I do count. I’ve counted the number of steps four times today. Here, I sat on one of his balls yesterday before Addy packed them. My ass had a ball shaped wet imprint for nearly an hour. They were one of the lasts to be packed. Will this work?”

“Yep.” He said holding the pants up in the air so he could see the ball imprint, and then held it down to Radar who appeared at my side. “Retrieve.”

We all watched in fascination as Radar started to search in slow, methodical loops until he centered on one single pile of boxes. Then, with his large nose, he pushed the top box off the pile of boxes. Then the second before he got to the third and sat on his haunches.

“There anything breakable in them?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Probably not. I don’t do breakable real well.” She teased.

Sure enough, the one box he didn’t knock to the ground was the one that had the balls in it.

“That’s still impressive; even after seeing him do it half a dozen times.” Loki said with a shake of his head.

Trance smiled. “He’s a smart boy, aren’t you big boy?” Trance asked Radar with a scratch behind the ears.

“Well my dog has a trick, too!” Viddy exclaimed and jumped to her feet. “Give me those balls. Three of them.”

This is how Trance and Viddy started trading dog tricks. Although Hemi holding three balls in his mouth was impressive, it was decided that Radar definitely trumped Hemi in the trick department, much to Viddy’s disappointment.



Chapter 8

My 34-year-old boyfriend still plays with fire trucks.

-Adeline to Silas


I had a phobia.

It had to do with large bodies of water.

There was nothing I hated more than going down the road that crossed the dam and the spillway. The road itself was narrow and had to be at least a mile drop down to the water. If, for some reason, my car happened to careen off the side, it’d end up as a folded hunk of metal that would sink more easily once it hit the water. With my luck, my car wouldn’t be stopped by the metal barriers that were intended to keep cars safe, and I’d plummet to my death, drowning in my car at the bottom of the lake.

When I’d gotten to the lake, which happened to be Sebastian’s house, I’d been okay.
However, getting there was a major feat for me.

I’d met Baylee, formally, for the first time.

Baylee was Sebastian’s wife.

She was also a paramedic with the Kilgore Fire Department, a town about forty-five minutes west of Shreveport. Currently, she was on maternity leave with only two more weeks until she had to return to work.

She was definitely a talker, too.

We were in the baby’s room, and I was trying my hardest not to watch as Baylee was pumping. When I say pumping, I mean she had these medieval torture devices on her tits that were sucking the life out of them. Literally. They started out absolutely massive, and by the time she was done, they were little more than deflated bags that resembled normal breasts again.

Why was I looking at her boobs?

I couldn’t tell you. I guess when she’d asked if I minded if she pumped, and I didn’t automatically shout ‘Fuck No,’ she thought it was okay to whip the old fun bags out and start that shit. Yes, the majority of the time they were covered. But still.

“Why don’t you work for Benton?” I asked Baylee, trying my hardest not to look at her nipples that were elongating into the slender tube.

Baylee laughed. “First of all, I can’t handle spending that much time with my husband. He tends to turn into an alpha-hole when he wants me to do stuff a certain way.”

My head turned slightly. “What does alpha-hole mean?”

Finally, she disengaged the torture devices from her boobs, tucked her boobs back inside the shirt she had on, and stashed the milk in the mini fridge; big cones and all.

“Follow me.” She said as she walked purposefully towards the kitchen.

“Now, watch.” Baylee said as she picked up the cooler that was sitting at the bottom of the porch steps and started walking.

She’d gotten maybe ten feet from the steps when Sebastian looked up, saw what she was carrying, and yelled. “Baylee! I said I’d get it in a minute! Put it down.”

Baylee ignored him and got about five more steps before Sebastian let out an audible growl, tossed the boat electronic thing he was showing Kettle, Loki, and Trance onto the boat seat, and stalked towards Baylee.

You know those red flags you wave at bulls to get their attention? That’s what it was like. The cooler being the red flag.

He grabbed the offending cooler out of her hands before she’d even made it fifteen feet from the porch steps, and glared at her before going back the way he came.

When she made it back, she smiled at me. “Does that answer your question?”

“No,” I laughed. “I think I need a few more examples. I’m worried I might have an alpha-hole on my hands.”

Kettle hadn’t let me move one single thing this afternoon. Not even a freakin’ bag of clothes. He’d treated me like I was fragile. As if I couldn’t handle even the small things.

“Here,” Baylee said, shoving a baby bag and a car seat that had her infant daughter, Blaise, already strapped into it at me before pushing me towards the door.

Blaise, according to Baylee, was the one and only thing that could terrify Sebastian.

“Take this down there to the water. Watch what Kettle and Sebastian do. You’ll see what I mean.” Baylee’s eyes were filled with mirth.

Cautiously, I started walking down towards the water, walking carefully down the path that was lined on both sides with rocks. Blaise was incredibly tiny in her car seat, and feelings, ones
that only came out when babies were in the vicinity, started swelling in my chest. Making me

I’d made it all the way to the dock. Which was further than I’d expected to get. I was in the process of stepping onto the uneven dock when Blaise was out of my arms, followed by the diaper bag.

I looked up into glaring eyes. One pair belonging to the doting father, and the other to Kettle.

Both looked annoyed that I’d even contemplated getting onto the dock.

“Is there anything else y’all need brought down here?” Sebastian asked in exasperation.

I shrugged and turned around without answering.

I found Baylee in the kitchen pouring milk into a bottle.

“How far onto the dock did you get?” Baylee asked without even turning around.

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