Guarding His Heart (7 page)

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Authors: J.S. Cooper

BOOK: Guarding His Heart
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“I’m sorry.” She squeezed my hand. “I should have listened to you.”

“Yes, you should have.”

“I didn’t know what you were talking about.”

“He wanted to have a threesome with you and Debbie Does Dallas.”

“What?” She frowned in confusion.

“Amber is a porn

“What?” She screeched. “I told you she was a ho.”

“Yeah, well, you nearly became one as well.” I gave her a stern look. “If I hadn’t come and saved you, who knows what would have happened?”

“Thank you.” She said reluctantly. “I didn’t realize they were so creepy.”

“It’s fine.” I nodded. “I don’t think either one of us expected for the day to go like this.”

“So what do we do now?” She looked at me apprehensively. I knew she comprehended how big a deal it was that I’d walked out of the meeting.

“Well we spend the rest of the day and tomorrow in New York and then we go back to LA so I can face the music.”

“I’m sorry. You didn’t have to walk out because of me.”

“No, I wouldn’t want to do business with a man like that.” I looked her in the eyes. “I know I flirt with you and I know I’m not always appropriate, but I would never want you to feel uncomfortable. I hope you understand that. I hope you know your job isn’t predicated on sleeping with me.”

“I know that.” She smiled weakly. “I like our flirtations.” She admitted and blushed.

“Oh yeah?” I grinned at her. “Really?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “I liked the texts and the emails and I don’t think my job is related to them in any way.”

“Good.” I grinned at her. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Don’t let it go to your head though.”

“Of course not.” I paused. “Wait, which head do you mean?”

“Leo?” She groaned and I laughed loudly, suddenly feeling lighter.

“Come on, let’s go back to the hotel to change and then we can figure out what we want to do next. Okay?”

She looked at me with bright brown eyes and nodded slightly, a devious smile on her face. “Okay.” She answered slowly and I wondered what she had planned in that pretty little head of hers.

Chapter Eight



“Red or pink?” I held up the lipsticks in my hands and stared at my reflection in the mirror as I waited for Lisa to respond.

“Depends on the look you want to go for?” She spoke into the phone in a mumbled tone.

“Are you eating?”

“Yeah. I got a pizza from Lucca’s.”

“Lisa, you’re meant to be saving money.”

“Dude, you can’t save money, when Lucca’s has such hot delivery men. Antonio came tonight.”


“You know the one: tall, bulky, black hair, blue eyes, fake Italian accent.”

“Oh Fakio.” I laughed.

“Yeah, Fakio.” She laughed back. “But tonight, I let him go by Antonio.” She sighed. “He’s just too hot.”

“Lisa, you’re man crazy.”

“I can’t be man crazy, if I have no man.” She responded back and laughed. “Now do you want my advice or not, slutty?”

“I’m not a slut.” I groaned.

“I know, but get used to being called one when people see you in that outfit.”

“Why did you have to choose the sluttiest one?” I sighed and stared at the top of my breasts. “You can see my panties when I bend over.”

“So, you’re a nurse.”

“What does being a slut have to do with being a nurse?”

“I don’t know.” She giggled. “But if anyone asks just say, take up your issues with Mt. Sinai hospital.”

“I’m not going to lie and say I work at Mt. Sinai.”

“You don’t have to say that specifically.” She exclaimed. “Whatever they infer from your statement is their problem.”

“Lisa, you’re an idiot. No one would believe that this is an official’s nurses’ outfit. Don’t they wear scrubs?”

“I have no idea what a nurse wears.” She laughed. “I’m sure the ones that want to date doctors wear the lower cut tops.”

“I doubt that very much.” I rolled my eyes. “But back to my question, red or pink?”

“Go red for full on slut, pink for good-girl gone slut.”

“Okay, I’ll do pink then.” I applied it to my lips and then brushed my hair again. I stared at my reflection again and groaned. “Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

“No.” Lisa’s voice rose. “I think it’s brilliant. Go in there. Give him a little tease as a ‘see what you’re missing and a thank you for saving me today’.”

“I guess. He’s going to think I’ve gone crazy.”

“He’s going to wish that he could save you every day. Shit, he might sign up to that geek hero patrol club and pretend to be a superhero so he can save you every day and get you to dress up as a hot nurse every night.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Lisa?”

“Just make sure you hook me up when you get the black Amex. I want to be put on as an authorized user.”

“Yeah right.” I shook my head. “You know how bad you sound right?”

“I’m not asking for a condo in the Hollywood Hills or a Mercedes.”

“Lisa, I’m going now.”

“Tell me how it goes, okay.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Rock his world.” She giggled.

“I’m not going to sleep with him.” I chastised her. “Who do you think I am?”

“All I said is rock his world. That could mean anything.”

“We both know what you were saying.”

“That’s your guilty conscience talking.” She giggled. “It’s not my fault you’re attracted to your boss.”

“I’m not attracted to him.” I lied.

“Then why are you going to his hotel room dressed as a slutty nurse?”

“Originally, I was going to show him that I could take his jokes and step it up a level, but now I’m also going for myself as well.” I admitted. “But not for sex. Just for some harmless fun.”

“Yeah, I know a lot of people that wear slutty nurses outfits to have harmless fun with their bosses.”

“Lisa.” I sighed. “I’m not going to have sex with him.”

“Hey, I don’t consider oral, sex either.”


“I mean yeah, its called oral sex, but it’s not really sex is it? Nothing’s going inside of you.” She paused. “Oops, I guess his tongue is, huh? I guess that is sex.”

“Lisa! Enough!” I could feel my body growing warm. “There is going to be no sex of any kind. No oral, no anal, no regular, no nothing.”

“Well, that’s boring.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I think that’s a waste of a slutty outfit.”

“Stop calling it slutty.”

“Would you rather I call you slutty?”

“No.” I stared at myself and knew I would call myself a slut if I saw myself somewhere. “I’m going now.”

“Have fun with your no sex adventure.”

“Have fun with trashy TV and Fakio.”

“Will do. Love you. Call me tomorrow.”

“Will do. Bye.” I hung up and walked back into the bedroom and sat on the bed. Was I really prepared to do this? I knew that walking into Leo’s room dressed as a slutty nurse would change the whole dynamic in our relationship. It would go from innocent flirting to something more explosive. There was no way that he’d think it was just a joke. Not after today. Not after he’d given up a huge deal for me. Because essentially that was what he’d done. He’d walked away from a deal to defend my honor, even though he’d tried to warn me away in the first place. I’d been touched and I’d felt ashamed of myself for automatically assuming the worst of him when he’d only been trying to protect me. I should have known that Amber was up to something when she kept asking me where in LA, Leo lived and if he knew any directors.

Beep Beep. I grabbed my phone and sat up to see the message.

“What you doing?”
It was Leo.

“Just thinking and feeling bad.”

“I hope it’s not about today.”

“Of course it is.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I feel bad.”

“Do you want to have a threesome with Rob and Amber?”

“Hell no.”

“Then don’t feel bad. :).”

“What are you doing?”

“Wondering when you’re going to come by so we can go out.”

“I was thinking we could just watch a movie on-demand.”

“Together or separately?”


“That’s what I like to hear.”


“So we’re planning on watching multiple movies? It’s still noon.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot the time.”

“So are you still coming over?”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

I jumped off the bed and walked to the door and stopped. Was I crazy? What was I doing? This was a rather bold move to make. A move I wasn’t even sure I had fully thought through. This was the man that had stolen my job. This was the man had taken away my new car and new apartment.

“He’s also the one that saved you, Hannah.” I reminded myself as I thought about how he’d protected me that morning. He had basically ruined his career for me. I wasn’t sure why I was fighting my attraction towards him. What did I have to lose? I opened the door and hurried through it quickly and knocked on his door.

“That was longer than a minute.” He said as he opened the door with a laugh. I saw his jaw drop as he stared at me. “Hannah?” He gazed at in shock as he gazed at me with wide eyes. “Wow you look hot.”

“Like my outfit?” I smiled. “It’s my nurse’s outfit.”

“Whoa, yeah I like it.” He nodded and I saw his eyes fall to my breasts.

“I figured seeing as you asked me to wear one and you were so nice to me today...” My voice trailed off. Who was I kidding? I just wanted to turn him on.

“Wow. I also like native Hawaiian outfits.” He grinned.

“That won’t be happening.” I laughed and then just stood there awkwardly. I had no idea what to do next.

“Do you want to check my temperature?”

“Do you have a fever?”

“I’m not sure.” He made a face. “I’ve been feeling a bit sickly.”

“Well we can’t have that, can we?” I stared at him in his white t-shirt and swallowed. “Where are you feeling sick?”

“All over, nurse.” He groaned. “I need someone to tend to me.”

“I think I can tend to you.” I walked over to him and touched his forehead with the back of my hand. “You feel warm. Maybe you should take your t-shirt off?”

“Should I take anything else off, nurse?” He grinned as he yanked his top off.

“I don’t think so.” I shook my head and smiled slightly as I stared at his chest. I moved my hand down to his abs and ran my fingers down his six pack.

“That feels good, nurse.” He grinned.

“You don’t look very sick, Sir.”

“Oh, I’m so sick.” He pouted his lips and leaned forward. “I heard you can tell if I have a temperature by kissing me.”

“That won’t be necessary.” I shook my head and stepped back, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. What was I doing playing the role of a nurse to my new boss. The new boss, I still disliked, though he wasn’t as bad as I’d originally thought he was.

“Nurse, are you ready to watch a movie now?” Leo walked over to the bed and sat down. I knew that he could tell that I was feeling uncomfortable.

“What are we going to watch?” I walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down.

“Whatever you want to watch.” He handed me the remote and lay back on the bed. “I’m down to watch anything. Or to talk.” He turned towards me.

“Talk about what?” I sat back stiffly, aware that an alarming amount of leg and breast was showing. I shifted on the bed feeling uncomfortable.

“I don’t know. Ourselves? We don’t really know each other.” His expression turned serious. “I feel like we started off on the wrong foot and now I don’t really know where we are.”

“I know what you mean.” I sighed and nodded in agreement.

“I mean we have this crazy sexual chemistry.” He sat up and moved closer to me. “I think we can both admit that, but I know that neither one of us knows what to do about it.”

“Yeah.” I admitted and looked down. “It’s hard.”

“How did you know?” He joked and touched himself and I groaned.

“Leo, really?”

“Why do I feel like you enjoy telling me off?”

“I really don’t.” I smiled. “Why are you always so inappropriate?”

“I don’t know.” He laughed. “Maybe because I’m not from the corporate world so I just say what I want?”

“You really shouldn’t be flirting with me.”

“I know the girl in the nurse’s outfit isn’t talking to me about flirting.”

“It was supposed to be a joke.”

“Hmm, okay. A joke huh?” He grinned and stared at my breasts. “You can joke with me any time.”

“Maybe I chose the wrong nurse’s outfit to joke in.”

“No, no, I like it.” He grinned. “I like it a lot.”

“You would.”

“Want to play Cowboys and Indians?” He asked me softly.

“Huh?” I frowned confused. “What do you mean?”

“You could be the cowboy and I’ll be your horse.”

“Leo, you’re too much.” I shook my head. “You really are.”

“I’m just joking.” He laughed and I stared at him for a few seconds.


“Okay what?” He froze and looked at me in shock.

“Okay, I’ll play.” I grinned. I knew I was playing with fire, but I wanted to wipe the smile off of his face. “Lie back.”

“Lie back?” He repeated. “As in on my back.”

“That’s right.” I grinned as he lay back on the bed. I scrambled over to him and straddled his lap.

“What are you doing?” He groaned as I settled on his lap. I could feel him hard beneath me and I adjusted myself in his lap so that my panties were directly over his crotch.

“I’m going for a ride.” I smiled and moved back and forth on him, grinding myself into him. I could feel my panties growing wet as I rubbed back and forth on him. I put my hand up in the air and pretended I was swinging a rope like a lasso.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea.” He groaned and closed his eyes.

“Why not, horsey?”

“Hannah.” His eyes popped open. “You win.”

“I win what?” I continued moving my hips back and forth and started moving faster.

“Hannah.” He grabbed my hips and stopped me, his eyes narrowed. “This isn’t a game I think you want to play.”

“Oh?” I licked my lips slowly. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t play fair.” His right hand moved up from my hip and to my right breast. I gasped as his palm cupped my breast and he pulled my top down. My right breast was exposed to him and he pinched my nipple. I sat there in shock as he played with my nipple and I could feel myself growing wetter. Shit! I was feeling so horny that I didn’t know what to do. I knew that we were soon going to be at the point of no return. We were both playing a game with each other, but underlying that game was real lust. As he played with my nipple, I knew that I was close to having a small orgasm. His left hand then moved from my hip and up my skirt. I felt him squeezing my ass and I froze.

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