Guarding His Heart (10 page)

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Authors: J.S. Cooper

BOOK: Guarding His Heart
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“Sorry, Hannah.” Lisa followed me into my bedroom. “I’ll tidy up now. You know it will go a lot faster if you help me.”

“Are you joking?” I shook my head and turned to face her. “I just got back from a business trip. I don’t want to be cleaning up your mess. How many pizzas did you order?”

“Two.” She grinned. “Antonio gave me the rest for free.”

“What, why would Fakio do that?” I asked, surprised.

“Because he got to do me.” She grinned and my jaw dropped.

“You did not sleep with Fakio.” I asked shocked and she giggled.

“Yes, I did.” Her eyes lit up. “And let me tell you, Fakio has a Bronx accent when he cums.”

“Lisa,” I groaned. “I do not need to hear about what Fakio does when he has sex.”

“He has a crooked dick as well.” She laughed. “Have you ever had sex with a guy with a crooked dick? It’s amazing.”

“How crooked is crooked?” I laughed, suddenly feeling lightheaded and wanting to tell her about my adventures as well.

“Let’s just say that he could live on a cul-de-sac.”

“No way.” I shook my head as we walked back to the living room. “There’s no way his dick is that crooked.”

“Trust me, it was. And his tongue was long as well.” She walked into the kitchen and brought back some black garbage bags. “I’ve never come so much in my life.”

“Who knew Fakio had all that going for him?” I laughed and started picking up the trash.

“Not me.” Lisa giggled and paused. “But enough about my fabulous sex life, what went down with you and DiCaprio?”

“His name is Leo.” I rolled my eyes. “And let’s just say you’re not the only one that got laid last night.”

“What?” She screamed and dropped her bag as she ran over to me. “You did not sleep with your boss?”

“I did.” I nodded slowly and I could see the shock in her eyes. “And we’ve decided to be friends with benefits as well.”

“Get out of town.” Lisa collapsed on the couch and rubbed her hands in excitement. “Okay, I need details, lots and lots of details.”

“Fine.” I dropped my bag and sat down next to her. “Where should I start?” I laughed.

“First of all does he have a crooked penis?” Lisa asked and I laughed at her question.

“No,” I said slowly, “but he is known as ‘The Stallion’.” I sat back into the couch and grinned, warmth spreading through my body as I started to tell Lisa about the last couple of days. All of a sudden, the doubt and worry left me. Maybe I wouldn’t be cut out for friends with benefits, but at least I was going to try. If there was anyone I’d want to try it with, it was Leo Maxwell.

Chapter Eleven



To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Emails aren’t texts



What you doing right now?




I pressed send and waited for Hannah’s response. I lay back in bed and stared at my room in annoyance. I felt lonely and I was pissed. I never felt lonely. I didn’t do lonely. I heard the beep coming in quickly and grinned and opened my email. Hannah was fast! I saw a notification from American Express that my credit card bill had cut and sighed. It wasn’t her after all. I jumped out of bed and put my phone in my pocket as I made my way down to the kitchen and grabbed a beer and walked into the living room. I thought about calling Zane to see if he wanted to hang out, but I knew that if he was able to get away he’d just start talking about how great Lucky was. I didn’t need to be reminded once again that his life had changed and that he could no longer hang out and do the regular guy things we always used to do. It was his fault that I was bored.

Beep beep. I pulled my phone out slowly hoping not to get too excited this time. I grinned when I saw it was a reply from Hannah.


To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Emails aren’t texts- so what?


I’m in bed watching TV and eating popcorn listening to my friend Lisa snoring. What does email not being texts have to do with anything?


I laughed as I thought about her friend snoring and I wondered if she knew that she snored as well.


To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: It matters because I’m not breaking the rules

What are you watching? What kind of popcorn. And did you know you snore as well. Also, where is Lisa sleeping? In your bed? If you say yes, I’ll be officially jealous.


I pressed send and waited.


To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: I do not snore


Yeah, she fell asleep while we were watching a movie called The Quiet One’s. We always watch horror movies together because we get scared. Btw, I do not snore. You do though. Big bear snores that keep me awake at night.


I grinned and pressed reply quickly.


To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: It’s not my snores that keep you awake


Never heard of that movie. Sounds boring. I’ll help keep you safe next time you want to watch a horror movie. What about the popcorn? Tell me and let me fantasize about having some.


I gulped down some more beer as I waited for her reply.


To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Are you touching yourself right now


I’m so laughing if you put your hands down your pants when you read my subject line. Why are you emailing me? I thought we weren’t meant to bother each other. Or am I already forgetting the rules of our friends with benefits arrangement? And nothing fancy. Just cheap ol’ kettle corn.


Did she not understand my first subject line?


To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Emails aren’t texts remember?


The rules we came up with said no bombarding each other with texts or calls. Emails aren’t texts. I like cheap kettle corn, btw. And yes, I’m touching myself right now. Want a photo?


I pressed send and then pulled my junk out of my boxers, lay back and took a photo. I’d show Hannah that I meant business.


To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Seems like you’re still breaking the rules to me


Why would I want a photo? Do you think we’re going to do an exchange here? Hmm. I am lying in bed naked.


I groaned as I read her email and quickly switched to text.

“Send me a photo.”
I pressed send quickly.

“I thought we weren’t texting.”
She responded back right away.

“That was before you told me you were naked.”


“Show me your breasts.”


“Here’s a present for you.”
I sent over the photo of my dick and grinned knowing she would be shocked to see it.

“What the fuck?”

“Like it?”

“I didn’t need you to send me a photo of your cock.”

“Like it?”

“You really are a pervert.”

“Send me a photo of you touching your breasts.”

“Leo, I’m not really naked. Lisa is in bed with me remember.”

“Oh yeah.”
I felt like a fool for not remembering.

“I’m going to show her your photo.”

“If you want to.”

“You wouldn’t care?”

“Why would I?”
I laughed as I pressed send.

“Typical man.”

“Yes, I am. And I’m feeling horny.”


“Want to have phone sex?”



“I think this goes against the rules.”

“We can change the rules.”

“Leo, we just created the rules.”

“Hold on.”
I chugged the rest of my beer down and ran back up to my bedroom. I pulled my phone out again and called her number.

“Why are you calling me?” She whispered into the phone.

“Because I wanted to talk to you.”

“Liar, you called me for phone sex.”

“Well, if you knew that, why did you ask?”

“Leo, we’re not going to have phone sex?”

“Why not?” I groaned, feeling frustrated, though I was happy to be talking to her.

“Leo,” She sighed. “No, just no.”

“Then let’s just talk.” I settled into the bed and pulled my hand out of my pants. I guessed that there was no point me getting ready to wank off.

“Talk about what?”

“Whatever. What you want to do tomorrow?”

“I thought we were going to go to the beach?”

“Yeah, the beach and the promenade.”

“Oh okay, sounds good.”

“Wear a sexy bikini.” I asked her softly and closed my eyes. “I’m picturing you in a bikini right now.”

“I’m going to wear a one-piece now.”

“No, it’s much harder to get access in a one-piece.”


“You know we’re going to fuck in the ocean right?”


“What, I can pull out and cum in the water. You can’t be upset about that.”

“Leo, we’re not going to the ocean to have sex.”

“I don’t mind having sex on the beach as well. I just thought you might be worried that someone would see us. Like innocent kids or something. We might scar them.”

“You’re addicted to sex.”

“I’m addicted to you.” I joked and the phone went silent as I realized that was the wrong thing to say. This wasn’t a relationship. “I mean, I’m addicted to having sex with you.” I corrected myself. “We need to have as much sex as we can in the beginning. That’s the point of being friends with benefits.”

“What benefit am I getting?” She asked softly and I froze. Was she already having second thoughts?

“Whatever you want.” I said quickly. “I’m yours for the taking.”

“I know I can have sex with you whenever I want.” She sighed.

“What else do you want?” Please don’t say a relationship. Please don’t say a relationship.

“Nothing else.” She said softly.

“So do you want to know how hard I am?”

“No, Leo, I don’t.” She giggled.

“Do you want to go and hang out at the Hollywood sign?” I asked without thinking.

“What now?”

“Yeah, now. I can come and pick you up.” I jumped out of bed.

“But it’s late.” She sounded surprised.

“So? We’re both up. It’ll be fun.”

“I thought it was illegal to go and hang out at the sign.”

“It’s only illegal if you get caught.” I laughed as I threw a sweater on and pulled my jeans on. “Come on, it will be an adventure.”

“What are we going to do?”


“Does talk mean sex?”

“Talk means talk, but if you want it to mean sex, it can.” I responded quickly.

“Fine, I’ll come.”

“Yes.” I grinned. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll go and get ready.”

“Don’t hang up.” I said softly.

“What? Why not?”

“I want to talk to you while I drive over.”

“Oh okay.” She sounded as surprised as I felt. I wasn’t sure why I enjoyed hearing her voice so much. “If that’s what you want, that’s fine.”

“Actually, it’s probably safer for me to drive without being on the phone. I’ll call you when I get there.” I hung up quickly and walked into the bathroom and splashed my face with water. “Stop acting like a girl.” I told myself off. What the fuck was I thinking wanting to talk to her while I drove over to her house? This wasn’t some romantic gesture. This was me going to get laid. Even as I thought it, I knew it wasn’t true. I wasn’t going over so we could have sex. I was going over so that I could spend more time with her. I didn’t even care if we had sex. I just wanted to be with her. I groaned as I realized that I was already straying from the plan. Friends with benefits didn’t meet up to hang out and talk. They didn’t flirt. They just had hot sex and moved on. Maybe this hadn’t been my smartest idea. The last thing I needed was a romantic entanglement. With my assistant. I already knew that work on Monday was going to be crazy. My dad had left me three voicemails sounding pissed and asking me to call him. I had nothing to say to him. I wasn’t going to run myself or the company in a way that made me feel guilty or like I was selling my soul to the devil. Nothing was worth that. There was no amount of money worth losing my soul over. I got into my car with mixed emotions. I was excited to see Hannah. I wanted to see her smile. I wanted to hear the snark in her voice. I wanted to hang out. On the other hand, my excitement scared me. I didn’t want this to be anything more than what it was. I was scared that I was going to fuck this up. I was scared that I was starting to like her more than I should.



“This is so cool.” Hannah’s excitement was evident in her voice as we sat next to each other on the hill at the top of the Hollywood sign and stared out at the Los Angeles landscape. “Dangerous, but cool.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.” I held her hand and we just stared out at the night sky.

“So what were you doing before you called me?”

“Not much.” I admitted. “I was bored.”

“Oh so that’s why you emailed me?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I wanted to see you.” I admitted slowly.

“Oh, yeah you were feeling horny.”

“Yeah.” I kept my head away. I didn’t want to tell her that I wanted to see her for more than sex. I didn’t even want to admit that to myself.

“So, I hope you’re not expecting us to do it here. It’s cold out.”

“No, I’m not.” I turned towards her and smiled at her. “Tell me more about you, Hannah. What’s your story?”

“Asides from being the girl that had her promotion stolen by the big bosses son?” She laughed. “Asides from the fact that I’m now sleeping with the boss that stole my job?”

“Yeah.” I ran my hands through my hair and tried to ignore my guilty feeling. “Asides from that, I’m just a regular girl. I grew up in Nebraska and Iowa. My parents live with my grandparents in a small town called Ames. My dad used to work at the university there.”

“Oh what university?” I asked curiously. “I didn’t know your dad was a professor.”

“He wasn’t a professor.” She smiled. “Iowa State, he was a manager in the maintenance department.”


“Yes, I’m very blue collar.” She smiled. “He didn’t make much money and my mom was a housewife, though she loved it. They’re getting older now and my brother is about to start college. The promotion was going to help me to send more money back home.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.” I sighed. “That’s a hard position to be in. I guess I understand your hatred of me now.”

“It’s not your fault.” She shrugged. “It would have been nice. I mean, they’re not on the street and Matt can just get loans. Matt’s my brother, by the way.”

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