Guarding His Heart (2 page)

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Authors: J.S. Cooper

BOOK: Guarding His Heart
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“To be honest, I have no idea.” I laughed. “I was offered the job and took it.”

“They must have really wanted you.”

“I guess so.”

“Well maybe I’ll see you at lunch, I get off at the next floor. All the assistants eat lunch together.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I grinned. “I’m Leo by the way.”

“Hannah.” She shook my hand and walked out of the elevator. “Oh,” she looked at me in surprise as I followed her out. “You’re working on this floor as well.”

“I am.” I nodded and raised an eyebrow at her.

“What did you say your name was again?” She paused and looked at me for a few seconds with a thoughtful look.

“Leo.” I smiled at her widely as we stopped outside a door.

“Leo?” She froze and I saw a red hue rising in her face. “As in Leonardo?”

“Yes.” I nodded and put my hand on the doorknob.

“As in Leonardo Maxwell?” Her voice was soft as I opened the door.

“The one and only.”

“Oh.” She groaned as she followed me into the door.

“It’s nice to meet you, Hannah.” I grinned. “I assume you’re my new assistant?”

There was silence in the office as we both stared at each other. I was able to study Hannah’s body a lot better with her standing in front of me. She was wearing a rather short skirt and a top that seemed one size too small, as the buttons next to her chest seemed like they were about to pop open. She was a pretty girl, with long dark brown hair and wide expressive brown eyes that seemed to be sparking shots of fire at me. Her lips were naturally pouty and she was wearing some sort of pink lip gloss that was begging to be kissed off. I could see from her stance that she was confident, but worried. The look on her face was that of a suicidal deer in the headlights that was still debating on how much pain it would be in if it continued running and risked hitting a car. I knew she was going to continue running. It was the pain vs. pride debate. She was upset that I’d become privy to her thoughts, but she wasn’t going to back down.

“So you’re planning on making my life difficult then?” I asked her softly. “Is it your plan for me to be so upset that I’ll up and quit.”

“No.” She muttered and looked at the ground. “Would you quit?” She asked hopefully.

“Do you think you would get this job if I quit because you were making my life a misery?” I laughed. “Do you think I wouldn’t just have you fired?”

“I guess so.” She looked up at me with pursed lips. “So are you going to fire me?”

“What sort of person would I be if I did that?” I pursed my lips. No, I was
n’t going to have her fired. I knew I should, but there was something that told me she was the sort of girl I could have a lot of fun with. I needed something to make this a fun couple of first weeks. I’d keep her for now, but if I thought she was getting too crazy, she’d be out on her ear.

“I didn’t mean for you to hear all that.” She said sullenly.

“How old are you, Hannah?” I changed the subject abruptly.

“Twenty four.”

“Twenty four?”

“That’s what I said.” She spoke up. “Why?”

“Just curious.” I shrugged. “I didn’t know that backstabbing in the corporate world started in those as young as twenty four. I thought it started when folks hit their thirties at least.”

“Nepotism doesn’t start in the thirties, so why should backstabbing?”

“So you admit that you’ve got a plan to backstab me?”

“I don’t have a plan to do anything.”

“I used to be a bodyguard you know, well, more like a bouncer, but I don’t take crap very well.”

“Are you threatening me?” Her lips trembled as she stared at me with narrowed eyes. It took everything I had in me to not laugh. This girl was a spitfire. A real spitfire. She was going to make my first few weeks very interesting.

Knock. Knock. We both turned to look at the front door.

“Leo.” My dad’s voice boomed as he walked into the office. “You made it in.”

“Bright and early.” I said sarcastically as he patted me on the back.

“Good.” He nodded and looked at me with pleased eyes. “That’s what I like to see.”

“Dad, this is my assistant Hannah.” I nodded towards a wide-eyed Hannah. “Hannah, this is my father and the CEO of Maxwell Corp, James Maxwell.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Maxwell.” Hannah’s voice was soft and sweet as she held out her hand, a wide smile on her face. “I can’t tell you how much of a
n honor it is to work for you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Hannah. Take care of my boy. He’ll be CEO one day.” He shook her hand and then looked back at me. “Shall we get lunch today and chat?”

“I told Zane I’d meet up with him for lunch.” I shook my head. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“I guess so.” He frowned. “How is that boy? I can’t believe he got married and has kids already.”

“He’s doing great dad. He and Lucky are very happy.”

“You’ll be next I suppose.” He grinned. “We’ll be having little feet running around here before we know it.”

“I wouldn’t count on it dad.” I shook my head and frowned. “I have no plans to get married and no plans to have kids.”

“Leo, you have to…” He started and I cut him off.

“Dad, this isn’t the time or the place.” I said angrily. I could see Hannah watching the exchange with a curious expression.

“Fine.” He gave me a stern look. “I want my grandchildren to inherit this business, Leo and you’re my only child.” He paused and then smiled. “But let’s just have you focusing on work for now.” He nodded. “We’ll grab lunch tomorrow. I think Mike is going to come down and talk to you in a few minutes and go over how things work and give you your first assignments.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded.

“Have a great day you two.” My dad walked out of the office and I turned to face a smirking Hannah.

“What’s so funny?” I barked at her, feeling annoyed.

“It’s usually women that have to hear the grandchildren talk. It was funny to hear it directed towards a guy.”

“Whatever.” I shook my head. “I have no plans to get married, so don’t get your hopes up.”

“Excuse me?” She frowned, her jaw dropping. “I could
n’t care less what you do.”

“Good.” I nodded. “I don’t need my assistant trying to get me fired and trying to marry me.”

“You really are a jerk.”

“Just trying to live up to the name you already gave me.” I smiled at her and her face flushed. “Also, do me a favor.” I leaned into her face and whispered.

“What favor?” She frowned and took a step back.

“Walk over to the desk and bend over.” I winked at her. “Pull your skirt up and let me see your tight little ass. I want to see if it’s as tight as your…”

“Excuse me.” She gasped, her eyes widening. “That’s sexual harassment. I could get you fired for that.”

“Then we’re even.” I laughed as I pulled away from her, even though I was slightly turned on from thinking about her bent over the desk.

“Even about what?” She frowned.

“We both have tales that can get the other person fired if they went to HR.” I walked over to the main desk and sat down in the leather swivel chair. I stared at her as she looked over at me and I cocked my head and spoke slowly. “I suggest that you get your act together and stop acting like an entitled brat. I don’t know why you think this job should have been yours, but it’s mine and as long as you’re my assistant, I expect the respect my title deserves. Do you understand me?” I sat back and waited for her response. She stared at me for a few seconds and then I watched as she walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. I guess that was her response. I laughed as I stared at the
closed door. Hannah was going to be a handful, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter Two


“It’s so freaking unfair.” I sipped my coffee and nibbled on the toast my roommate and best friend, Lisa had made for me. “I’ve been working as an assistant for two years. That promotion should have been mine.”

“It’s a dog eat dog world.” Lisa nodded at me sympathetically. “It’s a boys club.”

“Yeah, nepotism at the finest. If I was born into the family, I’d most probably be CEO by now.” I frowned and slammed my cup back down on the table. “But no, I’m still an assistant. And to rub it in my face even more, I’m the new assistant to the guy that took my job.”

“He’s a jerk.”

“He really is.” I growled as I remembered Leo’s attitude from the day before. Stupid blond asshole! “He thinks just because he’s tall and blond and handsome that he can just do what he wants.”

“Oh he’s handsome?” Lisa stopped in front of me and grinned. “How handsome?”

“Like a Hollywood hunk.” I sighed and thought about his big blue eyes.

“When can I meet him?” Lisa grinned and tossed her long dyed red hair over her shoulders. “Is he single?”

“I have no idea if he’s single.” I shook my head. “I met him yesterday.”

“Can you find out?” She sat at the table next to me and continued eagerly. “Maybe I can come and meet you for lunch and we can accidentally meet?” She grinned. “I’ve always wanted to date an executive manager.”

“Lisa!” I frowned at her. “We hate this guy. He took my job. All because his dad owns the company.”

“Oh yeah, his dad owns the company.” Lisa clapped her hands happily. “Good-bye call-center job, hello Rodeo Drive.”

“Lisa!” I shook my head. “Really?”

“Sorry.” She giggled. “But handsome and rich is too good to pass up.”

“He’s also an asshole.”

“Hey, what guy isn’t?” Lisa shrugged and then paused. “But hey, I’ll wait until you give him your silent treatment for a few weeks and then that will give me time to get ready.”

“Get ready?”

“You think I’m going to meet him with this hot mess?” She held up her frazzled dry red hair. “I’m going blonde and I’m getting a cut. I’m also going to hit Santa Monica beach the next couple of weekends, get my tan on.” She paused and grinned as I shook my head in disbelief. “Then I’ll be ready to meet him. Maybe I can lose ten pounds in that time as well. I guess I can do it with a cleanse.”

“Are you joking with me, Lisa?” I shook my head. “This guy is my enemy and you’re already trying to hook up with him.”

“I’m not trying to hook up with him. I’m trying to marry him.” She laughed.

“Lisa, you haven’t even seen him yet.” I shook my head. “You’re crazy.”

“Do you want to do the master cleanse with me?”

“That lemonade diet?” I frowned.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“No way, Jose.” I shook my head. “Thanks for your support.” I was pissed that she was talking about diets when I was telling her about my new enemy.

“I’m sorry, Hannah.” She grabbed my arm. “I was just getting a little carried away with myself. Look, just be yourself. Let him know that you’re more than an assistant. Let him know he can’t treat you like the help.” She shrugged. “Let him know you’re equals and that should have been your job.”

“How am I supposed to do that?”

“Make him feel bad about what he’s done.” She looked at me thoughtfully. “He knows that was supposed to be your job right?”

“Yeah.” I groaned, remembering the previous day. “He knows.”

“So let him know that just because he has the connections doesn’t mean he’s better than you.” She nodded. “Bring him down a couple of pegs!”

“Yeah, I suppose I can try and do that.” I bit down on my lower lip, trying to think about what I could do to make the great Leonardo Maxwell realize that he wasn’t better than me.

“Then you can hook him up with me.” She grinned. “What’s his name again?”

“Lisa,” I groaned. “I already told you his name is Leo.”

“Ooh, Leo like Leonardo DiCaprio?”

“I guess.” I sighed. “He’s better looking than DiCaprio though.”

“What?” She screeched. “Okay, I need to meet this man.”

“He’s most probably a bigger man whore than DiCaprio as well. You know all the tabloids have Leo dating a different model every couple of months.”

“I’m no model.” Lisa groaned. “Not even if I lose ten pounds.”

“You’re better than those stupid models.” I gave her a quick hug. “Any guy would be lucky to get you.”

“So why aren’t they fighting over me then?” She tilted her head and smiled. “Why am I still working at a stupid call center, telling people why their phones are being cut off every month?”

“Because you love it?” I laughed and she made a face. “We’ll get our breaks soon.”

“Let’s hope so.” She carried the dirty dishes from the table to the sink. “I want to go shopping for some new clothes, with someone else’s credit card for once.”

“Lisa,” I burst out laughing. “I hope you don’t say that around anyone too loudly. People might think you’re a gold-digger.”

“I don’t need gold, just a black Amex.” She said and we both burst out laughing.

“Okay, thanks for breakfast. I have to leave now, the big boss is most probably waiting on me to get his morning coffee and breakfast.”

“Aw, lucky guy has a private waitress.” Lisa said as I walked out of the kitchen. An idea suddenly popped into my mind. Maybe I could show up in a waitresses’ outfit and make him feel put out. I smiled to myself as I pictured the confusion on his face as I asked him for his order. That would make him feel bad!


I jumped into my 1997 gold Toyota Corolla and started the engine, waiting for it to click over. I bit down on my lower lip as I realized that I’d no longer be able to upgrade to a 2004 Honda Accord as I’d been planning when I thought I was going to get the executive manager job. I’d been so close. I’d gone through three interviews. I’d been almost positive that the job was going to be mine. Finally my MBA was going to be of use to me. And then, I’d been notified that they were going with a different candidate. The boss's son, to be exact. I was furious when I heard and then when they told me I was switching departments and was going to be his assistant I nearly quit on the spot. If I didn’t have bills to pay, I would have left. However, Lisa’s job was crappy and I was sure that she’d get fired any day for the way she spoke to the customers. I knew that I’d have to cover her rent if she got fired because she had no savings. I couldn’t afford to lose my job.

I drove along thinking about Leo Maxwell. I hadn’t wanted to admit it to Lisa, but I thought he was cute. Really cute. When I’d first seen him, I’d thought to myself, who is this hottie? If I hadn’t been in a bad mood, I might have flirted with him. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes, I’d ever seen in my life. I’d been excited at the possibility of having lunch with him, but then of course he’d turned out to be my boss.

My body had grown hot with embarrassment as I’d realized he was my boss. His eyes had been laughing at me. I knew he thought it was funny, but I’d been mortified and a little scared that he would fire me for insubordination. I was curious as to why he’d taken the job though. He didn’t seem like the corporate type and he hadn’t seem enthused about the job. I bet he wished he could spend his days at the beach surfing. He looked like a beach bum with his golden brown tan and bleach blond hair. He was way too good looking for his own good. I bet he was a player as well. All he had to do was flash his baby blues and girls would be falling all over him. Well, I was going to make sure that that wasn’t me. I wasn’t going to be falling over him. I didn’t care how many times he flashed his cute little dimple at me or smiled at me with his bold sexy stare. I didn’t care how much my fingers wanted to push his silky hair back.

Leo Maxwell was trouble with a capital T. I had to get under his skin before he got under my mine. I could still remember his comment about bending over his desk. I felt ashamed admitting to myself that a part of me had been thrilled at his comment. He was a dangerous, dangerous boy. I couldn’t afford to play the games that these rich kids played. I wasn’t made of money. I didn’t have any family to support me if I crashed and burned. In fact, I had a family back in Iowa waiting for me to send them money every month. I couldn’t let my grandparents or siblings down. I had to focus. I needed to figure out a way to get a promotion and to make more money. Even if that meant leaving Maxwell Corporation. The thought saddened me. I didn’t want to leave the company; especially not now.

“Get it together, Hannah.” I shouted at myself as I pulled into the parking lot at work. “This is a job, nothing more and nothing less.” I lectured myself as I got out of the car. I picked up the bag next to me and grinned. I was going to enjoy watching Leo squirm as I played my little prank on him.

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