Grey Star the Wizard (18 page)

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Authors: Ian Page,Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Grey Star the Wizard, #Magnamund

BOOK: Grey Star the Wizard
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Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You choose to go right and find it easier to maintain a constant direction. Gradually the towers of the ‘Dragon's Teeth’ become less dense. Soon the ‘Dragon's Teeth’ have disappeared altogether and you realize that the Wall of Azakawa does not lie ahead as it should. Shan stops and looks around the dusty plain. He groans as he sights the Azan River lying way off to the west.

‘We've been heading north … We're back in the Wilderwastes!’ he moans, slapping his forehead with his hand.

If you wish to head west, pick up the Azan River and head back into the Azagad Gorge, by your original route,
turn to 328

If you wish to retrace your steps,
turn to 6

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

A bolt of energy slices into the Yaku plant. Its tendrils tense, leaping into the air before falling lifelessly to the ground. Your attack has cost you 2

To your relief, you see that Shan has managed to free himself from the grip of the other Yaku plant.

If you wish to launch a long-range attack on another Yaku plant threatening Shan,
turn to 5

If you would prefer to attack the cluster of tendrils slithering towards you,
turn to 30

] If you do not have sufficient
points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of
points. This may leave you with a negative
score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in
Section 175
War of the Wizards
for resolving this problem: For the
points you lack, you use
points at a rate of 2
points for every 1
point (i.e. 2
points = 1

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

When you waken, your head aches and your vision is blurred. Realization of your terrible plight comes flooding back, and you lift your head to look around. In the far corner sits the now sober and miserable figure of Shan Li, the merchant from the Inn of the Laughing Moon.

‘So they got you too, friend,’ says Shan Li, wryly.

Turn to 291

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Owing to the speed of its approach and the steep angle of its attack, you are unable to let off a long range blast at the Quoku. Bringing its back legs forward and using its body and outstretched wings as a wind-break the creature comes to an abrupt halt and lands smoothly. It has barely touched the ground, a few feet away, when it leaps towards you, limbs spread-eagled.

There are strange suckers on the tips of its fingers and toes, and its warty skin oozes with a glistening poison. The creature is trying to engulf you in the folds of its wings in a poisonous and fatal embrace.

You must avoid contact with the creature's poisonous skin at all costs. Subtract 2 points from your
for the duration of the combat, because of the defensive nature of your tactics.


If you win the combat,
turn to 256

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You are forced to a sudden halt, for the way ahead is blocked by a fallen tree. You turn and see a large soldier Mantiz rushing towards you, and you gasp in frenzied desperation. You are trapped! Wounded and bloody, you prepare to deter yet another attack, fear gripping your heart with an icy chill.

Turn to 154

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Standing your ground, you wait as the Quoku draws near, bracing yourself against attack. It stops a few yards away, regarding you with a baleful expression.

Suddenly, and without warning, the Quoku opens its mouth and grabs at Shan with a long proboscis-like tongue that wraps tightly around his arms and chest. Shan screams with fear and revulsion as he is dragged towards the venomous mouth of the Quoku. You have seconds in which to act.

Illustration XIII
—Shan is dragged towards the venomous mouth of the Quoku.

Turn to 337

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Taking the right turn, you are immediately stopped in your tracks by a terrifying sight. A large soldier Mantiz is running towards you, pincers snapping and large, oversize forelimbs clawing at the air.

Turn to 197

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You press your fingertips against each of the keys, maintaining a vision of the door lock in your mind. One key feels right; you insert it into the lock and turn. The cost of this spell is 1

Turn to 214

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Pressing your hand to the cell wall, you reach out with the power of your thought and search for guidance. You hear the moaning cries of the dead; the suffering torment of tortured souls that have passed through this place assails your mind. You hear voices chanting. ‘Call the priest … call the priest … ’

The cost of this Magical Power is 1

return to 172
and select a power to aid you in your escape.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Something snaps. A keystone in your brain crumbles, bringing the temple of your mind to the ground in shattered fragments: the Kazim Stone has destroyed your mind.

You live the rest of your life, a raving madman, wandering the countryside, wielding a Staff you cannot use, and pursuing a quest you can never achieve.

You have failed in your quest.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You walk ahead, still unsure of the correct direction. You feel as if you are wandering aimlessly around the sheer crags of rock, with their crowns of stony spires that give no clues to your whereabouts. An hour passes before a familiar sound greets your ears. It is the faint murmur of the waters of the Azan River. You spot a Yaku plant, and then another; then Shan gives a snort of disgust. ‘That rock over there,’ he says, indicating a large overhanging shelf; ‘I recognize it. On the other side of that rock is the river bank. We're back where we started!’

Dismayed, you realize that he is right. This is the place where you first left the Azan River to avoid the Yaku plants.

If you wish to leave the bank of the river once more and head east, back towards the ‘Dragon's Teeth’, before turning south,
turn to 303

If you would prefer to give up and take your chances with the thick undergrowth of Yaku plants along the river's edge,
turn to 104

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You raise your Staff and loose a bolt of white fire at the insect. Your aim is true, and the bolt sears into the head of the soldier Mantiz. The insect crumples and falls dead to the ground. The attack has cost you 2

Carefully, you advance and step over the smoking body of the soldier Mantiz. You enter the passage that it was guarding and soon come to two exits, one sloping downwards, the other sloping upwards.

If you wish to enter the upward-sloping passage,
turn to 267

If you wish to enter the downward-sloping passage,
turn to 272

If you wish to return the way you came,
turn to 284

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You run towards Shan. Quickly you realize that you will probably not reach him in time to save his life. You have no choice but to try to free him the quickest way you can.

Turn to 204

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You turn into a street leading from the square and break into a run. Behind, you hear the cry of a Shadakine, ordering you to halt.

You have turned into a busy high street, crowded with people, and try as you may you cannot clear a way through them. Suddenly the crowd scatters, diving for cover. Twenty yards ahead stand three Shadakine warriors: an officer and two crossbowmen with weapons loaded and aimed at your heart.

Illustration XIV
—Ahead stand three Shadakine warriors with weapons loaded.

‘Halt, or you're dead!’ shouts the Shadakine officer, savagely.

If you wish to obey his order,
turn to 300

If you want to attack them,
turn to 66

If you would rather turn and try to make a break for it,
turn to 20

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The stones are very slippery and the river is wide at this point. You will need all your powers of concentration to prevent yourself falling into the foul water.

Add together your current

If your total is 20 or more,
turn to 341

If your total is 19 or less,
turn to 316

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Without warning you attack the gaoler who, despite his frail appearance, responds to your attack with savage blows. Owing to Shan's assistance and the element of surprise, you may add 4 points to your
for the duration of this fight. You cannot evade and must fight to the death.


If you win the fight you may keep the gaoler's Dagger (mark it on your
Action Chart
as a Weapon).

If you wish to take the Gaoler's Keys and free the other prisoners on this level,
turn to 125

If you wish to head in the direction that the gaoler came from,
turn to 338

If you wish to head in the opposite direction,
turn to 333

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

As you near the forest, Tanith gives a startled cry. ‘Look!’ she shouts, pointing behind her. ‘They come, the Shadakine come.’

In the distance, you see a chariot hurtling across the bridge.

If you wish to stand and fight,
turn to 167

If you wish to make a dash for the forest,
turn to 13

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

‘Here,’ she says, ‘they are both yours if you promise to take me with you. I know the secret ways out of here. I will lead you.’

‘Grey Star,’ says Shan, ‘be on your guard. This witch is a Shadakine slave. How can we trust her?’ The Shadakine guards are drawing near.

‘We have no choice,’ you reply. ‘We have to trust her.’

You agree to Tanith's bargain, and she hands over your Staff and Backpack.
‘Follow me,’ she says, opening a door to her right. You both rush through and she closes it behind you, dropping a bar across it to delay your pursuers. You are in a small, sparsely furnished chamber.

‘The citadel is honeycombed with secret passages that wind into the hill it stands upon. We will take one of these routes,’ she says, confidently. She walks to the centre of the room and takes hold of an iron ring that is attached to a flagstone. She pulls on the ring, lifting the flagstone away to reveal a dark passage below. She takes a torch from the wall and enters the passage. ‘Come now, they will soon be on our heels.’

You follow without hesitation.

Turn to 292

] Make sure to restore your Wizard's Staff, Backpack, and Backpack Items to your
Action Chart

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