Grey Star the Wizard (22 page)

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Authors: Ian Page,Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Grey Star the Wizard, #Magnamund

BOOK: Grey Star the Wizard
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Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The dark passage seems interminably long, and the three of you are panting for breath before you reach its end. The winding tunnel opens into a large, natural cavern. You rush through the cave mouth and down the steep slope of a hill, stopping only when you reach the bottom. You gasp for breath, your chest heaving and your limbs aching.

Illustration XVI
—The dark passage seems interminably long.

If you have the Amulet of the Shianti priest,
turn to 346

If you do not possess this Special Item,
turn to 199

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You turn your back on the impassable cliffs and make your way to the waterfall. Here, the strange vapours of the lake are most concentrated. You lose 1

If you wish to try to swim across the lake towards the waterfall, to see what lies beyond,
turn to 318

If you wish to make another circuit of the lake to investigate the cliffs on the other side of Lake Shenwu,
turn to 343

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Burdened with grief, you stumble like a blind man, trailing Shan's backpack on the ground behind you like a dog on a leash. You stagger into the deepening shadows and welcome the inky darkness of nightfall. You are now friendless and alone in a barren wasteland.

If your current
total is less than 10,
turn to 319

If it is 10 or more,
turn to 344

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

No matter how hard you resist, the Stone continues to force its way into your mind. Every muscle in your body is tensed, and your nerves are shredded.

‘Resistance is futile,’ says Mother Magri. Her words spur you on, and you redouble your efforts. You lose 2
points as you struggle, and still the Stone drains your will.

Fortunately, it is your body that fails you first, and you slump forwards onto the floor, a beaten shell. But the purpose of your mission is safe, for the moment.

‘Such is the fate of all who refuse the truthsay of Mother Magri,’ she sneers. ‘Guards! Throw this one into the dungeon. It seems the stranger desires to hide something of importance.’ She then turns towards you, her sinister voice just penetrating your ravaged mind. ‘There are other ways of extracting the truth.’

Turn to 187

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Suddenly, the raging assault of the Darkling Room is silent. You grab Shan, who is kneeling in the mud beside you, and drag him towards the far passage, anxious to leave before the Darkling Room can muster another attack.

You stumble into a long, winding passage and run for all you are worth.

Turn to 41

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Using the straw of the dungeon floor to make a small fire which Shan lights by striking two stones together, you heat the mixture until the crystals have completely dissolved. You plug the stopper into the vial and shake it vigorously. When you are satisfied that the yellow potion is well mixed, you walk over to the door and sprinkle a little of the contents on the lock. A small cloud of yellow gas forms.

Shan looks on, impressed, as the metal of the lock begins to bubble and melt. You have used only half of the potion, and the lock is already eaten away. You may keep the remainder of the potion in your Herb Pouch for future use. (Mark this on your
Action Chart
as Ezeran Acid in the appropriate section.) However, you have used all your Sulphur and Saltpetre to make the potion. (Remember to erase these from your
Action Chart
, although you may keep the two empty Vials, which still count as items, in your Herb Pouch.

The remnants of the lock fall away, and you push the door open. You and Shan step quietly into a corridor leading to the left and the right.

If you wish to go right,
turn to 23

If you wish to go left,
turn to 333

] These empty Vials may be used later to contain potions. Some Vials are useless once contaminated.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

At the cost of 2
points, you fire into the group of workers, throwing them into confusion. The power of the Staff kills one and injures another, causing it to send a spray of its acid all around, injuring another. Seizing your chance, you burst into the centre of the confusion and make a running jump for the shaft above.

As you run, you step into a pool of acid that burns through your boot, splashing deadly droplets that sear your flesh (lose 2
points). Too breathless to cry in pain, you reach out and cling to a shallow handhold in the smooth shaft.

The confusion beneath has bought you the time you need to haul yourself up the shaft, and you climb, with agonizing slowness, to the surface.

Turn to 263

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

‘So be it, wizard,’ says the old hag. Once more, she draws the power of your assault, bending it to her will and hurling it back. ‘Farewell.’

The force of her attack ignites a wall of pain and white flame in your mind. The very fabric of your soul is torn apart, and you collapse to the ground, an empty shell.

Your life and your quest end here.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You raise your arms in a gesture of surrender and are immediately seized and led away. Your Wizard's Staff and Backpack are taken from you, and your hands are tied behind your back.

You are frog-marched through the city and taken to a large, black stone citadel, called the Hall of Correction where, despite your pleas of innocence, you are unceremoniously dumped. ‘You can tell your story to Mother Magri now, stranger,’ growls one of the Shadakine. ‘The Test of Truth will sort you out soon enough.’

Roughly, you are pushed up a long flight of stone stairs and into a small, bare antechamber. An old woman sits at a wooden table. In front of her is a crystal ball, glowing with a dim, yellow light.

Turn to 289

] Keep note of your Backpack Items in case you should find your Backpack again later.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Your sleep proves both rewarding and refreshing. You have a strange dream in which Acarya, High Wizard of the Shianti, appears before you. He raises his hands in blessing and chants gently in the tongue of his people. Briefly, you catch a glimpse of the Temple of Amida and a circle of Shianti wizards standing with their hands raised to the sky.

They have sent the power of their thoughts to aid you. Their blessing strengthens your
, increasing it by 10 points.

Turn to 247

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Shan casts a sheepish glance at you and nervously enters the shack. After a brief pause, he returns with a relieved look on his face. ‘It's all right,’ he says, ‘the place is deserted.’

Turn to 252

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You return to the ‘Dragon's Teeth’. Trudging through the hot sun, you lose 2
points due to dehydration and heat exhaustion.

More by luck than judgement, you come, eventually, to the Great Wall of Azakawa. Evening has begun to fall, and in the dwindling light you survey the great cliffs, stretching from east to west as far as the eye can see.

You increase your pace, wishing to reach the Azanam before nightfall.

Turn to 325

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

At the cost of 1
, you burn through the vine that clasps your ankle. The force of the tendril pulling at your leg causes you to spin to the right, whipping you towards the ugly spines of the Yaku.

Shan leaps to your rescue, slashing at the tendril that threatens to drag you to your doom.

Turn to 128

] If you do not have sufficient
points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of
points. This may leave you with a negative
score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in
Section 175
War of the Wizards
for resolving this problem: For the
points you lack, you use
points at a rate of 2
points for every 1
point (i.e. 2
points = 1

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You refuse the Shade's price, for you have heard that the dead are seldom fair.

‘Very well,’ says the old priest's spirit, ‘I cannot free you. I will, however, freely give advice, since I now perceive that you are a servant of the Shianti race, as I was. If you can find a way past the door of your cell, turn right into the corridor beyond. When you reach the end of the corridor, take the left stairway, and thereafter always turn left and always ascend until you reach the surface. In this way you will reach the gate to freedom. Take no other route, for there only death awaits. Goodbye, Grey Star, and accept my blessing.’

The old priest's Shade disappears. The cost of this Magical Power is 2

return to 172
and select another Power to aid your escape (you may not choose Evocation a second time).

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Suddenly the jutting rock falls away, and you plunge into the gaping chasm to your death.

Your life and your quest end here.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You charge at the wounded Quoku, raising your Staff and readying yourself to deliver a great scything blow.

The enraged Quoku leaps at you, and hurriedly you jump to one side, smashing your Staff down on the creature's back. It drops to the ground, knocked senseless by your mighty blow.

Seizing your chance, you sprint away with Shan in tow.

Turn to 249

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Taking a deep breath, you plunge into the seething mass and attempt to confront the Shadakine before more people are hurt. Buffeted and crushed by the confused and frightened Suhnese, rushing in all directions, you fight your way to the heart of the chaos.

Through a gap in the crowd you sight the two soldiers, blindly slashing at the terrified crowd. You are standing directly behind them, but the Shadakine are too close to other members of the crowd for you to risk launching an energy bolt from your Staff. Without hesitation, you charge into the fray, Staff whirling above your head. You catch the two warriors completely unawares as you attack them from behind, spurred on by a rousing cheer from the crowd. Owing to the surprise of your attack, add 4 points to your
for the duration of this combat, remembering to deduct them again as soon as the fight is over.

The Shadakine swing at you with their deadly, gleaming scimitars. You must fight them as one enemy.

Shadakine Warriors:

If you win,
turn to 127

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The unsuspecting guard looks on in amazement as you charge to attack. Owing to the surprise of your challenge, you may add 4 points to your
for the first two rounds of combat.

Shadakine Guard:

You may evade this combat at any time and head for the other flight of stairs by
turning to 137

If you win the combat,
turn to 171

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