Grey Star the Wizard (13 page)

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Authors: Ian Page,Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Grey Star the Wizard, #Magnamund

BOOK: Grey Star the Wizard
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Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

‘Tanith,’ you say, ‘you serve Mother Magri. What do you intend to do?’

‘I know where your Staff is hidden,’ she replies. ‘I can take you to it and help you to escape if you will take me with you. Decide quickly. There is great danger here and we have little time.’ You hear the running feet of the Shadakine guards coming from the stairs below and the voice of Mother Magri, barking orders and cursing the Shadakine in an angry tone.

If you agree to Tanith's request,
turn to 221

If you choose to ignore her words,
turn to 63

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Squinting in the dusky light, you see a webbed hand appear over the edge of the defile. Shan gives a groan of disbelief as the wounded Quoku heaves itself onto the ragged plain. Doggedly it moves towards you, dragging its tortured body, possessed of an inhuman vitality.

You haul Shan to his feet and point to the south. ‘Look,’ you say, ‘we have nearly reached Lake Shenwu; one last effort now.’ You pull Shan to his feet and stagger across the plain at a painfully slow pace. Relentlessly, the Quoku trails behind, slowly gaining on you.

With a cry of frustration, you see that your way ahead is blocked by a deep ravine that stretches nearly six feet across. The creature is not far behind you and you realize that there is not time enough to circle around the ravine. The Wall of Azakawa lies tantalizingly beyond reach.

If you wish to jump across the ravine,
turn to 49

If you wish to stand and fight the Quoku,
turn to 233

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

‘A Kleasá!’ Tanith screams. ‘A Soul-eater!’

Illustration IX
—‘A Kleasá!’ Tanith screams. ‘A Soul-eater!’

You must fight the Kleasá to the death. For every round of combat, subtract 1
point and 2
points from your total. If you have erected a magical shield of Sorcery, subtract 1
point and 1
point for every round of combat as the Kleasá tries to claw at your soul.


If you are still alive after four rounds of combat or have defeated the Kleasá within three rounds,
turn to 165

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The power of the Kazim Stone is overwhelming; it undermines your resistance, and pries into the corners of your mind; it disturbs the dust of your memories and trespasses upon the hidden chambers of your dreams.

Mother Magri's eyes widen with spiteful pleasure. You are powerless to prevent her intrusion into your mind. You try to blank your thoughts, searching for the safety of the Shianti way, the solace of meditation, but it is useless. The Kazim Stone is too strong.

‘There now — I see it,’ rasps Mother Magri, scrutinizing the vague shapes and shadows of the Stone. ‘Something's there, some hidden purpose or grand design. Agh! It is protected. Some power hides it. More wizard's sorcery no doubt. Will this mist never part?’

The hours of your ordeal pass slowly. Mother Magri chants and intones every charm and spell in every language that she knows, but she cannot penetrate the curtain that enfolds your memory, shrouding that part of your mind that bears your quest. It must be Shianti enchantment bestowed, without your knowing, by the masters of the Isle of Lorn. However, Mother Magri does not relent, and you lose 4
points and 2
points. You feel the growing pull of insanity and a raging madness clamouring in your ears.

If your
points total is above zero, or you have the Magic Talisman of the Shianti,
turn to 348

If your
total has now fallen to zero or below,
turn to 237

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

It should be possible for an alchemist to mix a potion of acid capable of destroying the metal lock of the cell door, though you will need the correct ingredients to make up the following formula:

Ezeran Acid Potion

  • 1 part Sulphur
  • 1 part Saltpetre
  • 1 part Ezeran Crystals

Mix over a gentle heat.

If you have the ingredients in your Herb Pouch and an empty vial to mix them in,
turn to 297

If you do not have all these ingredients, you must select a different Power to aid you in your escape;
turn to 172

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You make your way to the shack. It looks deserted. The door hangs half open, and the windows are overgrown with an innocuous, yellow/brown weed called Ogosho, indigenous to this area. You hear a rustling sound coming from within.

If you wish to enter the shack,
turn to 252

If you wish to use the element of surprise and burst in through the door,
turn to 277

If you think Shan should investigate,
turn to 302

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

As you close the door you hear the sound of running feet. Four Shadakine warriors are approaching. You turn the key in the lock. ‘Hurry, Grey Star,’ Shan calls. ‘There is no time to lose.’

The Shadakine are beating at the door, shouting furiously for you to open it. Next, you hear the sound of heavy thumping as they try to force the door open.

If you have the Power of Sorcery and wish to bar the door,
turn to 185

If you do not have this Power, or if you would prefer not to use it,
turn to 198

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You grit your teeth against the pain of your wound as the ferocious Cave Mantiz springs towards you, its barbed claws thirsting for your vulnerable flesh.

Cave Mantiz:

You may evade this combat after one round by
turning to 4

If you win the combat,
turn to 103

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

It is a brave but futile act. You release a colossal beam of death at the Shadakine charioteer just as the horses trample you underfoot, crushing every bone in your body and killing you instantly.

You have failed in your quest.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

With Tanith and Shan at your side, you look towards the battle on the bridge. The Knights of the White Mountain have killed many Shadakine warriors, but it looks as though this time they will be defeated.

‘We must go to their aid,’ you say. You approach the bridge, intending to attack the Shadakine from the rear. Tanith has disappeared, so with Shan following, you prepare to charge.

If you wish to attack the Shadakine officer in command,
turn to 215

If you would prefer to attack the main Shadakine force,
turn to 120

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You are standing in the market square. It is bustling and full of life. Hundreds of stall owners are selling their wares by torchlight. You wander round the square, looking at the stalls and the items for sale there.

If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy,
turn to 183

If you do not have this Power,
turn to 26

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You fire down the shaft, using 1
point. The enclosed space of the shaft transforms the energy beam into a fireball that hurtles into the tunnel below. Soon, the shaft is clogged with the charred remains of insects.

You limp into the tangled undergrowth, gasping with pain due to the prolonged effort of running on your injured leg. The dense foliage and huge Azawood roots make for slow progress as you stumble through the brush. The Cave Mantiz have not given up their pursuit and swarm through the forest depths at an alarming speed. Thousands of enraged insects scuttle and scurry towards you. Your heart pounds, and you fear that you cannot outrun them.

Turn to 232

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Your Power of Sorcery should enable you to burst the door open, but it will use up a great deal of
points to break the lock. You have no way of telling how many
points will be required, and once committed to this spell you will have to follow it through to the finish.

If you still wish to use Sorcery to open the door,
turn to 114

If you have the Power of Alchemy and would rather use that to open the door,
turn to 170

If you wish to enter the open archway to the right,
turn to 163

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Gently you tip the liquid into the old man's mouth. After a short while, his eyes clear and a little colour returns to his cheeks. ‘Thank you, brother,’ he says. ‘That was kindly done. I would return your kindness, but first I must sleep … sleep … ’

You finish your food and sit back, deep in thought. You feel exhausted and fall into a deep sleep, chanting Shianti words of peace and meditation to calm your mind and free your thoughts.

Turn to 301

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The hopping, fluttering Najin lead you into the stark, featureless hills. Eventually you come to a small cave entrance perched on a narrow ridge, overlooking a steep fall to the outlying hills below.

An old man sits cross-legged before the cave entrance, staring out across the heights with sightless eyes. Without lifting his head or looking in your direction, he speaks. ‘Who comes? Who disturbs the solitude of Jnana?’

‘It is I, Tanith,’ she says. ‘I bring Grey Star, a great wizard who dares to oppose the evil Wytch-king. He is in need of counsel.’

‘I seek the Lost Tribe of Lara,’ you say, ‘for I have a quest and need their aid.’

The old man is silent for a while. ‘You must go south to the great jungle of the Azanam. The way is fraught with danger, for you must pass through the great Azagad Gorge and the towers of stone known as the “Dragon's Teeth”.’

‘The Azagad Gorge is a vast canyon and the “Dragon's Teeth” are the great limestone pinnacles that stand throughout the gorge,’ explains Shan. ‘The Azagad Gorge ends at the great cliffs known as the Wall of Azakawa; the Shenwu Falls lie at their centre. Beyond and above the cliffs is the great cloud forest of the Azanam.’

‘It is a strange land, full of weird and hostile beasts,’ warns Jnana. ‘You are unprepared for such a journey, but I will offer you such gifts as I have to aid you.’

He brings the following items from his cave and motions to you to take your choice.

  • Silver Charm (a Special Item that Jnana claims will bring good luck)
  • Enough food for 5 meals
  • Broadsword (Weapon)
  • 2 Potions of Laumspur (they each restore 3
    points; may count as Backpack Items or Herb Pouch Items if you have the Power of Alchemy)
  • Coil of Rope (Backpack Item)

Remember that your Backpack can hold a maximum of eight items.

Shan and Tanith are also given food, backpacks, and weapons of their choice. Gratefully, you thank Jnana for his aid.

If you possess the Magical Power of Alchemy,
turn to 193

If not,
turn to 15

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