Grey Star the Wizard (16 page)

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Authors: Ian Page,Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Grey Star the Wizard, #Magnamund

BOOK: Grey Star the Wizard
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Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You twist your body in the air and leap to the ground. The frenzied crowd have focused all their attention and hatred on the remaining Shadakine warrior, allowing you to lose yourself in the throng. Pushing and shoving, you battle through the press of bodies and try not to think about the warrior's ghastly fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty mob.

You are standing at the corner of a dark, narrow street that leads out of the harbour. The only other exit is the crowded main entrance, through which people are still pouring, attracted by the commotion.

If you wish to leave the harbour by the main entrance,
turn to 50

If you wish to leave the harbour by the narrow street,
turn to 40

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The speed and ferocity of the soldier Mantiz is astonishing. The creature attacks. You cannot evade combat and must fight this deadly opponent to the death.

Illustration XI
—The speed and ferocity of the soldier Mantiz is astonishing.

Soldier Mantiz:

If you win the combat,
turn to 213

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The crack of timber makes you start, and you turn to see an axe smashing through the door. The Shadakine warriors are chopping down the door and it will not hold for long.

If you wish to run up the stairway that leads from the left of this landing,
turn to 80

If you would prefer to take the stairway on the right,
turn to 225

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You are standing in a small dell. Ahead lies the Suhni River and beyond the river, a forest. ‘Come,’ says Tanith, ‘there is a bridge nearby. We must cross the bridge to gain the safety of the forest before we can rest.’

‘The witch speaks the truth,’ comments Shan, returning the girl's icy glare contemptuously. Though you have barely rested, you continue onwards, coming at last to a wide road that crosses the Suhni River by means of a large, ornate bridge.

‘It will not be long before the Shadakine come searching for us,’ says Tanith. ‘Have you a spell that would destroy this bridge and hinder their pursuit?’

If you wish to destroy the bridge with the Power of Elementalism,
turn to 31

If you would prefer to create a barrier with the aid of the Power of Sorcery,
turn to 48

If you would rather conserve your energy,
turn to 244

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You enter the dark, narrow street. Tall warehouse buildings rise up on either side, casting deep pools of shadow that hide your passing. You have walked a short distance when you come to a crossroads. The right and left turnings lead into alleyways, while the narrow street continues ahead.

If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it,
turn to 64

If you wish to turn into the left alleyway,
turn to 223

If you wish to turn into the right alleyway,
turn to 76

If you would rather continue along the narrow street,
turn to 195

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

When you waken, night is falling. Your rest has greatly refreshed you: restore 1
point and 1

It is clear that you will have to use one of your Magical Powers if you are to escape the tortures of the Darkling Room. Carefully, you weigh in your mind which of your Powers will best effect your escape.

Turn to 172

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You stand up in the boat, close your eyes, and with your hands raised, you enter the required trance state with practised ease, chanting in the secret language of the elementals, and sending out the power of your thought to the Elemental Plane.

A few moments pass. The breeze begins to lift and the sail fills. You open your eyes and smile with satisfaction. All around are the fleeting forms of Wind Sprites, air elementals sent to hasten your voyage. Then a sudden gust of wind appears out of nowhere and the little boat lurches forward, throwing you to the deck; with a whoop of delight, a Gale Wraith has thrown itself into the taut sail and is propelling the boat forward with great force.

‘I thank thee, powers of the air,’ you shout with joyous courtesy, struggling to sit up in the boat to steer her on the right course. The spell has been successful and required little power. Deduct 1 point from your

Turn to 140

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

She swiftly retrieves her knife and wipes the blood on the dead man's tunic before pouncing on the two soldiers that threaten Shan.

In seconds, you and Tanith have engaged the two remaining crossbowmen, much to the relief of Shan, whose eyes are now bulging with fear. The Shadakine offer no surrender, and you must fight them to the death. Since you have the aid of Tanith and Shan, you may add 4 points to your
for the duration of the fight.

2 Shadakine Crossbowmen:

If you win,
turn to 156

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

At the cost of 2
you lash out at the tendril that holds Shan. The energy beam slices through the creeper. It withers instantly and releases him.

In the time that it has taken you to free Shan, two more creepers have crawled towards you. One is curled around your right leg; the other grips your left ankle. The creepers must belong to different Yaku plants, for you can feel yourself being pulled in two directions. Once more you are dragged to the ground and the pain becomes unbearable as your body is stretched apart.

As you are forcibly dragged to the ground you may fire at the heart of the nearest Yaku plant, which is only a Staff's length away, by
turning to 329

If you would prefer to attack the Yaku vine holding your right leg,
turn to 279

If you wish to attack the Yaku vine on your left leg,
turn to 304

] If you do not have sufficient
points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of
points. This may leave you with a negative
score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in
Section 175
War of the Wizards
for resolving this problem: For the
points you lack, you use
points at a rate of 2
points for every 1
point (i.e. 2
points = 1

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You push a key into the lock and turn it: it is the wrong key. Dismayed, you try another.

Suddenly, the door is pulled open from the other side. A Shadakine warrior stands in the doorway. With an astonished cry, he draws his sword and attacks.

Add 5 points to your
for the duration of this fight owing to the advantage of surprise and Shan's help.

Shadakine Warrior:

If you wish to evade this combat (which you may do at any time by fleeing down the right-hand exit),
turn to 163

If you win the fight,
turn to 176

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You swallow the mushrooms and wait for the effect to take a hold. The pink fungi enable you to communicate with the vicious plants, sending out waves of passivity. Soon the plants become dull and docile and you are able to tread a safe path through them.

The light is fading when at last you come within sight of the Great Wall of Azakawa.

Turn to 325

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Your Torch sputters and goes out, plunging you into darkness. There is no time to make another light, and you swing blindly at your enemies who soon overwhelm you.

Your life and your quest end here.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

As you emerge from the forest you see a detachment of five Shadakine warriors, carrying crossbows, marching along the road towards you. You are now trapped between them and the battle on the bridge.

If you wish to attack the crossbowmen at long range with your Wizard's Staff,
turn to 81

If you would prefer to charge the crossbowmen, using the element of surprise to full advantage,
turn to 99

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You speak to the man shrouded in shadow, noting the wooden, fish-shaped amulet hung around his neck. This is the symbol of the silent order of ‘Redeemers’, a religious sect persecuted throughout the Shadakine Empire, though their purposes remain a mystery.

Instead of replying, the black-robed pilgrim puts a finger to his lips and hands you two items: a vial, containing a Pink Liquid, and a Medallion, inscribed with a rune. If you wish to keep these items, mark the Vial of Pink Liquid as a Backpack Item and the Medallion as a Special Item (worn around your neck) on your
Action Chart

Before you can examine these items more closely, four Shadakine warriors burst into the inn. They seem to be looking for someone. Without a word, the ‘Redeemer’ leaves.

Suddenly, a mug of ale is placed in front of you. The affable merchant sitting opposite has bought you a drink; he is shouting a happy greeting to you and asking your name.

If you wish to accept the drink,
turn to 131

If you would rather leave the inn,
turn to 157

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You reach the other side but stagger and fall, rolling over and over upon the dusty plain. You are shaken and bruised by the fall: lose 2

Turn to 74

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Focusing your mind, you reach out into the future, expending 1
point. The way is not clear, but repeatedly you are shown a vision of the dead Shianti priest. You are being urged to raise the old priest's spirit.

If you wish to do this,
turn to 250

If you have already attempted the spell of Evocation, or if you wish to ignore the vision,
turn to 172
and select another Magical Power.

] You must have the Power of Evocation in order to attempt to raise the dead priest.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You have entered a small room. A Shadakine guard is sleeping in a chair, his back turned towards you.

If you wish to attack the Shadakine guard,
turn to 309

If you prefer to leave the room as quietly as possible and take the other stairway,
turn to 137

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You must move quickly now. You enter an unguarded tunnel that lies to the left and break into a run. At length, you come to the two exits: one slopes upwards, the other, downwards.

If you wish to enter the passage sloping upwards,
turn to 267

If you wish to enter the passage sloping downwards,
turn to 272

If you would prefer to return the way you came,
turn to 284

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