Golda (67 page)

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Authors: Elinor Burkett

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Abdullah I, king of Transjordan (as- Sayyid Abdullah bin al-Husayn), 125–28, 141–43, 288, 305–6

Accra Daily Graphic
, 202 Acre fortress, 129

Adenauer, Konrad, 193–95

Adler, Victor, 76

AFL-CIO, 3, 264, 330, 345

African states, 199–206, 276–77

Agnew, Spiro, 341

Agranat, Shimon, 351

Agranat Commission, 364, 383 Ahdut HaAvoda (Unity of Labor)

party, 52, 55, 59, 65, 214,

216–17, 222, 224–25, 293

Ahidjo, Ahmadou, 277

airplane hijackings and hostages Lufthansa, 286

Sabena, 284–85

September 6, 1970, to Dawson’s

Field, 302–3

Al-Fatah, 283

Algeria, 204

Algerian Jews, 169, 253 Ali, Ahmad Ismail, 316 Aliyah Bet, 108, 110, 114

All-African People’s Conference, 201, 204

Allon, Yigal, 223, 225–26, 230–33, 237,

295–96, 300, 315, 352–53, 358,


plan for occupied territories, 302, 305

Almogi, Yosef, 365

Al Moharrer
(Beirut daily), 268 Aloni, Shulamit, 246, 362, 380
Al Quds
(newspaper), 306

American Jewish community, 69–70, 72, 168–70, 191, 260, 264, 328,

330, 345–46

American Jewish Congress, 40–41 American Young Sisters’ Society, 26 Amun-Israeli Housing Corporation,


anarchism, 30–31

Anglo-American Commission on Palestine, 108, 111–15

Anglo-Jewish-Arab conference (London, 1946), 120, 123

annexationists, 294, 296–300

anti-Semitism, 27, 85–86, 112, 287

apartheid, 204

Aquino, Corazon, 4

Arab front, 126

Arab Higher Committee, 78, 132

Arab League, 139, 204

Arab League Council, 127 Arab Legion, 126, 142–43

Arab riots, 76, 268 Arabs

attempt to isolate Israel in Africa, 204–5

demand Israeli withdrawal to pre- 1967 border, 259–61

early Jews in Palestine and, 65, 71, 75–76

flight of, before partition, 139–40, 171–72

Golda’s wish for negotiations with, 294, 296

Israel’s pressure to sign peace agreement with, 3, 5

partition and, 88, 131–33, 138–39,

144, 148–49

peace signals by, ignored by Golda, 8

restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine and, 90, 93, 96–98,

108, 113

Soviet Union and, 150

Arab terrorists, 10, 46, 181–82, 187–92,

219, 236, 257, 283–87, 297, 305,

314–15, 368, 382

Arab women, 173 Arab workers

occupied territories and, 235, 241,


pre-partition Palestine and Jewish labor, 57, 76, 81–82

Arafat, Yasir, 138, 258, 283–84,

288–89, 292, 306, 355, 380

Aranne, Zalman, 209, 217, 235, 294–95

Argentina, 184

armistice of 1949, 181–82, 271

arms sales and military aid to Arabs, Soviet Union and, 151, 265–67,

273, 275–76

arms sales and military aid to Israel France and, 186–87

Socialist leaders in Europe and, 349–50

U.S. and, 2–5, 236, 240, 262,

264–65, 267, 273, 276, 304,

312, 328–32

West Germany and, 193–95 Army of Salvation, 132 Ashkenazi, Motti, 337–38, 360

Assad, Hafez al-, 359, 367–69

As-Safi area, 305

(boat), 97

Athens El Al office attack, 284 Athlit refugee center, 110
(boat), 96–97

Attlee, Clement, 106–7, 114, 123

Austin, Warren, 139

Austria, 35

Jews smuggled from, 89–91

Soviet Jewish émigrés and, 314–16 Avner, Gerson, 121

Avneri, Uri, 209

Aynor, Hanan, 201

Bab el Mandeb Strait, 344, 347, 348 Bab el Wad, 132

Babylonians, 324 Bakulin, I. N., 156

Balfour, Arthur James, Lord, 39–40 Balfour Declaration, 39–41, 46, 61, 76

Bancroft, Anne, 6, 374–75

Bandaranaike, Sirimavo, 234

Barbour, Walworth, 2, 267–68

Bar-Lev, Chaim, 319, 325, 328, 332

Bar-Lev Line, 318, 323

Bar-Niv, Zvi, 174

Bart, Lionel, 374

Bar-Zohar, Michael, 352

Baxters, Major, 99–100

Beatrix, princess of the Netherlands, 374

Begin, Menahem, 108, 119–20, 220,

274–75, 279, 293, 295, 298,

350–51, 367, 372, 375–79

Beilin, Yossi, 241

Beit Jala, 294

Beit Sahar, 294

Belgium, 202, 204

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