Golda (70 page)

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Authors: Elinor Burkett

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Women, #History, #Middle East, #Israel & Palestine

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debate over occupied territories between annexationists and doves and, 287–307

domestic issues and, 312–13 early days of, 5–6, 234–41

as first female head of state in West, 3–4, 8

labor relations and economy and, 241–43

popularity of, 309–10 post–Yom Kippur War Labor

Party divisions and, 350–56, 360–63

Meir, Golda Mabovitch (
) teenage years of, with sister in power struggle within Labor Denver and involvement with

coalition off, 236–41 Zionism, 29–32

resignation of, 363-66 Tel Aviv mayoralty elections and, retirement of, announced but 179

withdrawn, in 1973, 309–12 travels to Latin America 184

rift between secular and travels to U.S. in 1969, 1–7, 10–11 Orthodox Jews and, 243-46 War of Attrition and, 257–58

women’s rights and, 246-48 West Germany and, 193–96 Yom Kippur War and, 8–9, women’s issues and, 7, 82, 98,

313–36 177–79, 246–48

Yom Kippur War aftermath and, as working mother, 61–62, 66–67 337–50, 366–69 worries about lack of acceptance of

relationship with children and Jews and Israel, by 1969, 10–11 family, 72–73, 83–84, 91, Zionist Congress in Geneva and,

94–95, 175–76 94–95

relationship with daughter Sarah Mellman, Anne, 71

and, 58, 61, 66–67, 137 Mendes-France, Pierre, 281 relationship with sister, as child, Merkel, Angela, 4

25–27 Meyerson, Aya (daughter-in-law), 217, relationship with son Menachem, 227

56–57, 66–67, 94–95 Meyerson, Hannah (daughter-in-law), reputation and historical legacy of, 175

5–10, 372–75 Meyerson, Meira (granddaughter), 175 romances of, during early years in Meyerson, Menachem (son), 57–58,

Palestine, 56, 67–69 62, 66–57, 69, 72, 79, 83, 91,

as secretary-general of Mapai 121, 145, 175, 217, 227, 366,

assumes leadership, 217-20 384

Labor reunited by, and struggle Meyerson, Morris (husband)

vs. Dayan and Peres, 224–27 life in Palestine with Golda, 45–50, resignation of, 226–27 53, 55–57

Six-Day War and, 218–24 children and, 67

75th birthday of, 309 courtship and marriage to Golda, social security and, 176–77 32–39

Solel Boneh work of, and life with death of, 175

Morris, 56–58 Golda separates from, 58–63, 68–69 Suez War and, 188–93 move to Palestine and, 39–43

official separation and move to Persia, 82–83, 384

relationship with children, 82–83 Meyerson, Sarah (daughter), 58, 61, 62,

66–67, 69, 72, 83, 91, 94, 95,

121, 137, 145, 147, 157, 175, 217,

227, 250, 384

Middle East peace conference (Geneva, 1974), 354–60

Middle East peace process, 249, 258–67, 270–76, 278–82, 289,

293, 355–56, 358–60, 371–72,


Mifdeh B, 80–81

Milwaukee, 21, 23–29, 32 Minhelet Ha’am (first cabinet), 141
Miracle Worker, The
(Gibson), 374 Miriam the Red, 118

Mishap investigation, 210–15 Misr refugee camp, 173 Mitla pass, 323, 332

Mizrachi, Eli, 310, 377

(Jews of North African and Middle Eastern descent), 251–55

Mobutu, Joseph, 277

Moetzet HaPoalot, (Women Worker’s Council), 53–54, 58–59, 63, 70,


Mollet, Guy, 188

Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 152, 154, 158

Mondale, Walter, 374

Monde, Le
, 358

Monnet, Jean, 186

Montor, Henry, 134–37, 148

Montreal Gazette
, 184

Morgenthau, Henry, 138, 168 Moroccan Immigrants Association,


Moroccan Jews, 169

Morocco, 204

Morris, Benny, 197

Morris, Ya’akov, 197

Mossad, 89, 198, 285, 287, 313

Mount Hermon, 285, 333

Mugabe, Rovert, 201

Munich Accords, 380

Munich Olympics murders of Israeli athletes, 283–87

Muslim Brotherhood, 138, 140

Mussolini, Benito, 93

Nablus, 296

Nachshon shipping line, 78 Najar, Amiel, 187, 192

Namir, Mordechai, 155–56

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 187–89, 194,

205, 210, 218–20, 224, 229,

258–59, 264–66, 269–70, 272,

279, 281, 301, 315, 379

National Council, 140–41, 145 National Council of Women’s

Societies, 205

National Housing Department, 165–66

National Press Club, 2, 4, 311 National Refugee Service, 138 National Religious Party (NRP), 244,


National Unity Government, 220–24, 237, 261, 274, 280, 372, 379

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 278

Navon, Yitzhak, 215

Nazi Germany, 77–78, 89–96, 106,

111, 153, 194–95, 287

Arabs and, 88, 96

Egypt and scientists from, 194, 213 Jewish immigrants from, 77–78,

90–91, 97

rise of, 77–78, 85–93, 96–97

WW II and, 96, 101, 103, 105

Negev, 121, 173, 198, 220, 327

Nenni, Pietro, 349

neocolonialism, 204

Netherlands, 91–92, 204 New Initiative (Sadat), 273 “New Jews,” 235

New Judea
(magazine), 31

, 3, 205, 216, 238

“New Targets for Israel” (Eliav), 291

New York Times
, 2–5, 92, 184, 234, 272,


New York Tribune
, 185 Nicaragua, 196

Nicolas II, tsar of Russia, 15 Nigeria, 200, 202, 205, 277

Night of the Panthers, 252 Nitzan, Yaakov, 206

Nixon, Pat, 2, 4

Nixon, Richard, 1–3, 8, 260, 262–69,

276, 303–4, 310, 312, 320,

329–31, 333–34, 339, 341–42,

345, 348–50, 374, 376

Nkrumah, Kwame, 200–201

Nobel Peace Prize, Begin and Sadat awarded, 376

North Africa, 104

North African Jews, 250–55 North Vietnamese, 10

nuclear weapons, 4, 197–99, 327

Nuremberg Laws, 85

Nuremberg Tribunal, 195

Nyerere, Julius, 201, 203

Obote, Milton, 202

occupied territories.
See also
specific territories

Arab workers from, 235, 241 debate over policy on, and Dayan

plan to annex, 9, 293–307, 351,

353, 374

Golda’s refusal to give up, 8–9, 237 Jewish settlement and land

purchases in, 295, 297–300, 374 pressure to withdraw from, 1–5,

260–61, 262–63, 269, 290–91,

340, 378

seized in Six-Day War, and decision to keep, 223–24, 229

oil embargo, 334, 338–39, 342

(musical), 374 Open Bridges scheme, 297

Operation Magic Carpet, 164 Organization of African Unity (OAU),

276, 277

Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews, 54, 57, 76, 93, 133, 177–79, 234,

241, 243–46, 295

Padmore, George, 201

Pale of Settlement, 14–17, 35 Palestine.
See also
British Mandate

Abdullah’s desire to annex, 126–27, 141

American Jews and, 70 ancient boundaries of, 288

Arab hostility to growth of Jewish population in, 31, 57, 65,


fight for Jewish immigration and homeland in, and WW II, 86, 94–111

Golda active in Labor Zionist politics in, 52–55

Golda’s desire to move to, and marriage to Morris, 36–41

Golda’s early life in, 45–52 partition question for, referred to

UN, 125–28

Peel Commission and, 86–87 temporary trusteeship proposal and,


WZO formed to create Jewish homeland in, 19

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 258, 283–84, 306, 355

Palestinian Arabs Jordan and, 302

nationhood of, 287–93, 379–80

as refugees, 250, 289

West Bank and Gaza and, 290 Palestinian resistance movement, 132 Palestinian state issue, 288–90 Palmach (regular fighting force of

Haganah), 101, 110, 115, 118,

223, 363

pan-African movement, 201

pan-Arabism, 288

Paraguayan embassy killings, 284 Paris Peace Conference (1917), 40–41 partition

Ben-Gurion vs. Golda on, 86–88, 122–23

UN approves, 125–28, 131–32 violence on announcement of,


Passow, David, 83

Pasternak, Boris, 161

Pauls, Rolf Friedmann, 195–96, 379

Paul VI, Pope, 278, 287, 310

Peck, Gregory, 5

Peel Commission, 86–88, 269

Penn, Arthur, 374

Peres, Shimon, 182, 186–90, 193–96,

198–99, 208, 210–12, 214,

224–25, 366, 377

Pineau, Christian, 188

Pinsk, Golda’s childhood in, 16–19, 25,


Pioneer Woman, The
, 72 Pioneer Women, 70, 71

Pitterman, Bruno, 350

Poale Zion, 35–37, 39–42, 46, 53, 69

(ship), 46

Podgorny, Nikolai, 275

pogroms, 13–16, 380

Poland, 14, 19, 85, 90, 92, 95, 104,


Polish Jews, 102, 164, 169

Pompidou, Georges, 310

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 284, 302–3

, 159

Prime Minister’s Committee Concerning Children and Youth in Distress, 254–55

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
, 85 Provisional State Council, 146

public works programs, 167–68, 172–73, 176

Quiet Demonstration, 253 Russian Orthodox Church, 14 Rwanda, 202

Raban, Governor Von, 14

Rabin, Yitzhak, 221, 223, 263–64, 266, Sabbath, laws of, 244

271, 276, 303–4, 363, 365–66, Sabri, Ihsan, 278

372, 374 Sacharoff, Eliahu, 99

Rafi party, 216–17, 220–27, 232–33, Sadat, Anwar, 272–76, 278, 285,

351, 361, 365 315–16, 332, 336, 339–40, 342,

Ramallah, 296 346–47, 351, 357–60, 366,

Rath, Ari, 175, 368 371–72, 374–79

Reagan, Ronald, 5 Sadat, Jihan, 376, 378

Red Army, 156, 161 Safed, 65, 100

Red Army Faction, 283
period, 109

Red Sea, 191 SAM missiles (surface-to-air) religious Zionists, 88, 117–18, 293 in Egypt, 265–67, 348

Remez, David, 52, 54–56, 58–59, 63, in Syria, 313, 322–23

65, 68, 78, 93, 116–17, 119, 121, Sapir, Pinhas, 198, 209, 217, 230–32,

141, 143–44, 175, 247 295, 297–98, 366

Revisionists, 122 Sarid, Yossi, 231

Revolution Airport, 302 Saudi Arabia, 141, 185, 258

Rhodesia, 201, 204 Saul, King (of ancient Israel), 56

Riad, Mahmoud, 278, 280 Sayeret Matkal (commando unit), 285

Ribicoff, Abe, 276, 345 Schiff, Zeev, 324

Riddle, Nelson, 2 Schlegel, Dr., 174

Robeson, Paul, 137 Schlesinger, James, 329

Rockefeller, Nelson, 3, 345 Schocken, Gershom, 326

Rogers, William, 1–2, 260, 262–64, Schopenhauer, Arthur, 31

266–67, 272, 274–75, 311, 334, Second Aliyah, 48, 52, 54, 70–71

348, 372 Second Temple, 324

Romania, 90, 277–78, 379 secular Jews, 243–46

Romans, ancient, 324 Senegal, 198, 200–201, 277

Rommel, Erwin, 104 Senghor, Léopold, 198, 204, 277

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 174, 184 Sha’ar Ha’aliyah camp, 173

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 91, 138, 168 Shainovitch, Joseph, 15–16

Rosenblum, Doron, 377 Shapiro, Ben, 37
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, The
, 33 Shapiro, Judy, 37, 63 Russia, tsarist, 10, 13–19, 25, 35, 85, 380 Sharett, Chaim, 183

Sharett, Moshe (
Shertok), 65, 106, 111, 114, 116–18, 120, 126,

138, 148–49, 151, 155, 161,

181–83, 209, 215, 227, 233

Sharif, Omar, 268

Sharm el-Sheikh, 189, 192, 271, 274

Sharon, Ariel, 181–82, 326

Shaw, John, 106–7, 111

Shazar, Zalman, 68, 72, 195, 239 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 33 Shemesh, Kochavi, 251–52

Shilbaya, Mohammed, 306

Shimoni, Yaacov, 143

Shlaim, Avi, 301, 302

Shliefer, Rabbi Shloime, 158–59, 161

Shmueli, Eliezer, 237

Shohat, Manya, 64

Sierra Leone, 202, 203

Sinai Peninsula, 8 negotiations with Sadat and,


occupation of, 229, 293, 297

Six-Day War and, 218, 220, 223–24 Suez War and, 188–93

Yom Kippur War and, 316, 322–23,

325–26, 328, 331–33

War of Attrition and, 236, 257

Sisco, Joseph, 275–76, 347–48

60 Minutes
(TV show), 273

Six-Day War (1967), 218–24, 229, 263,

277, 284, 288, 293, 302, 341,


Sneh, Moshe, 116

Soviet Union, WW II and, 92, 103 socialism, 19–20, 30, 50, 81, 150,

164–66, 205, 225, 234–35, 242,


Socialist International, 8, 66, 76, 310,


Socialist Zionism, 70–73, 243 social security legislation, 177

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