Golda (69 page)

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Authors: Elinor Burkett

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Women, #History, #Middle East, #Israel & Palestine

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128, 132, 138–40, 142

Ikrit, civil disobedience in, 249–50 Imperial Labour Conference (London,

1930), 66

Industrial Removal Office, 24 Ingathering, great, 163–64

In-Law (Egyptian intelligence source), 315, 319

International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 166

Iranian Jews, 169, 253

Iranian oil, 344

Iraq, 132, 147, 289, 303, 379

Iraqi Jews, 163, 169, 173, 253, 372

Irgun Zvi Leumi (Etzel), 108–9, 116,

118–20, 128

(TV show), 239 Israel

25th anniversary of, 309 50th anniversary of, 7

changes in, by 1969 and Golda’s first days as prime minister, 234–37, 241–42

established and named, 144–49 Foreign Ministry, 152, 183, 185,

196–97, 216

intelligence, 284, 305, 315 international reputation of, 10–11 as Jewish state and problem of Arab

populaton, 294

military intelligence, 315

Israel (

Ministry of Defense, 210–11, 213–14, 296, 313

Ministry of Finance, 174 Ministry of Labor, 178 Law of Return and, 169 Soviet Union and official

recognition of, 150–51

Treasury Department, 177

Israel Bonds, 168, 173, 241, 303,


Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA), 244

Israel Defense Force (IDF), 149, 151,

181–82, 185–86, 222–23, 236,

250, 271, 304, 312–13, 317,

321–22, 328, 331, 333, 335, 363

Army Medical Corps, 202 Israeli Air Force, 223, 265, 317

Northern Command, 313–14

Southern Command, 325 Israeli Cabinet

cease-fire of 1973 and, 334–36 Golda as prime minister and,


occupied territories after Six-Day War and, 229–30

Israeli-Egyptian direct negotiations (Kilometer 101), 346–47, 357,


Israeli prisoners of war, 340, 342–47,

349, 355–56, 360

Israeli settlers, in occupied territories, 295, 299

Istanbul, consul murdered in, 284 Italy, 101

Ivory Coast, 202

Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 276, 311–12

Jaffa, 78, 139

Japanese Red Army, 284

Jarring, Gunnar, 266–67, 272, 311

Javits, Jacob, 276, 345

Jenin, 296 Jerusalem

Arab quarters of, 144

Arab riots and attacks and, 46, 65 East, 172, 229, 293

Eshkol buried in, 232

Golda and Morris move to, 56–58 Golda leaves Morris in, 58–63, 83

internationalization plan, 125–26,

131, 144

Jewish development in, 299

Old City, 144, 148–49, 151, 223–24,


partition and, 132–33, 139, 144,


Peel Commission and, 87 Six-Day war gains in, 229 West, 172

Jerusalem, Grand Mufti of.

Husseini, Haj Amin al-

Jerusalem Post
, 175, 310–11, 368

Jewish Agency, 77, 91, 102, 106, 111,

114–15, 129–31, 134, 140,


Golda as leader of, 116–20 Political Department, 143

Jewish Brigade, 103, 290 Jewish Brigade Group, 111

Jewish homeland issue, 19–20, 87–88,


fight for, during WW II, 95–104

Jewish immigration, 49, 94, 98 British quotas on, at end of WW II,


British quotas on, and rise of Nazi Germany and, 86–94, 102

fought by Arabs, 76

Law of Return and, 169–70 Jewish labor issue, 57, 76, 78–79,

81–82, 235, 295

Jewish National Fund, 32, 49, 70 Jewish refugees

Arab countries and, 290

Cyprus detention camps and, 130 founding of Israel and housing and employment for, 163–68

partition and, 148

smuggled out of Europe, 89–91, 94,

96–97, 101, 108

Jewish Resistance Movement, 108, 115–16, 120–22

Jewish self-defense concept, 99–100 Jewish terrorists, 108–10, 129–30

Jezreel Valley, 48–49, 87

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 6, 220 Joint Distribution Committee, 138 Jordan (Transjordan), 190, 231, 236,

257, 274, 355, 379

armistice with, 164

civil war of 1970 and de facto peace with, 301–7

Jerusalem and, 294

Six-Day War and, 222, 224, 284

West Bank and, 288, 296–97,


Jordan River, 295, 301, 323

Jordan Valley, 351

Josephtal, Senta, 233

Judean Desert, 295

Judean Hills, 132

Kaddar, Lou, 1, 4, 152–55, 238–39,

310–11, 324

Kaplan, Eliezer, 122, 134, 164, 174

Kastel, 132

Katznelson, Berl, 52–55, 63, 93

Katznelson, Rivka, 67

Kaukji, Fawzi El, 132, 138, 140

Kaunda, Kenneth, 203

Keating, Kenneth, 320

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 276, 345

Kennedy, John F., 6, 199 Kennedy, Robert F., 359 Kenya, 201

Kenyatta, Jomo, 203

KGB (Soviet Committee on State Security), 317

Khader, Abdul, 132

Khartoum summit, 263, 268

Kibbutz Degania, 52–53

kibbutz movement, 70–71, 76, 93, 158,

225, 235

Kibbutz Merhavia, 48–55, 58, 326

Kibbutz Revivim, 121, 147, 217, 227,

244, 309, 318

Kibbutz Yagur, 115

Kibya massacre, 182

Kiev, 18, 25

King David Hotel bombing, 119 Kinneret, 151

Kirkbride, Sir Alex, 127 Kiryat Shmona, 172

Kishinev pogrom, 13–16, 20–21,


Kishon, Ephraim, 244

Kissinger, Henry, 5, 8, 10, 260, 262,

265, 269, 303–4, 311–12, 320,

325–35, 339–49, 351, 354–61,

365–69, 373

Kneller, Rolf, 175, 249

Knesset, 164–67, 169, 173, 176–79, 193,

195–96, 208, 210, 213–14,

216–17, 230, 261, 274–75, 285,

298–99, 306–7, 350, 356,

361–62, 372

Foreign Affairs Committee, 275 Kniazer, Zusia, 314

Koestler, Arthur, 40

Kolleck, Teddy, 294, 372

Kol Yisrael (radio station), 110, 115, 145 Korngold, Chaim (nephew), 47 Korngold, Judy (niece), 30, 45, 47 Korngold, Shamai (brother-in-law), 20,

26–27, 29–30, 32, 47, 48, 82

Korngold, Sheyna Mabovitch (sister) early life of, with Golda, 17–21,

23–30, 32–33

death of, 305

move to Palestine and, 39, 42–43

in Palestine and Israel, 45–47, 55,

57, 67, 82, 84, 130, 145, 176, 217

Kosygin, Alexei, 332

Kreisky, Bruno, 314–15

, 85

Kropotkin, Peter, 30, 31

Kuneitra, 367–68

Kupat Holim (medical system), 77, 79,


Kurdish Jews, 169

Labor Party.

labor strife of 1969–73, 241–43

Labor Zionism, 20–21, 31–32, 35, 37,

69–70, 76–77, 79, 95, 208–9,

214, 372

Sunday Express
, 205 Lambert, Anne Marie, 183 Land of Israel, 298 Langer, Hanoch, 245–46

Langer, Miriam, 245–46 La Spezia refugees, 113–14

Latrun (British detention camp), 116–18, 120–21, 149

Lavi, Naftali, 249

Lavon, Pinhas, 210–14 Law of Return, 169

League of Nations, 76, 91, 93

Lebanon, 126, 132, 182, 236, 250, 283,


Leggett, Sir Frederick, 113

Lehi (Stern Gang), 108–9, 116, 119, 120

Lenin, Vladimir, 30, 151

Levanon, Chaim, 179

Levanon, Mordechai, 309

Levin, Marlin, 291–92

Liberia, 200, 202

Libya, 204, 286

Libyan Jews, 163, 169

, 3

Likud party, 350–51, 354, 356, 364–65

Lindsay, John, 2, 5

“Lion’s Roar, The” (Levin), 292 Lior, Israel, 257

Lithuania, 14, 19

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 192 London bombings, 284
Los Angeles Time
, 3 Lumumba, Patrice, 202

Luns, Joseph, 278

Ma’alot hostages, 368

(newspaper), 327, 358–59

(struggle of
vs. British and Arabs), 94–95, 119

Mabovitch, Bluma (mother), 16–18, 20–21, 23–29, 33–34, 39, 67, 83,

145, 236

Mabovitch, Clara “Tzipka” (sister), 17–18, 34, 63, 72–73, 175–76,

238, 269

Mabovitch, Moshe Yitzhak “Morris” (father), 16–18, 21, 23, 25,

27–28, 32, 34–35, 145, 175

Maimon, Ada, 54, 58

Malchin, Sarah, 51

Mali, 202, 204

Mandela, Nelson, 8

Manson, Charles, 10

Mapai (Eretz Yisrael Workers’ Party, Labor Party)

Central Committee of, 87, 292, 311,

352–53, 363

creation of, and early years in Palestine, 54, 65–66, 77, 89,

108–9, 117, 119

debate over occupied territories in, 298–300

defeat of, in 1977, 372

Eliav as secretary–general of, 291–92 Executive Committee, 97

first Israeli cabinet and, 141, 143

Golda heads, 217–18, 224–27 Golda holds together coalition with

splinter parties, 379, 381–82

labor strife of 1969–73 and, 243 power struggle in 1960s, and Ben-

Gurion’s resignation, 208–17

power struggle in, after Six-Day War and Golda’s designation as prime minister, 229–34

power struggle in, after Yom Kippur War and Golda’s resignation, 351–56, 361–66

religious Jews and, 178–79, 244–45 Six-Day War and reunification of,

221–22, 224–27

Mapam (Israeli Marxist Zionist party), 149, 217, 224, 226, 293

Marchi, John, 5

Marcus, Joel, 361

Maronite Christians, 182 marriage and divorce laws, 178,


Marshall, George, 143

Marxism, 33

Masada, 103, 276, 324, 380

Mashav (international cooperation program), 201

Mau-Mau, 201 Maupassant, Guy de, 34 Maurer, Gheorghe, 277–78

McGrory, Mary, 373

Meany, George, 264, 330, 345

Medzini, Meron, 193

Medzini, Regina Hamburger, 27, 33,

41, 45, 57, 69, 73, 193

Meet the Press
(TV show), 2, 3, 261 Meir, Golda Mabovitch (Meyerson)

Abdullah negotiations, and, 125–28, 141–43

African attempt at Arab-Israeli peace initiative and, 276–77

as ambassador to Soviet Union, 148–61

Meir, Golda Mabovitch (
) as American Jewish Congress

convention delegate, 40–41 as American Young Sisters’ Society

president, 26–27

Anglo-American Commission testimony of, 111–15

Arab employment and, 173 Arab-Israeli peace talks and,


arrest of
leaders and assumption of leadership by, 116–22

assassination attempt on, 284 autobiography and biographies of,

6–7, 374–75

awards and honors, 184

Bill for Compulsory Service for Women and, 178–79

Black Panther protests and, 250–55 celebrity of, 6–7

challenges from media and public as prime minister and, 248–50

changes name from Meyerson to Hebraicize, 183

childhood and education of, in Milwaukee, 5, 21, 23–29, 34–35

childhood of, in Russia, 16–21 Cyprus detention centers and, 130 death of, and assessment of political

leadership of, 376–85

death of Eshkol and power struggle following Six-Day War and, 230–31

death of husband Morris and ex- lover Remez and isolation of, 175–76

debate over occupied territories and, 287–307

declaration of independence and, 144–46

defense of Jerusalem in 1947 and, 133, 139

as delegate and leader in newly formed Mapai, 65–66

early pregnancy of, and abortion, 42

Egyptian peace negotiations of 1974 and, 356–60

Egyptian rapprochement of 1977 and, 371–72, 375–79

as emissary to Haifa Arabs before partition, 140

estrangement from daughter-in-law and granddaughter and, 175

Evian-les-Bains conference and, 90–94

fights for Jewish state and Jewish immigration, post–WW II, 106–11, 114–15, 122–23

fights for Jewish state and smuggles Jews from Europe, during WW II, 89–91, 94–104

first learns of Labor Zionism from sister Sheyna, in Russia, 18–21

as foreign minister

African nations and, 199–206 appointed, 182–87

power struggle vs. Ben-Gurion and, leads to his resignation, 207–17

power struggles with Peres, Ben-

Gurion, and Eban and, 196–99 resignation of, 212–13

fund-raising in U.S. by, 69–73, 78,

134–38, 147–49, 168–70,


health problems of, 141, 149–50,

174–75, 214, 310, 365

Histadrut involvement in fight for Jewish state and, 63–65, 76–79,


housing and public works programs and, 164–68

Hussein and, 301–7, 379 Jerusalem home of, as foreign

minister, 205–6 Jerusalem home of, while in

cabinet, 171–72

Jewish immigration issue and, 169–71

labor legislation and, 177

as labor minister in first cabinet of Israel, 161–76

as Labor Zionist organizer in Palestine, 79–82

leaves Morris and becomes secretary of Moetzet HaPoalot, 58–59

marriage of, to Morris ends in official separation, 82

meets and marries Morris Meyerson, and desire to move to Palestine, 32–41

as Merhavia representative and becomes active in Labor Zionism in Palestine, 52–55

moves to Palestine with Morris and joins kibbutz, 45–52

Munich Olympic attacks and, 283–87

Nazi Germany and Jewish immigration issue and, 85–86, 89–90

Orthodox Jews and, 178–79, 243–46 Palestinian nationhood issue and,

287–93, 379–80

as Palestinian Zionist emissary in

U.S. and Britain, 64–66 parents move to Palestine to join,


partition and establishment of Jewish state and, 131–34, 140–41, 144–46

Peel Commission and, 87–88 personality and loneliness of, 6–8,

82–84, 205–6, 383–84

Poale Zion and, 35–37, 41–43 political struggles in Palestine and,

on return from U.S., 75–77 as prime minister

Black Panther protest and, 250–55

challenges from media and public and, 248–50

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