Gladstone: A Biography (131 page)

Read Gladstone: A Biography Online

Authors: Roy Jenkins

Tags: #History, #Politics, #Non-Fiction, #Biography

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Magee College, Ireland
ref 1

Magee, William Connor, Bishop of Peterborough, then Archbishop of York
ref 1

Magenta, Battle of (1859)
ref 1

Magnus, Sir Philip

on WEG at Eton
ref 1
ref 2

on WEG’s religious upbringing
ref 1

on WEG’s proposal of marriage
ref 1

on WEG’s hearing of Newman’s conversion
ref 1

and WEG’s pursuit of Lady Lincoln
ref 1

on WEG’s work among prostitutes
ref 1

on WEG’s interest in Homer
ref 1

on WEG’s Midlothian campaign
ref 1

Lords defeat of 1893 Home Rule Bill
ref 1

Mahdi, the (Mohammed Ahmed ibn Seyyid ‘Abdullah)
ref 1
ref 2

Maiwand, Battle of (1880)
ref 1

Majuba Hill, Battle of (1881)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Malet, Sir Edward Baldwin
ref 1

Malmesbury, James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl of
ref 1

Maltby, Edward, Bishop of Durham
ref 1

Man, Isle of
ref 1


WEG visits
ref 1
ref 2

Fenians free Irish prisoners in
ref 1

Disraeli’s 1872 speech in
ref 1

Manchester, Bishop of
Fraser, James

Manchester College, Oxford
ref 1

Manchester, Louise Frederica Augusta, Duchess of
Devonshire, Duchess of

Manners, Lord John
Rutland, 7th Duke of

Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward

at Oxford with WEG
ref 1

received into Catholic church
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

and WEG’s first book
ref 1

and Maynooth
ref 1

WEG meets in Rome
ref 1

as Archbishop of Westminster
ref 1

WEG criticizes Newman to
ref 1

as WEG’s politico-religious adviser
ref 1

and Gorham judgment
ref 1

WEG entertains
ref 1

renews contact with WEG
ref 1
ref 2

and Talbot
ref 1

and Irish Church Bill
ref 1

and Irish Land Bill
ref 1
ref 2

and Irish University Bill
ref 1
ref 2

criticizes WEG’s
Vatican Decrees
ref 1

classical learning
ref 1

serves on Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes
ref 1

ref 1

attacks Parnell
ref 1

Mansfield College, Oxford
ref 1

Margaret Chapel (
All Saints, Margaret Street), London
ref 1
ref 2

Marjoribanks, Dudley Coutts (
1st Lord Tweedmouth)
ref 1

Marjoribanks, Edward (
2nd Lord Tweedmouth)
ref 1

Marlborough College
ref 1n

Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of
ref 1
ref 2

Marlborough, John Winston Spenceron-Churchill, 7th Duke of
ref 1
ref 2

Marsham, Robert Bullock
ref 1

Martin, Robert
ref 1

Martin, Sir Theodore
ref 1

Matthew, H.C.G.

edits WEG diaries at Christ Church
ref 1

on WEG’s religious upbringing
ref 1

on WEG’s sex life
ref 1

and WEG’s cryptic diary entries
ref 1

on WEG’s china collection
ref 1

on WEG’s relations with Bright
ref 1

and WEG’s relations with Laura Thistlethwayte
ref 1

on WEG and Elementary Education Bill
ref 1

on WEG’s conversation in later years
ref 1

on WEG’s Egyptian bond holdings
ref 1

on WEG’s voice trouble
ref 1

Maud, Princess (
Queen of Norway)
ref 1

Maurice, Frederick Denison
ref 1

Maximilian, Archduke (
Emperor of Mexico)
ref 1

May, Sir Thomas Erskine
ref 1
ref 2

Maynooth seminary, Co. Kildare
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount

resigns (1839)
ref 1

government declines
ref 1
ref 2

intellectual pessimism
ref 1

relations with Queen
ref 1

Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount
ref 1

Mentmore (house)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Meredith, George
ref 1

Metropolitan District Railway: WEG’s investment losses in
ref 1

Metternich, Clemens Wenzel Lothar, Prince
ref 1

ref 1

Middleton, Henry Willoughby, 6th Lord
ref 1


WEG represents as MP
ref 1

WEG’s 1879 election campaign in
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

WEG’s prospect of seat
ref 1
ref 2

WEG visits
ref 1
ref 2

1885 election victory
ref 1

WEG re-elected unopposed (1886)
ref 1

Militia Bill (1851)
ref 1

Mill, John Stuart
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Millais, Sir John Everett: portraits of WEG
ref 1
ref 2

Milner, Alfred, Viscount
ref 1

Milnes, Henrietta
ref 1

Milnes, Richard Monckton (1st Lord Houghton)
ref 1
ref 2
& n

Milton, Frances, Lady
Fitzwilliam, Catherine, Countess of

Moffatt, Dr
ref 1

Molesworth, Sir William
ref 1
ref 2

Moltke, Helmut von
ref 1n
ref 2

Monsell, William (
1st Lord Emly)
ref 1

Montagu, Edwin Samuel
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2

‘Moonlight, Captain’
ref 1

Moran, Charles McMoran Wilson, 1st Lord
ref 1n

Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David
ref 1

Morley, Arnold
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Morley, Charles
ref 1

Morley, John, Viscount

on WEG’s speeches and oratorical style
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

on Sidney Herbert
ref 1

on WEG at Eton
ref 1

on Newark election
ref 1

on Peel and WEG
ref 1

on WEG’s mental disturbance
ref 1

on WEG’s appearance
ref 1

and Peel’s 1846 defeat by Disraeli
ref 1

criticizes WEG’s performance as Colonial Secretary
ref 1

and WEG’s work among prostitutes
ref 1

on WEG’s power in Commons
ref 1

praises WEG’s speech on Ecclesiastical Titles Bill
ref 1

and WEG’s views on Crimean war
ref 1

and WEG’s lack of interest in architecture
ref 1

on WEG’s remoteness
ref 1

on WEG’s 1868 South-west Lancashire campaign
ref 1

on Irish Church Bill
ref 1
ref 2

on Irish legislation
ref 1

ref 1

on Irish University Bill
ref 1

meets WEG at Lubbock’s house party
ref 1

on WEG’s Midlothian campaign
ref 1

on WEG’s Glasgow rectorial address
ref 1

on Disraeli’s 1880 defeat
ref 1

on WEG’s 1880 premiership
ref 1

on WEG’s Affirmation Bill speech
ref 1

classical learning
ref 1
ref 2

on WEG’s Irish policy
ref 1

on Lord’s reform
ref 1

helps with first Home Rule Bill
ref 1
ref 2

misquotes Grattan
ref 1n

and 1886 government resignation
ref 1

stands in for WEG at 1890 Sheffield meeting
ref 1

and WEG’s attitude to Parnell divorce
ref 1

and downfall of Parnell
ref 1

and WEG’s reaction to Bassetlaw defeat
ref 1

Biarritz holiday with WEG
ref 1

devises ‘Newcastle Programme’
ref 1

and WEG’s proposed domestic reforms
ref 1

pleads with Rosebery to accept office
ref 1

and Irish Bill (1893)
ref 1

on WEG in decline
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1

supports WEG on second Home Rule Bill (1893)
ref 1

disfavours Harcourt
ref 1

and naval estimates dispute
ref 1

WEG values as companion
ref 1

final visit to WEG
ref 1

and WEG’s funeral
ref 1

Morley, Samuel
ref 1

Morton, George Sholto Douglas, 18th Earl of
ref 1

Mundella, Anthony John
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

ref 1

Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Crauford (
Viscount Novar)
ref 1n

Muntz, George Frederick
ref 1

Murillo, Bartolomé Estéban:
Virgin and Child
ref 1

Murray, John (publisher)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Musgrave, Thomas, Archbishop of York
ref 1
ref 2

Namier, Sir Lewis B.
ref 1


WEG visits
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

WEG protests against oppression in
ref 1
ref 2

Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (
Prince Louis Napoleon)

and Ems telegram
ref 1n

Palmerston congratulates
ref 1
ref 2

attempted assassination
ref 1

annexes Savoy and Nice
ref 1
ref 2

entertains WEG in Paris
ref 1

and Franco-Prussian War
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2

Nasser, Gamal Abdel
ref 1

National Education League
ref 1

National Liberal Club: WEG lays foundation stone
ref 1
ref 2

National Liberal Federation
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

National Press Agency
ref 1
ref 2

naval estimates (1893)
ref 1

Nettleship, Edward
ref 1

Newark, Nottinghamshire

WEG elected MP for
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

WEG loses seat (1845)
ref 1
ref 2

Newbolt, Sir Henry
ref 1

Newcastle, Henry Clinton, 4th Duke of

as WEG’s parliamentary patron
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

refuses to support Peel’s anti-Corn Laws
ref 1n

ref 1

Newcastle, Henry Clinton, 5th Duke of (
Earl of Lincoln)

at Eton with WEG
ref 1

at Christ Church, Oxford
ref 1

ref 1

in Rome
ref 1

as Commissioner of Woods and Forests
ref 1

and WEG’s losing Newark seat
ref 1

and Peel’s defeat
ref 1

wife leaves
ref 1

and WEG’s 1853 budget
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

and Crimean War
ref 1

ref 1

and WEG’s commission in Ionian Islands
ref 1

in Palmerston’s 1859 government
ref 1

friendship with WEG
ref 1
ref 2

and repeal of paper duties
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

and Laura Thistlethwayte
ref 1
ref 2

Newcastle Programme
ref 1

Newcastle-upon-Tyne: WEG visits and speaks in
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Newdegate, Charles Newdigate
ref 1

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal

ref 1

at Oriel College
ref 1
ref 2

becomes vicar of St Mary’s, Oxford
ref 1

opposes Peel on Catholic Emancipation
ref 1

received into Roman Catholic church
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

qualities and character
ref 1

ref 1

ref 1

attitude to re-established Catholic hierarchy in England
ref 1

returns to Oxford
ref 1

made Cardinal
ref 1

WEG invites to Eastern Question meeting
ref 1

WEG visits with Chamberlain
ref 1

ref 1

The Idea of a University
ref 1

Loss and Gain
ref 1

‘Tract 90’
ref 1

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