Gladstone: A Biography (135 page)

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Authors: Roy Jenkins

Tags: #History, #Politics, #Non-Fiction, #Biography

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and Disraeli’s 1880 defeat
ref 1
ref 2

resists WEG as 1880 government leader
ref 1

and WEG’s 1880 government
ref 1
ref 2

and Bradlaugh
ref 1

congratulates WEG on Disraeli monument speech
ref 1

and ecclesiastical appointments
ref 1

interference in WEG’s conduct of business
ref 1
ref 2

disapproves of WEG’s Scandinavian cruise
ref 1

supports Lords’ rejection of 1884 Reform Bill
ref 1

letter from WEG on Lords
ref 1

imperial expansionist policy
ref 1

rebukes WEG over Gordon affair
ref 1

and WEG’s 1886 premiership and government
ref 1

and Dilke’s divorce case
ref 1

accepts WEG’s 1886 dissolution and resignation
ref 1
ref 2

objects to Prime Ministers participating in elections
ref 1

accepts WEG’s final premiership
ref 1

WEG’s memoranda for
ref 1

and honour for Lansdowne
ref 1
ref 2

and WEG’s final resignation
ref 1

Diamond Jubilee (1897)
ref 1

meets WEG on Côte d’Azur
ref 1

and WEG’s death and funeral
ref 1

Highland Journal
ref 1

Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia (
Empress Frederick)
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1
ref 2

Villiers, Charles Pelham
ref 1
ref 2n

Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire
ref 1

Waldegrave, Frances Elizabeth Anne, Countess
ref 1

Wales: Church disestablishment
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Walewski, André-Florian-Joseph-Colonna, Count
ref 1

Walmer Castle, Kent
ref 1
ref 2

Walpole, Horatio William, Lord (
4th Earl of Orford): Lady Lincoln runs off with
ref 1

Walpole, Spencer Horatio
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Walsh, William J., Archbishop of Dublin
ref 1

Walters, Catherine (‘Skittles’)
ref 1n

Ward, William George
ref 1
ref 2

Waterhouse, Alfred
ref 1

Waterhouse, Edwin
ref 1

Watkin, Sir Edward William
ref 1

Watts, George Frederic: paints WEG
ref 1

Waugh, Evelyn:
Decline and Fall
ref 1

Webster, Sir Richard
ref 1

Welby, Sir Reginald Erle (
1st Lord)
ref 1
ref 2
& n,
ref 2

Wellesley, Gerald Valerian, Dean of Windsor

at Eton with WEG
ref 1

at Cambridge
ref 1

advises WEG on dealings with Queen
ref 1

ref 1

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of

on Disraeli-Bentinck group
ref 1

as Chancellor of Oxford University
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

on Russell’s 1851 government
ref 1

death and funeral
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1

Wenlock, Beilby Richard Lawley, 2nd Lord
ref 1

Wesley, Charles, John and Samuel
ref 1

West, Sir Algernon
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Westbury, Richard Bethell, 1st Lord
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Westminster, Constance Gertrude, Duchess of
ref 1

Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of

moves amendment on Russell’s Reform Bill
ref 1

ref 1

supports WEG against Sutherland’s attack
ref 1

chairs meeting on Eastern Question
ref 1

WEG rebukes for electio
ref 1

declines to contribute to Granville estate
ref 1

Westminster School
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Whitefield, George
ref 1

Whitehall Court, London
ref 1

Whitelaw, William, Viscount
ref 1
ref 2

Whittinghame (house), East Lothian
ref 1

Wickham, Agnes (
Gladstone; WEG’s daughter)

ref 1
ref 2

rides with father
ref 1

with WEG in Ionian Islands
ref 1

Arthur Gordon’s infatuation with
ref 1n

ref 1

visits to Hawarden
ref 1

ref 1

Wickham, Edward Charles, Dean of Lincoln
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Wigan: parliamentary seat
ref 1

Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, then of Winchester

at Oriel College
ref 1

ref 1

and reclamation of prostitutes
ref 1

relations with WEG
ref 1
ref 2

accompanies WEG on Manchester visit
ref 1

opposes divorce reform
ref 1

confirms Stephen Gladstone
ref 1

receives honorary Cambridge degree
ref 1

WEG suggests for Archbishopric of York
ref 1n

and succession to Palmerston
ref 1

on rise of Disraeli
ref 1

and Irish Church Bill
ref 1

visits WEG at Walmer
ref 1

translated to Winchester
ref 1n

ref 1n

mocks T.H. Huxley
ref 1

letters from WEG
ref 1

Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany
ref 1n
ref 2

William IV, King
ref 1

Willis’s Rooms, London
ref 1
ref 2

Wilson, William: attempts to blackmail WEG
ref 1

Wilson, Woodrow
ref 1

Wilton House, Wiltshire: WEG visits
ref 1
& n

Winchilsea and Nottingham, George William Finch-Hatton, 10th Earl of
ref 1

Windsor: WEG visits
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10

Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Archbishop of Westminster

in Rome
ref 1

and Helen Gladstone’s conversion
ref 1
ref 2

visits and cures Helen
ref 1

appointed Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
ref 1

burned in effigy
ref 1

Helen Gladstone entertains
ref 1

Wolseley, General Sir Garnet Joseph (
Field Marshal Viscount)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Wolverhampton, 1st Viscount
Fowler, Henry Hartley

Wolverton, George Grenfell Glyn, 2nd Lord

and WEG in Balmoral
ref 1

and WEG’s need to seek re-election on taking office
ref 1

buys WEG’s paintings and books
ref 1

at Royal Academy dinner
ref 1

visits WEG at Hawarden
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

WEG stays at Cannes villa
ref 1

WEG stays with at Kingston
ref 1

declines viscountcy
ref 1n

Wood, Sir Charles
Halifax, 1st Viscount

Wordsworth, Charles
ref 1

Wright, Captain Peter
ref 1
ref 2

Wyatt, James
ref 1

Young, Sir John
ref 1
ref 2

Zetland, Lawrence Dundas, 3rd Earl (
1st Marquess) of
ref 1

Zola, Emile
ref 1

Zulu War (1879)
ref 1
ref 2

The two new Liverpool houses of Gladstone’s childhood:

62 Rodney Steet, sixteen years old when it became his birthplace.

Seaforth House, five miles down river, which John Gladstone began building in 1811 and to which he removed his family in the summer of Waterloo.

George Canning (by Lawrence), Member for Liverpool 1812-22, and an early and continuing Gladstone family hero. A striking declamatory picture, but why is he addressing an empty House of Commons from the middle of the floor?

Arthur Hallam, the jeune homme fatal, who excited Gladstone, Tennyson and several others before his early death in 1833.

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