railing against the "Jewish press," the Nazis privately fumed about the willingness of the Viennese to read the hated Jewish newspapers and were worried about their own financial woes, which in the 1920s made the purchase of a single typewriter a major expense and the payment of phone bills a constant headache. Even in the (for them) more affluent 1930s, their newspapers were poorly written and confined largely to party affairs. The rapid growth of dues-paying members meant better times for the party's press in the early 1930s. The NSDAP's social heterogeneity, which was far greater than that of any other party in either Austria or Germany, continued to be a serious problem, however, making it difficult for any paper to satisfy the literary and intellectual tastes of peasants, industrial workers, and professional people at the same time.
The Nazis attempted to solve this dilemma by borrowing the Antisemitenbund's tactic of reporting crimes and scandals, especially those involving Jews. 32 For example, in Graz Der Kampf , the official organ of the NSDAP in Styria, accused a Jewish-owned clothing firm by the name of Rendi of failing to pay income taxes and investing money in Switzerland. Stories about the scandal dominated the paper's headlines for several weeks. 33 Such articles could sometimes boomerang, however. When Der Kampfruf , the party's official mouthpiece in Vienna, warned its readers against patronizing the Phönix Insurance Company because it had Jewish directors, the newspaper was flooded with angry letters from the company's non-Jewish employees who complained that a boycott would threaten their jobs. The Austrian Nazi press chief soon advised the editors of the Kampfrufto publish an apology. The Phönix Insurance Company was the focus of a genuine scandal a few years later, however. In 1936 the business collapsed because of faulty speculations, in part by Jewish managers; antiSemites were thereby presented with a propaganda bonanza. 34
The Deutschösterreichische Tages-Zeitung in Vienna was still another Nazi newspaper that enjoyed relating horror stories about Jews. One article claimed that an "Aryan" country girl had been lured into the house of a Jew and threatened with bodily harm. She was seriously injured after trying to escape by jumping from a second-story window. A whole Jewish band of abductors was at work, but the authorities were silent about it, the headlines screamed. Another piece told about the conviction of a Jewish child-molester. "Jewry is conducting a systematic, tenacious fight against the morally upright German people. Everywhere sexual revolutionaries preach Jewish morality and succeed, at least among a portion of the subhumans who have been benumbed by Marxism." 35
The ultimate Jewish scandal and proof of Jewish destructiveness, so far as the Nazis were concerned, were revealed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion .