Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)
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  In one forceful motion Jonas enters me fully.  I groan really loudly and so does he. 

“Fuck Dalton... so tight.  I can still feel you, you’re squeezing my cock.  I’m going to take what I need now.”  He doesn’t wait for my answer as he rears back so that just the tip is inside me and launches himself forward.  I feel his balls bang my ass and I’m physically shoved up the bed.  “ good,” he says to himself.  He keeps the slow but hard movement going and then puts his head back, he’s got his eyes closed and he’s concentrating and reveling in everything he’s feeling.  I’ve started to grip the bed clothes and I can’t help but think my late night masturbation fantasies have been way off the mark and did not do this guy justice.

“I can’t hold back Dalton,” and at this he picks up his pace whilst retaining the level of intensity.  His cock feels like it is nudging places that have not been touched before, they’re being discovered for the first time and I begin to shake as another orgasm builds.  “Cum again Dalton,” it’s a simple request from a guy who is vibrating with desire and after maybe four or five quick hard thrusts I give him what he wants and scream as I feel it hit me.  Jonas keeps going. “That’s it squeeze my cock.  SHIT, I can’t hold on much longer,” and with a few more less co-ordinated thrusts he comes with a roar and stops as he empties himself into me.    After a few seconds of him trying to stabilize himself he starts to slowly move in and out of me.  We’re both sweating, him from exertion and me from being totally overwhelmed.

He withdraws himself from inside me and wanders to the little bathroom while I’m left feeling bereft.  Panic immediately starts to set in about what we’ve just done and I scramble to cover myself up in the bed clothes, hugging my knees to my chest.  When he returns he doesn’t care that he’s naked, he is totally at one with his body and his cock is starting to deflate just a little and even though it’s not standing to attention anymore it’s still semi-hard and huge.  I think he senses that I’m panicking, “Talk to me Dalton, let me in, what are you thinking?”  He slowly unravels my arms from the grip on my knees and the surrounding sheets, I begin to relax a little as he starts to tenderly wipe between my legs with a wet warm towel.

“I...” I don’t finish the sentence, I can’t my emotions are all over the place. I’m confused because he wanted me, scared because I wanted him and loved the real him, frightened that we both have to come to terms with it only ever being one night and finally I feel a rage building that I’ve let him fuck with my fucking head again.  A few tears escape and slide down my face.

He leans forward and takes my face whilst swiping at the tears with his thumbs and says “No regrets.  One night, you gave me one night and we’re not wasting it regretting what we’ve both wanted for so long,” he says.


“I mean it, whilst we’re together the other shit isn’t in our world or on our radar.  It’s not here in this room with us,” his stern look tells me he’s serious.

“OK,” I say, simply arguing is going to get me nowhere and what’s done is done.

“Now come here, let me hold you, let me feel you lying in my arms, wrapped around me when we’re in a bed together.”  I comply because I want to feel it to.  He keeps talking about it only being one night, I know he’s trying to make sure this infiltrates my brain but I’m not sure how he’s so certain he can just walk away and go back to how it was.  The thought of how this is going to break me is seeping into my subconscious.

Chapter Fourteen


I’ve drifted off to a comfortable slumber and have not felt so content and relaxed in a long time.  When I wake I instantly know where I am and who is beside me.  I don’t think I’ve slept for long but I stretch to look at the clock to be certain and two hours has passed.  Just two hours and it feels like I’ve had a restful sleep; the best one in ages.  We’re spooning and I’m aware of his nakedness behind me because it’s poking in my back.  I want him again, but I also want answers so I flip over to face him and see he’s awake, I don’t think he’s slept at all.


“Sshh, let me tell you about me, you deserve to know before this is over.”  Already I’m anxious about what he’s going to share.

“When I came to live with you and the Griggs I was suffering, I was already a fucked up rebellious kid and losing my parents and the life I had just about destroyed me, I wasn’t sure how to get back on track.  Things became out of control and I had to entrust my well being and safety to strangers.  Don’t misunderstand me, I’m more grateful than they’ll probably ever know because they saved me, but I can’t ever feel like that again.  I won’t ever hand over control.  Harrison helped as much as he could but he understood what I was struggling with, my life had changed so drastically, I was fighting to feel normal again and was fuckin’ desperate to have a say in things that concerned me.  I think that’s why I started to get into trouble.  I could make the decision to do something and feel responsible for the outcomes and consequences, because they were actions I had chosen for myself.  It was the empowerment I craved, making that decision and the acting upon it was something solely down to me.  Harrison understood this and it’s probably why he tolerated it, well to a point anyway.”  He takes a breath and I carry on looking up at him, urging him to continue.

“ were a fuckin’ fly in my ointment.  I’d have a perfectly controlled plan laid out and then you and Neely would instigate some stupid shit that sent it out of control and it pissed me off.  It was just another sign and reminder that I needed to work harder to pin that controlling element I wanted down.”

“I’m sorry...”

“Not finished yet, shh.  You had no idea about how my head was messed up, it was cute in a younger sisterly way and I’d never had anyone look up to me before.  Things changed after I kicked the ass of those bullies and besides making me feel like Iron Man, I realized that you needed protecting but you were also starting to grow up too.  I’m not sure how I missed that and I’ll be honest I never saw you as anything else than my foster sister.  But as you got older, you got more beautiful and when Chris got in there it felt like torture.  It didn’t take me long to realize I was jealous, but I knew it was for the best so I started to distract myself with other girls.  I heard you and Neely planning to escalate your plan of attack and yes, those were you’re exact words, I was a horny guy and not entirely sure I could avoid acting on stuff if you started it.” 

I can’t believe I’ve lived in this bubble thinking he never saw me, women are supposed to be intuitive, well, clearly I’m not.

“I know you saw me that night,” he says trying to get me to remember.

“Which night?”

“That night when I was getting blown off by Tits.  Yeah, I know that’s what you and Neely call her,” he laughs.  I look away embarrassed that he knew I saw him doing that and that I’ve not been so careful with my name calling.  “I needed to shut down what you were doing, what you were building up to and figured it was the easiest way.  The problem was that after I’d done that you were still fuckin’ around with one of my best friends and I hated myself for what I’d put you through, I knew it upset you to see that.  Anyway, there is only so many times you can tell yourself that something is for the best.  All I’d succeeded in doing was making you more of a moody cow and my actions meant I was already losing you as a sister.  I can’t remember the exact timing but I think a few days later I snapped.  I got into a fight with some of the visiting fans from a football game, I was on the edge and I think I just needed to release some anger and vent my frustrations.  I completely lost the plot and that’s when the police brought me home.”

“That was the night you decided to join the navy,” I say letting him know I was still involved in his story.

“I had to do something; the police were saying my behavior was out of control and escalating, they were warning Barbara and Harrison that I was heading for jail.  I couldn’t cope with feeling the disappointment that I saw on their faces over the trouble I was causing and the only reason I argued about sticking around was for you, but Barbara put a stop to that.”

“What do you mean Barbara put a stop to it?”

“Jesus Dalton, did you wander round with you head in the clouds?”

“Oi! No need for that,” I reply and he chuckles and carries on.  “Barbara always knew how you felt about me, come on... there had to be a reason for the military style non-fraternization rules she laid down.  Anyway, whilst she could pass it off as a teenage crush on your part, she knew it was more on mine.  As soon as she realized that, it became a real problem for her and Harrison.”

“Are you saying they forced you into the navy to keep us apart?”

“No.  I’m saying it was another reason for me to go.  Barbara and Harrison wanted you to live your life and not be tied down before you’d lived any of it.  We discussed it and when you factor in the trouble I was getting into, it made perfect sense to get some distance and discipline.  It was the best option available to me.”

I started to cry.  “I was so upset when you left me and you left without saying goodbye.”

“Ssshh, don’t cry,” he consoles me for a bit and then continues.  “It was always the plan, Barbara and Harrison knew that neither of us would have coped with an actual goodbye scene, so they convinced me to leave early and spare you that.  As it happens for the most part the navy was good to me, it sorted me out and I have a trade, you got to go to college and live the life you were supposed to have.”

“What if it wasn’t the life I was supposed to live?”  I’m still upset.

“We can’t change it now, it’s done.  It was painful over the years coming home and seeing you get more beautiful and hearing about you dating some twat that wasn’t me.”

I don’t answer him, there’s no point and it’s not like I didn’t feel the same watching him work through half the town’s female population.

“Look, I’m done talking, I just thought you should know how I ended up where I did and that you’ve always been important to me.”

“I have questions, though.”

“You can ask one.”  How does he expect me to choose one question that is going to clear my head of all the thoughts I’ve had over the years.  I can’t decide what to ask.  “Ask it and then we are definitely done talking,” he tells me.

“Why didn’t you try and do something about us when we both got older or when you came home on shore leave?”

“The life I was leading and the stuff I was involved in was no life for you and it wouldn’t have been fair of me to ask you to wait for me.  I’ve been in some seriously terrifying and downright dangerous places, there were times when I didn’t think I would make it back home.  Leaving a woman worrying isn’t fair and in all honesty I needed my head fully in the game.  Distractions meant I was putting both my own and the lives of my unit at risk.  It was bad enough already, knowing you were somewhere, doing something with someone who I could have killed with my bare hands, but if you had actually been mine...well let’s just say my need for control and peace of mind would have pushed me to the limit, especially thinking about the mischief and attention you were attracting whilst I wasn’t around.”

“OK.”  It’s a simple answer and all that is needed because his logic is sound.

He leans against me, “Definitely done talking now Dalton, I've got one night and I need to make the most of it, for both of us.”  I can feel he’s hard again and that makes me swallow loudly in anticipation of what’s to come.

“I want to kiss your lips Dalton,” I lean in and kiss him, I’ve learned quickly that a command needs to be acted on.  “Not the lips I was referring to.”


“Climb up and sit on my face and let me see how sweet you are.”  I nervously do as he asks, he watches me intently as I straddle him until I’m kneeling above his face.  “Good girl,” he says approvingly and quick as a flash he grabs me at the back of my ass cheeks and secures me in place.  He starts licking gently and as much as I want to squirm I know that I’m locked in the position he wants me to be in.

“Mmm, do you feel it Dalton, do you feel what I’m feeling?”

“Aaaahhh, ooohhh God Jonas.”

“That’s it baby.”  He’s licking between my lips and has moved a hand up so he can open me up further.  I feel him jab his tongue in me every so often and the fingers on his hand are working in conjunction with his tongue so I’m getting a flick, a jab and a swipe in succession and it’s heaven.  My breathing is getting heavy and I am shamelessly riding his face and hand.  As he starts to feel me getting closer he begins to smear my juices back towards my ass hole when he senses my hesitance. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” and as if he’s trying to distract me, he goes back to working my clit and pussy.  As I get more into it and more carried away I lean my head down so my hair is draped down my back with the longest tips touching his chest.  Overcome with feelings I start to cup my own breasts and pinch my nipples to help me get something extra and to get it quicker.

“Fuckin’ stunning, you look sexy as fuck and stunningly beautiful.”  His words are making it better and I’m close, as soon as he starts to sense it happening he runs a finger inside my folds coating it with my own juices and then quickly inserts it into my ass.  I gasp and groan at the strange feeling, it doesn’t feel bad like I thought it would and then something as simple as him blowing lightly on my pussy causes the reaction he’s been helping me reach.

“Oh Fuck Jonas,” I scream as I cum and buck wildly on top of him.  He’s now removed his finger from my ass and is lapping up my orgasm like a thirsty guy in desperate need of a drink.  He shifts from under me, leaving me on the bed breathing heavy.

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