Forever Girl (8 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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“What year and make is your car?” She asks.

“It’s a 67 Camaro. My dad and I found her in a salvage yard and we spent three years fixing her up.”

Lyric looks at me with amazement.



    I’m 15 years old with my dad at the salvage yard looking for parts for his car when I see her. The car that I know I want. She looks like crap right now but I can see the finished result and I want her. I find my dad under the hood of a rusted out 69 Roadrunner.

“I found the car I want dad.”

He walks with me to see it and shakes his head.

“You do realize that it’ll take a longtime before it’s up and running right.” He says as he looks me in the eyes.

“It’ll be worth it.” I say as I look him back in the eyes.

I go into the office and buy her and arrange to have her towed to the house. Dad and I worked on my car every spare minute we had. He taught me how to strip it down and put her back together. It took three long years but now she’s perfect. She’s purring and I’ll always consider her my first love.

“Does your car have a name?” She asks

“Of course she does. Her name’s Journey and she’s my baby.” I reply

She looks at me laughs like what I said is the funniest thing she’s ever heard. She shakes her head as her laughter dies down.

“Boys and their toys.” She says while shaking her head.

I look at her and must have a strange look on my face. She quickly looks down at her lap and raises her eyes to me.

“What?” She asks

I take one hand off the wheel and grab her chin so that she’ll look me in the eyes.

“Your laugh’s amazing.” I tell her.

She must be embarrassed because her face turns red again. She shakes her head as if to clear it.

“You have one more stoplight and then you’ll have to take a right on the next road. I work at the Grocery Store on the hill.”

She asks me drive around the back so she can go in the employee entrance.

“How are you getting home?” I ask

“I walk to and from work every day. Thanks for the ride.” She says as she getting ready to shut the door.

“What time do you get out of work today?” I ask before the door shuts.

“I work until 10 pm.”

I get a strange feeling in my stomach and I find my hands are in tight fist.

“I’ll be here to pick you up after your shift.” I say to her.

She gives me a small smile and a shake of her head and thanks me for the ride before she closes the door and walks in the employee’s door.




















Chapter 11








“Do I want to know?” Shadow looks at me and asks.

He’s one of my closest friends and he knows about my girl. I told him about her and why I left her behind on her Birthday a couple of years ago while I was shit faced drunk. I tell him what Nic just told me and he shakes his head.

“I’ll ride with you to Lexington brother.”

I call two prospects and tell them I need my truck delivered to my sisters. They need to put their bikes on a trailer because I’ll need them to stay up there until I can get everything situated there. I hang up with them and look to Shadow.

“Are you sure you want to ride up there with me especially with it being Friday?” I ask

“Hell yeah brother.” He says to me.

We ride to his house and he grabs some clothes as I call Zeus our
President. I let him know that I’ve
got to Lexington to take care of some personal business.

“What’s going on Titan?” He asks.

I tell him about lyric and her having my twins.

“What’s her last name?”

“Her last name’s Valentine.” I answer but I think it’s a strange question to ask.

“What’s her mother’s name?”

“That cunt’s name is Allison but calls herself Ali.” I tell him.

He’s quiet for a minute “I’m gonna ride with y’all.”

I tell him he doesn’t have to do that.

“I know I don’t have to do a fucking thing I don’t want to. I fucking said I was fucking going. You and Shadow stop here on your fucking way out of town.”

I tell him we’ll be there in a few and we hang up. I wait for Shadow to finish up whatever it is he’s doing. I yell up to him to hurry the fuck up because we have to stop at Zeus’s. He wants to go also.

“Why does Zeus want to go?” Shadow asks as he comes down the stairs.

“I have no fucking idea. He was asking questions about my girl’s last name and about her cunt of a mother.” I tell him as I’m walking out the door.



    We roll into Lexington around 11:30 pm. I know it’s too late to go to Lyric’s house. I go to Nic’s place and she has her outside light on. I can see that her living room light is on also. She has her door open before we have our bikes turned off and the stands down. I make my way to her and I see a look cross her face. It’s gone just as quick and she’s smiling at me.

“I have missed you, asshole.” Nic says to me.

I grab her up and give her a tight hug.

“How are you feeling sis?”

She tells me she’s okay.

“Hi Zeus. Hi Shadow. Make your selves at home.” She says to them.

“Two prospects will be showing up in a few.” I tell her as I start grabbing my shit from the bike.

She gives a sigh and walks me into the house. She grabs my hand and walks me to the kitchen. She grabs her phone and some pictures that are next to it. My heart starts to hammer in my chest. I know that those pictures are of my babies with Lyric. She hands me the phone first and there on the screen are pictures my babies taken today. Jasmine’s a spitting image of her momma except for her eyes. Then there’s a picture of Jameson and I can understand what Nic was talking about now.

“He looks just like me but with Lyrics hair color.” I say to her.

The next picture is a picture of my girl with my babies. I can tell it was taken today also. I send the pictures to my phone.

“Will you hand me those pictures?” I ask Nic.

She hands them to me and I see pictures of them from the time they were born until their school picture taken this year.

“I want copies of all of these pictures.” I tell her.

My favorite picture is of the three of them
It looks like it was taken at their birthday party this year.



“Nic do you have any beer?” Zeus asks as he and Shadow walk into the kitchen.

“Of course I do. I keep it in the fridge in the garage.” She laughs.

“Are those the pictures of your family?” Zeus asks as he stops next to me.

I tell him that they are as I hand over the picture of the three of them to him. He gets a look on his face of pure rage and hands me back the picture and takes off out the door to the backyard. I look at Shadow and he shrugs his shoulders. I go outside to find out what the fuck just happened. I walk out the door and he is talking on the phone to someone.

“The fucking cunt lied to me! I’m going to find out what the fuck is going on. I’m going to make that bitch pay for this shit.” He’s saying to the person on the other end.

He sees me and tells whoever it is on the phone that he has to let them go and he’ll see them when they get here. I assume he’s talking to our SAA Hound. I wonder what the fuck is really going on. He hangs up and takes a deep breath and looks at me and exhales and then drops the bomb.

“I’m pretty fucking sure that Lyric’s my fucking daughter.”

Out of all the things I think he might say that wasn’t one of them.

“I was married to a Beauty Queen when I was eighteen. She was seventeen and pregnant. She was a whore I used to fuck and got pregnant. When she told me that she had an abortion; I believed her and left. I had divorce papers drawn up. I had to pay her support for about five years to get her to sign the damn papers. What fucking pisses me off is that I have contact with my half-brother Pete. He’s never said a word about that cunt having my kid.”

“I know who Pete is. He was fucking Ali when we lived next door to them.”

He closes his hand into a fist and he hits the wood of the fence and it splinters. I make a mental note to have the prospects go to the hardware store and get a new piece of fence in the morning.

“Come grab a beer with me. I think we both fucking deserve it after everything we have fucking learned today.” I say to him.

“Damn fucking straight we do.”

He laughs as we walk back into the house after grabbing our beers. Zeus goes up to Nic and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

“One of the prospects will fix your fence in the morning darlin.” He says to her.

“Do you feel better?” She asks as she looks at him.

“Yeah sweetheart I feel a little better.” He says with a small laugh.

“Good because I’ll be putting you guys to work while you’re here.”

We all groan because heaven knows what she has planned for us.

“Do you think I should call the rest of the boys down here?” I ask.

“No.” She shakes her head and says smiling.

“Just to let you know Hound’s on his way here.”

“Really you called Hound here?” She says with a fake groan.

Shadow now has his fist tightly closed. I look at him and he shakes his head at me. I wonder if these two will ever get their shit together. I swear we’re all going to have old ladies soon.

“There’s more to the story than you even fucking realize. When it all comes to light it’s going to blow your fucking mind. Shit just got real and it’s about up blow the fuck up around here tomorrow.” I tell her.

She looks at me and then at Zeus.

“I’m pretty fucking certain that Lyric’s my daughter with my ex-cunt of a wife. To top it off my half fucking brother kept her a secret from me also.” He tells her and Shadow.

“Yup shit is getting ready to go down. I want a piece of that cunt Ali.” She says as she shakes her head.

Nic and I fill him in on how our girl was treated. I tell them my secret and why I had to leave her.

“Ali pretended to be Lyric one night and sucked my cock. When I fully woke up and realized that it wasn’t my girl sucking me off. I freaked the fuck out. I told her that she was a piece of fucking shit and I wasn’t going to fuck her ever. If she ever tried to do anything like that again I would have my sister fucking beat her ass. She got pissed and threatened to put me in prison for Rape. She threatened me with putting Lyric in a youth home also.”

To say he’s beyond pissed is an understatement. He wants to go find Pete and Ali right now. I ask him to wait until we see our girl and my babies first. Then we’ll tell her everything we just found out. I think she’s going to have a whole arrange of emotions tomorrow. If she’s anything like she was when she was younger she’ll want to go with us to confront Ali and Pete.










Chapter 12





    Nic has a six-bedroom house in Chevy Chase. I wonder if she bought a house this big so when the boys and I come to visit we have rooms of our own.

“I would like to fill it with children someday. Until then you all are my grown children.” She says to me.

My room’s on the third floor and has been remodeled with an en-suite. She remodeled all the rooms the bedroom’s with en-suites also. The only difference is my room has its own entrance. She had the room painted a slate gray with black trim. I have a king size sleigh bed with a black comforter set. The same colors go through into the bathroom. I have two dressers and a chest of drawers. Nic had the TV mounted for me above the Chest. Nic’s gone all out in my room and I’m thankful for that. This is my home away from home. The other rooms aren’t quite this big but they’re all good size. Three rooms have queen size sleigh beds. One bedroom has two full size beds. I think she had us in mind when she was making the rooms up. They feel more masculine than anything. Her room’s the only one on the main floor. She had that room painted a gray with a blue tint and the trim’s stained cherry. She has a king size four poster bed. It dominates a section of her room but doesn’t over power it. Nic decided to mount TV’s in every bedroom. Which is nice when you lay down at night and want to decompress. I wake with a huge smile on my face. I’m getting ready to see my family for the first time. I get in the shower and wash my hair. I grab my body wash and squirt some into my palm and start to wash my body. I make way to my cock and it starts to get hard while I start thinking about my girl. I’m half tempted to jack off. I decide that I’m not going to do that this morning. If everything goes like I want it to I’ll be in her bed tonight and between her legs to my promise land. I get out of the shower and start towel drying my body. I catch my reflection in the mirror. I wonder if she’ll like the changes I’ve made to my appearance. I’m not that young boy she once knew. I’m a man with a shit ton of tattoos, piercing, and a hell of a lot more muscular. I know she’ll like the piercing’s I have on my cock. I have to stop thinking about what my cock can do for her or I will never get this hard on to go away. I wonder how many lovers she’s had and if she’s in a relationship. Fuck why didn’t I ask Nic last night. At this point I don’t give a flying fuck. She’s mine. She just doesn’t know it yet. I make my way from my room and go to the kitchen. Everyone looks like they are getting ready for battle. I kiss Nic and tell her good morning. She grumbles something back to me. I give a little laugh and tell her she needs another cup of coffee.

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