Forever Girl (5 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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Chapter 5







    Dr. Stone comes back in but it’s Nic that does the exams and charts the progress of the twins.

“Both of you have to get shots today.” Nic tells them.

“Aunt Nic we don’t want our shots.” They both groan.

“If you don’t get your shots. Neither of you will grow big and strong like your mom or dad.”

They decide they want their shots after all. I’m waiting for them to break down when the shot is administered. Neither of them do which I’m completely shocked about.

“It’s probably because they didn’t want to cry in front of me.” Nic says as she looks at me.

I shake my head confirming that she must be right. We’re getting ready to leave when she stops me and pulls me into a hug. I go into her willing arms and hug her back.

“We’ll talk tonight after I get out of work.” She whispers to me.

We exchange phone numbers and I give her my address.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.” I say.

She gives each one of the kids cuddles.

“I’ll be over when I get done with my paperwork.” she tells the twins.

“We can’t wait to see you again at our house. Can we show you our and room?” Jamie asks as they both give her cuddles.

“I’m excited to see it.” She says to them as she gives a small laugh.

“Bye Aunt Nic We love you.”

They both yell out as we are leaving.

I’m floored because neither one has ever told anyone they love them but me. I swear I’ve become the biggest cry baby.



    I get them home and it’s hard to keep them on their schedule. They’re so excited to see Nic again. I on the other hand am a nervous wreck. Has she called Dean yet? Is he happy or pissed? Does he have a wife and kids? I have all these questions going through my head. I think it’s going to be more than two glasses of Moscato night. I tell my nerves that it’ll all be okay in the end I just need to relax. Thank goodness it’s Friday. I order a couple pizzas from the place down the street. One pizza has cheese and pepperoni on it for my munchkin’s. The other is a Supreme minus the green peppers. I call down to the kids and tell them to get their room straightened up so that Nic can see their floor. I hear them both groan and it puts a smile on my face. I can hear the rustling around in their room. I walk into my room to change my clothes. I decide I’m going to put on a pair of leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt. I brush my hair and throw it up into a messy bun. I walk to the bathroom to take off my make-up from this morning. When I come out of the bathroom I go into the twins’ room and check on their progress. They have their room pretty darn clean. I think to myself I wish it was always this easy to get them to clean their room. I tell them good job and if they want to play outside it’s okay with me. They high-five each other and take off up the stairs. The living room has a sliding glass door that leads to the deck. The deck has stairs that lead to a little area that’s enclosed by a fence that holds our yard. The gate lock is at the top so I don’t have to worry about them going out the back gate and roaming free. I grab out some paper plates and their cups for when the pizza gets here. I grab out a Mason Jar for my wine and pour myself a glass full and take a healthy drink. The flavor burst onto my lips and it fizzles a little in the back of my throat as I swallow. I put my glass down and take a breath. I know what’s coming next is going to not only change my life but my children’s life as well.



    The doorbell rings and I look out my window to see who’s out there. The pizza guy’s waiting for me. I call out the window that I’ll be right there. I get the money out of my purse and open the door and Nic is there also. I say Hi to Jess and tell her to go on up the stairs and I’ll be there in a minute. I give the guy two twenties and tell him to keep the change. He thanks me and leaves. I carry the pizza’s up to the kitchen and set them down on the counter. I can tell she’s scoping the place out. I give her the opportunity to walk around and look at the home I’ve made for me and my children. She’s looking at the pictures I have everywhere of the twins. I go to the sliding glass door and open the screen and tell the twins it’s dinner time. They come clomping up the stairs and see Nic’s already here. They get so excited and try to talk to her at the same time. I have to whistle for them to stop. I look at them both and tell them it’s time to wash up. Jazz goes into the half bath first and washes her hands.

“Aunt Nic do you need to wash your hands still? If you do ladies always go first.” Jamie says to her with a serious face.

“Sure I can wash my hands.” She says to him.

“Momma what about you?”

“Thank you son for being such a little gentleman.” I say with a smile.

I wash my hands and he goes in behind me and does the same.

“Do you want to watch a movie while you eat?” I ask the twins.

“Yes please.” They both yell out.

“What do you two want to watch?”

They discuss it for a minute and say they want to watch.

“The Good Dinosaur.” They say at the same time.

I grab the movie and put it in the DVD player.

“You still have to eat at the table. I’ll turn the TV so that you can watch while you eat.” I say as I get them situated.

“Do you still like Supreme no green peppers?” I ask

“It’s still the only pizza I like.” She responds with a smile.

She and I both laugh and make our way to the kitchen where I give her a paper plate.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Whatever you’re having.” She responds.

“I’m having a glass of wine.”

“I’ll take one or three of those.” Is her response.

“That was my thought exactly.” I say to her with a smile.

We both laugh and I pour us each a mason jar full of wine.



    The twins talk her into tucking them into bed and telling them a bedtime story. I’ve given my cuddles and told them I love them both. I watch her sit on the floor between both their beds and tell them the story that they both chose. When she’s finished telling them the story she gives them both kisses and hugs and tells them she loves them.

“You’ll talk to daddy and ask him come back home won’t you?” Jamie asks in a sleepy voice.

“You can bet on it little guy. Now off to sleepy land for you.” She says to him while taking a deep breath.

I walk back upstairs and fill my glass back up. I know when she comes up here our lives will change forever. We’ll have to talk about the past, present, and the future. I’m nervous, scared, happy and excited all at the same time.


“You’ve done a wonderful job with them.” As she comes up the stairs.

“Thank you.” I say with my emotions showing in my voice.

We each grab our glasses of wine and make our way to the couch to talk.
































Chapter 6







I made an appointment with Jess’ Doctor. The soonest they could get me in was three months after I called. I went to the appointment thinking it was the perfect time. I’m sick to my stomach and my breast hurt. I figure I’m about to have another period. I tell Dr. Snow about not having my first period until a couple of months ago.

“I want to run some test. I think putting you on birth control to regulate your menstrual cycle a good idea that way your body can straighten itself out. Are sexual active?” She asks me.

“I lost my virginity recently. I have no plans to have sex again in the future anytime soon.” I tell her.

“Well let’s do and ultrasound to see if everything looks normal in there. It doesn’t happen often that someone starts their period for the first time at your age. We’re also going to do a pap exam. That’s also something that should be done now that you’ve started you cycle.” She says with a warm smile.

After the exam is over I’m told that I can put my clothes back on and tuck the paper cloth into my waist.

“It’ll be a few minutes and I’ll have a technician come in to do the ultrasound.”

I put my shirt and bra back on and someone knocks on the door. I have just enough time to put the paper cloth thing over my lower stomach and legs when the door open. Dr. Snow comes back in with a strange look on her face.

“I just got a test results back from your urine you provided before the exam.”

I’m holding my breath thinking Okay something is seriously wrong.

“Am I dying or something?”

“You’re not dying sweetheart you’re pregnant.” She tells me.

I swear all the oxygen is sucked out of the room with that sentence.

“You’re joking right? You have to be. It was only once and I can’t be pregnant I’m only seventeen and still in school. This isn’t part of my plan. Oh my god what am I going to do know?” I say to her with desperation in my voice.

“Let’s do the ultrasound.” She says and gives me a sympathetic smile.

I get up on the table and my legs are shaking so bad I think they might give out. I can’t believe I’m fucking pregnant. I think I would rather have cancer than have to go home and tell Ali I’m pregnant. I wonder to myself if this is how she felt when she found out she was pregnant with me. I know one thing I’ll be a better mom to my baby than she was to me. That’s my promise to him or her right now. I’m thinking about how much money is in my saving account right now. How much longer can I work before I have this baby? I’ve been saving all my money for college. I’ll have to put that on the back burner for now. I can go to BCTC that won’t be too expensive. I bet they have grants and scholarships I can apply for that won’t cost me too much out of pocket. I think about having to sign up for welfare. I need to get Medicaid for me and the baby until I can find a job that offers insurance. The technician comes in with the Ultra Sound machine. Dr. Snow tells me to lay back and relax. The technician squirts some warm gel on my stomach and takes the probe and starts rolling it across my belly. It feels kind of weird but it doesn’t hurt or anything. She starts taking pictures and I wonder what it is she’s seeing. Dr. Snow has the tech stop and they talk for a minute.

“Do you see that black spot that’s fluttering?” She says after a few minutes.

“Which one? I see two.”

“Well either one of them.” She says to me.

“Yeah I see them what is it?”

“Instead of one baby you have two in there. You’re having twins.” She says to me.

All I can think is shit what am I really going to do now.

“The fluttering is their hearts beating.” She precedes to tell me.

I think in that one moment I found what real loves is.

“Wipe the gel off your stomach and meet me in my office when you’re done.” She says as she starts for the door.

I get dressed as fast as I can and make my way to her office. When I get there she asks me to sit down.

“Do you have any questions for me?” She asks

“When am I due? How long can I work for?”

She tells me that I am due April 25th and I can work until I’m thirty-six weeks if everything goes as planned with the pregnancy.



    I grabbed a newspaper after I left the Doctors Office and started looking for a place to move into. I knew I couldn’t stay at Ali’s any longer. Especially being pregnant so I started calling all the ads in the newspaper that we’re reasonably priced. I hoped the people renting wouldn’t be concerned when I showed up because I was young and tried charging me like I was a college student. I was just about to give up and go to Ali’s house for the night when I talked to a gentleman on the phone.

“I can show you my property today.” He tells me.

The place wasn’t too far from the grocery store or the doctor’s office. As I wait to meet him I start looking at cars because heaven knows I’ll need one of those also. I meet up with the landlord and get an excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m really liking the town house community and it seems to be a safe little community.

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