Stripped - Complete Series

BOOK: Stripped - Complete Series
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Copyright © 2014 by Lucia Jordan

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Billionaire Brothers Book 1


The look on Rebecca’s face showed her exasperation as she faced her best friend Diane.

“Please don’t tell me you set me up on
blind date!” cried Rebecca accusingly.

“Well obviously you didn’t hit it off with Jason, and that’s okay,” Diane said with an unperturbed smile. “Because I’ve simply decided to keep trying till we find the right one for you.”

Rebecca let out an impatient sigh, her mind going back to Jason. They’d met weeks ago on a double-date Diane had arranged with her boyfriend Clark.

It had gone surprisingly well. They had dinner at a fancy restaurant and Rebecca though nervous at first was put at ease by Diane’s presence as well as the fact that their male company turned out to be quite charming. Jason, Rebecca’s date had impressed her with his unaggressive attention, good sense of humor and easy going manner which had made the evening go without a hitch.

For the first time in a long while, Rebecca could enjoy spending time with the opposite sex even if it was just a meal and drinks.

Later, Jason got Rebecca home and she calmly said her goodnight at her door where she left him before going in and locking herself in her apartment. She’d been aware that Jason would have preferred to be invited in but she didn’t think it was the right time for
that yet
. Not that she could be sure what Jason would have been expecting if she asked him in, but she hadn’t been curious to find out.

In the days that followed Jason kept in touch with phone calls and texts and clearly he wanted to see her again but Rebecca’s usual diffidence played up again. She just wasn’t the same since her last messy breakup. Now, getting involved with someone new seemed a hassle – unless the chemistry was out of this world. And Jason definitely didn’t give her that.

“Diane, you’re my girl and all that but isn’t it time you stopped trying to control my love life?” Rebecca finally asked, her tone resigned.

“I’m not trying to control anything. But I don’t mind being the kick-starter of your next great romance,” declared Diane with a grin even as Rebecca groaned in dismay.

Now here she was at a swanky bar waiting for her date to arrive, and she was already restless. Diane had had to practically threaten her to make it that evening, but in the end Rebecca had got her to promise to stop if things didn’t go well this time.

“Okay, so if things don’t meet expectations with your date tonight, I promise to give you some breathing space at least for a while,” Diane had said.

Out of relief at the prospect of being given some peace at last, Rebecca had reluctantly made it to the venue of the date. It was a classy place, not too crowded or noisy. She’d come a bit early to get her bearings. For some reason she was extra nervous tonight.

Which could be down to the fact that she didn’t really know much about whom she was about to meet. Usually Diane gave her a lot more information to prepare her, but this time - nothing.

“Simply be there by eight o’clock. Let’s just say it’s going to be a pleasant surprise. And I’m sure that on this occasion, you won’t be disappointed. ,” Diane had said in a manner that suddenly, struck Rebecca as overly mysterious.

Just what crazy scheme has Diane fixed me up in now?
Rebecca wondered with a sinking feeling.

Not that it really mattered, she told herself with a careless shrug. After tonight, if things didn’t go well then she’d already decided she’d just have to hang up her dating boots and get used to her single status. Maybe romance wasn’t really in the cards for her after all.

Sighing, she took a sip from the drink she’d ordered to calm her nerves and missed the admiring looks a few of the male customers sent her way. She was too busy wondering about her outfit and if she should have worn something more daring. As it was, her dress was only slightly clingy and skimmed her knees, while the neckline could only be described as demure.

Well at least I wore nice heels
; thought Rebecca, the pricey ones with soles a fashionable scarlet. And she’d done her dark brown hair into a silky up do
she was wearing her favorite perfume. So it wasn’t like anyone could say she hadn’t made an effort.

Too bad that though she’d physically prepared for tonight, her heart just wasn’t in it. Was there something wrong with her? Rebecca hoped there wasn’t. Maybe it was simply that she knew what she wanted, and just hadn’t found it yet.

Placing her glass down, she picked that moment to glance round at the entrance as two men strode into the bar. Both very striking, once you clapped eyes on them it was almost impossible to look away. Yeah,
type, thought Rebecca in slack-jawed awe.

The instant they walked in the atmosphere seemed to change, sizzle. Rebecca’s breath hitched as she took a few moments to stare.
Damn, why couldn’t I get to meet men like them
? She’d definitely never seen men look that fine outside of a Ralph Lauren ad.

They stood tall, surely around six feet, with their lithe frames encased in fitted shirts dressed up with a tie and impeccably tailored pants. They were both dark-haired, with an unmistakable resemblance that hinted they were related. One, who looked slightly younger had the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up to the elbow which let a rakish air to his somewhat bad-boy persona that showed in the thick, slightly unruly length of his hair brushing his collar. The other was just as sinfully hot, his own hair more close cropped and his white shirt contrasting deliciously with his nicely tanned skin.

Their commanding presence drew the eyes of both females and males as they made their way through the tables. Rebecca let out a shuddery breath and lifted her glass of wine to her lips. Just looking at them made her think of sex. Raw, pussy-grinding sex. And she couldn’t seem to decide which one she’d pick having it with, if she had to choose. They were both just so freaking sexy.

Then she gave a mocking snort. Yeah right.
If she had to choose?
Like she could ever hope to bag either one of those red-hot specimens. Not to sell herself short, but men like those usually didn’t go for girls like her. She’d never really made the supermodel category. And that was just the kind of women she could picture those two gorgeous devils being interested in.

With superhuman effort Rebecca turned to face the bar again. No use dreaming. But damn, did her pussy still twitch like crazy. She definitely needed to find a way to release all these pent-up emotions, or she’d go crazy.

Now if only her date would show up so she could get this evening over with, thought Rebecca glumly. Suddenly, the beckoning thoughts of her DVR waiting back home for her seemed far too appealing.
Five more minutes and I’m out of here
, she vowed…


A deep male voice like creamy, scrunched up satin reached her ears and Rebecca froze. She was almost too afraid to turn around and view the face that went with that amazing voice. Finally, she drew in a breath to calm her suddenly pounding heart and spun round on her stool.

. It was them. The hunks, standing right in front of her and viewing her with admiring, assessing eyes. Up close, it was insane how good looking they were.

“Um…yes?” she said, wanting to kick herself for making that sound like she wasn’t sure of her own name.

The man who’d spoken smiled, and it was enough to make Rebecca blink from the megawatt charm of that flash of gorgeous white. “It’s nice to meet you, Rebecca. I’m Alec and this is my brother Tristan. Diane never warned us you’d be this beautiful.”

Oh my God
, thought Rebecca as her mind went blank for a second. She instinctively took the hand Alec offered while she remained dumbfounded. Had Diane managed to hook her up with not just one hunky heartthrob, but two? What was the likelihood of that? Either way, there had to be some mistake. These two gorgeous as sin brothers couldn’t possibly need a blind date with

“I agree. She did say you were hot but that’s obviously an understatement. Definitely looking forward to our date tonight,” said Tristan, who was evidently younger and sounded just as sexy.

And they thought she was beautiful.

Maybe they both needed glasses or something? Because she was no way close to their league, not ever.

Well, at least now she’d confirmed it that they both were here on a date – with her. This had to either be her greatest fantasy, or her worst nightmare.

She had enough strain trying to get through an evening with one guy – and now here were
impossibly attractive males ready to spend quality time with her. And she felt ready to hyperventilate.

“But…how did you manage to pick out who I was?” she asked, finally finding her voice.

Alec shrugged. “Like we said, Diane gave a general description of what you look like. We just didn’t expect you to be as stunning as we imagined.”

Okay, it was official; they definitely needed their eyes checked.

Rebecca had never felt less sexy or attractive in her life, especially next to them. She wished she’d taken more care with her appearance and actually worn something with far more ‘

What am I thinking? I should be running out the door
, screeched Rebecca internally. She was way too unequipped to handle this. She wouldn’t know what to say, how to act. And the evening would fall flat, embarrassing her when what she truly wanted to do, with all her heart, was make the right impression to two of the hottest men she’d ever met.

So she did what she normally did; tried to escape from a potential disaster situation. She jumped up and mumbled something about tonight being a mistake and she had to leave. “Something’s come up,” she added, ready to fabricate some sudden life-threatening illness for a make-believe grandmother or whatever. She was already on her feet and clutching her purse. “So I’ll just go. I’m really sorry for wasting your time.”

She’d have made a getaway too, if Tristan’s hand hadn’t suddenly reached out to rest on her bare forearm. Just like that, Rebecca froze as an immense surge of heat coursed through her blood stream. Her pulse points pounded at that light touch from the younger man and she gasped, looking up at him in shock.

He slowly took his hand away, a slight smile of warmth on his face. “The last thing we wanted to do have your running off. We really were looking forward to tonight and getting to meet you. Diane always has something nice to say about you and we were glad to finally meet the woman behind the name.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened. “Diane told you about me?”

This time it was Alec who spoke, and his smile was just as charming. “Well, a bit, yes. You see, she’s done some consulting work for the investment firm I run with Tristan. We’ve known her several months and she mentioned you’re her best friend in the world. If you really don’t have any objections, we’d love to share a few hours with you. You look like you could be great company.”

Rebecca wondered how on earth to say no to those smiling, gorgeous grey eyes, that teasing grin? Then she had to look at Tristan whose rakish smile seemed to dare her to take the chance. The double dose of manly charisma almost had her stuttering. She finally felt her head bobbing in a nod, as she agreed not to leave just yet.

She didn’t know what she was getting herself in for. But the moment she realized she was in over her head, Rebecca resolved to check out of the nearest exit. These two spelled danger, the kind mothers warned daughters about.

Whatever self-preservation tactics she’d need to get through what might well be the most adventurous date she’d ever had, Rebecca had full intentions of using each and every one of them…


“I’m sorry if I seem a little uptight. I just didn’t expect to be on a date with two of you,” Rebecca confessed with a laugh she hoped didn’t sound too shrill.

She’d decided that a good way to handle the evening was to go the honest route. No use pretending she didn’t feel out of her element.

Half an hour into their date and they’d settled at a well-placed table in the restaurant area to have dinner, the menu seafood-rich and the wines superb. She was just too nervous to do more than pick at the delicious food - though she had no problem gulping down wine for courage.

“I know some women might find it overwhelming, but it really shouldn’t bother you considering that we both find you very attractive. Tristan and I have always been comfortable lavishing our attention on the same woman. And we consider ourselves lucky to be here with you tonight.”

“Oh, well; thank you,” Rebecca said with a blush she couldn’t quell when Alec’s words brought the craziest notions to her head. They might be comfortable in this kind of situation, but she certainly was not!

She felt like a fish out of water, yet still like she could drown in all the masculine sexiness surrounding her from the two brothers. Women seated at the other tables could hardly tear their eyes away either, and Rebecca was caught midway between embarrassment and elation to find that indeed, the two brothers had eyes for no one but her, focusing their full attention and charm in her direction.

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