For Goodness Sex (2 page)

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Authors: Alfred Vernacchio

BOOK: For Goodness Sex
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“Yeah, sure,” says a boy with shaggy blond hair and glasses. “What does that have to do with my sexuality?”

“Those are all the things that make up
sexuality,” I say, clapping my hands.

Now I know I’ve got them interested. They’re thinking about sexuality—they’re even
about sexuality, and we’re not talking about intercourse. Not yet.


What comes to mind when you think about the words
? If you’re like most of the population, you might have thought: “teen pregnancy,” “condom,” “HIV,” or “STD” (sexually transmitted disease, which you might also see referred to as STI, sexually transmitted infection). So much of how we see a young person’s sexuality is defined by all of the things that can go wrong. Parents work hard at being there for their children in every way. They try to make every soccer game and pay for expensive SAT prep courses; they check in with their kids via text all day long and offer to drive car pools. But for many sane, logical, really good parents, talking about sexuality is fraught with anxiety. It’s avoided or handled in a one-time “pat on the back” talk. Many parents tell me that they’re relieved I’m talking with their kids about sex because then they don’t have to. I understand that perspective, but disabuse them of the idea quickly. Yes, to talk about sex with our kids makes us vulnerable, which is not the role we’re used to playing in our kids’ lives. And many parents will say that their kids would rather die than talk to them about their relationships. Guess what? You have to talk to them anyway.

Research consistently supports the idea that parents must be the primary sexuality educators of their children. Studies say that teens
their parents to talk to them about sex. Your kids might make a big, loud production out of telling you to go away or to stop talking, but don’t be fooled. They’re listening. Teens aren’t just curious about the birds and the bees. They want to know what it means to be in love with someone, why senior guys often want to date freshman girls, what to do when you
can’t stop thinking about someone
And they want to know how their parents handled all of these things.

Let’s think for a moment how challenging it is to be a teenage boy: One day you’re a sweet little kid flying your superhero action figures around the living room, and then out of nowhere, you’re riding the Hormone Express! Your feet shoot out like a clown’s, your voice begins cracking when you talk, and your armpits start to stink. You’ve already seen naked bodies on the Internet—probably starting at around age eleven, research says—but now you want to see
naked bodies, in person, and the thought alone can send you into a tizzy. Walking to the front of the classroom to conjugate a Spanish verb or standing in the lunch line carries the intense fear that you’re going to get a sudden erection, especially when you’re, say, carrying your lunch tray and can’t hide it easily. I’ve been teaching ninth-grade boys for more than twenty years. At the beginning of the year, they’re like tiny puppies that can barely keep from peeing on the rug. By the end of the year, they’re tall and deep-voiced. They’re growing into young men.

Teenage girls come into ninth grade generally feeling more confident than their male peers. They know that they’re physically and emotionally more mature than the boys their age; their bodies started their own wild ride back in middle school. But soon these same girls are beating themselves up for not being pretty enough or skinny enough. They may dress to accentuate their new curves, but then may feel conflicted about the attention they get from wearing low-cut shirts or short skirts. They worry about coming off as too smart in class. They see the way women are portrayed in the media and it both attracts and repulses them. They see Miley Cyrus twerking on TV and wonder whether they should emulate her or shun her. They fear being called a slut while at the same time they’re being told that slut-shaming is bad. It can all feel like a lose-lose proposition. And they
all these things deeply, as well as emotions like attraction, lust, and love. Yet when asked, many of them can’t actually define what any of those words mean.

No matter what their gender, kids at this age are hormone soup. They’re insanely horny; chemically, their levels of sex hormones shoot through the roof. Something as small as a smile can turn them on. My students are always trying to find an innocent reason to touch—they bump into each other, rest a hand on each other’s shoulder, drape an arm around each other. Once the switch has been flipped in the sexual part of their development, it’s difficult for them to think about anything else. Quadratic equations?
Sure, but how do I handle being turned on during algebra?

Teens at this age are developing ideas about their own bodies as well, which isn’t easy, considering that our society doesn’t offer young people many examples of sexually healthy (or just plain old healthy) bodies. Whether it’s underwear ads that feature size 0 women with size DD breasts, or young male movie stars with six-pack abs playing “high school” characters, teenagers are inundated with not-so-subtle messages about body expectations and beauty. Television shows, movies, and the Internet also offer ideas about how to use their bodies in sexual ways, like when you should first have sex and what your role is as a woman or a man in a sexual act.

Take Lena Dunham’s award-winning TV drama,
. It’s standard fare for the twenty-something female characters on the show to offer oral sex to their dates as casually as they do a cup of coffee. In an episode from the show’s first season, Dunham’s fictional boyfriend, Adam, masturbates while she stands and watches, which can send the disturbing message that her pleasure is derived from his pleasure, or worse, that her pleasure doesn’t matter at all. Kids absorb messages about gender’s relationship to sexual activity all day long. It’s a part of the fabric of our culture—especially pop culture. What’s important is that we help young people make sense of all of these ideas, provide some perspective, and offer guidance on what to do with all of this sexual energy.
When is it OK to hold someone’s hand? How do you know when you’re in love? How do you face your classmates after someone called you a slut on Facebook?

That conversation can’t start in my classroom. It has to start at home, with you.

I’m not saying these things to scare you or encourage you to lock up your child in the basement until he or she is thirty, despite how much you may want to. I know you love your children, and you want the best for them. So do I. Seeing your children as sexual beings is a very difficult thing for many parents to do, considering you’re still doing their laundry, buying their underwear, and laying out a spread of snacks during sleepovers. But many of your kids are going to engage in sexual activity whether you want to imagine it or not. Recent statistics from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit that promotes sexual and reproductive health, report that 13 percent of teens in the United States have had sexual intercourse before the age of fifteen, while 70 percent have had sex by the age of nineteen. I often joke that the summer between junior and senior year is the “magic summer,” because it’s when many students have intercourse for the first time.

In addition to my twelfth-grade class, I also teach a human sexuality class to the ninth graders at my school. Before the course started this past year, I gave each of my twelfth-grade students a card and asked them to write down a piece of advice they wished someone would have told them when they were in ninth grade. “Wait for the right time,” one student wrote. Another said, “Don’t be pressured to have sex.” One girl wrote, “Don’t let people make you feel bad about yourself.” Kids grow a lot during high school, and nowhere is this better shown than in these wise notes from my eighteen-year-old students. They illustrate just how overwhelming the topic of sex is for many kids and how much good advice they can give each other when given the chance.

I’m just about the least likely person you’d expect kids to ask their most important questions about sex. I’m a short, round, gay guy rapidly approaching fifty. I am not what Hollywood would call attractive or sexy. And yet, for many kids, I’m the only sounding board they have. They know that when they ask a question in class or come to see me privately with a question about sex, I will not panic, avert my eyes from theirs, fake an answer, or find a reason to put on the TV. Apparently, that’s what a lot of parents do, according to my students. It’s also what my parents did. Kids will try to ask a question about sex—“What age did you lose your virginity, Mom?” “Is Dad the only person you’ve ever been with?” Parents get so nervous at being ambushed with a sex talk that they stumble over their words and avoid answering the question. The kids walk away feeling more confused than before they asked, and many will avoid asking their parents a sex question again.

I know parents don’t always feel equipped to answer these questions, especially when they’re sprung on them unexpectedly. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to write this book. I want you to see that you
have these conversations with your kids, and I’ll give you some concrete ways to do it. You don’t need to have your own master’s degree in human sexuality education; you just need to be an honest, authentic person who wants the best for your child. That’s the same message I give your kids when they come to talk with me. Start from honesty, lean into trust, and believe that sexuality is a force for good. From there, it’s a piece of cake—really!


The first step is learning to see our own kids’ sexuality as a
necessary and normal
part of the human lifespan from birth to death. We are born with bodies, emotions, and desires—including sexual desires. Forming connections with other people is essential to our survival as babies; in fact, the first, and most important, intimate relationship healthy children develop is with their parents. Breast-feeding is one of the most important expressions of healthy sexuality a mother and baby can experience. It doesn’t start from a place of sexual arousal or seek to produce sexual pleasure, but it’s a powerful expression of healthy sexuality. Our children were given bodies for many reasons, one of which was to make them feel safe and good and connected to others. As adolescents it’s healthy for them to want to be with another person. It’s normal for them to want to kiss that person, write them a love note, and even make a decision about how much of their body they want to share with that person. They’re going to look in the mirror and stare and grimace and pose. These are all age-appropriate thoughts and actions that emerge in the teenage years.

It’s important to remember that when I talk about kids (or any persons) as sexual beings, I don’t necessarily mean sexually
beings. Those are two different things. If you’re not OK with thinking about your children as sexual beings, let’s figure out why. One reason is that your parents probably didn’t raise you to think of yourselves as sexual beings. How many of us get messages early in our lives about loving our bodies, about pleasure being an important and healthy part of life? Did your parents see sexuality as a force for good in the universe? Until we can get rid of the old programming that tells us sex is sinful or dirty or dangerous, it’ll be hard to celebrate healthy sexuality in our kids.

Another reason these beliefs can be hard for us is that when we look back on our own teen years, we’re much more likely to remember the things that went wrong than the things that went right. We remember the shame, heartache, and pain of our own adolescence. We don’t want our kids ever to feel that way; we hope that’s a part of life our kids
experience. And even if we remember experiences that were thrilling and wonderful, we’re not quite sure it’s OK to tell our kids about them.

But why not? We need to talk about all of those experiences—the good and the bad, the agony and the ecstasy. Healthy sexuality doesn’t mean our kids will never experience heartache or regret or make a mistake. Of course they will. They’re human. Here’s the thing, though: When we made those mistakes, were there adults in our lives who could help us process them without blaming or shaming? Did anyone help us to put our choices and experiences into a context? Did anyone help us think through what we really wanted and why, and how to maximize the chance that we’d find the good and minimize the chance we’d get hurt? Probably not. But what if we can do that for the young people in our lives? That starts the day we can see them positively as sexual beings on their way to adulthood.

Once you can accept that your child is a sexual being, you’re one step closer to being able to talk to your kids about their sexuality. And that also involves setting limits for them. Right now your kids need guidance in knowing what is OK to do, what’s OK to consider doing, and what just isn’t OK. Research shows that fear-based threats don’t lead to positive behavior change, so can you begin to consider a more open dialogue with your kids around these ideas?
For example, your fourteen-year-old might say he or she’s in love. But stop before you say something like, “That’s ridiculous. You don’t know what love is yet.” What if you used the opportunity to have a conversation about what fourteen-year-old love looks like? In a situation like this, I might say, “Tell me what that feels like. It’s been a long time since I felt love as a fourteen-year-old.” I might also say, “Isn’t it great to kiss and hug and hold someone you love?”

Many kids become sexually active with each other because they don’t know what else to do. In movies, everyone jumps to sex, so they assume that’s what they’re working up to as well. I’ve had kids ask me: “What do you do if you love somebody?”

“You make them food,” I say.

They’ll giggle, like you probably did. But you can go on to make your point: there are many different ways to show someone that you love him or her.

What if our kids could turn to us for information, for guidance, for assurance that they’re OK? What if they could grow up with a critical eye able to see through the unhealthy messages they get each day? What if they believed they were worthy of love
pleasure, just as they are? This really can happen for our kids, but the first step is for us to see them as fully sexual people and to believe that their sexuality can be the force that leads them to true happiness, not hedonism or heresy.

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