Finding the Perfect Man (12 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Finding the Perfect Man
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“I—I—don’t know—”

“Just open it,” he repeated with a more forceful voice.

Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, she grinned, ripped off the bow, and tore the wrapping off the black velvet box. Her heartbeat hammered quicker as she slowly opened it. Laying on a bed of black velvet was a pearl necklace.

She gasped again, but louder this time. “Oh, Brock. You really shouldn’t have—”

“Yes, I should have.” He picked up the necklace and moved to stand in back of her, placing the jewelry around her neck and fastening it. His warm fingers touching her skin made her more jittery, but she enjoyed the different emotion rushing through her.

He moved back around in front of her, his gaze fastened on the necklace. “There. Now your neck doesn’t look cold any longer.”

Tears stung her eyes, and she tried desperately not to let him know how this gift affected her. “You…you…are wonderful.” She lifted on her toes and pressed her mouth to his again. Brock answered by crushing his mouth against hers as he took her in his strong arms. She couldn’t stop a sigh from escaping her throat.

She had also gotten him a gift for Christmas, but argued with herself over whether or not she should give it to him. Now she knew she had to…either today or tomorrow.

It didn’t occur to her that they had an audience until Kenneth cleared his throat. Hesitantly, she broke the kiss, but stared dreamily into Brock’s eyes. He smiled at her with a twinkle in his green gaze for a moment before looking at the other man in the room.

Brock nodded to Kenneth. “Hello, again.”

It was then when she noticed Kenneth’s angry stare aimed toward Brock. She wanted to laugh with happiness but knew this wasn’t the appropriate time to gloat.

Just then, Serena glided down the stairs wearing a pretty pink dress flouncing around her slim body. Serena had always looked younger than her fifty years, but tonight her stepmother actually looked older. Dark circles under her eyes and wrinkle lines all around her mouth. She even appeared thinner. Perhaps the strain of Kenneth’s demands were getting to Serena. Tonight, Serena looked very tired. Of course, the doctor wasn’t sure how much longer she had to live. Lung cancer ate away at the body quickly.

“Are we ready to go?” Jordan slipped out of Brock’s embrace to link her arms around his. Just like the gentleman she’d thought him to be, he helped her on with her coat and scarf. He escorted her to the passenger’s side of his mint green Jaguar and opened the door. He gave her a brief kiss before helping her in and closing the door for her. Serena and Kenneth followed behind in their black Rolls Royce.

For the rest of the evening, Jordan floated on a cloud. This magical night couldn’t be real. Things this good didn’t happen to her. She put aside her role as the doctor and enjoyed her time with Brock. He even seemed to be having a good time with her.

She dismissed her worries and doubts that had clogged her mind since he announced his real identity, and she cherished every moment with him. It didn’t surprise her to find out how witty he was. He blended in so well with Serena and Kenneth, and he never appeared uncomfortable.

Brock fawned all over her, sitting close beside her at the expensive restaurant. He touched her arm or her leg whenever the occasion called. After dinner as the four of them sat around the table and talked, Jordan enjoyed the way Brock rested his hand on her knee. Although she tried to fight it, she couldn’t deny how his touch sent her pulse higher and higher.

Brock then took them to a quaint little place to dance. Even though she was extremely overdressed, she enjoyed being in Brock’s strong arms as they rocked back and forth to the music on the dance floor.

Several times during the evening, she felt like Cinderella, knowing that when the clock struck the twelfth hour, all of this would be over. She shouldn’t feel this happy knowing everything would end soon, but tonight was a dream. A dream she wanted to last forever.

“Can I take you back to my place tonight,” he asked in a low voice during a slow dance.

Her heart skipped a beat, knowing what he wanted. She couldn’t give in to her weakness…to temptation. As hard as she’d tried not to let her heart get involved, she worried that it already was. If she went with him to his place, she would get hurt for sure.



Brock stroked Jordan’s shoulders as they swayed to the slow song. Um…this was nice. Very nice. She fit perfectly in his arms. It surprised him that he was even thinking this way. What had happened to his goal? His revenge?

Yet, at this moment he didn’t care about anything but holding this pretty lady, and kissing her tonight…and yes, taking her back to his place so they could be intimate. He doubted she would agree, but dang it, how could he act like her boyfriend without wanting to be one for real?

He brushed his lips across her earlobe. “Come home with me tonight.”

“Brock,” she whispered, “have you forgotten I have family here?”

“They can take care of themselves for one night.”

She laughed and drew back to look at him. Her beautiful blue eyes warm with desire, her face soft and relaxed.

“Have you forgotten what tomorrow is?” she asked.

“It’ll be heaven if you promise to come home with me tonight.”

“What a charmer you are, but really Brock, I can’t abandon my stepmother on Christmas Day.”

He scowled for a moment, mentally kicking himself in the tush for forgetting that important day. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It is Christmas.”

“I have something for you back at my place.”

He widened his eyes. “You do?” He wagged his eyebrows and she slapped his arm.

“Not what you’re thinking. I got you a Christmas present. Tonight probably isn’t a good time with Serena and Kenneth here, so maybe tomorrow? Would you like to come over to my place for Christmas dinner?”

He stroked her cheek. “As much as I’d love to, my mother is expecting me to join the family for Christmas dinner.”

“Oh.” She frowned. “Well, sometime tomorrow—any time, really…”

He quickly quieted her by pressing his lips to hers for a tender kiss. When he broke the kiss, he winked. “Don’t worry. I promise to come over tomorrow.”

The song ended, and he continued to hold her, waiting for the next song to start, content to stay right where he was. Suddenly there was a light tap on his shoulder, and he looked up to see who had interrupted.


Brock clenched his jaw, but when Serena stood mere inches away with a wide smile, he blew out an angry breath. It looked as if his little time with Jordan was at an end. Kenneth’s smile wasn’t as wide and appeared painted on.

Kenneth cleared his throat. “Brock, do you mind if I cut in?”

Brock did mind, but Serena also waited to exchange partners. He glanced at Jordan, who gave him a curt nod. He released her to Kenneth, knowing he’d keep a close eye on the other man.

Jordan’s sweet smile disappeared, and her professional doctor’s expression took over when she stiffly stepped into Kenneth’s arms. Brock’s gut twisted. He wished he could take Jordan back into his arms and keep her there. Hopefully, the song would be short, so Jordan wouldn’t be subjected to Kenneth’s rude and unwanted behavior.

Brock smiled when he assumed the dance position with Serena. Her heavily made-up eyes drooped wearily. Dare he suggest to Kenneth he take his wife home to rest?

Serena carried on the conversation, asking him personal questions about his life, about his financial situation. He didn’t lie to her. There was no reason to, but he still tried to build himself up in her eyes. He wanted to impress Serena for Jordan’s sake.

After a few minutes, he decided Serena really wasn’t a controlling stepmother as Jordan suspected. The older woman genuinely cared for her stepdaughter, and it softened his heart.

“Serena, you’re looking extremely tired tonight. Is the evening wearing you out?”

She laughed again. “I’m having a wonderful time. It does my heart good to see Jordan so happy. However, I must admit, I’m getting tired and would like to go home soon. Lately, I haven’t had the strength I’m used to.”

“I understand. We can call it an evening and return home. After all, it’s Christmas Eve…a night to relax and enjoy family.”

“Yes, it is, but don’t feel like you need to leave. You can join us at Jordan’s townhouse.”

“Thank you, but I think she needs to spend more time with her stepmother. After all, you did come to see her…not me.”

Serena smiled. “Thank you. I do miss the long talks we used to have before I married Kenneth.”

“Then after this song is over, we’ll leave.”

She patted his shoulder. “You are a very caring man, Brock. It makes me happy to know Jordan found such a wonderful man. She’s been hurt before in her relationships, but I knew the men never took the time to really get to know her. I can tell you are one special man, because you have gotten to know her, haven’t you?”

A twinge of guilt twisted in his gut. Yes, he’d gotten to know her, and because of that, he felt awful for wanting revenge. The more he was with Jordan, the more he realized his plan for revenge was heartless. Jordan really didn’t deserve it…and it certainly wouldn’t bring his sister back from the dead, either. It was still hard to think that his baby sister was so sick in the head that she wanted to end her own life, but perhaps Jordan couldn’t save his sister. From what he’d learned after getting to know Jordan was that she really did care about people. She couldn’t have just brushed his sister off that easily. Not Jordan.

The song ended quickly, and Serena moved back to Kenneth.

“Sweetheart, I think we should go home. I’m feeling tired.”

Jordan’s whole countenance had been hard while dancing with Kenneth, but after hearing what Serena said, worried lines creased Jordan’s forehead and around her mouth. She touched her stepmother’s arm.

“Serena? Are you all right?”

The older woman gave Jordan a gentle smile. “As well as I can be, I suppose.”

Jordan looked at Brock and he took her hand. “I’ll take you home so you can spend more time with your stepmother. Is that all right?”

She nodded, but appeared confused, as if she didn’t know what to think. “You won’t be staying?”

“No, pretty lady. I think you and Serena need time to visit.” He took Jordan in a loose hold. “Your stepmother told me she misses those long talks you used to have with her.”

“Yes, I miss how she was like before she married Kenneth, too.” She glanced over at them. Kenneth was helping Serena on with her coat. “I just hope he’ll leave us alone.”

“Tell Serena. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

Jordan met Brock’s gaze again. “Do you really think so?”

“I do.” He kissed her forehead. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

He helped her on with her coat and they headed out to his car. She clutched his arm, pressing against him as they walked out in the cold night. The storm from earlier had passed, and the sky was clear. Stars scattered everywhere, twinkling a magical light. During the drive home, they commented on yard decorations and how beautiful everything looked at night as fresh white snow covered the ground.

Growing up, Brock had a few memorable Christmas Eve’s, but he knew tonight would be on his top five favorites. He enjoyed how Jordan’s eyes lit up almost as much as the gleaming lights. She really was a beautiful woman. He especially enjoyed how she couldn’t stop touching him. Her hand always had to be on his arm or wrapped around him. It was as if she was
to be seen with him. Strange how his heart leapt with just this small gesture from her. The person she was now was completely different from the stuffy doctor he’s first met. Naturally, he liked this woman better.

They reached the house before Serena and Kenneth, which Brock thought was odd, but he’d make most of his and Jordan’s privacy. Once inside the townhouse, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. He couldn’t believe how much he relished the way she clung to him as if she never wanted him to go…and kissed him like a woman starved for affection. Soon, she pulled away; a lazy grin stretching her mouth as she stared at him with half-closed eyelids.

“You make my heart sing,” she whispered.

He hitched a breath, afraid to breathe too hard since his heart was hammering so fast he worried it would leap out of his chest. Caressing her cheek, he kissed the tip of her nose. “Now you know how I feel.”

Slowly, she pulled away and moved to pull a present from under the Christmas tree. She walked back to him, carrying a small box wrapped in red and green colors. “Merry Christmas, Brock.”

Giddiness expanded in his chest as he took the box from her. It was slightly larger than the box he’d given her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so excited over being given a present.

“Open it now…before Serena and what’s-his-name come back.” Jordan stroked his arm.

He tore into the wrapping paper like a little kid. As he lifted the lid to the box and peered inside…he lost his breath. Shock froze him for a moment, especially his mind as he stared at her gift. A silver pocket-watch lay inside on a bed of red velvet. The silver chain circled around the watch. Emotion clogged his throat, and threatened to bring moisture to his eyes. He quickly blinked away the betraying liquid.

“Jordan, this is…” He shook his head, lifting his gaze to hers. “I’ve never seen anything so wonderful.”

She chuckled lightly. “I remember you telling me that you needed a new one. I didn’t know what else to get you. I hope you don’t mind.”

He picked up the watch, examining it closely. A mountain scene was engraved on the cover of the watch. “Oh, Jordan, you don’t know…don’t know…” His mind and tongue wouldn’t work properly, so he cleared his throat, and blinked back his misty eyes. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“Now you know how I felt when you gave me this necklace.” She touched the pearls still on her neck.

Guilt washed over him once again. He didn’t dare tell her that he didn’t pay much for that necklace. His mom had been given these two years ago, but never liked them. Not once did she wear them. This morning when he’d asked her what gift he could give his new
his mother was more than happy to sell him the pearls for a very cheap price.

He took in a deep breath then released it slowly. He’d bet his Jag that Jordan paid more for this pocket-watch than he had for the necklace. And to think he’d once blamed her for his sister’s death. Obviously, he must have been demented to believe such a thing. Jordan’s heart was too kind and too thoughtful.

Out of words to say to her, he did the next best thing—took her in his embrace and kissed her. She linked her arms around his neck, answering his wild kisses exactly the way he wanted. She was definitely one passionate woman…and kissed so very good. No wonder he couldn’t stay away from her. He’d never had a woman treat him with such respect and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.

The rattle of the doorknob pulled him out of the mood when he realized Serena and Kenneth had returned. Even Jordan quickly pulled away from him, smoothing out her dress as the other couple walked in the door.

Once they were inside and had closed the door, Serena struggled to remove her coat while her jerk-of-a-husband stood in front of the Christmas tree, admiring Jordan’s handiwork. Brock rolled his eyes, wishing he’d be given a chance to punch the man in the face. Instead, he assisted Serena with her coat.

She offered an appreciative smile. “Thank you, Brock. You are so kind.”

He hung up her fur coat on the hook by the door, then turned to Jordan, taking her hands in his. “Well, pretty lady, I better get back home. Have a good visit with your stepmother.”

“Are you still coming over tomorrow?”

He nodded. “Nothing will keep me away.” He kissed her again, but briefly.

“Nice to meet you, Brock,” Serena said. “I’m so very happy you are in my daughter’s life.” She gave him a hug.

“Merry Christmas everyone!” He stepped to the door.

The phrase was repeated by the ladies, but not Kenneth. Brock didn’t much care, either.

“Be safe going home.” Jordan opened the door for him and kissed him one last time.

As he walked to his car, he didn’t feel like his feet were touching the ground. Odd…since he’d never felt this way before over a woman. At this moment, he was too afraid to analyze his feelings. For now, he’d just live in the moment, and enjoy his time with Jordan.

* * * *

A permanent smile stretched across Jordan's face as she went about her morning…and it had nothing to do with Serena and their exchanging presents. Happiness washed over her as she thought about being with Brock last night. This morning when she’d looked in the mirror, there was a sparkle in her eyes she’d not seen before, and the light-hearted mood had not disappeared—even knowing Kenneth was in her home.

Last night with Brock had been perfect. Better than she’d ever imagined. Sure better than any romance novel she’d ever read. Perhaps she shouldn’t have gotten so carried away with kissing him…and enjoying it. After all, she had told them their relationship was strictly business. Too bad her heart couldn’t accept that deal. As much as she didn’t want to get involved with a man she barely knew, she worried her control had slipped last night. Why had she felt so mushy over exchanging gifts? She thought her heart would melt completely when she’d watched him open his present.

The longer she’d stayed with Brock wrapped in his arms and saw the glow of emotion in his eyes, the more her resolve had softened.

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