Finding the Perfect Man (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Finding the Perfect Man
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Right away, a familiar face drew her attention to the shallow end. Kenneth had his arms braced on the edge of the pool as the rest of his body floated. When he saw her, he dropped his feet and stood. His gaze swept over her in a leisurely perusal. She gritted her teeth. The obvious look of lust marked his face. She wanted to slap it right off him.

When she neared, he held out his hand to help her into the pool. Without thinking, she took his hand and let him pull her in the water. He stumbled, acting as if the waves unbalanced him, and grabbed onto her waist for support. Automatically, she pushed the heels of her hands against his chest to stop him and then quickly retreated so he couldn’t touch her again.

“Sorry,” he muttered, but didn’t step away.

“You should be sorry. I don’t appreciate being fondled like that.”

His teasing grin vanished, and a look of innocence marred his expression. “You thought I was fondling you?”

“What else would you call it?”

“I slipped in the water.”

“Your feet may have slipped, but that doesn’t mean your hands need to slip to my waist.” She folded her arms. “I’m not an idiot, Kenneth.”

He scowled. “You know, Jordan, the one thing that bothered me about our relationship was the fact that you always had to be the doctor. You always played mind games with me. After a while, it got boring.”

“And your ridiculous boyish manner became boring for me.” She shook her head. “You might be ten years older than me, but I’m still more mature.”

“No, you were boring. You never wanted to have fun.”

“That’s because we didn’t agree on what

He snickered, shaking his head. “And you wondered why I went to Serena.”

“No. I didn’t have to wonder. Her ten billion dollar company tells me everything I need to know.”

His brows lifted, before he let out an arrogant chuckle. He didn’t have to comment. His high-pitched laugh was her answer.

From behind, Serena’s voice floated through the air as she called out to Kenneth. Jordan was glad for the interruption. She dove underneath the water and swam away, hoping to cool her heated face, so Serena wouldn’t suspect what was going on.

When Jordan emerged and wiped the water off her face, Serena was engulfed in Kenneth’s arms as he kissed her passionately. Jordan rolled her eyes. It was obvious what he was trying to prove, but Jordan knew better. Kenneth had cheater written all over his face.

She dove under the water again, swimming even further away, and when she surfaced to take a breath, there was a great amount of distance between them. Too bad she couldn’t keep things this way for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. Jordan’s nerves would definitely feel better, and she just might not punch Kenneth in the nose like she’d been tempted to do a few minutes ago.

Moving her arms and legs in the water, she kept herself afloat in the deep end. She glared at the ridiculous scene her stepmother and Kenneth made. She hoped they’d get kicked out, but then, they were just kissing. It’s not like his hands were touching anywhere indecent. At least not yet.

A wave came up behind her, before a figure of a man under the water swam by her legs. She didn’t pay much attention, not until two strong arms circled around her and pulled her up against his frame. She lost her balance and dipped under the water with the man following. She struggled to reach the top, but the man still clung to her. When she emerged and wheezed for air, she turned in his arms. She gasped. Brock’s smiling face appeared right before her.

“Hello, pretty lady.”

She panicked. What would he do if he knew that Lanie and Tiffany were here? And worse, was she ready to introduce him to Serena and Kenneth and begin the lie?



“What are you doing here?” Jordan asked.

Brock noticed her panicked look sweep around the pool area, as if she searched for something, or someone. When she glanced back at him, the worried lines had disappeared from her face, but her eyes still seemed distrustful.

He tilted his head. “The question is what are
doing here? I thought you had family coming?” Brock held Jordan as he maneuvered them over to the side of the pool.

“I do. I’m with them right now.”

He glanced at the other side of the pool, where he’d just seen her with another man. “Is that them?” He nodded in that direction.

She looked over her shoulder at the pair still kissing, then back to him. “Yes. That’s my stepmother and her money-hungry husband.”

He braced one arm on the edge of the pool to keep them afloat, and the other arm circled around her waist as he held her against his body. “I thought you told me he was your ex.”

“I did tell you that.”

“Then why did he look at you like you were his next meal?”

Her eyes widened, then she laughed. “How long have you been watching me?”

“Since you stepped out of the dressing room.” He ran his hand down her back. “Call me jealous, but I didn’t like the way that man devoured you with his eyes.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “He means nothing to me, I assure you.”

“He touches you again, he’s going to mean something to me.”

She laughed harder. “You’re so funny, but you don’t have to act like you care. They can’t hear you.”

Brock’s enthusiasm crumbled. Although Jordan didn’t appear as if she still longed for Kenneth, she probably still experienced the sting of that jerk’s rejection. Brock’s heart twisted. Suddenly, he was overcome with the need to protect her. He’d seen a part of her that she didn’t usually show most people. Her heart was tender, and she got hurt just as easily as her clients. It struck him as odd that he’d think this way about her, when only a few days ago he held her responsible for killing his sister.

When he caught the path his thoughts were taking, he stopped them. He couldn’t be protective of Jordan. Not when he was out to prove her a fraud and get her license taken away.

“Do you want me to go beat the crap out of him?” he asked, pulling himself back into the conversation.

She shook her head. “He’s not worth it.”

He glanced at the older man, now separated from the woman. They both looked as if they were searching for someone. Probably Jordan.

“You’re right,” Brock said. “He looks like I’d break him with my little finger.”

She bent her head, resting it against his shoulder. “Brock, you really shouldn’t be here,” she whispered.

“But you’re glad I am, right?”

She raised her head and looked at him, then nodded.

“Think of my presence as a good thing. Now you won’t have to put up with them by yourself. If you don’t mind, I want to stay with you for the rest of the day. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand aside and watch him paw at my woman.”

The corners of her mouth lifted, which he thought was sexy.

Your woman
? When did I become your woman?”

“After I branded you with my kisses.”

She shook her head. “Brock, I thought you understood I didn’t want a commitment. What we did was in the past. Our new relationship is…”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Then why are you branding me?”

He glanced at the older man, who now watched them through hooded eyes. “So jerks like that won’t be able to hurt you.” He switched his attention back to her and smiled.

She ran her fingers through his wet hair. “Sometimes you can be such a gentleman.”

“I’m surprised you still think that after knowing me better.”

“It’s because I know you a little better that I think that way.”

He grinned. “I can’t wait to show you how ungentlemanly I can really be.”

“That won’t happen. Remember?”

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the other two swimming their way. “Don’t look now, but here they come.”

Her body stiffened in his arms. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. Besides, he liked this. Too bad they weren’t alone. Then again, maybe that was a good thing.

“There you are, my dear,” the older woman said, as she swam near. “I wondered where you’d gone.”

The heated look of jealousy was obvious on the other man’s face by his narrow eyes and tight lips. Brock’s chest burst with victory. He kept quiet while Jordan went on with the introductions.

“Serena? Kenneth? This is my friend…uh, my boyfriend, Brock Hamill.”

Brock smiled. “Glad to meet you.”

“And Brock,” Jordan continued, “this is my stepmother, Serena, and her husband, Kenneth Kramer.”

Serena and Kenneth nodded.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Jordan continued, “but I’ve invited Brock to join us for dinner tonight.”

Serena grinned. “That’s wonderful. I don’t mind at all.” She turned to Kenneth. “Why don’t we leave these two alone for a little while.” She flashed Brock a knowing wink. “I’m sure they have a lot of things to talk about.”

Without another word, Serena turned and swam away. Kenneth threw Brock a scowl. Brock offered up his cheesiest smile. Kenneth huffed and shot a warning glare at him, before swimming away.

Jordan blew out a gush of air. “Whew. I’m glad that’s over.”

“I think it went well.”

Her body settled comfortably in his arms again. “You never answered my question. Why are you here?”

“Actually, fate threw us together again. I had no idea you were a member at this country club.”

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows arched in question. A look he’d seen before when she was portraying the doctor. “And do you usually come here by yourself?”


“So why are you here by yourself today?”

He grinned. “I’m not.”

“Then who are you here with?”

“My buddies from work.”

“In the afternoon? Why would you take the afternoon off to go swimming…in the middle of winter?”

He chuckled. “Because we got our job done early, and I suggested coming. You are aware this club has a weight room, right?”

“Of course.”

“Well, we lifted some weights, and I was in the mood for a swim.”

Her eyes narrowed in doubt, so he decided to do something to keep her mind off the subject. He didn’t want to admit he’d been following her. Tightening his arms around her, he pulled her closer.

She glanced over her shoulder at her stepmother. “They’re still watching us.”

He brushed his mouth against her ear. “I’m portraying your boyfriend, right?”


“Then let’s act like we’re dating.”

No words were spoken as her eyes moved over his face and rested on his lips. Something needed to be said to break the contact, or he’d follow through with his urges right now and kiss her.

“Do you think we should make out over here and show them what it looks like when two people know what they’re doing?” he asked.

She laughed, which broke the tension. Leaning toward him, she kissed his lips, and although he wanted the kiss to progress, her gentleness let him know it wouldn’t happen right now.

She broke apart and stared into his eyes. “The only playing around we’ll be doing is right here in the water, playing water games.”

For the next hour, he was content to play water games. A few more people in the pool joined in, and soon they played water volleyball. Thankfully, he knew a couple of guys, so he passed these men off to Jordan as his buddies from work.

She believed him, at least she pretended to believe.

* * * *

Jordan hummed to herself as she dressed for dinner. She fixed her hair in a loose coil on the back of her head, leaving a few tendrils to brush against her ears and neck. The long, shimmering black, formal gown with long slender sleeves and a wide, loose neck was perfect for tonight’s occasion. Elegant with a touch of sexiness. To make the ensemble complete, she stepped into her black-heeled shoes and slipped on elbow length gloves. The only jewelry she wore was silver dangling earrings. Before leaving her bedroom, she sprayed her favorite rose scent all over her body.

She passed the mirror, but stopped, checking her appearance again. Did she want to look this good for Brock—or was this all just for show? Although she had to prove to Serena that Brock was her boyfriend, she also wanted Brock to think she really was his
pretty lady

As she left her room, she thought about this afternoon in the pool. It scared her to death thinking Lanie or Tiffany would see him…with her. Then Jordan wondered why it even bothered her. If Brock was the two-timer Lanie accused him of being, Jordan would just have to be more aware not to let her heart get involved.

She walked down the staircase in her townhouse, heading for the living room. Kenneth had his attention on the few pictures of family hanging on the wall. He was dressed in a black suit and tie, looking as distinguished as she remembered him from years ago. His appearance was certainly deceiving.

He turned and glanced her way when she stepped off the last step. He smiled, and once again his gaze moved over her body, as if she stood before him naked. Her stomach rolled with disgust.

“I forgot how lovely you look all dolled up.”

“Thank you, Kenneth. And I’d forgotten how refined a serpent can look in an expensive Armani suit.”

“Are we back to name calling?” he asked.

She didn’t answer, just shrugged.

When he made a move toward her, she stepped past him and to the other side of the room. Near the door, she pretended to adjust the lamp. “Is Serena almost ready? Brock should be here shortly.”

“Yes, she should be down in a few minutes.” He moved near her. Why couldn’t he leave her alone?

“Jordan.” He ran his fingers over her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell us about Brock before we met him at the pool?”

She shrugged off his touch and moved away. “I told Serena. She’s all that matters.”

“Who is he, really?”

“I told you. He’s my boyfriend.”

“You probably don’t want my opinion, but I don’t care for the man. I think he’s using you.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Not all men are like
Kenneth. Brock and I get along really well. When we first met, we clicked instantly. As strange as it sounds, I feel like I’ve known him forever, even though it’s only been a few short weeks.”

“I was shocked when I saw the way you let him hold you so personal…and in public, no less. You never used to let me do that in public.”

She chuckled. “I’ve changed a lot since we were a couple. For the better, I might add.”

He made a move toward her again, but the chiming of her doorbell stopped him. She breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to open the door. Brock stood in the doorway, looking like he’d just walked off a modeling runway. His royal blue military-inspired suit with short standing collar, long waist, single-breasted with two front flap pockets, made him irresistible. The white silk shirt underneath was barely visible above his collar, but his attire fit his muscular body to perfection. His hair had been slicked back just the way she liked. His perfect face was baby smooth, and his mesmerizing musky aftershave wafted through the air between them.

As his gaze swept over her, her heart flipped and her limbs weakened. Kenneth had always made her feel as if she stood before him wearing nothing but her underwear, but unlike her former boyfriend, she liked the feelings she received when Brock gazed at her with so much admiration…and desire. Meeting Brock had made her look at herself differently, and when she was with him, she felt like a woman—a sensual woman.

Brock whistled and shook his head. “Good grief, woman, you are sexy tonight.”

She laughed and fell into his embrace, winding her arms around his neck. “You look incredibly gorgeous tonight, as well,” she muttered before planting a kiss on his mouth.

Brock broke the kiss and stepped inside, still keeping his arms around her protectively as he closed the door behind him. She liked feeling the warmth his body evoked.

“Although I’ve never seen you so pretty, there is still something missing.” His gaze ran over her again, slower this time.

“There is?” She pulled back slightly.

“Yeah, your neck looks a little cold.”

“Oh, Brock,” she said, placing her hand on her bare neck. “That’s the way this gown is supposed to look.”

“I’m not talking about your dress.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square box covered in Christmas wrap and tied with a red bow. “This is for you. Merry Christmas.”

She gasped, and her mind turned numb. The shock running through her even left her speechless for a few awkward moments as she took the small gift.

“Open it,” he encouraged.

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