Finding the Perfect Man (8 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Finding the Perfect Man
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He gave her a sexy crooked grin, and it tugged at a memory. In a flash, she had seen Brock this afternoon in her office giving her that same grin. It made her pause. What was wrong with her? Why did she think Rocky resembled Brock?

She ignored the thought. “I’ll have to think about it.”

He brushed his lips across her forehead. “I’ll convince you.”

Just as he moved away from her, the front doors to the bar opened, and the bartender stepped out. “Hey Hamill?”

Her heart dropped when Rocky’s head swung in that direction.
His last name is Hamill?

“Yeah?” Rocky answered.

“Charlie’s on the phone for you.”

Rocky flipped his hand through the air. “Tell Charlie I’ll call him later. I’m busy right now. I’m taking my break with this pretty lady.”

The bartender nodded and turned back into the building.

“Hey, Todd. Bring me my jacket.”

He opened the door for her and after she climbed in, he shut it and hurried around the passenger’s side and got in. He rubbed his cold hands together and blew on them, hoping to bring a little warmth to him.

She started the car and turned on the heater. “It won’t take long to feel the heat, I promise.”

He gave her that familiar grin again as he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled beside her—even though the gear shift between the seats made it uncomfortable.

“This will get me warm, too,” he said, nuzzling his cold face in her neck.

She shivered. “Rocky? Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, what?”

“I know we don’t really know each other that well, but you remind me of somebody.”

“I do?” He lifted his head and looked at her.

She ran her fingers through his hair. “Is your last name Hamill?”

His eyes widened. For the first time she saw panic splash across his face, and it worried her. She wasn’t sure if she was going to like his answer.




Brock’s heart quickened. He didn’t want to give up his charade yet. He had to remain calm. “Uh…yes, my last name is Hamill. Why?”

“Do you have a brother?”

Though Jordan’s voice was steady, a flicker of distrust flashed in her eyes. Did she know? She asked about a brother, so maybe she didn’t suspect they were the same person. He had to handle this carefully.

He loosened the hold he had on her and slightly pulled away. “Yes, I have a brother.” It really wasn’t a lie.

“Is he a construction worker?”

“Yes.” His brother did work for their family’s construction company.

“And he’s engaged to a woman named Lanie?”

His smile widened. “So, you know my brother?” Okay, so no lie this time, just avoid the question.



She shook her head. Her eyes gleamed, relaxing the lines of doubt around her face.

“Actually,” her voice deepened, “let’s not talk about your brother. I’d like to get to know you tonight.”

Relieved, he laughed. He glanced down at the gear shift between them, wishing Jordan’s car wasn’t equipped with bucket seats. She sat too far away, and he wanted her closer. Making out in the car with her would be perfect, especially if someone saw them. Nowadays, people took videos with their cell phones, and posted that and pics across the internet. If something like this went viral, this would definitely ruin Jordan’s reputation as a respected psychiatrist. Since she wouldn’t let the pathetic client get to know her in a personal way, making out in the car with her was the only way he could think of to discredit her in front of her professional world.

“So, Jordan, how long have you lived in Thompson Falls?”

She rested her head against the headrest, gazing at him as she held onto his hands. Her eyes were so dreamy…so amazing, he knew if he didn’t watch it, he could get lost in her eyes. Black hair flowed freely down around her shoulders, making her look that much prettier. He liked seeing her this way.

“I’ve lived here for about ten years,” she answered. “How about you?”

He shook
his head. “Less than that. I’ve lived in Montana all my life, but never in one place for very long. After college, I did some traveling before finding a place to settle down. I picked Thompson Falls for two reasons. One, the scenery, and two, because my business is booming here.”

“What’s your business?”

He grinned. “The family business. Construction.”

“Oh, yes, I remember. The same one your brother is in.”

He ran his thumb over her finger. “What have you been doing in Thompson Falls since you came here?”

“Going to college, studying, researching, and then involved with my job and helping other doctors. I’ve had my nose in books for a long time, and I’m not used to getting out and looking around.”

“How old are you, Jordan?”

She tilted her head when she looked at him. “It’s not polite to ask a woman her age.”

He chuckled. “Do you want me to guess?”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’m thirty. How old are you?”

“Not much older.” He grinned. She slapped his arm when he didn’t give away his true age. But he couldn’t. She’d know Brock was thirty-six.

There was silence for a few minutes, and if they didn’t do something soon, he was sure she’d hear the crazy rhythm of his heart. He knew what he wanted to do…
to do to get revenge, yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it. For some reason, talking with her while they held hands was enjoyable. In fact, he couldn’t remember ever doing this with a woman before.

“It’s been nice getting to know you a little better,” she said.

“I know. I was just thinking that.”

“How much longer do you have before you need to get back to work?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention to the time.” He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a pocket watch. He quickly turned on the inside light of the car and checked the time. “I think I could stay out here a few more minutes.” He grinned as he turned off the light.

She leaned in closer. “What a lovely pocket watch. Do you mind if I look at it?”

“Not at all.” He handed it to her.

She peered at it, turning it around in her hand. “I haven’t seen one of these for so long.” She met his gaze. “Why do you have one?”

“Don’t laugh, but I keep one to remember my grandfather.” He paused, smiling in remembrance. “He was the greatest man and I cried so hard when he died. He taught me and my brother how to fish, how to hunt, and especially, how to whittle sticks. Granddad always carried a pocket watch. When I got older, I realized that I had to get me a watch—just to hold those memories close to my heart.”

“What wonderful memories.” She handed it back to him.

“They were.” He glanced at the watch. “I’ve had this for many years. It’s starting to fall apart, so I guess I’ll need to get another one.” He glanced out the window at the bar.

“Are you sure I’m not keeping you from your job? I’d never forgive myself if I got you in trouble with Charlie.”

“Oh, Charlie is cool. He wouldn’t get mad.”

She glanced back at the bar before meeting his gaze again. “Tell me, how did a guy like you ever get involved in co-owning a bar?”

“Funny story, actually.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles softly. The skin around her eyes and mouth relaxed. If he wasn’t mistaken, he thought she had sighed, too. “A few years something happened in my life that made me really close with any kind of drink with alcohol in it. After a while, my family informed me that I was a constant drunk and if I didn’t clean up my act, I would not be working in the family business any longer. After all, you can’t have a drunk construction worker building anything. It’s too dangerous.”

She nodded. “So true.”

“Because I came to this particular bar a lot, I got to know Charlie. He was a recovering alcoholic as well, and he was the one who helped me through the rough patches. He told me the bar was what kept him from picking up a beer.”

“Why? I’d think he’d be more tempted.”

Rocky shook his head. “Not when he witnessed night after night all the people who came into the bar to get sloshed. He didn’t want to be like them, which is why the bar helps him stay away from liquor.” He shrugged. “I decided to give it a try, too. Once I cleaned myself up, Charlie asked if I wanted to co-own the bar with him. I thought it was a good idea, too.”

She smiled. “That’s a very good story, Rocky. I’m glad to know you had someone in your life to help you through that time. Not many people are as lucky as you.”

“No, they aren’t, and I thank God for that every day.”

She pulled her hand from his grasp and stroked the side of his face. “Would you mind if I asked what happened to make you start drinking in the first place?”

“I don’t mind if you ask. However…telling you might be a different matter altogether.”

She chuckled. “Fine. I won’t ask.”

“Thank you.” He didn’t want to have to tell her it was his break up with Lanie that drove him to the bottle. He couldn’t let her know about his true identity yet.”

She looked back toward the bar again and sighed. “I suppose I should let you go back to work now.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Jordan met his eyes and sighed heavily. “It’s been nice. We’ll have to do this more often.”

“I agree.” He leaned forward. “Just as long as I get to kiss you before you leave.”

He pulled her into his arms—as much as he could anyway, due to the awkward gear shift. Strange to think how well she fit in his embrace, as if she was meant to be there. He looked over every inch of her beautiful face, thankfully free of those reading glasses that the good doctor always wore. Even in the shadowed car, her eyes had softened, her lips parted in anticipation.

“Jordan, you’re so pretty.” He stroked his fingers over her cheek, down to her neck. “How did I get so lucky to meet you?”

A tender expression crossed her face, making her eyes sparkle like gems. She smiled. “No, the question is, how did I get so lucky? So far you’ve proven to be a true gentleman.”

“Oh, don’t say that. I’d hate to disappoint you. Sometimes I turn into a real animal.”

She chuckled. “Don’t we all?”

“I sure hope so. I’d hate to think I was the only one.” He bent his head to capture her lips.

She snuggled closer, hooking her hands around his neck, rubbing his skin gently. The kiss didn’t stay soft for very long, only because he enjoyed the heated sensations flowing through him and the way his heartbeat quickened.

Jordan broke the kiss, but seemed content to stare into his eyes. “I think you’re a beautiful man, Brock,” she cooed.

He’d never had a woman say that to him. His heart melted. Usually women used lewd terms, making him feel that they couldn’t see past his body to his mind. Not once did Jordan make him feel like an object. Her elegant way of speaking thrilled him more than he was prepared for.

Then it hit him… She’d called him Brock, not Rocky. Did she know the truth? But apparently, she hadn’t noticed. Was she really thinking of Brock? In way, he hoped she was.

He crushed his mouth to hers and deepened the kiss. She answered just as he wanted, leaving him breathless. It was hard to believe this woman could make him feel this way.

* * * *

Jordan loved the way his kissed—almost too much, but she knew someone had to stop things. It must be her, because once again, she had to be in control of the situation.

She broke the kiss and rested her head against the seat, smiling lazily. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For making me feel like a teenager again.”

“Anytime, sweetie.”

She really didn’t want to let him go, but…she had to get home and start preparing for her visitors. Inwardly, she sighed with regret. She’d never be prepared to see Serena with Kenneth. It would be too hard, especially to handle alone. If only someone had answered the ad in the paper. If only…

She lifted her head, her heart beat in a different rhythm this time. Would Rocky be offended if she asked him to play the role? There was only one way to find out.

She licked her lips and swallowed hard, gaining courage. “Um, Rocky, could I ask a favor—”

Just then, his cell phone rang. He held up his finger to stop her. “Hold that thought.” He pulled the cell out of the pocket of his jacket and held it up to his ear. “Yeah,” he answered.

She couldn’t hear what was on the other end, but the pleasant—and very tender—look that had been on his face quickly disappeared and lines of anger crossed it instead.

“Be there in a second,” he said before clicking it off and sliding it back into his pocket. “Hey pretty lady, I got to get back inside. Todd needs me. Looks like a fight is about to start.” He leaned over and kissed her lips quickly, then pulled away. “We’ll get together soon.”

He didn’t wait for her to say anything before he flew out of the car and hurried inside. Her heart sank, but she knew this was more important. If anything, she’d come back tomorrow during the afternoon and see if he was here and ask him then.

As she drove out of the parking lot, her heart was light and a smile stretched her mouth. It had been a while since she felt so giddy. Dare she allow Rocky into her life? True, it might take longer to let him into her heart thanks to the nightmare Kenneth had put her through, but if Rocky kissed her like that all the time, she knew she’d eventually forget about that man who’d broken her heart by marrying her stepmother.

* * * *

The shrill ring of Jordan’s cell phone startled her from a deep sleep. She rolled over in bed and reached for the sound before it rang again, snatched it from the nightstand, and placed it by her ear.

“Hullo?” she answered, her voice still groggy.

“I know you don’t want to be bothered today, but something exciting has happened.”

Jordan massaged her forehead. “Erica, is this important enough to wake me at,” she paused and looked through squinted eyes at the digital numbers on her alarm clock, “eight o’clock in the morning? Today’s my day off. I want to sleep in.”

“Another man called just a few minutes ago inquiring about the ad in the paper.”

A gasp caught in Jordan’s throat, and she pulled herself to a sitting position. “It wasn’t a prank?”

“No. Would I be calling you if it weren’t serious? He sounded genuinely interested.”

“Did you question him?”

“Duh! Of course I did and he sounds sincere. He owns his own company. His voice is so sexy, he practically melted my phone.”

Jordan chuckled. “Did you make an appointment?”

“Yes. I told him nine thirty this morning in your office. That gives you an hour and a half to get ready.”

She sighed. “Thanks, Erica. You’re wonderful.”

“Can I sit in during the interview?”

“Certainly not.”

Erica chuckled on the other end. “I was just joking, but I do expect to hear all about it afterwards.”

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