Finding the Perfect Man (14 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Finding the Perfect Man
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“I couldn’t tell. He was dressed all in black. He even wore a ski mask. It all happened so quickly.”

“Are you sure Jordan’s all right?”

“Yes. She wasn’t here when it happened.”

“I’ll be right over.”

“Wait! Brock, you can’t.”


“Because I’m supposed to be calling to cancel appointments. She’s going to know I called you.”

“I won’t tell her. Besides, I’d already told her that I would come see her today, so she won’t get suspicious.”

“Fine, but hurry. Although she says she’s all right, I can tell she’s not.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

She chuckled softly. “Why, Brock, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had feelings for your new business partner.”

Sure, he had feelings, but at this moment, he didn’t want to figure them out—or put a name to them. Suddenly, he felt the need to protect her. “Of course I’m worried.”

“Are you sure it’s not more than that?”

“Erica, leave it alone. We are just friends.”

“I get the impression there’s more to it.”

He couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter that sprang from his chest. “Now you sound like a doctor. Sorry, Erica, but I’m not your patient.”

“But Brock—”

“Good bye, Erica.” He clicked off the cell and jumped in his truck—the one he drives while at work.

His mind swam with confused thoughts. A break-in? In a doctor’s office? That didn’t sound right. Things like that didn’t happen every day, especially in this small town. Someone must be after Jordan. But why?

He started the truck, put it in gear, and left the parking lot. He couldn’t get there quick enough. Worry tightened in his chest. The suffocating feeling was strange to him. Strange to think his plan of revenge was no longer in his mind. The wonderful feelings he’d received while in her presence had replaced his anger. Right now he wasn’t thinking about getting Jordan’s license revoked. The break-in at her office was far too important. Someone was threatening her, and he needed to help. She needed him. The heavy beat of his heart told him.

When he pulled up at her office, his heart was playing leapfrog in his chest. He’d comfort her, and not screw things up by saying the wrong thing. Right now Jordan needed to see the in-control side of him, not his charming side.

He breathed a sigh of relief when her car was the only one in the parking lot. Erica must be gone. Good. He liked being alone with Jordan. Liked it too much.

Before getting out of his car, he reached in his glove-box and withdrew the handgun he always carried, especially when he worked at Charlie’s Passions. He strapped it on his ankle and fastened it, keeping it out of view from Jordan’s eyes.

When he walked through the first set of doors into the building, he noticed her office door stood ajar. Adrenaline rushed through his veins. He readied himself for the worst, wondering if the prowler had returned.

He withdrew his gun. Flicking the safety off, he walked quietly to the door and looked inside. Jordan sat at Erica’s desk with papers scattered over the top. She wore her reading glasses, but her hair was down, cascading over her back and shoulders. She was so beautiful, even with drawn brows and pinched mouth.

He sighed, thankful she was alone. He set the safety and replaced his gun in his ankle strap. Taking in a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

She jumped, turned toward him…then gave him a relieved smile. So far, so good.

“Hello, pretty lady.” He walked in and shut the door. She flew from her chair and launched herself into his arms. He almost couldn’t control his wildly beating heart.

“Oh, Brock,” she mumbled. “I’m so glad you’re here. How did you know I needed you?”

She lifted her mouth up to meet his. He followed her lead and returned the kiss. It didn’t take long before their kisses turned demanding. The way she pressed against him and ran her hands over him, tempted him to take her out of here and back to his place…but then that would be taking advantage of her and he didn’t do things like that.

She broke the kiss, trailing her mouth to his ear, nibbling on his lobe. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

He smiled. “Not as glad as I am.”

She pulled away, took his hand and led him back to her office and sat with him on the small couch. “Erica called you, didn’t she?”

He tried to look appalled. “You don’t think I came here on my own?”

“Not this early in the day…and at the same exact time I really needed you.” She brushed her fingers through his hair lightly.

“You’re right, she called…but there wasn’t anything I wanted to do more than come see you.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her closer. “How are you holding up?”

“I’ll be all right.” She reached up and swiped away a lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. “Brock, before anything else happens, I think we need to talk.”

His hopes dropped. “About what?” She was going to mention that stupid business agreement again, he just knew it.

“About why you searched me out.”

He drew his brows together. “What are you talking about?”

“Why didn’t you tell me Emily was your sister.”

He sucked in his breath. He was almost relieved that she had figured it out…almost. Hopefully, s
he didn’t get upset when he told her the truth. With any luck, she would still like him, too.



Jordan was ready for the confrontation. She needed to know the truth before their relationship progressed…
it progressed. For some reason, Brock didn’t seem nervous. That worried her. Somehow she had to handle things professionally. She had to keep her heart out of it. That wasn’t easy to do.

She shook her head. No matter what, she neeaded to feel like she was in control of her life again…of her feelings. After this morning’s break-in, she felt vulnerable. She hated weakness. When Brock walked into her office, she hadn’t stopped to think of anything. Anything but being in his arms. Now, however, they had to talk, even if the end result was her heart breaking.

He smiled at her, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Worry etched itself on his creased brow and in his stare. Maybe he really was nervous.

She sighed. “So, Brock. Tell me about Emily, and why did you really want to be my business partner?”

He shook his head. “Honestly, Jordan, I don’t know why you’re so suspicious.”

“Then let me draw it out for you.” She took a deep breath. “I really can’t figure you out.”

“What’s there to figure out?”

“You’re a good looking, very sexy man. You’re successful. So why did you want to help me out with my problem? It can’t be that you’re bored with your life. There has to be something more.”

“What’s wrong, Jordan? Didn’t I do what you wanted? Didn’t I impress Serena and Kenneth—and convince them I was your boyfriend?”

“Yes, you did, and you gave a spectacular performance. Now I need to know why you did it.”

She moved off the couch and went to set behind her desk. “I didn’t fully trust you,” she continued. “I know it’s because of my history with men, but even though I responded to your charm and sultry kisses, I still had doubts in the back of my mind. Today, I drove past your construction business.”

His brows drew together. Her own heart quickened, but she wouldn’t cower. “It made me happy to see you weren’t lying about your business.” She took a breath, held it, and let it out slowly. “But then I saw a man go into your office. A man I’ve met before. It finally dawned on me who he was.”

He nodded. “Go on. Tell me who he was.”

“He was the father of a former patient. The girl’s name was Emily Hamill.” She paused, waiting for his reaction. His expression remained blank. “Emily is your sister, isn’t she?”

“You know she is or you wouldn’t be asking.”

“Is she the reason you wanted to get close to me? I know your family doesn’t like me very well, and I can only assume you share their belief.”

He shrugged.

Her mind swirled. Her heart suddenly felt unsettled. “Tell me the truth, Brock. I think I have the right to know.”

He stood and walked to the window. He folded his arms across his chest, and stared outside. The blank expression had changed to one of confusion. The crease on his forehead and tight lips made her that more suspicious.

“You’re a good doctor, Jordan, and unfortunately, it took me this long to realize it.”

“Why do you say that?”

He glanced over his shoulder. “Because right after my sister died, my family convinced me you were a quack, and you should have your license revoked.”

She gasped and stood. How dare he slander her respected profession! She balled her hands into fists. “You have no right.”

He moved away from the window and stepped closer to her. She tightened her hands, knowing that she’d slap his face if given a chance.

“But Jordan,” he said softly, “that was in the beginning. I’ve changed my opinion of you since then.”

She shook her head. “Why don’t I believe you?” He grasped her shoulders. She pushed him away and stepped back. “I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you now. Our business arrangement is over, anyway.”

“No.” He took a step toward her, and she held up a hand to stop him. He obeyed this time.

“Jordan, please give me another chance. I see you in a different light now. You can trust me.”

“Tell me why you lied to me.” Her voice tightened with emotion. She fought the tears building in her eyes. “And why should I believe you now? You lied to me before.”

Concern laced his eyes as the muscles in his cheeks softened. “I lied to you before to gain entrance into your life. Now I know the real you. I can feel your heart, your emotions. I want to protect you.”

She scowled. “How can I let a man I don’t trust protect me? As far as I know, you’re the one sending me those threatening letters.”

His eyes widened. “What letters?”

She’d always been able to read people well, and right now her heart told her how wrong she’d been to accuse him. He wasn’t the person stalking her.

“Someone has been sending me threatening letters.”

He pulled her into his arms. She struggled, but he tightened his hold. “Jordan, you have to believe me. I’m not threatening you. I could never hurt you in such a way.”

Jordan’s heart ached, and she didn’t know what to believe. Not anymore. “Please, don’t do this, Brock. I’m so confused. Just leave me alone.”

“I can’t.” He reached up and stroked her cheek.

She slapped his hand away and glared at him. “The point of the matter is you lied to me. Then you kissed me so passionately until I was under your control…” She stopped herself when she realized where her words were headed. She couldn’t let him see how badly he’d hurt her.

Why had she let her guard down in the first place? Now her heart had been stomped into little pieces again. She wanted to find a dark corner and cry. What made her think he was different—so special? He was just a man, after all. A man she no longer trusted.

The light in Brock’s green eyes dimmed. His frown deepened. She’d hurt him, but he hurt her, too. Right now she didn’t care about anything but her broken heart.

She detected a shimmer of liquid in his droopy eyes. Could he really be in agony over upsetting her? Her heart tugged. She wanted to forgive him, but she couldn’t. He was the one who wronged her. There was so much to think about. She hurt too badly. She couldn’t forgive that easily.

“What about your kisses?” She tried to steel her expression to keep Brock from seeing the hurt behind her question.

His eyes snapped up to meet hers. “What about it?”

“It was all a lie, wasn’t it. Just a way to get close to me. To get what you needed. It was all part of your sick revenge.”

He shook his head in denial. “You were there. Couldn’t you tell it was more than that? Couldn’t you tell that I enjoyed every second with you?”

“I thought so, but then my track record isn’t that good with men.” She breathed slower, running her fingers through her hair, as she fought to keep the tears from spilling. “If it wasn’t revenge, then why did you charm me? Why did you melt my heart? You obviously knew who I was, so why did you do what you did?”

“I wanted you. I’ve wanted you since our first meeting. During the role playing, I found out just how nice you felt in my arms. I liked it. I wanted more.”

“But you hated me. You wanted to get back at me for your sister’s death.”

“At the time, yes, but I’m also a man. A man who’d let his hormones control his thoughts. I didn’t mean for it to go so far, but once I began, I couldn’t stop.” He lifted his fingers to her cheek.

She slapped at his hand and moved away. She couldn’t let him touch her ever again. “Brock, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone.”

“Sorry. I can’t do that.”

She spun around and huffed. “What do you mean you can’t do that?”

He shrugged. “Consider me your bodyguard. From now on, I’ll be right by your side until we find out who has been threatening you.”

Her heart plummeted. There was no way she could handle having Brock by her side twenty-four, seven. Couldn’t he see that? The tears she held at bay broke through as a few slid down her cheeks.

“Don’t I have a say in any of this? After all, it is my life,” she reasoned with calm determination.

“I was hired as your partner, and even though you don’t think you need me anymore, I’m going to stay by your side until you’re safe.”

“What if I refuse?”

He shrugged. “Sorry, pretty lady. Get used to the idea, because I’ll be closer to you than your shadow until this is solved.”

* * * *

Jordan stormed into her townhouse, slamming the door behind her, only to hear it open a few seconds later when Brock entered. She spun around and glared at him.

He’d been right on her tail since she left the office, but she didn’t think he’d have the nerve to follow her into her own home.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” she snapped.

He gave her that all too cocky grin of his. “Like I told you, I’m going to be your shadow for the next little while.”

“Not at my place, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“And where are you planning to sleep?”

“The couch will do just fine.” He stopped in front of her, his finger traced the outline of her face. “Unless you want me somewhere closer to you.”

“I want you out of here!”

“Sorry. That’s not an option.”

She pushed his hand away, not liking the way it burned into her. Yet…she liked it too much. She whipped around to leave, but he grasped her arm and kept her from moving.

“Jordan, no matter how upset you are at me, you can’t ignore the strong attraction we have for each other.” In one quick pull, he had her up against his chest. He circled his arms around her. “You want to kiss me right now, just as much as I want to kiss you.”

Every inch of her tingled from his nearness, and she cursed her weakness. As much as she wanted to hate him, her body wouldn’t let her. Fortunately, she had been trained to control her emotions.

His mouth descended toward hers. She lifted her foot and brought it down hard on his instep. He yelped and released her. She crossed to the kitchen, putting some distance between.

“You blew it, Mister,” she snapped over her shoulder. She picked up a glass and shoved it under the cold-water tap to fill. “I’m not going to fall for your fake seduction any longer. I’ve learned my lesson.”

He followed her into the kitchen. The uneven rhythm of his injured step announced him. She refused to look his way, afraid he might see the triumph on her face for hurting him, although it was minor compared to what he’d done to her.

“Fight it all you want, Jordan, but I know you better.”

He bit the words out. Good. Maybe the sting in his foot would be with him for a while.

“Give it up, Hamill. From now on, our relationship will be totally doctor and patient.”

“I’m not your patient!”

She threw a glare over her shoulder at him. “You’re certainly not my bodyguard.”

He shrugged. “I’m willing to change that any time you say so.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary for you to stay in my house. All I got was threatening letters, for heaven’s sake.”

“And the break-in this morning.”

She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. The break-in may not be related to the letters.”

“What are the odds they’re not?”

She scowled. “Not as good as I want them to be.”

The corner of his mouth lifted into that charming grin of his. She shook the thought from her mind and kept her lips tight.

“But it still doesn’t mean you have to stay in my house,” she reasoned. “Go sleep in your car…truck, or whatever you drive. Isn’t that what wannabe private investigators do anyway?”

“Jordan, I’m not a wannabe private investigator. I’m your bodyguard, and bodyguards guard bodies. They stay by their clients and protect them, night and day.”

“But I’m not your client. You’re not even in that profession for heaven’s sake.”

“True, but I’m still going to protect you from danger.”

“I’m not in danger.”

“You don’t know that.”

She rolled her eyes and gulped down her glass of water, trying to think of something logical to convince him to leave. Her mind drew a blank. Curse him for making her like this, and curse him for making her feel so vulnerable and needy.

He leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms across his wide chest. She tried to keep her stare on his eyes, but his body had always had that come-ogle-me look, and she couldn’t resist a quick sweep over his muscular frame. The dark brown sweater fit his chest to perfection, and his jeans couldn’t have looked better on any other man. Crap! Why did he have to look so good?

“So, Doctor Reed…” Her gaze quickly snapped up to his. “What do you suppose we do for the remainder of the afternoon to keep ourselves entertained?”

Her cheeks burned. Gads, had he read her thoughts? Somehow he knew what she’d been thinking, and his innuendo told her in no uncertain terms that his own thoughts leaned toward passion. She banged the glass on the counter a little harder than she intended. Thank goodness it didn’t shatter.

“I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I have files to go over, so I’ll be upstairs in my office.”

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