Filthy Rich-Part 2 (27 page)

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Authors: Kendall Banks

BOOK: Filthy Rich-Part 2
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Chetti approached Nessa. Now standing over her, she was holding a broken glass bottle she’d picked up from the floor. “I made a promise to you, remember, Nessa?”

Nessa didn’t say anything. She looked into Chetti’s eyes. What she saw caused her heart rate to elevate uncontrollably. It caused her to breathe heavily.

“A while ago, I told you that if I ever found out you were pregnant with my son’s child, I was going to kill that bastard, remember?”

Nessa began crying. Her eyes raced from the bottle to Chetti’s face.

“Yeah, you do. You remember it clearly. In this family we keep our bloodline in order. No new blood allowed. My next grandchild will be Raquel’s baby,” she sneered.

Nessa’s body began to tremble.

Smiling sickly, Chetti said, “I always keep my promises, thanks to Trinity’s info.”

Nessa sighed thinking about how Piper had warned her. She was so right.

With that said, she ripped open Nessa’s coat, raised her dress and said, “Hold still, baby.” The gun that Nessa concealed was now Chetti’s for the taking. “Thanks for the gun, too, you dumb whore.”

Mac watched while keeping Trinity in his sights.

Chetti, without warning, shoved the bottle inside Nessa’s pussy, attempting to perform an on-site abortion.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Nessa screamed gut wrenchingly behind the handkerchief in her mouth, its sound muffled. She’d never in life felt pain like this.

“Like that, Chetti?” asked. “Here take some more.” She then stuffed the bottle inside Nessa again, this time further than before.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Nessa screamed again. She writhed wildly in pain.

“Take it, bitch!” Chetti yelled over the muffled screams.

Nessa could feel her insides tearing.

“Take all of it, bitch!”

Chetti began to stuff the bottle in repeatedly and furiously. It, along with her hand, was now covered in blood. The sight of Nessa’s blood urged her on. The expression on her face was like that of a rabid dog. “Come on, bitch. Take it!”

Trinity watched silently, her own blood running down the side of her face and from her mouth down her chin. She felt no remorse for Nessa.

Chetti kept ramming the bottle. “Is that bastard child of yours dead yet?” she asked Nessa.

Nessa was now crying. She could feel the blood spilling from inside her. She could feel it running underneath her back and staining her thighs.

Chetti finally dropped the bottle. “Told you I was a lethal bitch,” she told Nessa.

Nessa wanted to die. So many tears were falling from her eyes she couldn’t see Chetti’s face clearly. Chetti was almost a blur to her from behind the veil of tears.


Chetti pulled out the knife Trinity was going to cut Nessa with. “This is for precautions,” she said. “I don’t like to leave anything to chance.” She then brought the knife’s blade down into Nessa’s stomach.

Nessa screamed once again from behind the handkerchief. Her screams faded as her body slipped into shock.

Satisfied, and leaving the knife in Nessa’s stomach, Chetti turned her sights and attention to Trinity. “Your turn now.”

“Fuck you!” Trinity yelled defiantly.

Chetti pulled out the gun once again. “Your ass was never fit to carry the Bishop name. Time to dismiss your mutt ass.”

Mac stepped in between both ladies.

“Get out of the way!” Chetti demanded. “Can’t your dumb ass see I’m in the middle of something?”

“Sorry, can’t let you do it,” he told her.

Looking at him like he’d lost his mind, she asked, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Remember when you said you can’t trust anyone nowadays?”

She didn’t answer.

“You were right,” he told her. He then aimed his gun at her.

“What the Hell are you doing?” she asked.

“Something someone should’ve done to your old miserable ass a long time ago.”

With that said, he squeezed the trigger.

Chetti immediately grabbed her stomach as the bullet ripped into her belly. Blood began to leak from underneath her hand. She dropped to one knee. With a surprised look on her face, she looked up at Mac. “You son of a bitch, you shot me,” she told him.

Trinity gasped. She was just as caught off guard as Chetti.

“That’s a gift from Cedrick,” Mac said.

In pain, Chetti said, “What?”

Mac then reached into his pocket, pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. Seconds later, he pressed the speaker phone button, and sat it near  Chetti. With blood all over her hands, she attempted to touch the phone.

“Hello, mother,” Cedrick’s voice said.

“What the fuck is going on?” Chetti asked him, clearly in excruciating pain. Her voice trembled.

“A little something I like to call retribution. Only took a hundred thousand to make Mac turn on you.”

“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance, Cedrick!”

“Should’ves don’t win races, mother.”

“You son of a bitch.”

“How does it feel to know my voice is the last one you’ll here before you die?”

“Fuck you. I’ll see your ass in Hell. I promise you that.”

Cedrick laughed.

“You hear me? I’ll see you in Hell, Cedrick.”

The phone went dead.

Chetti now looked up at Mac. “You ungrateful, muthafucka,” she sneered.

Ignoring her, he kept the gun aimed.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she asked. “You think I’m going to beg or something? Fuck you!”

Mac took a step towards Chetti. He then placed the gun to her head.

“Do it,” she said. “You spineless, muthafucka. Do it!”

Mac placed his finger on the trigger.

Chetti looked up into his eyes.


The door to the warehouse flew open abruptly. Federal Agents quickly flooded the building. They’d been positioned outside listening through taps they’d placed throughout the warehouse.

“Drop the gun!” someone shouted.

Caught off guard and not clear about what to do, Mac turned to the agents still holding his gun. As he did, Chetti pulled Nessa’s gun out of her pant waist, aimed at the back of his skull and squeezed the trigger. The back of his head cracked open like a watermelon. Immediately, he collapsed to the floor.

“Drop the gun now!” Agents shouted as they quickly approached Chetti.

“Fuck you!” Chetti screamed as she let off a shot.

Gunshots sounded off immediately as the agents opened fire on her. Ducking while still holding her stomach, she dashed up the stairs, moving slower than normal. As she did, she let off several more shots from her gun. A blood trail followed behind her as her blood poured from her stomach. The agents ducked and fired back, one shot successfully entering her leg. However, she kept moving until she reached the top of the stairs and disappeared deeper in to the warehouse. The agents had her now.

Pamela appeared, “Someone get me a damn ambulance here, stat.” Pushing through agents, she rushed to Trinity. “Are you hit?” she asked frantically.

“No,” Trinity told her.

She then saw Nessa lying on the table. Immediately, she dashed over to her.

Nessa was now staring up at the ceiling. Blood was running from both sides of her mouth and streaming down both sides of her face while even more blood gushed from her belly.

“Oh my God,” Pamela gasped as she immediately placed a hand over Nessa’s wound. “Hold on, Nessa. Hold on.”

Tears began to fall from Nessa’s eyes. She had so many regrets. So many what if’s filled her. Her mother, her dead father, the way she betrayed Luke…and so much more.

Trinity watched with a smirk. She sincerely hoped the bitch bled to death.

“Nessa, hold on. Help is coming.” Pamela never wanted deaths on her watch. She wanted convictions.

Nessa couldn’t speak. She began to drown in her own blood. Coughing, blood began to spray from her mouth.

“I need a fucking ambulance
!” Pamela screamed into her radio.

Nessa’s eyes closed.

“Nessa, I need you to open your eyes for me. Help is coming. I need you to open your eyes.”

Nessa tried. She attempted to as she thought about the life in her stomach. She tried her hardest, wanting to at least give her child a shot at life if possible. She tried with everything in her will and power to open her eyes.


She couldn’t.

“Nessa, open your eyes!”

In darkness, the voices around Nessa seemed to drift farther and farther away.


Moments passed.



Nessa’s bleeding body lay still as Federal Agents milled about the building, most heading up the stairs to apprehend Chetti and survey her wounds. While they did, Pamela continued to yell at Nessa hoping she could hear her. Her yells and screams, though, were useless…

They were falling on deaf ears.


“Agents,” a voice came over the radio.

“What is it?” Pamela asked.

“We just got word from the prison. You’re not going to believe this”


“Luke Bishop escaped.”






Filthy Rich part 3 Coming June 2015










Also by Kendall Banks



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