Filthy Rich-Part 2 (22 page)

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Authors: Kendall Banks

BOOK: Filthy Rich-Part 2
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“Worthless ass hoe,” Nessa shouted, turning her back.

She wanted to ask Trinity what the fuck she was looking at. But just like the time that had passed earlier, Trinity still said little to nothing. Nessa left the room like a real boss, and ended up back out amongst the rest of the workers. Nessa stood with her comrades in crime and surveyed it all, with her gun still in her hand, down by her side. It seemed surreal for a moment. She had several houses like this one spread throughout the Washington D.C area. There were several more in New York and Baltimore. Now she and her crew were in the process of putting more in Detroit and Cleveland. Nessa had come a long way, she knew.

"Told you shit's all good," NaNa said, hoping Nessa had calmed down. “Paying off the right muthufuckas always pays off.”

Nodding approvingly, Nessa told him, "So why does money keep going missing?" She peered into NaNa’s face suspiciously with her hands on her hips. “Is it you?” she asked bluntly.

“Me?” In shock, NaNa pointed to himself. “You fuckin’ joking, right?”

Nessa’s hardened expression said it all. He then looked around only to see Sidra and Trinity gawking at him suspiciously.

“Oh, so this some type of damn set-up? A fuckin trap, huh?” His voice loudened. “After all I did for yo’ ass, you now wanna blame me? Bitch, I got money! It’s yo’ so-called friend!”

“Umph, I’ve been trying to tell her ass all along!” Trinity finally chimed in.

Nessa’s eyes darted back and forth between Sidra and NaNa.

Sidra’s hands went up high in the air, and her eyes bulged from her eyes.  “Now Nessa this some bullshit. I let it go before when all the accusations started flying, but fuck that! You know I’m down for you! I would never steal from you.”

Trinity just crossed her arms glad that the chaos was taking place.

“So, over a hundred thousand dollars has disappeared after we collected from the spots but nobody stole it?”

“I didn’t,” Sidra blurted.

“If I needed money,” I’d take it! I’m fuckin’ built like that!” NaNa roared.

Nessa moved her gun in front of her body and smiled. “Nigga, you don’t have the heart to take from me openly. Whatever you take, you gotta steal, ‘cause you know I’ll pop one in that ass.” 

“Are you threatening me, Nessa?” he asked.

“What it sound like, nigga? Call it what you want!” Nessa gripped her gun, assuring herself that she was ready to go against NaNa if she had to. 

“Look, little girl, I don’t think you want none of this!”

Nessa thought about the fact that NaNa was notorious for firing down on people, but she knew he had too much to lose. She’d already pressed speed dial on her phone earlier, and had Joe listening on speaker phone. “Joe, we got a disloyal mufucka in here breaking bad. I got this but stay in place just in case he loses his common sense.”

“You sure you don’t want me to come in, Boss Lady?” Joe’s voice echoed loudly.

“Naw,” she spoke deafeningly. “It’s just a business situation that didn’t work out.”

“You can’t make it without me, Nessa. I helped you build this shit, and I’m the key to makin’ it work.”

“Nigga, this my shit,” she said looking around the house. “Everyone of these mufuckas get paid from my money! And they all getting raises as of today, nigga! You stole from them too, nigga…not just from me!”

Nessa sat her phone down on the nearby table, and grabbed a scale, throwing it against the wall.  “Now that I think about it, lots of shit has gone missing…just in smaller amounts; cocaine, money, and even my damn clothes.

“I’m out!” NaNa blurted. With anger in his stride he kicked over several boxes and made his way out of the room and soon out of their house.

“Let him go?” Big Joe soon questioned over the speakerphone.

“Yeah, let that thieving ass nigga go,” Nessa sounded.

She looked over at Sidra who had tears streaming down her face. “Ain’t no sense in crying now, bitch! We’re done. You might as well head on out with NaNa.”

“So Nessa, how you gonna do this to me with no proof? she wailed. “I mean damn, don’t my word count for something?”

The moment that Sidra heard Nessa cocking her gun, she started backing her way toward the exit door. She had no idea who her friend had become. But she knew that in order to ever have a chance at showing Nessa that she loved her, and that she hadn’t stolen from her, it was better if she left. Just before Sidra made it to the door, she turned back around and gritted on Trinity one last time. “Bitch,” she muttered as the door closed behind her.  

Nessa couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had risen to the top of a game where most didn’t think she belonged. She’d defied Chetti and Luke, and took over most of their territories, yet she’d just lost her childhood friend. For some reason, she didn’t give a fuck about NaNa walking out, but losing Sidra, the only person close to her, other than Piper, hurt like hell. The betrayal had her feeling nauseous.

Minutes later, Trinity and Nessa left the house, and hopped in the car with Big Joe who waited out front as he was told. Nessa thought about the consequences of losing both NaNa and Sidra. They both knew way too much about her personal business.

They knew too much about her drug game.

They knew people she’d paid.

They knew where she kept some of her stash.

More importantly, they both were privy to info that could take her down.

Still in all, “Fuck both of them crooked ass niggas,” she shouted to no one in particular. As the car pulled away from the curb, she thought about how much respect she’d gotten from NaNa’s recruits over the past few months. She knew with the right amount of money they would surely switch teams. And if they didn’t she’d have no problem recruiting some new team players.

Money speaks volumes
, she told herself.

She had plenty, and wasn’t afraid to handle things alone if she had to.

Nessa's phone rang. With all the chaos going on she didn’t pay close attention to the number.  "Yeah?" she answered.

Seconds passed.

Nessa said nothing but the expression on her face changed as she listened to the person on the other line.

"What is it?" Trinity asked.

Nessa didn't answer. She didn't even look at her. Shock and worry began to appear on her face.

"What's up?" Trinity asked again.

After several more seconds on the phone, Nessa finally hung up. With glossy eyes that looked like they were about to let loose with tears, she quickly told Big Joe to hop on I-395.

"They found my mother," Nessa said.

"Where is she?" they both asked in unison.

"In the hospital."

* * *

Chetti was staring out of the window of her suite at The Four Seasons as she sipped from a glass of Tequila with no chaser. As she sipped, dressed in a satin gown and heels, she heard her phone ring. Seconds later, through a slight reflection in the window, she saw Mac approaching her from behind. "Telephone," he said.

Turning to him and grabbing the phone, Chetti placed it to her ear with downtown D.C under a night sky serving as her backdrop.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Chetti, I have bad news," Deena said.


Sighing, Deena told her, "I'm expecting a new warrant to be issued for your arrest very soon."

"That's preposterous. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Luke has given the Feds everything. He's told them things that weren't included in the original indictments. That means new charges."

Chetti began to nervously pace the floor in front of the window. "That son of a damn bitch!" she screamed.

"I'm sorry, Chetti. I'm expecting the warrant to be issued within the next few days."


Mac watched his boss closely.

"What the fuck are you looking at!" she screamed at him. "Can't you see I'm stressed? Refill my fucking drink! Or jerk your fuckin’ dick off or something" She took what was left of her drink to the head and shoved the glass towards him.

Taking the glass, Mac headed to the wet bar. He didn’t make any expressions at all. In a way he wanted Chetti to get what was coming to her. There were so many things that Chetti had done that he was finally getting wind of.

"Fucking men!" she yelled angrily as she turned back to the window and looked at the golden glow of streaming headlights and streetlamps. "They're only good for betrayal. I'm sick of their disloyal asses."

"Chetti," Deena said.

"What, Goddamn it?"

"There's something else."

Stressfully running her hand through her hair, Chetti asked, "What is it?"

"Cedrick's working with the Feds also. And from what I hear, they've got something huge planned for both you and Luke."

"What do they have planned?"

"I don't know exactly."

"You don't know?" Chetti screamed furiously. "What the fuck you mean you don't know? Bitch, what the fuck am I paying for? Do more than just prance around looking pretty. You fuckin' incompetent, hoe, find out what the hell they got going on. Find it out now, bitch!" She then hung up the phone.

Mac brought Chetti's drink.

Turning from the window and totally pissed at the current situation, Chetti saw Mac standing there with her glass in his hand. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Brought you your drink."

Looking at the glass and then looking at him, she swatted the glass from his hand so hard the glass flew across the room. Tequila and ice sprayed everywhere. "I don't want that drink!" she shouted at him. "You made it too quickly. Bring me another one!"

Mac headed back to the wet bar.

"Fuckin’, big, stupid muthafucka," she spewed. Beginning to pace again she muttered to herself, "A goddamn hundred million dollar per year business gone down the drain. My mansion is gone, my cars, everything."

Chetti was fuming. Chavez hadn’t called her back in weeks, and she was starting to feel like he was holding out. All she had left were the few thousands Mac was hustling up here and there. 

"Now those crooked ass Feds actually think I'm going back to jail? Fuck that. I'll flee the country before I let those muthafuckas send me away. I'll move somewhere where those bastards can't extradite a bitch. I already have a place in mind."

Chetti's mind was running like a machine. As it did, Cedrick's face popped into her head.

Mac once again approached Chetti with a new drink.

"It took you long enough," she spewed, snatching the drink from him. "First, you're too fast. Now, you're too damn slow." She shook her head. "Fucking men!"

Mac didn't speak a word.

With Cedrick on her mind, Chetti told Mac, "Since you can't seem to make a damn drink correctly, get your ass out on the street and do something useful. I want you to put a hit out on Cedrick. Let the streets know I want that muthafucka dead. Offer 300k. But I want to see his dead body, nuts and all. And let me work on getting us the fuck out of the U.S. so you don’t fuck it up!"

"Alright," he answered.” But how you gon’ pay?”

"Don't ask me any fuckin’ questions
! I’m not really gon’ pay, bitch!
Get the shit done!"

With a doubtful look, Mac grabbed his coat and headed for the door.








Chapter 19

“How long does she have?” Nessa asked holding her stomach.

“Weeks literally,” the doctor told her. “Maybe less.”

Nessa was deflated. She felt her heart sink.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor told her genuinely as he crossed his arms over his huge belly.

“There’s got to be something that can be done. What about Chemo? I have the money. I’ll pay for it.”

“Chemo treatments won’t do any good at this stage. The cancer has spread too far.”

Nessa felt destroyed.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor told her again. “All that can be done for her now is making her final days as comfortable as possible.”

With those words said, he turned and walked away.

              Feeling like she was losing her best friend, she signaled for Trinity, and they both headed towards her mother’s room. Nessa stepped briskly in a double breasted pea coat, Vera Wang outfit and Jimmy Choo stilettos that clicked loudly against the floor’s surface. Her walk, though, was no longer the walk of the old Nessa or an average person. Her walk these days was more of a sashay and glide. Her chin was always raised, chest always out, shoulders always straight, and its speed and rhythm always came off as if she had no time to be held up. She was about business. Power and confidence was more and more becoming a part of her DNA. It was infesting her blood and veins each second so much it now radiated from her.

              Beside Nessa was Trinity dressed in Chanel outfit and flats. She walked just as briskly as Nessa. Her eyes were straight ahead as she took each step. She wasn’t quite sure about exactly what was going on or why she was there, but never the less, she was going to stick as close to Nessa as possible at all times until her revenge was gotten. Of course, Big Joe wasn’t far behind, carrying a Desert Eagle underneath his jacket.

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