Filthy Rich-Part 2

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Authors: Kendall Banks

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Filthy Rich

Part 2



Kendall Banks






Life Changing Books in conjunction with Power Play Media

Published by Life Changing Books

P.O. Box 423 Brandywine, MD 20613


This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as are those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is an acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data;

13 Digit


Copyright © 2015

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.













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Also By Kendall Banks

Filthy Rich Part One

One Night Stand Part One

Another One Night Stand

Welfare Grind Parts 1-4

Rich Girls














Chapter 1

The woods surrounding the cabin on the far outskirts of Montgomery County were still and serene. The afternoon sun shined brightly from the sky almost blindingly. Birds chirped from the branches of countless towering trees in what seemed like unison. Deer drank from a nearby racing river, its clear water revealing the rock covered floor filled with fish.

Obviously the woods were a far cry from the violence and plague filled streets of the inner city of Washington D.C. so many miles away. Problems and ulterior motives had no place here. There were no wars over drugs, cold stares and fighting over territory. There were no mothers crying over children who'd lost their lives senselessly. There were no gunshots and screams.

Or were they?


The shrieking and ear piercing scream erupted from the cabin out of nowhere. It echoed loudly against the trunks of each tree. Out of place, it caused the woods to stand even more still than before. Birds seemed to cease chirping immediately. The squirrels seemed to end their mission for the moment and the deer raised their heads from the river.

Everything fell still.

No movement.




The scream erupted once again, this time more agony filled than before. In fact, there was something far beyond agony in its tone and volume, something that made it sound as if a horrible act was being inflicted. Something that a rational human being wouldn't wish on their worst enemy. It seemed to be filled with a brutal torment.

Moments passed.


Flocks of birds released from the branches of the trees and flew into the sky, the flapping of their wings hard and loud, their numbers blocking out the sun for a brief moment. The squirrels dashed in all directions. The deer leapt over the river and quickly disappeared into the surrounding trees never looking back.

As another scream erupted along with what appeared to be loud crying and whimpering, a sort of grim darkness seemed to blanket the woods. It wasn't the darkness of a setting sun though. It was more like the darkness given off at cemeteries during someone's passing, during the moment a dead body is discovered by a loved one...

The darkness that signaled death.

In the basement of the cabin, Trinity was bent over a wooden table with her hands tied tightly behind her back. The rope around her wrists was so tight they were ripping into her flesh. Her hair was matted and sprawled wildly all over her face. Both of her eyes were nearly swollen shut. Blood leaked from the gash over her left eye.  Her lips were swollen and chapped.

“Take the dick, bitch!” a man screamed as he roughly forced his throbbing erection into Trinity’s rectum.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Trinity screamed.

Trinity had never felt pain like what she was experiencing at the moment. In fact, the word
was an understatement. It couldn't truly describe the hurt. Her anus was literally being ripped and torn. She could feel it. It felt like fire. She could even feel herself bleeding. She could even feel herself nearing a bowel movement.

"Take it!" the rapist demanded once again as he gripped her hips so hard his nails dug deeply into the skin of Trinity's hips drawing blood. As he pounded her, his pants were down around his ankles. "Take it all, bitch!"

Tears streamed down Trinity's battered face from her swollen eyes without end. She hurt much more than just physically. She hurt emotionally and spiritually. She felt like something far more than just her sex was being taken from her. Something far more than just her body was being raped.

For the past several days, Trinity had been mercilessly beaten and raped. She hadn't been fed or given water. Her entire body was now aching terribly from the abuse. She was weak and her mouth utterly dry. Her stomach felt as if it were touching her spine.

Trinity wanted to die.

"Damn, this ass is tight!" the goon yelled, enjoying every second of what he was inflicting.

More thrusts.

Trinity saw her mother's face inside her head. After all, it was Chetti who had given the order to rape and kill her. It was her own flesh and blood who was responsible for her suffering. She was the entire reason. Something beyond hatred brewed inside Trinity now for Chetti. There was also disappointment though. Of course she knew Chetti was heartless. Of course she knew her mother would possibly have her killed or tortured if it came down to it. Still though, a piece of Trinity had always held out hope that maybe she was wrong, that maybe her mother had some sort of compassion inside her that she kept  concealed for her only daughter. She now knew she was wrong. She now hated herself along with her mother for giving the old heartless bitch even the tiniest morsel of the benefit of the doubt.

The rapist's thrusts continued.

Trinity's tears continued to fall.

The slapping sounds of colliding thighs continued to echo off the walls.  

The man panted and sweated profusely as he stroked. Wiping sweat from his brow, he continued to grip his victim's hips while looking down at both her ass and the blood covering his erection. He smiled sickly as he continued to inflict damage and pain. He purged on Trinity's suffering like a vampire on blood. He couldn't get enough of it.

Trinity continued to cry loudly, her stomach and chin pressed closely against the surface of the tabletop. As she did, her mind drifted back to a moment from her past, a memory she'd barricaded somewhere in the darkest corner of her mind. The rapist's thrusts and strokes forced her body to rock back and forth so hard the bottoms of the table's legs shrieked loudly against the surface of the grime covered floor, Trinity heard her father's voice, "That's daddy's little girl," he whispered in her ear, his body on top of her young body so close she could barely breathe.

Trinity could remember her father molesting her. She could still feel the pain of his thick erection tearing her young virgin vagina mercilessly as he pushed all of himself deeply inside her. She could still feel herself leaking blood and staining the bed sheets underneath her. It all seemed so fresh, so vivid.

"Take all of daddy," Mr. Bishop whispered into his daughter's ear as he pushed into her so hard the headboard repeatedly banged against the wall. "That's my good girl. Daddy’s baby."

Trinity could still remember the salty and bitter taste of countless tears as they found their way from her eyes to her mouth. She felt so betrayed, so let down. It killed her inside to have her own father taking something away from her so sacred, so cherished; something a father was supposed to teach his daughter to hold onto for as long as possible. It was heartbreaking.

"That's it, baby," Chetti's voice appeared. "Introduce her to womanhood."

Chetti spoke those words as she sat right beside the act; naked. Sitting beside her daughter and husband on the bed, she rubbed Trinity's head softly as she urged her husband on. Her daughter's tears meant nothing to her. Trinity wanted to spaz out at the thought but her reminiscing on the past was cut short.

"You fuckin' ,slut!" the goon yelled, bringing Trinity back to reality. "Take this dick like a nasty bitch!"

Harder thrusts.

Trinity screamed. The pain was unbearable. Along with pain though, fury fueled inside her. If there was a God, a God who would somehow get her out of this, she swore with everything inside her she was going to slice her rapist's dick off and make him choke on it.

Moments passed.

The door at the top of the stairs opened.

Footsteps began to make their way down.

Trinity didn't bother to look towards the steps. She already knew who was coming. For the past several days she'd been shared by two men. The man now making his way down the steps was her present rapist's partner.

A thud sounded, a thud that sounded like a body forced to the floor.

Trinity still didn't look.

"Got a surprise for you, bitch," the goon who'd just come down the steps said. "One you might like."

Trinity ignored the tall, lanky man who wore a patch over one eye. Her body still continued to rock back and forth from the pounding behind her.

"Look, bitch!"

"You hear the nigga talkin' to you," the man behind Trinity said, snatching her by the hair and forcing her face towards the far wall. His breath was horrific and smelled like last week’s trash. Bile rose up in her stomach as she kept her eyes closed tightly.

“Open your eyes, bitch!” he shouted. “You gon’ make me fuck you up some more,” he threatened. 

Trinity opened her eyes as far as she could which wasn't much. The swelling around them made opening them beyond just narrow slits difficult. Her vision was also blurry. The blood that dripped into her left eye was adding to it also. Still though, she forced herself to look. It took several moments for her eyes to focus. When they did, she couldn't believe them. What or
she was seeing sitting on the floor just couldn't be real.

Both goons laughed.

The man sitting on the floor looked far beyond haggard. His afro was heavily matted. His face was dirty. His chin was buried in his chest, saliva falling from his mouth. His pajamas were dirty and soiled with urine. Still, underneath it all, Trinity recognized him.

It was Cedrick.

In disbelief, Trinity's eyes wouldn't leave her brother, the man she'd thought was dead.

Laughing and now approaching Trinity, the man with the patch over his eye; the one who’d pushed Cedrick down the steps said, "Just wanted to give the two of y'all muthafuckas a quick family reunion before the funeral.” He paused to dig deeply into his nose with his forefinger before heading toward Trinity.                  

“… Wanted to let his sorry ass see his sister get fucked real good one last time before we kill her."

Trinity ignored his words. She could only see her brother at the moment.

Reaching Trinity, the dirty bastard pulled out his gun. He then unzipped his pants, pulled out his dick and said, "Do a good job sucking this dick, bitch. If you bite, I'll blow your fuckin' head off."

Trinity didn't want to.

She began shaking her head from side to side.

The tears began to flow even more than before.

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