Filthy Rich-Part 2 (26 page)

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Authors: Kendall Banks

BOOK: Filthy Rich-Part 2
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              Nessa grabbed her phone and called her mother’s room at the hospital. After several rings, someone answered. It wasn’t her mother though.

              “Hello?” Nessa said.

              “Yes,” the person on the other end said.

              “May I speak to Piper?”

              “Is this her daughter?”


              “Ma’am, you should get here as soon as possible.”

              Growing worried, Nessa asked, “Why, what’s going on?”

              “There’s been a situation.”

              “What do you mean? What kind of situation?”

              “I can’t discuss it over the phone. It’s very important you get here as soon as possible.”

              “Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

              When the call was over, Trinity asked, “What’s up?’

              “Something’s going on with my mom. We’ve got to make this quick.”


              Tears began to well up in Nessa’s eyes. As they began to fall, she wiped them away. They wouldn’t stop falling though.

              Placing a hand on Nessa’s shoulder, Trinity assured her, “It’s going to be alright.”

              “I don’t want to lose her right now. We’ve had our problems. She’s made her mistakes. But right now, I just want us to make things right between us. I want us to be the mother and daughter we’re supposed to be.”

              “That’s going to happen.”

              “I don’t know, Trinity. I don’t know.”

              The Lexus reached the warehouse. As it did, the sun was up fully. Pulling behind the building and parking, Trinity killed the engine. She then reached underneath her seat and pulled out a black .32. Cocking it, she stuffed it underneath her coat and looked over at Nessa who was wiping away her tears. Sighing, she said, “This is it.”

              Nodding in agreement, Nessa said, “Yeah.” She then looked at the door of the warehouse and asked, “You sure she’s here?”

              “Definitely; my source was able to hook it up. She thinks she’s here so me and her can talk. She knows I know a lot about the shit The Feds have on her. As usual, she’s going to try and talk me out of saying anything. But fuck that. We’re going to murk her ass just like planned.”


              Both women looked at each other without speaking. Their eyes did all the talking. Their eyes signaled that this this moment would usher in the next level of their friendship, their sisterhood. Like a pinky promise, the two were about to get blood on their hands together. Realizing and accepting that, moments later, they climbed out of the car.

              The rusted hinges of the warehouse’s door screeched loudly as it opened. Mildew and urine assaulted the nostrils of both women as they entered. As they walked inside, the heels of Nessa’s pumps clicked along the surface of the floor. As she walked, she carried her gun at her side. Trinity did the same. Off in the distance, they saw a person standing off in the distance with their back turned while looking out a window…


              Looking around, both women approached her. Yards away and stopping, Trinity said, “I’m here.”

              “I know,” Chetti said. “Even among the piss around this place, I can recognize that cheap perfume of yours.”

              Trinity rolled her eyes.

              Turning around, Chetti said, “You never did have good taste in perfume, fashion or anything else that defines a woman’s femininity. Sometimes, I wondered how in the Hell you could be my daughter.”

              Their voices echoed off the walls of the warehouse.

              Eyeing Nessa, Chetti said to Trinity, “This is a family moment. I thought I told you to come alone.”

              “Surprise, bitch,” Nessa said with her gun still at her side.

              Smirking, Chetti shook her head.

              “Trying to sick Chavez on me was a bad idea, Chetti,” Nessa told her.

              “Oh, was it?”


              Chuckling, Chetti asked, “And speaking of Chavez, how’s my dear friend doing?”

              “Dead, the last time I checked.”

              Chetti shook her head once again. “This business will do that to you, I guess. Well, as long as I got my money’s worth out of both him and you, it’s not a problem.”

              “Money’s worth out of me? Bitch, please.”

              “Awwww, sweetie, you didn’t know?”

“What the fuck are you rambling about?”

“Nessa, you were grinding for me, baby. You were hustling for me. Shit, you basically worked for me. Every time you paid, Chavez, you were paying me. Shit, even every time you sucked his dick, you were eating my pussy.”

Nessa eyed Chetti.

Smiling, Chetti asked, “How does my pussy taste, bitch?” She then laughed.

Nessa angrily cocked the gun.

“Sore loser, I see.” Chetti chuckled.

“Oh, I’m not the loser. I’m not the loser at all.”

“You’re not, huh? Poor thing. Not too bright, neither.”

Chetti’s voice was irking the Hell out of Nessa.

“I guess you thought you were going to fuck your way into my family and take over shit without me checking up on you, huh? I guess you thought I wasn’t going to find out who you really were.”

Nessa didn’t speak.

“Sweetheart, I didn’t become the queen of the streets by being slow. You’d better believe I didn’t stack my blocks any differently than the rest of the kids in kindergarten when I was a kid. As a matter of fact, I graduated at the top of my class.”

“What the fuck does all this mean?”

“It means I’m always ten steps ahead of bitches like you.”


The slide of a gun cocked.

Hearing it behind her, Nessa didn’t move. She knew she couldn’t.

Smiling, Chetti asked, “How’s Piper doing? When I saw her in the hospital just recently, she didn’t look too good.”

Nessa’s stomach plunged at now knowing Chetti knew about her mother and where she was.

“Drop the gun,” Mac demanded from behind.

Ignoring Mac’s voice, Nessa told Chetti, “If you touched my mother…”

“What, bitch?” Chetti asked. “What the fuck are you going to do about it? Is this the moment where you say some dramatic shit like if you touched my mother, I’ll kill you? Is that it? Bitch, you ain’t Halle Berry and this ain’t Hollywood. No matter what I did or do to that tramp ass mammy of yours, ain’t a fuckin’ thing you can do.”

“Drop the gun,” Mac ordered again.

Nessa held the gun tighter. She wanted to raise it. She looked over at Trinity to see her standing still also, unable to raise her gun. Both had been stopped in their tracks.

Mac stepped closer. “Drop it or I blow your head the fuck off,” he demanded again.

Nessa finally did as she was told.

Trinity didn’t.

Mac picked up Nessa’s gun. As he did, Nessa was wondering why Trinity hadn’t dropped hers and why Mac wasn’t demanding that she drop it. Then Trinity looked at her as Mac stepped back with his gun aimed at the back of Nessa’s head.


Both women just stared at each other.


Trinity aimed her gun at Nessa.

“Trinity, what the fuck are you doing?” Nessa asked surprised.

“Didn’t think I knew, huh?”

“Knew about what?”

“Bitch, don’t play fucking stupid!”

“Trinity, I’m not playing. You’re like my sister. I’d never hurt you. What are you talking about?”

“You’d never hurt me, huh?”


“Bitch, you killed my father!”

Nessa couldn’t utter another word.

“Yeah, bitch, I know about what you and your mother did. I saw the video. I saw the two of you slice his throat from ear to ear.”

Nessa definitely couldn’t speak now. Her past had finally caught up to her.

“You sneaky hoe!”

“Trinity, if you saw the video, you know I didn’t want any parts of it. I wasn’t the one who killed your father.”

“You were there, Nessa. You were there and you did nothing to stop it!” Rage was all over Trinity’s face as she screamed.

Chetti was taken aback at the exchange. She was caught off guard. Although she and Trinity had plotted to get Nessa to the warehouse, she had no idea that Nessa had been the person who killed her husband. “Wow, I guess it’s true what they say, huh? You really do learn something new every fucking day.”

Nessa once again couldn’t speak.

Stepping towards Nessa, Chetti said, “Damn shame, huh? You came here expecting to kill me. But what happened? All your own dirty laundry got aired out and the tables got turned.” Glancing at Trinity, she then said, “Can’t trust anybody nowadays, huh?”

Nessa looked at Chetti with bitterness.

“That’s exactly why I killed Darien. Can’t trust muthafuckas. No matter how good you feed even the most loyal of dogs, they’ll pretty much always turn around and bite the
out of you.”

Trinity put away her gun and pulled out a knife. Its polished blade ricocheted in the morning sunlight.

Chetti smiled and took a step back.

“You tortured my father,” Trinity told Nessa. “Now you’re going to get a chance to see how the shit feels.”

Nessa’s heart began pumping.

Chetti turned and began to walk away. As she did, she said, “Trinity, I hate to spoil your fun, sweetheart, but I’m going to have to be a real mean bitch right now.”

Mac pointed the gun at her.

Not clear about what was going on, Trinity looked at Mac.

“Drop the knife,” he demanded.


“Drop the damn knife!”

Trinity looked at her mother.

Turning around to face her daughter, Chetti said, “I would advise you to do what he says. Trust me; he can get quite nasty with that gun if you don’t.”

Trinity dropped the knife.

Mac picked it up.

“We had a fucking deal, Chetti. I brought Nessa here.”

“As I said, before, Trinity, you just can’t trust people nowadays. I mean this game pays well,
well. Clearly it made this family rich. But the trust level is just so fucking shitty.”

Trinity was pissed.

“Where’s Cedrick?” Chetti asked.

“You low down bitch.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Chetti said waving those words off. “Miss me with all that. Where’s Cedrick?”

“That wasn’t our deal.”

“I’m putting an end to all this today. You, Nessa, and Cedrick are the only ones left out here who can take me down with the things you know and the things you’ve seen. All of you have to die.”

Trinity was pissed. The tables had been turned on her also. She’d planned to kill Chetti right after she’d murdered Nessa.

“Where’s Cedrick?”

“Fuck you!”

Sighing and losing patience, Chetti pulled a gun from underneath her coat, quickly walked over to Trinity and slapped her with the butt of the gun’s handle.

Trinity fell to the floor holding her temple. Blood was running from underneath her hand. “You bitch!” she screamed from the floor.

Nessa’s body tensed at the sight.

“Trinity, do I look like I have time or that I’m in the mood for your fucking theatrics?” Chetti asked holding the gun.

“Fuck you!” Trinity screamed again.

Shaking her head, Chetti kicked Trinity in the face so hard her head swung viciously. As it did, blood sprayed from her mouth.

Dazed, Trinity screamed, “I’m going to kill you. I swear to God I’m going to kill you!”

“Where’s Cedrick?”

“Go to Hell, bitch!”

Training the gun on Nessa now, Chetti asked, “Where is he?”

“I don’t know,” Nessa told her.

“Where the fuck is he?”

“I don’t know!”

Chetti was losing patience quickly. “Tie them up,” she ordered Mac.

Mac roughly tied Trinity up first to a chair. He then grabbed Nessa by the hair and began to force her across the floor to a table. Reaching it, he said, “Lay on the table.”



The backhand sounded almost like a gunshot.

Nessa dropped to the floor dizzy.

With no patience for Nessa, Mac picked her up, and slammed her down flat on her back on the table so hard the back of her skull thudded causing a massive headache. He then began to tie her up. When he was done, she was tied spread-eagled by her wrists and ankles. He then stuffed a handkerchief in her mouth.

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