Fat land : how Americans became the fattest people in the world (31 page)

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McKenzie, Marsha, 162-63


no time for family, 32 separate for children, 37


abundance of, 18, 51

boycott of, 12

shortage of, 9, 51 media

dietary books promoted by, 49-53

and ethnic stereotypes, 122

and health manifestos, 91

weight control guidelines promulgated by, 96, 105 medication

for anorexia, 125

for diabetes, 126

for weight loss, 2-3, 125-26 men

self-perception of, 120

view of thin/fat women by, 119-20 Mencimer, Stephanie, 111-12 Meridia (medication), 2-3, 125 metabolism

functioning of, 134-35

inherited, 130 Metropolitan Life Build Study, 97-98 military, physical fitness and, 80 Moll-Weiss, Augusta, 37 moralism, 149-50 Morris, J. N., 86, 89 mortality

and fitness status, 104

obesity/overweight and, II, 58-59, 105, in, 146-47

weight, age, and, 97-99, 102 Musial, Stan, 77

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 76 National Weight Control Registry, 95,

166 Nixon, Richard, 7, 12, 14 North American Association for the

Study of Obesity (NAASO), 114-

15 nutrient control, 33 nutrition education, 157, 162-63 nutritionists, 96


in children, 4, 74, 115-16, 120, 125-

26,141-46 as community-related phenomenon,

116 death from, 11, 58-59, 105, III,



disease from, 84, 104, 107-9, IJ 8,

141-48 disproportionate among poor, 4-5,

41, 48, 56, 58, 109-11, 115-17,

133-34, 156 eating more often and, 41-42 economics of, 146-49 in French children, 36-37 genetic inclination to, 103, 129-30,

135,150 as global health issue, 1 from HFCS (high-fructose corn

syrup), 138-39 income classes and, 71, no, 116-17 increase in percentage of, 3-4, 4,

102, 171 leading to adult, 74, 131, 151 lifestyle habits/problems of, 151-54 liquid calories and, 49 morbid, 4, 74 as national epidemic, 4 negative attitudes toward, 60, 150,

152, 153 as normal response to America's environment, 3 as overload on body, 134-35 in parents, 131, 146, 150-51 preventive measures against, 148-


race correlations with, 110

religion and, 56-57

snack foods and, 40

social stigma of, 121

treatment for, 158 Olive Garden, 30, 62 Orbach, Susie, 122-23 Ornish, Dean, 52 orthopedic problems, 144-45 osteoarthritis, 108, 109, 148 ovarian cysts, 142, 154 overweight. See obesity; weight oxygen

peak intake of, 93

Vmax2, 81,86, 89

Paffenbarger, Ralph, Jr., 89-90, 93 palm oil, Malaysian, 13

economics of, 16-17

insulin resistance and, 15-16, 140-4i

McDonald's and, 18

medical issues for, 15-16, 140-41

processing of, 14

saturated fat and, 15, 140

as similar to lard, 15

soybean vs., 13, 15, 16, 19

as stable fat, 15 pancreas, diabetes and, 134-35 Pangrazi, Bob, 81-82 parents

assortative mating of obese, 150-51

environment (for fatness) changed by, 150-51, 170

of Me Generation, 42-43

obese, 131, 146, 150-51

overindulgent, 37

physical education memories of, 68-69 Pepsi, 18, 24, 168, 169 Pezman, Steve, 75-76 physical activity

correlation with mental activity, 172

obesity and, 145, 151, 160 physical education, 44

class sizes in, 171

club sports vs., 69-70

coaching by non-PE teachers and, 67

co-ed, 66

exemptions from, 66-67

history of, in California, 65, 167

kids' hatred of, 81, 83

parents' nonsupport of, 68-69

and Proposition 13, 68

reinvesting in, 167

requirements for, 171

Title 9 and, 66, 67

video games competing with, 167-68 physical fitness. See also exercise; President's Council on Physical Fitness

categories of, 104

club sports for children and, 69

"Colorado on the Move" and, 166

death rates and, 104

empowerment and, 67

of fat people, 103

gym clubs and, 175-76

immigrants and, 70-71, 175

income classes and, 71

Kids and Fitness program for, 161-63



lack of, in children, 79

military and, 80

playgrounds and parks for, 171

and Presidential Fitness Awards, 82

programs in 1960s for, 63

purchasing of, 70, 103, 106-7

of slim vs. fat people, 104-6

in suburbs, 69-70

television and, 71-73, 164-65 Pizza Hut, 114

public schools and, 45-48, 170 Poage, William, 13, 14, 15, 17 Policy Analysis Inc. (PAI), 147-49 poor people

and diabetes, 133-34

doctors' advice to, 5

exercise for, 94

growth patterns of, 130

and impulse to eat for today, 110-11

long-term undernutrition among,

131 obesity disproportionate among, 4-5, 41,48,56,58, 109-11, 115-17, 133-34, 156 and overemphasis on anorexia, 120-

21 pain of poverty among, 111-12 snacking by, 41 television, exercise, and, 73 in urban centers, 171 popcorn, 20-21 Popkin, Barry, 41

Pray Your Weight Away ( Shedd), 54 President's Council on Physical Fitness and body composition test, 83-84 corporate sponsors of, 79 and decreased fitness in 1980s, 77-

79 fitness testing for, 82-84 founding of, 76 frustrations with, 63-65 national youth fitness consortium for,

64 and popularity of fitness in 1960s,

76-77 Presidential Annual Awards, tests

and, 79-80, 82 weight standards for, 83-84 property tax caps, 43

Proposition 13 (California), 43-44, 66,

68 proteins, 50

in feed meal, 9 protests, of inflated food prices, 9 Pseudotumor cerebri, 144 puberty, 109 puericulture system (France), 36-37

race, 5, 110-12. See also blacks; His-panics

differences in self-perception by, 119-20

genetics and, 129-30, 135 rap, influence of, 58 Reagan, Ronald, 24, 43, 112 Reaven, Gerald, 107, 135-36, 143 religion

abandonment of little sins by, 55

acceptance vs. discipline in, 55, 56

body vs. soul in, 54-55

diet and, 54

obesity and, 56-57

overconsumption abetted by, 56 respiratory problems, 145 Rolls, Barbara, 38 running. See jogging

safety, of children, 73 Satcher, David, 4 satiety, 61

larger portions and, 27-28 saturated fats, metabolic effect of, 15-

16, 27 schools, public. See also California schools; physical education; Texas schools

academic concerns of, 69

body composition tests in, 124-25

budget cutbacks in, 43-44

cafeteria food in, 42, 44-45, 155, 157

cafeteria outsourcing in, 45

calories reduced in, 157

diabetics in, 155

fast food in, 46, 48, III, 168, 170

fast food proportions, dietary issues, and, 46-47

food carts in, 48

health lesson plans for, 157

in loco parentis change in, 42-43

physical education in, 65-70

private schools, middle class and, 45

soft drink contracts in, 48-49, 168— 69

USDA limits on fats/sugars in, 46

weight loss programs in, 163-66 Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 63-65 Sears, Barry, 52 sedentary behavior, 160 Segall, Stanley, 11 self-acceptance, 55, 56, 106 self-control, 53 self-esteem, 5, 75 self-loathing, 6 self-perception, 119-20, 125 7-Up, 79 shame, 2

of gluttony, removed, 29, 60 Shedd, Charles, 54 shunting, metabolic, 11 skinfold test, 85, 125 sleep apnea, 145 slim culture, 104-6, 119 slipped hip, 144 Small Business Administration (SBA),

112 snack foods, 32

at checkout, 41

expansion of, 40

fructose-laden, 138

variety of energy-dense, 40 snacking

encouragement of, 39

French disallowing of, 38

frequency of, 42

increase in, 41

oversecretion of insulin with, 136

among poor people, 41

television and, 72-73 Snak Club, 40-41 soccer, 69-70, 176 social stigma, 121 soft drinks. See also Coca-Cola; Pepsi

fat tax on, 173-74

increased consumption of, 49

obesity, fructose, and, 139-40

school contracts for, 48-49, 169-70 soul vs. body, 54-55

Soviet Union, grain sale to, 10 soybean oil

palm oil vs., 13, 15, 16, 19

price reduction in, 18

producers of, 13 Stampfer, Meir, 98-99, 101-2 steatohepatitis, 142 Stern, Peter N., 37 stretch factor, 61 strokes, 143-44 suburbs, 70 sugar(s), 155

blood, 141, 142, 157

fructose vs. sucrose, 1, 11, 137, 139

larger amounts of, 33

metabolism and, 134-35

USDA limits on in schools, 46 supersize. See also value meals

children unable to distinguish, 38

discounting vs., 22

and gluttony, 29

immigrants' buying of, 133

increased eating with, 27-28, 38, 40, 176

marketing of, 20-22, 27, 28, 29

McDonald's and, 21-22

movie theaters and, 20-21

price wars with, 90

small sizing vs., 174 surfing, body types and, 75-76 sweat, 95, 153, 154 Syndrome X, 107-8

Taco Bell, 24

discounting by, 26

institutional programs of, 45

as second choice, 25

redesign of stores by, 26

repeat visits by customers to, 25

value meals and, 26-27 Taylor, Larry, 71, 72 teasing, overweight and, 1-2, 60, 68,

75, 153 television viewing

by adults, 71, 86

fatness and, 73-74, 164-65

race and, 73

relationship of exercise to, 71-73 tension, avoidance of, 34



body composition, 83-84, 85, 124-


body fat, 84

fitness, 168

by President's Council on Physical Fitness, 79-84

skinfold, 85, 125

treadmill, 104, 106 Texas schools, 155-57, J 64 T-Factor Diet, The (Katahn), 52 thermogenic effect, 52 thrifty gene theory, 129-30, 135 Title 9, 66, 67 trade

barriers to foreign, 10, 13

free, 14

international, 14, 17

palm oil, democracy and, 16 Trevino, Robert, 155-57 triglycerides, 136-37

urbanization, 8 USA Today, 3

value meals, 23, 26, 28 vegetables, in school meals, 157 videogames, 164-65, 167-68 vision problems, obesity and, 142-43,

144 VISTA, 171 vitamin A, 16, 141 Vmax2, 81,86, 89


brisk, 88, 89, 95

workout vs., 91 Wallerstein, David, 20-22, 27 movie theaters, jumbo sizes and, 20-21 Washington, D.C., obesity in, 111-12


diabetes related to, 107-8, 109, 132-34, 135, 147, 154

ideal vs. desirable, 96

of men vs. women, 99

smoking influence on, 99, 102

waist-to-hip ratio for, 99 weight control guidelines, 95-96, 159

age and, 96-99, 101-2

calorie reduction and, 101

increased strictness of, 99

loosening of, 96

slim vs. fat fit persons and, 104-6 weight-for-height index (BMI), 104, 105, 107. See also body mass index weight loss programs, 158. See also diet(s)

Kids and Fitness, 161-63

pediatric (Stanford), 159-61

in schools, 163-66 Weight Registry, 95, 166 Whitehead, J.R., 124-25 Willett, Walter, 98-99, 101-2, 173 Williams, Paul, 94 willpower, importance of, 176 women, 78, 99

body images of, 122

menstrual problems, overweight, and, 142

obesity, and ethnic groups, 73, 110, 118-21

pregnancy, overweight and, 145-46

self-perception of, 120 work

days lost to obesity, 147

increased hours of, 86

Zammit, Victor, 136, 137 Zaphiropoulos, Lela, 34


the point of being full and that the dinner table isn't the place to talk about food rules — and gives advice many families will use to lose.

Critser's scenario of a Fat America just around the corner and his foray into the diabetes ward of a major children's hospital make Fat Land a chilling but brilliantly rendered portrait of the cost in human lives — many of them very young lives — of America's obesity epidemic.

Greg Critser contributes regularly to USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, and Harper's Magazine, where Fat Land originated as a cover article. Educated at Occidental College and UCLA, Critser lives in Pasadena, California.

Jacket design: Martha Kennedy Jacket illustration © Lynn Bennett


222 Berkeley Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116


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